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Line Postcard to the FM

Sun Jan 28 15:49:39 2001
Suggestions: An Appeal to The FINANACE MINISTER Dear Sir, Voluntary Retirement Scheme in Nationalized Banks Sir, Some of the nationalized banks are shying away from implementing the captioned scheme in the right spirit as they have developed cold feet that some of their talent is going away. It is an unfounded fear and in any scheme of this nature, there is going to be some drain of talent form banks and Bank Managements have to accept it. Some of the nationalized banks have made specialist officers and highly skilled and qualified staff as ineleigible for the scheme. This is highly arbitrray and discriminating. They should immediately withdraw the clause and exetend the scheme to all employees who desire to opt out. Otherwise, the scheme may implemented in a distorted and haphazrd manner which may benefit some and harm others. Atleast, now the banks should realize and take measures to extend the scheme to all those who are willing. Then only, the term VOLUNTARY in the scheme makes any sense, otherwise they are fooling themesleves, the employees and public at large. We request the banking Division of FM should counsel the Banks managements accordingly. Thanking you, aggreived officers of nationalized banks 28th Jan 2001

Sun Jan 28 15:54:54 2001
Name:major bs bains retd.
Suggestions:Would care for the disabled and widows and their children. It would be enough if you could get us the pension/ war-injury pay before we are no more. After Bangladesh war, we never saw a war for long. We were not needed. But we again offered to die during kargil war for the sentiments don't ask for war-injury pay or pension. With all the cards pouring in at ur desk, i will write one daily till all cards line up from my location to ur desk. major bs bains 3-323 tapovan nagar, bye-pass road, anantapur-ap 515004 tele:08554-47899

Sun Jan 28 15:59:55 2001
Name:major bs bains retd.
Suggestions:Would care for the disabled and widows and their children. It would be enough if you could get us the pension/ war-injury pay before we are no more. After Bangladesh war, we never saw a war for long. We were not needed. But we again offered to die during kargil war for the sentiments don't ask for war-injury pay or pension. With all the cards pouring in at ur desk, i will write one daily till all cards line up from my location to ur desk. major bs bains 3-323 tapovan nagar, bye-pass road, anantapur-ap 515004 tele:08554-47899

Sun Jan 28 16:14:27 2001
Suggestions:dear sir, i would urgently request you to look at the infrastucture in india and try your utmost to improve it asap.. rajeev

Sun Jan 28 16:40:13 2001
Name:Shyam Paturkar
Suggestions:Pl.Increase the limit of INCOME TAX up to Rs.100000/- Also Income on Interest received on Fixed Deposits be deleted from Income Tax purposes. Or increase the present limit of Rs.10000/- (interest) to Rs.40000/-. Thanking You. Shyam Paturkar Gokul Apartment,Raghuji Nagar, Nagpur.

Sun Jan 28 16:42:36 2001
Name:Shyam Paturkar
Suggestions:Pl.Increase the limit of INCOME TAX up to Rs.100000/- Also Income on Interest received on Fixed Deposits be deleted from Income Tax purposes. Or increase the present limit of Rs.10000/- (interest) to Rs.40000/-. Thanking You. Shyam Paturkar Gokul Apartment,Raghuji Nagar, Nagpur.

Sun Jan 28 16:45:22 2001
Name:s.kamal kumar
Suggestions:sir, it is time to think on the subsidy on kerosin iol & lpg as i am sure more than 50% of the subsidiesed kerosin iol is going to trucks ect, and on lpg also we should remove subsidy in phase manner thanking you, wishing you all the best your welwisher s.kamal kumar

Sun Jan 28 16:47:40 2001
Name:Jeetendra Kumar
Suggestions:Sir, Keep in mind that in small town Internet operator are discouraged by phone charge syatem. i.e more use of internet cause increase in phone rate . How the small town will get more and more connected.

Sun Jan 28 16:57:33 2001
Suggestions:Sir, In the forthcoming budget would like to suggest liberalise taxes for salaried class. As promised by BJP before coming to power changing the slab to a minimum of 1 lakh to 2lakh in first slab @10%. 2 to 3lakh @20% and above 3 lakh @30%. Removal of surcharge introduced before last year will be a big boon for the middle class Government salaried employees.

Sun Jan 28 17:15:27 2001
Name:nikhilesh jha

Sun Jan 28 17:39:33 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Tax collection at source, is an effective way for instant revenue generation for our government. I think if I buy a toothpaste from a retailer, a fraction of it should go towards income tax. The more things I buy, since I can afford, I pay tax. Therbye our government could generate revenue & control expenses arising out of tax collections to a great extent.

