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Line Postcard to the FM

Fri Feb 2 17:30:21 2001
Suggestions:decrease the rates of gas and oil.

Fri Feb 2 19:03:14 2001
Name:ramesh babu
Suggestions:to provide depreciation benefits to salaried class as for business class. (like cars etc)

Fri Feb 2 20:08:54 2001
Name:krishna kumar
Suggestions:Mr. Finance Minister, Do u have any plans for the young(in 20s) entrepreneurs taking plung in the software business. Any tax benefit to such people who are putting their every thing to make a world calss Software industry from scratch ? Regrds krishna kumar Director Unified Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Fri Feb 2 20:12:22 2001
Suggestions:1. Kindly do not increase the taxes... at least income taxes 2. why don't you do something about all those business men who simply do not pay taxes.. widen the tax net for a change and implement it ok? 3. tax the politicians..... just coz they are politicians.. they make a lot of money by sucking blood from the tax paying public? why not ask them to declare their assests every year? 4. do try and make our lives a bit easier ok?

Fri Feb 2 20:20:13 2001
Name:Rohit Gupta
Suggestions:Dear Sir, I am a NRI living outside India. I keep track of all the events in India. My entire family resides in India and it really hurts me to hear about the devastation in Gujarat. I have contributed what I could for disaster relief and likewise my family in india have done so. I have read in newspapers today that government is going to charge extra taxes for the reconstruction of Gujurat. Sir, while we as ordinary Indians will contribute in every means to compensate for this huge disaster, I would like to know what the over bloated beaurocracy is doing. As usual they do nothing, for most of them are good for nothing. If the government can cut down the monstrous beaurocracy this alone can bring up the 1300 crores that the government proposes to raise from ordinary people. It will also reduce the corruption in the country.

Fri Feb 2 20:31:23 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir we have been talking for a long time to reduce the govt expense on the non plan expense side. Why not we offer VRS to Govt employees

Fri Feb 2 20:49:52 2001
Name:ag dinesh
Suggestions:In order to enable banks to reduce NPA's and to take timely recovery action give banks powers similar to Sec 29 of the SFC Act . Sec 29 enables Sfc's to take over and sell units under default. thus work load of DRT's will reduce and timely action can be taken

Fri Feb 2 21:09:11 2001
Name:sibendu sengupta
Suggestions:kindly increase the slabs of income tax

Fri Feb 2 22:36:47 2001
Suggestions:pls donot rise the prices of the products

Fri Feb 2 22:43:32 2001
Name:Rupendu Bhowmick
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister, I think we should liberalize exports further.

Fri Feb 2 22:55:07 2001
Name:siddharth kabra
Suggestions:Respected Sir, Dont you think that if we need to fight globally in textile industry & if we have to increase our export and get our local market stabled we need to shift our focus back to composite units and finance mills like morarjee & reestablish mafatlal groups. please do consider this as this would also help you in collecting long term revenue in tax, excise, electricity, labour etc. where as unorganised market does not help all these. thank you siddharth kabra

Fri Feb 2 23:16:09 2001
Name:fateh pal
Suggestions:sir,I want to suggest that income tax deducted should be related with health care(treatment & reimbursment) & insurance. surcharge on income tax should be taken back.

Fri Feb 2 23:38:27 2001
Suggestions:thank god

Sat Feb 3 00:40:32 2001
Suggestions:Tax heavily Home Theaters, High end Music systems, Digital TVs, HDTVs etc.

Sat Feb 3 01:30:40 2001
Name:Shyamal Pain
Suggestions:Dear Mr. Sinha, The fee for PIO card (people of Indian origin) at $1000 is too high. In the next budget could you please bring it down to an affordable $250 ? thanks, Shyamal Pain

Sat Feb 3 05:09:39 2001
Name:Suhas Devaraju
Suggestions:Sir, This is with respect to the 2% surcharge on the income tax. Wou;d it not be better if the government tried to trim its expenses, reduce its size & tighten its belt. thousands of crores are being wasted by the bureaucracy & the ministers. Would it not be better if the government looked at reducing this rather that taxing the same salaried class a bit more. It is amazing that the prime minister says that all the people will have to share the burden of the earthquaake. But we do not hear a single word or witness a single deed towards reducing the size of the government. Such hypocrisy.

Sat Feb 3 09:09:20 2001
Suggestions:do not over burden the taxed. give some more relief.bring in expenditure tax. new tax on luxurious ways of living.surcharge on all new bldg.registrations.surcharge on air travel/ac class etc.

Sat Feb 3 10:07:19 2001
Name:viraj rao
Suggestions:why are u adding additional tax when you have already imposed a tax of 2% for Gujarat Eathquake. are there any concessions for Indian Industry in Budget after the Gatt Agreement comes into force after 1st April ?

Sat Feb 3 10:39:53 2001
Name:anil suryabansi
Suggestions:no suggestion

Sat Feb 3 11:15:53 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir, I am from Bangalore, I born in a small Middle class Family. My request is that in your 2001-02 Budget see to that You are not giving much burden(sorry to use this word) for middle class family, If You want to hike the price, my suggestion is (a) cigarate Your's faithfully SRINIDHI VISHWESWARAIAH

Sat Feb 3 11:30:40 2001
Name:D Shankara Rao
Suggestions:Scheme : "GURU DHAKSHINA" Dear sir, As most of us are aware our infrastructure is in a very poor shape. This includes roads, ports, education, health etc. The govt is subsidising education and there not much it is getting in return. Sir, I suugest you to start a scheme "GURU DHAKSHINA" where any one making contribution to his/her almuni will get 100% tax rebate. The fund mobilised under GURU DHAKSHINA scheme should be utilised exclusiively for the development of infrastructure like labs, libraries etc. in the contributor's almuni. India is producing lacs of engineers/doctors/scientists annualy with lots of subsidy. I think these professionals will be more than happy to contribute in this scheme. Implementation modalities can be worked out afterwards. infact I have an implementation strategy in mind. The funds can be sent directly to UGC with the all the details. The UGC will issue a statement to the contributor and further forward the funds thus mobilised to the respective should keep in mind the NRIs also in mind while devising the scheme as they can contribute handsomely. Thanking you sir, D.Shankara Rao Manager(EDP), NTPC, SImhadri.

