Navruna, a class seven student, was abducted on September 19, 2012, from Bihar's Muzaffarpur district, but the police are yet to make a breakthrough in the case.
"Bihar government has ordered a CID probe into the abduction case of Navruna" a police official in Muzaffarpur said.
Navruna's father Atulya Chakarwarti and her mother Maitri Chakrawarti have demanded a CBI probe into the case.
The anguished parents of Navruna, who have demanded a CBI probe into the case, said their daughter was abducted by property dealers since her father had refused to give up a piece of prime land
Navruna's parents have refused to give blood samples for a DNA test despite the local court ordering the police to conduct the test.
The police had approached a local court for a DNA test of her parents after they recovered a skeleton near their house a month ago.
Navruna's friends have launched a page on Facebook to trace her.
A 'Save Navruna Group' is active on Facebook calling upon members to share the plight of her family and lend help for the safe recovery of the girl. The page has issued appeals under 'Save the daughter of Bihar'.