Canada has confirmed the deportation to India of suspected Babbar Khalsa terrorist Bachan Singh Sogi, accused of plotting to assassinate former Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal, his son Sukhbir and former state director general of police K P S Gill.
The Canada Border Security Services agency said that Sogi was deported last week as he was a "a serious security risk".
In a statement on Thursday Minister for Public Safety Stockwell Day said, "We have a duty to enforce deportation orders issued against those who are deemed inadmissible to our country on security grounds."
"The government of Canada stands firm in its commitment to maintaining the safety and security of all Canadians," Day said.
The minister said Sogi had the "benefit of many avenues of recourse", as all individuals subject to deportation do, including a pre-removal risk assessment that he would not be at risk if removed.
"Having made use of all avenues of recourse available to him in Canada, Sogi was deemed to be inadmissible to Canada and the CBSA had an obligation to remove him. The Federal Court upheld Sogi's deportation order," Day said.
The minister added that the ability to remove people was the key to maintaining the integrity of the immigration programme and ensuring fairness for those who come to Canada lawfully.