Sat Feb 3 11:45:59 2001
Name:adil husain
Suggestions:why dont you impose turnover tax in place incometax for exporters.

Sat Feb 3 11:58:22 2001
Suggestions:please reduce the taxes and exise-duties on vehicles,personal taxes and computers. also please give tax-relief concession to the residents of Gujarat so that they may come up fast out of the Recent Earthquake tragedy.

Sat Feb 3 12:00:15 2001
Suggestions:As per the present guidelines,P.F deductions are made by companies for those earning Rs.5000/- or below. This ceiling was fixed several years back when the number of persons earning over Rs.5000/- was very less. But now in most of the companies even junior level staff earn over Rs.5000/- and they are deprived of P.F benefits. We suggest and kindly request you to enhance the ceiling for P.F. deduction from Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/- p.m.

Sat Feb 3 12:01:10 2001
Suggestions:As per the present guidelines,P.F deductions are made by companies for those earning Rs.5000/- or below. This ceiling was fixed several years back when the number of persons earning over Rs.5000/- was very less. But now in most of the companies even junior level staff earn over Rs.5000/- and they are deprived of P.F benefits. We suggest and kindly request you to enhance the ceiling for P.F. deduction from Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/- p.m.

Sat Feb 3 12:26:43 2001
Name:Dinyar Gai
Suggestions:Amend the IT Act to give NRI's in the UAE the same Double Taxation Benefit as that given under the Indo - Mauritius Treaty. Indians in the UAE are contributing the most to all schemes of the Government to help them out of troubles, then why should they recieve step motherly treatment

Sat Feb 3 13:00:26 2001
Name:Bellapu Mahidhar
Suggestions:please spare the salaried class of additional taxes including the income tax, further increase the standard deduction for the salaried class

Sat Feb 3 13:26:20 2001
Name:Jagan Mohan
Suggestions:Request: Please raise the standard deduction Limit for Income Tax form the present level, remove the surcharge on Income Tax.

Sat Feb 3 14:10:16 2001
Name:sanjeev chaudhary
Suggestions:the limit for the compulsory audit u/s 44 AB should be raised from 40 lakhs to 2 crores.

Sat Feb 3 14:53:10 2001
Name:Sunil Kelkar
Suggestions:Dear FM, There is a news that in wake of the Gujarat quake, There will be a substantial rise in IT as well as other taxes and levies.These taxexs are supposedly meant to offset the loss incurred by the nation because of the earthquake. None of our government in the past or present has been accountable for the money it gathers from the public. It is a general feeling among All, I Repeat, ALL the citizens that a vast portion of public money is misappropriated by the Politicians and the public servants. We have created an image of a nation of dishonest people for ourselves. How do you, as the nation's Finance Minister, propose to ensure that all, I Repeat, All the money that is collected from the public by way of Taxes and levies reaches the Genuine quake victims and is not drained away by our criminal politicians and corrupt govt servants? Thank you Sunil Kelkar 1012 Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411030

Sat Feb 3 15:27:09 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Don't you think that it is high time to impose Income Tax on the Scheduled-Tribes?

Sat Feb 3 15:49:42 2001
Suggestions:reduce the tax burden. increase taxes on cigrettes/expenditure tax on luxuries/rates increased on new land resistration/tax on air travels/ac cars/

Sat Feb 3 16:20:30 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir, In the wake of the earthquake in Gujarat, I wish to bring to your notice the forthcoming draught problems which is prevaiing in Hujarat and is expected to intensify with approaching summers. Prem

Sat Feb 3 17:22:32 2001
Suggestions:pl dont impose further tax on salaried class. Try to impose tax on agriculture sector.

Sat Feb 3 17:50:32 2001
Suggestions:Be practical and just reduce the facilities and services given to the ministers , which will help the country more than anything else

Sat Feb 3 18:13:59 2001
Name:shambhu kumar
Suggestions:give more money

Sat Feb 3 19:45:05 2001
Name:Saurabh Kumar
Suggestions:The excise duty has been withdrawn on the building material to be supplied to Gujrat which can be recovered by putting a surcharge excise duty on the billing of such materials for rest of India consumption. This will affect the people who are planning to spend on their house/ constructions. This should also compensate for the additional revenue generation from incremental surcharge of 2% thus bread and butter of the general public is not slashed.

Sat Feb 3 20:06:05 2001
Name:Rishabh Bajpai
Suggestions:Respected FM Sir, I hereby suggest to impose 1% Compulsory Income Tax On Total Gross Income, Across The Categories Of Tax Payers, apart from Normal Tax Slabs, replacing Presumptive Tax already in vouge. Secondly I suggest To Rollback the retiring age of Central Govt. Employees To 58 Years and there after to 55 Years.Thanking You in anticipation of considering my suggestions. With Kind Regards. Yours sincerely, RISHABH BAJPAI. JABALPUR (M.P.)

Sat Feb 3 20:09:31 2001
Name:Rishabh Bajpai
Suggestions:Respected FM Sir, I hereby suggest to impose 1% Compulsory Income Tax On Total Gross Income, Across The Categories Of Tax Payers, apart from Normal Tax Slabs, replacing Presumptive Tax already in vouge. Secondly I suggest To Rollback the retiring age of Central Govt. Employees To 58 Years and there after to 55 Years.Thanking You in anticipation of considering my suggestions. With Kind Regards. Yours sincerely, RISHABH BAJPAI. JABALPUR (M.P.)

