Former Indian Police Service officer turned social activist Kiran Bedi on Monday said the Centre should have respected all aspects of the Justice Verma recommendations while framing a law on sexual assault without 'cherry-picking' on various points.
She said though she had not gone through the just promulgated Ordinance to amend the criminal law with focus on crimes against women, the government should have taken into
consideration all aspects, including electoral (Representation of People's Act) and police reforms as suggested in the recommendations, to make it more effective.
"Unless these reforms are incorporated, there is no use by only one law on sexual assault alone. The implementation part, like role of politicians and police, should have been brought comprehensively in the ordinance," she said.
Without 'cherry-picking', the government should have brought in a comprehensive ordinance, including electoral and police reforms by accepting the recommendations, Bedi, to launch an entrepreneurship development cell, said.
However, one would come to know the 'real face' of the bill once it reaches Parliament, where there would be more amendments and chances for improvement, she said.
Stating that "something is better than nothing at this juncture" Bedi said, Anna Hazare expects everything at a single go, resulting in him terming the amended Lokpal Bill as a "farce" and betrayal by the government.
There is hope for a better bill in future and this was a beginning towards a better system as government has taken steps like appointing a Lokpal by a five-member collegium and Lokayuktas in all states, she said.
"Tamil Nadu does not have a Lokayukta and there is need for Anna Hazares in every state where there is no such body," Bedi added.