Seventy-three year old Ramesh Chandra Tripathi, who was one of the parties to the 59year old court battle, is all set to move the apex court on Tuesday against Friday's order by the two judges of the three-judge special bench of Allahabad High Court.
Two of the three judges turned down his plea for deferment of the final verdict at least until the end of the Commonwealth Games as for utilizing the intervening period to explore fresh possibilities for an out of court amicable settlement, while
"Even as one of the three judges has conceded my request , since the majority order is against my plea, I am going to file a Special Leave Petition before the Supreme Court on Tuesday", Tripathi said on Monday.
He said, "Senior advocate Prashant Chandra would petition the court on Wednesday morning and I am quite hopeful that the highest court will not ignore the seriousness of the issues raised by me."
Meanwhile, it is learnt that one of India's top lawyers was likely to be engaged to plead Tripathi's case before the apex court.