Addressing a crowded media conference in Hyderabad, Basith said reports emanating from Ahmedabad had mentioned that AP police is also involved as Sohrabuddin and his wife had boarded a private bus from Hyderabad. "As far as AP police is concerned, no official support has been given to them (Gujarat police team involved in the case). If they have done anything illegal, it is their responsibility," he added.
Replying to questions, the DGP said, "Superintendent of Police Raj Kumar Pandian from Gujarat had visited Hyderabad after the suicide bomb blast case in the Hyderabad city police task force office (which occurred in October 2005). He visited Task Force office and left (after making inquiries)."
"There is no communication from Gujarat police giving any information about the involvement of the AP police. The (Gujarat) CID is investigating the case. We have obtained the copy of Sohrabuddin's brother's petition and the copy of the response of the Gujarat government. No AP police officer of whatever rank has been mentioned. As of now, we don't have any information on involvement of particular AP police officers (in the abduction episode). We have found out none is involved (from AP)," Basith pointed out.
He said the Gujarat government has said that the CID investigations have to be carried out in four other states -- Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra
When reminded that Sohrabuddin, Kausar Bi and another person were abducted by Gujarat police from the private bus that originated in Hyderabad, he said that the offence had taken place elsewhere. "When no offence has taken place in AP, what do we investigate?" he shot back, to repeated queries.
Asked whether the conspiracy (in Sohrabuddin episode) had taken place in Andhra Pradesh, he shot back, "I don't think so." As per reports, Sohrabuddin and Kausar Bi did not travel under their own names. "There is nothing on record. We have not inquired about this incident, whether they (AP police officers) have gone to Gujarat or assisted the Gujarat police team in AP or any other state.
Our department renders only official help (to police of other states). If individual officers had any (informal) contacts, we don't know. But if somebody (from out state) conspired with them and there is evidence, we will definitely take action," he said.
He also contradicted reports that the AP government has sought a CBI probe into the entire episode with regard to allegations of involvement of AP police officers. "No. Not so far," was his cryptic comment, when asked about the state's willingness to a CBI inquiry. "We are not defensive (on this issue)," he added.