The Tamil Nadu government has approached the Supreme Court over the Cauvery river dispute and sought 10 Thousand Million Cubic water immediately from Karnataka.
“Karnataka has received 26 TMC water in the past ten days and our proportionate share of 10 TMC should be released immediately,” says the petition.
The TN government also wants early appointment of the Cauvery Management Board and the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee
Setting up of both organisations is mandated in the Tribunal's final order
The SC should direct theCentre to set up both organisations immediately, says TN petition.
The TN government is filing a separate contempt petition against Karnataka.
The TN government is also dragging Karnataka to the apex court for contempt of court over the Cauvery Supervisory Committee
The Karnataka government has said that the committee cannot assume the Cauvery Management Board's powers.
The Constitution of the Board is mandated in the Cauvery Tribunal's final order
Karnataka has filed a petition in SC against setting up of the board
The contempt petition is being filed today, said sources in the TN government.