The organising secretary of the BJP, N-E states, P Chandra Sekhar on Saturday said, "Inefficiencies and help of the Congress regimes at Centre and some of the states, the north-east region has become a playground for many foreign conspiracies and illegal foreign nationals."
He commented that illegal infiltration from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and China has become a normal affair for north-eastern states while the negative role of Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, America, Nepal governments and their non-state actors had become evident and suspicious in many occasions.
He raised alarm over nexus of some of the North East rebel
"High rate of corruption, nexus with militant movements, political unrest and instability, unhealthy competition for CM's post in Congress ruled states in the region, and vote bank politics at the cost of national interests have become major impediments in governance and proper administration of the region," the BJP leader said.
The BJP maintains that thorough understanding of geographical boundaries of N-E states, problems, psychologies, aspirations, agitations, diverse cultures by different policy making bodies, political parties is the need of the hour to protect and develop the north-east region in a right way.