Sat Feb 3 20:10:16 2001
Name:Rishabh Bajpai
Suggestions:Respected FM Sir, I hereby suggest to impose 1% Compulsory Income Tax On Total Gross Income, Across The Categories Of Tax Payers, apart from Normal Tax Slabs, replacing Presumptive Tax already in vouge. Secondly I suggest To Rollback the retiring age of Central Govt. Employees To 58 Years and there after to 55 Years.Thanking You in anticipation of considering my suggestions. With Kind Regards. Yours sincerely, RISHABH BAJPAI. JABALPUR (M.P.)

Sat Feb 3 20:11:09 2001
Name:Rishabh Bajpai
Suggestions:Respected FM Sir, I hereby suggest to impose 1% Compulsory Income Tax On Total Gross Income, Across The Categories Of Tax Payers, apart from Normal Tax Slabs, replacing Presumptive Tax already in vouge. Secondly I suggest To Rollback the retiring age of Central Govt. Employees To 58 Years and there after to 55 Years.Thanking You in anticipation of considering my suggestions. With Kind Regards. Yours sincerely, RISHABH BAJPAI. JABALPUR (M.P.)

Sat Feb 3 20:12:00 2001
Name:Rishabh Bajpai
Suggestions:Respected FM Sir, I hereby suggest to impose 1% Compulsory Income Tax On Total Gross Income, Across The Categories Of Tax Payers, apart from Normal Tax Slabs, replacing Presumptive Tax already in vouge. Secondly I suggest To Rollback the retiring age of Central Govt. Employees To 58 Years and there after to 55 Years.Thanking You in anticipation of considering my suggestions. With Kind Regards. Yours sincerely, RISHABH BAJPAI. JABALPUR (M.P.)

Sat Feb 3 20:12:19 2001
Name:Rishabh Bajpai
Suggestions:Respected FM Sir, I hereby suggest to impose 1% Compulsory Income Tax On Total Gross Income, Across The Categories Of Tax Payers, apart from Normal Tax Slabs, replacing Presumptive Tax already in vouge. Secondly I suggest To Rollback the retiring age of Central Govt. Employees To 58 Years and there after to 55 Years.Thanking You in anticipation of considering my suggestions. With Kind Regards. Yours sincerely, RISHABH BAJPAI. JABALPUR (M.P.)

Sat Feb 3 22:08:00 2001

Sat Feb 3 22:14:23 2001
Name:anand kumar
Suggestions:Pl exempt service class SIR...!!???...

Sat Feb 3 22:17:16 2001
Name:anand kumar
Suggestions:Pl exempt service class SIR...!!???...

Sat Feb 3 22:30:54 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Please announce that any contributions now made to Gujarat relief fund or PMs natural calamity fund etc will qualify for deductions for the next financial year. i.e. A.Y. 2002-2003 as many of us have already planned for our TAX this year and some atleast will be waiting for the April to begin to get the benefits of rebate or exemption. Please announce early.

Sat Feb 3 22:52:01 2001
Suggestions:sir, you can levy all airconditioners 5% more on excise duty 2.levy 5% on tel instruments 3.levy on cars10% 4.levy on real estate firms a 10% since they do a lot . But please do not levy on computers please spare them Let us grow thanking you AlagarsamyFrom Chennai

Sun Feb 4 00:23:48 2001
Name:Abhijit Bagri
Suggestions:sir, 1.Re introduce VDS with some modifications 2.Introduce uniform Road Tax at Vehicle manufacturing point to be adjusted with the states share in sales Tax. 3.Ban diesel conversion in cars to avoid pollution and to retain sales of petrol which is not subsidised. 4.increse bank loans to trading sector with co lateral security on market value of rented shops as co lateral security. 5.Service charge on courier services. 6.Earmark Rs 2000 Crores as natural calamity releif fund and any surplus left in thsi Fund to be used to provide preventive measures such as buildng of Dams, barages etc in the next Financial year. 7 10% additional surchage on state lotteries tickets,

Sun Feb 4 01:15:48 2001
Name:Natesan Srinivasan
Suggestions:India is being affected almost on annual basis like drought, cyclone, floods, earthquake etc, having an impact on the infrastructure. It is suggested to the Finance Minister, to levy infrastructure fees for companies (both local and mncs)and a national infrastructure reconstruction cum development fund be set up. This fees may be allowed to be capitalised and amortised and set against potential profits. This fund will be 50% national and 50% identified for the respective state where the fees have been collected. While national component may be used for relief in any state (on the lines of prime minister relief fund), the state component may be used only by the state that collected the levy. In other words, it is suggested to establish a fund concept, to manage infrastructure reconstruction and development, that can handle infrastructure on an on-going basis.

Sun Feb 4 01:50:09 2001
Suggestions:RESPECTED FM,i hope our fm will give more importance to bio tech.moonsoon was failure in many parts of our country.i have seen in many parts of the country about our farmers.they are in worst condition.please think about summer.they will bein very difficult condition.the amount they invested in cropsthey fail to to get even half the think about summer what that the condition will be,please give more importance to are becoming richer peope.please allot moremoney in agriculture.please reduce expendiure of minsters what they make.they think that they are boss who has capure the whole word.if they visit their respective consiuty they spents in lakhs .let these money go topoor people. please puttax on rich people .helpthe poor people.please reduce the defence expenditure for one year.please see what hapeened in seems more than lakhs are feard dead .now they are homeless shelter or food,even though foreign countries contributed huge amount what they need.goverment in gujrat is notfuctioning properly.even though what they got from outside the gujrat goverment is not able to provide to people.whats the goverment.the cm of gujrat should be dismissed.still hasnt visited the afected people in most of he affected area.goverment should be for the people. i hope this budject should be fr the poor people. thakyou sir country for contributed. ..this year. in ll thet a bebe be.ihope will be. ink about summer. amount.