Sun Jan 28 18:00:45 2001
Name:subodh vora C A
Suggestions:please declare 5years tax holiday for gujrat state u\s 80IA of IT act due to earth quake

Sun Jan 28 18:01:09 2001
Name:subodh vora C A
Suggestions:please declare 5years tax holiday for gujrat state u\s 80IA of IT act due to earth quake

Sun Jan 28 18:09:56 2001
Name:Mahesh Shroff
Suggestions:dividend/is paid to us after govt.gets excise duty,sales tax,salary to staff,labour etc.and then coporate pays income tax,then we get dividend that also all co. do not fare well,so the risk factor in the investment in shares is much more as such it is requested that it should not be taxed if India has to grow and money has to come in circulation,from co. to individuals to increase their purchasing power.

Sun Jan 28 18:11:33 2001
Name:vivek chaturvedi
Suggestions:please check the special budget to the poor.thanks

Sun Jan 28 18:22:05 2001
Suggestions:plese remember that we are indians. not europians. we need diff. technology to develop ourselves. automisation is not for us. spend more money in indeginious techonology development which can give job to our huge human resource. with regards

Sun Jan 28 18:55:00 2001
Suggestions:please do the needful regarding imported items coming mainly from china. if we want to compete then you have do something regarding sales tax in maharashtra & octroi.

Sun Jan 28 19:19:52 2001
Suggestions:Sir, While we are particular that shackles of indian economy is to be still relaxed,we have not given thought for the elders(aged between 40 and 50) who will be coming out to street without having anything as companies do not want old people and new companies say that they are too old to be inducted into their company.if we do not give thought about them,I am afraid we are developing one more new gang of robbers,sorry too cruel a word to utter,who will spoil the basics of society on which the country stand.please create somesort of systems under the government patronage for these middle classed properly not guided people.please also look into the ajanta watch company's(the largest company in the world and unfortunately it is in india) proposal to move to china. i wish you all the best in your attempt of bringing india on par with developed countries all the best

Sun Jan 28 19:40:05 2001
Name:sarabjit singh; colonel
Suggestions:sir, in the previous budgets no finance minister has looked after the welfare of personnel of armed forces.finacially they are the loosers in all respect.i suggest that their pay and allowances should be made income tax will be doing lot of good to these people who are giving their best to the country but are not very well looked after. thanks.

Sun Jan 28 19:42:40 2001
Suggestions:Dear Mr.Sinha, 1)Bank's which have not attained CAR should not be allowed to operate as they are risky w.r.t public money. eg:The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. withregds Lambodharan

Sun Jan 28 19:56:39 2001
Name:R. Rajagopalan
Suggestions:Please consider priveleges for tax payers in the category of actaul taxes paid by the individuals i.e.Rs.200,000 above Some sugestions are: Priority for Passport issue Preferentail Rail ticket confirmation in Second AC and above Issue of Election ID Cards based on Tax ID. Submission of returns through web Special counters/officers for dealing the tax returns Excise duty concessions for pruchase of a second car by assessee. Telephone connections across the counter. This is first installment of wish list. If Govt.consider this request, then we can compile more Thanks for this fcility

Sun Jan 28 19:59:28 2001
Name:rohit kathpalia
Suggestions:request to open up the retail sector to mnc in india

Sun Jan 28 20:22:21 2001
Name:Ashish Agarwal
Suggestions:Respected Sir, We the salaried class are really feeling the tax burden very hard to cope with, espacially after the revision of pay on implementation of 5th pay commission for central govtemployees and Mohan Committee Report for PSUs'.We request your kindself to consider giving some relief to us. Most of us even from very low cadre like LDC and drivers are coming in the bracket of 34.5 % and feel very hard to servive. We put following of our requests for your kind consideration: 1. To lower the tax form 34.5 to 25% for salaried class. 2.To increase the rebate under Sec.88 from 20% to 25%. 3.To increase the amount eligible for rebate under sec.88 from Rs.60,000 to Rs.1,20,000. Need to mention here that the money saved thus is going to the govt. exchequre only and is used for good deeds by the govt. Any of these steps if considered, will give a great relief to the true and genuine tax paying people of this country. We shall be very grateful to you for sparing your precious time to read this mail. Many many thanks and regards.

Sun Jan 28 21:49:02 2001
Suggestions:It is suggested that middle class people be provided some relief in tax. They look to you for help.

