Purabi Roy, a noted researcher on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, has said that the greatest riddle regarding the mysterious disappearance of Netaji is 'when, where and how.'
Addressing a press meet in Guwahati on Sunday, Dr Roy said, "We have accepted that Netaji is dead now. But the greatest enigma or riddle at present is when, where and how did he die." She flayed the Central government for rejecting the Justice Mukherjee Commission report without a debate and asked the government to define reasons for doing so.
Elaborating on how the year and place of death of Netaji varies in the death certificates issued in his name by doctors in different countries, Dr Roy said the very fact that more than one death certificate exists proves that the real story behind his disappearance is yet to be unveiled.
She said the Forward Bloc, which prides itself as a supporter of Netaji, had 'betrayed' the people of the country.
Dr Roy revealed that the 1996 general secretary of All India Forward Bloc had acquired rare translated documents on Netaji's stay in Russia from Moscow archives in her presence.
"However, these documents were not made public as the general secretary had promised to do on return to India. Moreover, the entire file with the papers went missing on his death after returning," she said, calling for a sustained campaign throughout the country to pressurise the government to make public the real story behind Netaji's disappearance.