Sun Feb 4 01:51:56 2001
Suggestions:RESPECTED FM,i hope our fm will give more importance to bio tech.moonsoon was failure in many parts of our country.i have seen in many parts of the country about our farmers.they are in worst condition.please think about summer.they will bein very difficult condition.the amount they invested in cropsthey fail to to get even half the think about summer what that the condition will be,please give more importance to are becoming richer peope.please allot moremoney in agriculture.please reduce expendiure of minsters what they make.they think that they are boss who has capure the whole word.if they visit their respective consiuty they spents in lakhs .let these money go topoor people. please puttax on rich people .helpthe poor people.please reduce the defence expenditure for one year.please see what hapeened in seems more than lakhs are feard dead .now they are homeless shelter or food,even though foreign countries contributed huge amount what they need.goverment in gujrat is notfuctioning properly.even though what they got from outside the gujrat goverment is not able to provide to people.whats the goverment.the cm of gujrat should be dismissed.still hasnt visited the afected people in most of he affected area.goverment should be for the people. i hope this budject should be fr the poor people. thakyou sir country for contributed. ..this year. in ll thet a bebe be.ihope will be. ink about summer. amount.

Sun Feb 4 06:32:15 2001
Name:Gurudevr RVS
Suggestions:Money spent on tourism should bring some relief in Incometax for salaried taxpayers

Sun Feb 4 07:25:37 2001
Suggestions:this suggestion is related to the VRS scheme of public banks. This scheme should be made applicable to the specialist officers and highly skilled and qualified staff named in item V and item IV respectively at Para3 of the scheme. Doubts have arisen because there does not occur anywhere in the service rules or in the scheme any definition of these terms. Moreover, the expressions are so coined as to be vague, perhaps deliberately to keep widest possible scope to pick and choose persons of the same category to retire or forced to retain on its rolls at whims and preferences. It may further be noted that there are no separate rules or terms and conditions for recruitment, retention, training or promotion for the specialist officers or highly skilled and qualified staff. Accordingly, it has become a subject of animated discussion among all categories of employees and an item of speculation depending upon the individual perceptions. A person who thinks himself a non-specialist officer to retire with a genuine object of making way for more dynamic young man in the interests of engendering greater efficiency, may not be permitted to avail the scheme if he is classified by the Competent authority as a specialist, while at the same time a person who is highly skilled and qualified may be permitted to avail the scheme if the controlling authorities chooses to extend its favour by treating him as not falling with in the category of highly skilled and qualified staff. There is no criteria specified so as to determine who is a specialist officer and who are highly qualified and skilled staff. This anomaly is glaring. Left as it is, the scheme is liable to be enforced in an arbitrary manner. It is also liable to be enforced in a manner detrimental to the interests of the staff as well as of the interests of the Bank. The point raised is very important. It is crucial to the scheme and its applicability. Arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement of the scheme may frustrate the very object of the scheme. If the scheme is enforced in a manner apprehended, it may perpetuate the staff stagnation, which the scheme intends to avoid. I think there should be no partiality in the application of this scheme and it should be available for all officers

Sun Feb 4 10:13:50 2001
Name:Rama Sarma
Suggestions:You may charge Rs. 10 per member of family in some way or other for the quake victims fund. Of course, you must work out the modalities.

Sun Feb 4 11:59:11 2001
Suggestions:happy new year

Sun Feb 4 11:59:34 2001
Suggestions:happy new year

Sun Feb 4 12:16:19 2001
Suggestions:It is really very good sign that we are also slowly joining global community in buisness. But whether we are really prepared ourselves for that. We shall do. Our economy is equally dependent on small scale sector as well on highly oraganised MNC and other Big buiness houses. We are small enterpriners depending mostly on well ebing of small scale Industries. Our expectation is not that product and quality sacrifice on the part of small scale industries but concessional aproach in terms of taxation and other Goverment bodies whose onslaught and rugged approach results mental torture for a small scale enterpriner. A small example, when a small mistake happens where the small enterpriner commits a mistake with respect to Excise rule or sales tax rule he or she cannot handle the situation in the simillar way a big organised sector can do as a result he or she is exploited and tortured by your official to the extend a person has to sell out his whole years earning which neither goes to Goverment also. So we beg your kind attention towards simplifing rules and documentations and releive the clutches from the hand of so called Goverment officals who try to earn more for them then for the Goverment.

Sun Feb 4 13:06:17 2001
Suggestions:respected sir, please do away with personal income tax slabs and just charge 7% on incomes/gains per year, per person. remove 90% of the great indian beurocracy, if you cannot abolish it altogether. thanx and awaiting your response.

Sun Feb 4 13:16:00 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir, I think its time you should make rural income taxable.There very rich farmers also and that should be the target. Also, creative ways for bringing black money to the system should be found. Thanks

Sun Feb 4 14:53:27 2001
Suggestions:sir please make the education free and make the lequior and cigrattes costlier

Sun Feb 4 15:07:14 2001
Suggestions:income tax should levied if income is more than 75000 rs.

Sun Feb 4 15:07:52 2001
Suggestions:income tax should levied if income is more than 75000 rs.

Sun Feb 4 15:53:47 2001
Name:l balasubramaniam
Suggestions:Honourable Finance Minister, Sir All these years, the agricultural income has been treated as tax-free..the rationale being that the majority of the farmers of the country are living below subsistence level. Besides there must be political compulsions too. Considering the size of budget deficits and the fact that everyone in the country has to put the shoulder to the wheel, I request you to introduce income tax for the farmers who are earning income over a certain threshold level. I hope you have the courage to take this step and this would make our nation more responsible towards its future and make polilticians and bureaucrats more accountable. An individual who pays tax will expect good governance in return. With best wishes and regards Bala

Sun Feb 4 16:15:11 2001
Name:Ashok Jain
Suggestions:Income Tax exemption limit must be raised to rs. 1 lac and susequentely the tax slab as 10% from 1-2 lacs, 20% 2-4 lacs, 30% 4-5 lacs and 40% above 5 lacs.

