The Mohali police have busted a module of Sikh militant group Babbar Khalsa International, which was planning to trigger a bomb blast in the national capital and Himachal Pradesh, by arresting three members of the group.
While Purushotam Singh alias Bunty, Daljit Singh and Talvinder Singh were arrested by the Mohali police on Friday night, two others, including Harinder Singh, who is wanted for the 2007 blast at a theatre in Ludhiana, managed to escape.
A reward of Rs 5 lakh has been announced by the police on information leading to the arrest of Harinder, who had returned to India in February, after fleeing to Pakistan in the wake of the Ludhiana blast.
Harinder had shifted his base to Greece, from where he had come to India to carry out the blast in the national capital and Naina Devi in Himachal Pradesh, according to sources. The police also announced a reward of Rs 5 lakh on Nirmal Singh, who managed to escape too.
The police seized a pistol, some ammunition and cash totaling nearly Rs one lakh from the three arrested. While Talvinder is a resident of Delhi, Purushotama and Daljit are from Punjab. A case under Unlawful Activities Prevention Act and the Bomb and Explosives Act has been registered against the three at Zirakpur police station.
Sources said the Babbar Khalsa international module was receiving instructions from top BKI terrorists Paramjit Singh and Purushotam Goldy, who are based abroad. They were also being helped by Pakistan-based Wadhwa Singh and Parminder Singh, sources said.