Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday said 'Bharat Mata' is apparently an unparliamentary word in the country, a day after some of his remarks made in Lok Sabha during the no-trust motion were expunged by Speaker Om Birla.
"Apparently, Bharat Mata is an unparliamentary word in India nowadays," Gandhi told reporters when asked about some of his comments during the debate expunged from the records of Parliament.
Gandhi left Parliament just before Prime Minister Narendra Modi replied to the no-confidence motion that was moved by the Congress on behalf of the opposition bloc INDIA, saying he had some work.
He, however, returned to the house when the prime minister was speaking.
Some of Gandhi's remarks on 'Bharat Mata' made during the second day of the debate on the no-confidence motion were expunged from the records late on Wednesday night by the Lok Sabha Speaker.