Sun Feb 4 16:44:12 2001
Name:Rajesh Pandey
Suggestions:1) Lower the Excise/Customs Duty on Trucks and buses and increase the same on Cars proportionately. We need to move from individual mode of transport to a mass transport system. 2) Increase the tax incentives for house building activities, as that helps citizens. The loss of income on that count can be made up by pruning the evasion prone export incentive schemes, like DEPB, DEEC, DRAWBACK, DFRS, etc.

Sun Feb 4 16:54:20 2001
Name:Himanshu Mehta
Suggestions:Sir, We are welcome your steps towards the Earthquake-2001 for Gujarat State. We request you to increase Income-Tax Slab upto Rs.1,00,000 for Individuals Thanks

Sun Feb 4 17:06:23 2001
Name:Dr. M . BORUAH
Suggestions:Increasing the tax burden is not avery wise solution. Instead it 'd be better if u could issue tax -free bonds for earthquake relief fund.

Sun Feb 4 17:27:39 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Kindly exempt the quake/trauma effected from the surcharge.

Sun Feb 4 19:02:55 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir Mr.Y Sinha, Hello! Sir i m from Gujarat State, sir u r already aware of the disater that happened due to the earthquake i request u on behalf of my state that u pls don't leavy heavy taxes on us, the reason is that we will not be able to bear it.

Sun Feb 4 19:46:33 2001

Sun Feb 4 19:47:30 2001
Name:Dr Palnitkar Devdatt
Suggestions:Remove the cap on PPF investments.. make it unlimited. Reduce the interest rate on PPF to 10% This will give a large impetus to savings. Reduce the maximum rate of personal IT to 25%.

Sun Feb 4 20:10:24 2001
Suggestions:In my openion agriculture tax must be. Secondly it is not possible to any middle class public to get survived in present tax free limit so it should be extended. And at last all government officers and public Leader from bottom to top are to be monitered very sharply as most of them are taking service charges from public and be remain safe at all times by clutiching to businessmen/industrialists.

Sun Feb 4 20:14:07 2001
Suggestions:Dear FM, When ur getting some much funds fro abroad nations for the relief fun this why the govt. is bound to make a hike in taxes. just b'coz india was hit by an earthquake. ur going to dump all the citizens in taxes.

Sun Feb 4 20:51:22 2001
Suggestions:Hon'ble Sir, let me first really regret of what has happened in Gujarat. I really feel sorry for those who have suffered.If by any means I could help you,please let me know. May i request you to bring in some easy measures for allowing unemployed postgraduates to start an Entrepreneurship of their own.

Sun Feb 4 21:14:37 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir, Do give consideration to the farmers as they are looking up to you, so please do not make any haste decisions in the budget that in any manner particular that jeoperdises the particular communitiy interests. New taxes are still afordable, keeping in view of the enormous tragedy, but this is not the solution, as is apparent from the short sighted measures taken by the ministry. I, would humbly suggest the same as has been stated ny a few papers that the goverment should float relief bonds which are 100 % tax free, thereby ensuring more money supply to the goverment and eliminating the malady of black money to an extent.

Sun Feb 4 22:06:54 2001
Name:Ravi Salagame
Suggestions:Even before assessing earthquake damage in Gujrat, PM announes a tax hike - smacks of opportunism. You need to widen tax net by computerising IT dept. at a breakneck pace, alloting PAN no. within a day's time and making it compulsory for everyone, restructuring tax laws and going after economic offenders like politicians, beauracrats and government officials. You cannot go on squeezing common middle class citizen leaving out the rich at the top and poor at the bottom. Expanding tax net with tough measures is the only solution Also, allow states to collect their own tax and reduce central tax. Why should Karnataka pay for Bihar ruled by a buffoon like Laloo squandering state exchequer ?

Sun Feb 4 22:58:45 2001
Name:Yashwanth Gujaran
Suggestions:1. Drastic reduction in govt expenditure. 2. Encourage savings. 3. Remove 22% tax on mutual funds div's. 4 Must tax agricultural sector. 5. Provide more sops to loans in housing sector.

Sun Feb 4 23:17:48 2001
Name:Haridas Pal
Suggestions:You must bring back an investment option like the "Indira Vikas Patra" to get huge amount of black money rolling into the economy again.

Sun Feb 4 23:20:30 2001
Name:A S Cheema
Suggestions:Hon'ble Minister The salaried class has been the worst hit by the Govt's refusal to raise the standard deduction for the last 5 years. In case the Govt. is unwilling to raise the Standard deduction for the general public, atleast the Govt. servants may be given an enhanced rate of standard deduction. Sir,You have yourself been a Govt. servant, and are well aware that an honest Govt. officer is barely able to make ends meet. To keep up these low slabs of standard deduction for Govt. employees amounts to tacit approval of corruption. The underlying assumption is that "they are making enough to pay all these taxes". This assumption is incorrect in 85% of the Govt. employees. There are other ways of checking amassed wealth beyond known sources of income for Govt. employees. Please spare them from the crushing burden of income tax by raising their standard deduction or decreasing the slab rates. Regards A S Cheema

Sun Feb 4 23:26:03 2001
Name:Debojyoti Choudhuri
Suggestions:Respected sir, please don't increase the tax of the goverment employee

Sun Feb 4 23:29:47 2001
Name:Debojyoti Choudhuri
Suggestions:Respected sir, please don't increase the tax of the goverment employee

Mon Feb 5 09:39:54 2001
Name:Arunavo Mukherjee
Suggestions:Please consider granting infrastructure status to the budding LNG industry. Papers are being forwarded to your office through the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas.

