Anna Hazare's former blogger Raju Parulekar on Friday night fired yet another salvo at prominent Team Anna members accusing them of using the Gandhian as a demi-god and as their brand to further their interests.
"The real loss is most among 120 crore Indians who are disillusioned, misled, have lost objectivity and convinced that this self-centered movement will create heaven for them and a stricter Janlokpal Bill (law) can abolish more than 50 per cent of corruption from their life whereas truth lies somewhere else," he said in his blog posted late in the night.
"If this doesn't happen, Annaji's demi-god image used by these people as their brand and shield and their reversing awakening of the people for their personal agenda which is money, fame, power and recognition," he said.
Parulekar has fallen out with Hazare recently after the Gandhian distanced himself from him in the wake of a controversy over restructuring of the core Team Anna and has said he will "reveal" his side of the story in his blog.
He alleged the Team Anna members, including Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi and Prashant Bhushan, have lost connect with the grass-root and people's wish and agony of their life.
"So, this bunch of twenty-plus people and 'gang of four' among them take the country for a ride and hold the government for ransom," he said.
He said Team Anna members enjoy the privilege of being called "patriots" and political class bow at their feet with "sheer guilt of their absolute corruption, misuse of power, worst governance, loss of objectivity, lack of political will, lack of vision and their ultra-luxurious lifestyle".