Sun Jan 28 22:22:03 2001
Name:Dr. Anjan Dasgupta
Suggestions:1. The 10% IT range is ridiculously small, please increase this range. 2. The savings permitted under section 88 has not been revised for a long long time, this need revision.

Sun Jan 28 22:37:05 2001
Name:Barun Chakravarty
Suggestions:isn,t it time to tax the millions of traders only dealing in cash and in turn take credit for having increased the tax base.

Sun Jan 28 22:59:48 2001
Suggestions:All the donations to the Gujarat disaster relief may be exempted 100% from this year income tax collection as a speci al case

Sun Jan 28 23:00:46 2001
Suggestions:All the donations to the Gujarat disaster relief may be exempted 100% from this year income tax collection as a speci al case

Sun Jan 28 23:01:16 2001
Suggestions:All the donations to the Gujarat disaster relief may be exempted 100% from this year income tax collection as a speci al case

Sun Jan 28 23:47:23 2001
Name:vivek aole
Suggestions:sir, I am from Amravati maharashtra. PLEASE SAVE SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY SAVE INDIA FOR CHINI DRAGEN this is last attempt to u and ur govt.

Sun Jan 28 23:51:27 2001
Name:Dinesh Kumar Bhansali
Suggestions:Dear Sir, My name is Dinesh Kumar Bhansali doing Electrical Trading business at Chennai. Sir, I have a suggestion for you to make some changes in the tax system. Right now any trader who is buying goods for sales from other states; A 4% CST is charged on that goods at the manufactures or traders point. My suggestion is collect the CST + Sales tax at the manufactures point itself so that traders all over India did not want to contact local sales tax offices and I belive this will force the traders to do business in full bill. For eg. I am buying electrical products from Mumbai for 4% CST and selling them at Chennai. I has to pay 8% sales tax to Tamilnadu Govt. My suggestion is collect this 8% tax of Tamilnadu Govt at Mumbai Mfrs point itself and ask the Maharastra Govt to settle the collection of Tamilnadu Govt every 15 days or Every month. Like wise the business done from Tamilnadu to Maharastra.If Every state govt sit to-gether and do some thing about this I am sure our country will prosper. It will put an end in the corruption in Sales Tax offices all over the country and if you further cut down the taxes I am sure all the business transaction in our country will be in No 1. I hope you will hear my voice and help the trading community to do its best for the country. For a bright future, Dinesh Kumar Bhansali

Mon Jan 29 00:02:24 2001
Name:N. Srinivasan
Suggestions:Dear Sir, I am a resident in the Gulf. The Indians from this region normally remit a good portion of their savings to India. It is suggested that the Government (RBI) authorises the issue of USD or other foreign currency denominated repatriable bonds(or deposits), with interest earnings (non-repatriable)payable in Indian rupees only. This will mean there is no foreign exchange outgo on account of interest, and to provide incentive, the interest rate may be slightly kept high, say above 9%.

Mon Jan 29 00:05:53 2001
Name:Pro-active approach to Natural calamities
Suggestions:Dear Mr.Sinhaji, I recently read a report, where it says India spends about $91 Billion per year to deal with the rehab, restructure, bacically to bring it back to where it was.. Why can't we take a pro-active approach instead and spend some of this money to be prepared for the natural calamities, atleat to the point to minimise the human loss. How about spending money on repairing the canals etc verses to reimburse the lost crop..? How about setting up mobile hospitals in villages and hard to reach places verses acting after a major desease hits the area..? The list is endless.. I can write a lot more, but to keep in small and simple, I wanted to emphasie the fact that why can't we be more Pro-active than Reactive in our approach. I know money is the contraint. But we are spending it after the fact, that will leave where we started. Instead if we concentrate on thinking ahead, there is a quite a good possibility that we may move a step further than where we started.. Thanks for reading my email.. Hope it sparks a lurking thought some where in the administration... Thank you very much, Sareen

Mon Jan 29 00:07:08 2001
Name:N. Srinivasan
Suggestions:Dear Sir, I am a resident in the Gulf. The Indians from this region normally remit a good portion of their savings to India. It is suggested that the Government (RBI) authorises the issue of USD or other foreign currency denominated repatriable bonds(or deposits), with interest earnings (non-repatriable)payable in Indian rupees only. This will mean there is no foreign exchange outgo on account of interest, and to provide incentive, the interest rate may be slightly kept high, say above 9%.