Mon Feb 5 09:48:51 2001
Name:tejendra Singh
Suggestions:dear sir, please take care of indian indutry also and control on mutinational company

Mon Feb 5 11:27:12 2001
Name:Somshekhar P.Nair
Suggestions:Hon. Finance Minister, I personally feel that the devastating earthquake has come as a boon in disguise to the Union Government. It seem that the Government has seized this opportunity to Tax the Common Man giving the excuse of the quake. It is seen that there has been a lot of aid pouring in from all the corners of the world and probably the Government need not go hunting for money and fleece honest tax payers through out the country. Even if you are able to control the unwanted expenses incurred by the ministers and their famalies, we shall be able to provide for the loss. It has been noted that even if a minister (State or Central) visits a place or even travels to from his residence to the office, he/she is accompanied by a ,motorcade, wasting valuble fuel and money, the burden of which is passed on to the common man. The excuse given by the Government is by way of the provision of SECURITY FOR THE MINISTERS. This so called security hazards are self created hazards, by virtue of the misdeeds of the ministers/politicians. I request you to at least put an end to this expenditure for a trial period of 3 months and see how much money will be saved by this restriction. Thank you, Somsekhar P.Nair.

Mon Feb 5 12:37:06 2001
Name:Mandar Natekar
Suggestions:Honourable Finance Minister, Raising individual income taxes is not the solution to everything. All of us want to contribute and many have already done so before the Govt decided to introduce the surcharge. I am a strong BJP supporter but in the last 3 years I am paying more and more tax every year and when budget-time comes thats one thing that is a constant. It is exactly opposite what your predecessors (Mr Singh and Mr. Chidambaram) had done.. I can think of a 100 ways to raise money fairly and from a broader spectrum of people(not only salaried ones). Every time something happens(be it Kargil or an earthquake or a flood) the salaried middle-class people are the only people who have to bear the burden. This does not make any fiancial sense to me..

Mon Feb 5 12:49:58 2001
Suggestions:Though the surcharge on IT was supposed a temporary phenomenon, it has become a regular feature of the budget. Can we have some sensible policy for genuine tax payers.

Mon Feb 5 13:21:59 2001
Name:Ashwini Vaishnaw
Suggestions:Dear sir, the 1 in 6 scheme is very good. Please extend it to all cities with more than 1 lakh population. It will increase the tax net and make our citizens responsible.

Mon Feb 5 13:31:46 2001
Suggestions:hello mr.F.M i do share the greaf with my country men for the natural calamities that rocked gujrat on 26/1/2001 but the point is not understandable either made by u or Mr.PM stating the the current budget going to be harsh well -on the first thing we have recived a quite huge amount from foregin aids as well as donations to the tune of billions of dollers where will all that money go and on the other hand during u r last budget u had alloted a quite some amount of money for such calamities and PM funds do also have some allocations what has happened to all that amount why i am asking u is if u people keep on burdening commen man in this way poor thing where should do u think we all will go one day no where but to dogs because taxing also has a limit and it is done to the common mans needs not to u r passoins ok.sir pl.. do take care in protecting the rights of the commen man right

Mon Feb 5 13:41:02 2001
Name:prof jayashree patil
Suggestions:wide the tax base , also inculde agricultural sector.

Mon Feb 5 14:26:53 2001
Suggestions:I feel good Budget 2001

Mon Feb 5 15:33:15 2001
Suggestions:Only salaried employees in india are paying the income tax promptly. is it not unreasonable that crores of rich businessmen and professionals are spared the income tax net?. hence please devise an effective way of taxing them too. Also pl. increase the limit under section 88 to ONE LAC as the saving potential of the salaried class has gone up due to double income and revision of salary. Basic exemption and standard deduction for salaried class need upward revision as they have not been revised for almost 3years in a row.

Mon Feb 5 15:58:11 2001
Name:sanjay chatterjee
Suggestions:sir, since i come from a normal middleclass back ground, so the ever changing price of the basic commodities really puts us in a tighter situations every day, so my suggestion is if atall possible cant the govt restrict or limit the prices of all the basic commodities to certain level which no business house,or any trader will be crossing, then atleast ordinary middleclass people like me can plan our household budget without breaking our head about the everincreasing prices,which always superseeds the salary that we draw every month.

Mon Feb 5 16:10:22 2001
Name:Pawan Parikh
Suggestions:Please reduce the tax burden on salaried people by reducing income tax for the salaried people. We are the only honest tax payers and it is becoming diffiult to survice without any cover of social security and the fear of future job losses. regards Pawan Parikh

Mon Feb 5 16:33:02 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Your tax policies overburdens the honest sallary earning person (specially the government employes) who has no option to evade tax. It is requested that some tax relief is given to the honest tax paying sallaried group.

Mon Feb 5 16:42:49 2001
Name:Johny Thomas
Suggestions:sir, The 2 % surcharge imposed is reasonable. However there is no justification for increasing the tax burden further on salaried employees. Instead of that more revenue can be obtained by ensuring better compliance among business man, film stars,MNC etc.

