Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Congress on Wednesday released the second list of office-bearers and executive committee members of its Tamil Nadu unit, prominent among them being Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram's son Karti.
The list includes some former MPs and MLAs, besides Karti, who has been made an executive committee member.
A total number of 18 persons were added to the executive committee list, pushing the strength of the panel to 61.
While five party leaders have been made vice presidents, five others were made general secretaries.
A party release here said Congress president Sonia Gandhi has approved the proposal for adding some more names in the list of Tamil Nadu Pradesh Congress Committee office-bearers and executive committee.
According to Congress sources, the new list has included the names of leaders, who felt that their supporters did not find a place in the previous list.
Anywhere between 10 to 12 supporters of two Union ministers have been accommodated in the executive committee of the additional list, a senior party leader said.
The sources said the party is yet to finalise the names of its president in five districts, including Nagapattinam and Coimbatore.
Earlier, the party had released the first list of office-bearers in December last year, consisting of 17 vice presidents, 29 general secretaries and 54 district presidents.
The state unit has been reconstituted after 12 years, while some District Congress Committee chiefs have been changed after 15 years.
Image: Karti Chidambaram
Photograph Courtesy: Facebook