An Opposition member in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday gave a notice of breach of privilege against a minister for making a statement outside Parliament on the T R Baalu issue.
Raising the matter just after Question Hour, Digvijay Singh (JD-U) said the minister spoke outside Parliament instead of making a statement in the House on the reported recommendation by the Prime Minister's Office to expedite supply of gas to firms owned by the family members of the shipping minister.
Singh did not name anyone in the House.
Deputy Chairman K Rahman Khan, who was in the Chair, told the JD-U member that his notice was under consideration. His senior party colleague, Sharad Yadav, then urged the Chair to take the matter of breach of privilege seriously.
Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs V Narayanasamy had announced in the Upper House on Tuesday that Deora would make a statement in the House on Wednesday.