Referring to the 'barbaric incident', Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki while addressing a conference of all the senor police officials of the state said, "I believe this conference will also refer, ponder and retrospect on the latest crime in the state capital (Itanagar), which happened on Sunday evening.
A lady journalist of a leading daily was shot at in broad daylight. This reflects on our intelligence collection as well as the poor confidence of the people on our security system. It is high time we tighten up our belts."
"Black forces and anti-social elements have been trying hard to dislodge the social fabric of our beautiful Arunachal Pradesh which was once termed as the Island of Peace. It is now our turn to ensure that we regain the lost glory. I fervently appeal to my police officer friends to
Tuki called upon the police to perform their duties irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, tribe or community for the safety, security and tranquility of the state and its people. He suggested for organising self-defense training programmes for villagers, women folks and youths. He suggested that a high degree training to be incorporated with modern and sophisticated equipment along with communication network in all districts including the state capital.
"Police personnel should be regularly trained on counter insurgency, effective tackling of law and order besides investigating and controlling crime. I personally feel that there should be police training centres in every district headquarter so that the police personnel are regularly trained and prepared for tackling any eventuality," he emphatically said.