Mon Feb 5 16:52:51 2001
Name:Writabroto Dutta
Suggestions:Dear Sir Hope this mail finds you in best of your spirit regardless of the devastating earthquake that took place in bhuj.In my opinion while preparing budget for 2001 the loss incurred due to the earthquake should be kept in mind but at the same time the mass should be taken care of. Instead of increasing the tax rate why don't we try to unearth the blackmoney (as we say) which is enough to fullfill all our debt as well as other needs. Thanking you yours sincerely Writabroto Dutta

Mon Feb 5 17:18:33 2001
Name:Akhileshwar Sharma
Suggestions:Date: Feb. 5, 2001 To, Shri Yashwant Sinha Hon’ble Union Minister of Finance North Block, New Delhi Subject: Suggestion for budget:- to provide for penal rate of interest by the Government for the period from the date of seizure to the date of release of goods as a measure of advancement of liberalisation Sir, There are certain common statutory provisions in many Acts like Income Tax Act, Customs Act, Central Excise Act, Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act etc. relating to search and seizure. Under this the competent officer can seize the goods and retain it for a period of six months. The seizure can be extended for a further period of six months by an officer equivalent to the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India. In case a show cause notice is issued the seized goods can be retained till such time as show cause is disposed off. No compensation is provided if it is found that the goods is wrongly seized and it had to be finally released by the Government. The total period of seizure is sufficient enough to drive a person out of business. This provision has primarily been used to harass the non-compliant business person. This is quite evident from the total value of goods that is seized and the value of goods that is finally confiscated and retained by the government at the appellate level. One should not get confused with the number of so called successful seizures as such cases of seizure are small value seizures which are stage managed where the culprit is invariably able to flee the scene leaving behind the goods. The number of cases in which prosecution is launched is even less and the number of cases in which penalty is confirmed is only by exception. The situation is so bad that CBEC has to issue instruction by way of Circular No. 91/2000 dated 20.11.2000 advising field formation to exercise restrain in seizure as “most of the time these stocks have to be eventually released…” PROPOSAL :- No need to delete the provision. It requires amendment. If the goods are illegally held by a person this would amount to unjust enrichment on his part and Government is perfectly right in seizure and finally confiscation of illegally held goods. However, if it is finally established that the goods that is seized/confiscated was legally held by a person and is ultimately released to him, the Government should compensate the person by way of penal interest at the rate of 24% per annum for the period of seizure/confiscation. This is the minimum that is required to compensate for the loss of opportunity for the business due to such seizure. The proposed amendment will not weaken enforcement action. It will only lead to better enforcement where it is really required. Seizure should be based on proper intelligence report. Thanks Akhileshwar Sharma

Mon Feb 5 17:54:06 2001
Name:Anadi Goyal
Suggestions:Dear Mr Finance Minister You are doing a nice job by adding a surcharge of 2 % on tax-paying people. However, it would be better if you change the upper limit from Rs. 60,000 to Rs 1,00,000 atleast. Another point, is it would be better to have transparency in observing that the funds collected through various means reach the right people. Already, there are many reports of aid getting pilferred enroute and foreign people (coming hear to help) getting frustrated due to lack of proper coordination about people supervising the relief operations. While it is your duty to ensure that the government treasury is full, it should also be your duty to ensure that the money is used rightly. ALL THE BEST. Anadi Goyal

Mon Feb 5 18:40:12 2001
Suggestions:howare you

Mon Feb 5 18:40:14 2001
Suggestions:howare you

Mon Feb 5 18:48:38 2001
Suggestions:pl give concesstion in IT sector and IT subject do compulsory from primary school thank you

Mon Feb 5 18:57:17 2001
Name:K suresh
Suggestions:What is the use of suggesting.?? Can the minister unearth the black money from business people and so called politicians..

Mon Feb 5 19:00:15 2001
Name:Vimal Salecha
Suggestions:I would like you to kindly reduce the subsidies on food & petroleum products and use the savings in rebuilding Gujarat

Mon Feb 5 19:19:07 2001
Name:Rupendu Bhowmick
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister, I do understand that this time you will have to take some harsh fiscal and financiaql measures due to the devastation caused in Gujrat. However I do hope that they shall not be a quantum step so that it may spare to a certain extent the already overburdened middle class in India. Futher I do think that the Income tax being imposed on certain category exporters should not be as this serves as a major deterrent to budding exporters. Thanking you, your sincerely, R.Bhowmick(Delhi School of Economics)

Mon Feb 5 20:05:11 2001
Suggestions:1. The Government should give emphasis on computerisation ,connectivity and automation of the government machinery. This will help in greater coordination and make the bureucrasy efficient. E-governance is the best thing to do but as of now even the connectivity problem if taken care would give dramatic results.

Mon Feb 5 20:10:08 2001
Name:v amarnath chowdhary
Suggestions:hon"le mr sinha please excuse salary holders l t c free from income tax and vehicle allowance up to rs 1500 pm free from income tax.

Mon Feb 5 20:14:31 2001
Suggestions:sir, kindly delete sec45(1A)of the income tax act, it is very harsh on quake victims.kindly delete it with retrospective effect from 1-4-2000in the coming budget.

Mon Feb 5 22:29:30 2001
Name:Madan Middha
Suggestions:for better tax administrartion i suggest the introduction of a "tax payers account system" which can eliminate the woes of the tax payers as well as of the tax collectors and also benifitting both of them immensly. If intrested i can send the concept details without any obligation.

Mon Feb 5 22:39:20 2001
Name:shantanu shetty
Suggestions:Dear FM, when the economoic CHALLANGE IS so daunting there is no place for status quoists like Mr Bimal Jalan to hold the rein of RBI. It is another story that only intelectual input in RBI comes from Deputy Gov Mr Reddy. Unfortunately some people suffer for their competance. Mr reddy is a case in point. However big claims one can make but here malafide practices never stop. The recent promotion of most useless people as EDs of RBI is shocking. There is something seriously wrong there. The outstanding executives in RBI are Usha thorat and Shyamala Gopinath. Instead few donkeys were picked up as EDS. Whether your hands are tied because Jalan was your boss once OR are you indebted to him on any other grounds. I had to make this sad note to you as I am a BJP supporter since my chidhood. Thank you FM.

