A Delhi court on Tuesday granted the Central Bureau of Investigation the custody of former telecom minister A Raja, in connection with the 2G spectrum scam, for two more days.
The investigating agency had asked the court for a four-day extension, but was granted only two days. Raja has already spent five days in custody.
Raja's associates RK Chandolia and Siddharth Behuria, who were arrested on February 2, have been sent to 14 days judicial custody.
The Supreme Court has asked the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate to submit the status reports on their investigations into the 2G scam to it by February 10, when the case will come up for hearing.
The Justice Patil Committee was appointed in December to look into whether officials in the telecom ministry had violated government procedures and guidelines for allocating spectrum since 1991.
The CBI, in its first information report, had mentioned the loss as Rs 22,000 crore, based on the findings of the Central Vigilance Commission.
Raja was forced to resign from the Cabinet last year after the comptroller and auditor general of India faulted him for undervaluing spectrum to favour companies which were largely ineligible for 2G spectrum, and added that the government had probably lost Rs.1.76 lakh crore in estimated revenue.