Congress member of Parliament K V P Ramchandra Rao on Tuesday moved a breach of privilege notice against Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi for allegedly letting ruling members to go into Well of the House and disrupt proceedings.
During Zero Hour, Rao said he has given a notice under Rules 187 and 188 against Naqvi for allegedly allowing Bharatiya Janata Party members to troop into the Well of Rajya Sabha on Friday to stall proceedings and committing breach of privilege.
Rao was piloting a private member’s bill for implementation of a special package for Andhra Pradesh, which got stalled due to ruckus created by the ruling side over the controversial filming of Parliament by Aam Aadmi Party MP Bhagwant Mann. The House was the adjourned for the day and the bill was not taken up.
Deputy Chairman P J Kurien said Rao’s notice has been received and it will be examined by the chairman who will convey a decision on it.
The Congress had on Monday threatened not to cooperate with the government on legislative business unless the private member’s bill on special package for Andhra Pradesh was taken up, while several other parties including the Telugu Desam Party and the Communist Party of India-Marxist strongly objected to the disruption by the BJP.