Mon Feb 5 23:08:34 2001
Name:y k bansal
Suggestions:Dear FM, I wish that you could make the life of an average salary class tax payer by just charging 10 % on the gross reciepts instead of so many calculations to be made in the process of tax payments. i mean simply tax the total sum paid by a company or a govt. to the employee at the end of the year & charge 10 % on the whole. no savings & no frills. you will be doing a great service to the nation & the employees as a whole in the long term. Y K BANSAL 190 SECTOR 8 FARIDABAD

Tue Feb 6 05:42:04 2001
Suggestions:Tax payers should be honoured BLACK MONEY FROM THE politicians and the officials shoul be captured no increase in tax

Tue Feb 6 07:22:43 2001
Name:sandeep keerthi
Suggestions:please be pragmatic and think about everybody all the best sandeep

Tue Feb 6 08:39:01 2001
Name:M Subbi Reddy
Suggestions:It is absolutely necessary to widen the tax net. It is also necessary to increase the savings limit to atleast 1,00,000.

Tue Feb 6 08:39:56 2001
Suggestions:Mr.Yashwant Sinha The Honourable Finance Minister of India, Dear sir, The month of February has significance as this is the month when the fate of several unfortunate tax payers is decided.In this country unfortunately the tax base is so small in this country that every time the same people are fleeced agaain and again. There are so many evaders who go scot free and the huge amount of black money that keeps accruing on side in various places and with different people. We toil for fourteen hours a day to get something and most unfortunately we happen to be branded in the higher tax bracket. It is so easy to exploit these genuine tax payers that any adjustment can be loaded. Never has a sincere attempt been made to increase the tax base. Successively, we have been observing the trend of surcharges being levied on us. It is the responsibility of the government to take care of natural calamities and other disturbances. It has become a joke that for anything surcharge is levied. We can understand if it is once. But repeatedly if this trend continues - what are we to think of this? No doubt contributions have to be made by everybody but it is not that a particular section is vulnerable to some harsh policies. In this country politicians remind people only of sacrifices to be made. We expected a budget which would be reasonable for middle class people like us, this year. But unfortunately destiny willed it otherwise. Finally donations continue to pour in from all corners of the world to the relief of victims, what is the guarantee that it would reach the people who deserve it the most? We only pray god to see that everything goes well and save this country.

Tue Feb 6 09:43:39 2001
Suggestions:subsidy on LPG should be completely withdrawn.

Tue Feb 6 10:25:13 2001
Name:Gopal Salvady
Suggestions:Hon Minister Your job is tough. Make tough decision so that future India will salute you. There shall be no oil subsidy and no food subsidy Cut Govt jobs esp the ones in Newdelhi Sell Public sectors Sell unproductive sceintific labs to pvt firms and have competitivie bidding for the work they do Increase the tax base Reduce defense purchase from abroad Reduce defense spending Fund for empowering people at panchayat level so that they can make their own decision and take responsibilties so that in case of disaster or anything they can depend on themselves and not on center Use the money to build infrastructure(rail/road/air/sea) that would withstand natures calmaties education(primary+skill building) health care including research primary research for better untilisation of resources water link for drinking from north to south and east to west and form optimal grids so that all cities and viallge can tap Tax break, incentive for adoption Enforce fully funded pension for govt and industry Spend money growth and development oriented Spend money on population control and have a goal of 0% growth Spend on research on natural disorder and incase management with optimal use of resource, training and education thru TV during disaster. Have a command in each village and cities and stock piles in each cities for emergency Use IT to improve effciecny of work in Govt. Work with other dept to better inter office transaction Spend money on innovative research Good luck. God Bless India and the world

Tue Feb 6 10:43:09 2001
Name:Rashesh K. Parikh
Suggestions:Bicycle should be made cheaper because it is pollution free. Environmental friendly. Health improving. Saving of foreign reserves in petro products. Please acknowledge. Rashesh K. Parikh Dept. of Biosciences Sardar Patel University Vallabh Vidyanagar - 388120 D

Tue Feb 6 12:23:06 2001
Name:suren yadav
Suggestions:reduce the tax for the earth-quake victims

Tue Feb 6 13:10:17 2001
Name:S. Vinod
Suggestions:Mr. Sinha Additional 2% surcharge and additional taxes proposed are yet another aftershocks by OUR Govt.of India after earthquake in Gujarat. I strongly recommend that people of Gujarat be given relaxation in taxes for next couple of years instead of sequeezing them more and mounting more heatred towards GOI's attitude.

Tue Feb 6 14:00:02 2001
Name:Vikram Singh
Suggestions:I think you are doing a great job, please carry on with the good work.

Tue Feb 6 14:12:57 2001
Suggestions:Respectable Sir, We the meekly Common citizen of India do not have the power of giving suggestion to the almighty FM of India. All that we can say is "MAI -BAAP , WAISE HI HUMARA KAMAR TODE HUA HO! AUR ATYACHAR NA KARO! . In the name of earthquake , do not burden the overburden, people. Do some soul searching and you will come up with a way of tackling this problem of quake in your own abode of the politicians. CUT DOWN ON YOUR EXPENSES AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FEED NOT ONLY THE RECENT QUAKE VICTIMS BUT ALSO THE PAST QUAKE VICTIMS. MERCY !! MERCY !! ON US HUMARE MAI BAAP

Tue Feb 6 14:39:15 2001
Name:Ajit Pai
Suggestions:dear Mr. Sinha, Instead of taxing the already burdened salaried class ... please try to increase the tax net to rope in defaulters... especially profitable businesses who consume a lot of space and services but default on taxes. regards, ajit

Tue Feb 6 14:43:25 2001
Suggestions:why don't you mobilise india's mammoth parallel economy towards the relief fund ?

Tue Feb 6 15:31:22 2001