Mon Jan 29 01:43:58 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir instead of curbing imports from China, allow the local industry to avail of benefits so that they can match Chinese products in quality and pricing too. If you don't now, the local industry will die causing irrepairable losses to our economy. thanks and regards

Mon Jan 29 06:35:14 2001
Name:Girish Kumar
Suggestions:The personal Income Tax for individuals should be such that at no stage the total liability exceeds 20% of Gross Income.Imagine someone slogging and then one third the amount he /she never gets.

Mon Jan 29 06:58:48 2001
Name:Ravi Kant
Suggestions:Kindly give us same tariff structure and loan facility for car as in the US.

Mon Jan 29 07:29:34 2001
Name:Anish P. Marfatia
Suggestions:If corruption is weeded out of our system,India will always be a super power

Mon Jan 29 07:31:48 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Make the working of the income tax department more transperant and open to public. The corrupt officers living it up should come under scrutiny.

Mon Jan 29 08:29:28 2001
Name:Bhavin Dalal
Suggestions:With the advent of the 21st century and the Information age, it is the knowledge of the society and the country as a whole that will decide the winners. Thats why the labour laws and management of human resources are the only reforms that can catapult India to the top place in the world order. Requesting you to please change the archaic laws. My suggestion is to put in place a new "Human Resources" law that trumps all the previous labour laws, starting at least with the New Economy industries. Many developed nations do not realise how important human management is going to be in the future. This is where we should succeed. Please let me know if you are convinced with my views and would like any further suggestions. Sincerely, Bhavin Dalal State University of New York

Mon Jan 29 08:35:31 2001
Name:Prafull R Sheth
Suggestions:Please stop all new salary hike for next five year for all servents including MP's, MLA's stop inflation. it known proverb that Mughal's wealth spent in "TAGARA" (in building monuments) Marathas in "NAGARA" (in celebrations) and the indian governments wealth in "PAGARA" (in Salaries). please try to joned salary with net gdp or net income per head.

Mon Jan 29 09:09:10 2001
Name:vishvas B.S.
Suggestions:Dear Mr. Sinha, Its been a laudable efforts by the govt, in the InfoTech Front. But the other important sector, the Manufacturing Sector has come to a standstill and infact is deteriorating day by day. The recent declaration by the Ajanta Clocks that they are shifting their base to China is just one example of things to come. The investors coming over into India are predominantly coming for Assembly but not Manufacturing. The ratio of Manpower required for Assembly to Manufacturing is estimated to be 1:11. If the urge is to invite investors in the Manufacturing sector, it would be better for India for far more jobs can be generated. The Mis - advent of the Chinese goods is adding insult ot Injury for the Sector. What initiatives is the Govt taking in this regard? The Earth quake in Gujrat has hit the economy of the State. There was a report in the Media that most of the Loom units in The Bhuj region have nat been insured. Is the Govt thinking of supporting the People who've survived by helping them set up the units back?

Mon Jan 29 09:15:13 2001
Name:sri reddy kankar

Mon Jan 29 10:00:24 2001
Name:kishore Indukuri
Suggestions:Respected sir, i feel indians needs a lot of entreprenuers to further boost the economy. india has been doing great under your leadership. schemes should be mstarted which encourage entreprenuership. R&D should be given a major boost. all universities should educate small to large industries about the great things R& D can do. universities should generate money by themselves. so, sir concept of matching grants provided by govt should be introduced for all universities. i think we should spend good money on disaster control measures. we should have good infrastructure to react to the situation. because this has happened in gujarat, we should learn from it . thanking you, Yours sincerely, Kishore K Indukuri

Mon Jan 29 10:11:16 2001
Suggestions:I request u to please prepare budget2001 should be helpful to all the people of india like formers, middleclass families, software professionals and industrialists. thanq

Mon Jan 29 10:12:08 2001
Name:Rupam Vakil
Suggestions:Regarding Personal Income Tax, please simplify the tax rate and make it convenient for tax payers

Mon Jan 29 11:15:56 2001

Mon Jan 29 11:15:56 2001
Suggestions:sir,i want to know what steps will be taken in your budget to increase growth rate and how much growth will there be.

Mon Jan 29 11:33:11 2001
Name:rajesh dhawan
Suggestions:bring out an amensty scheme whereby all politicians, government officials and businessmen are given immunity, provided they bring in India their monies parked outside india, and charge a earthquake tax of nominal 2 % 5 % to them.

Mon Jan 29 11:54:07 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir We are group of software profesionals in India and abroad. A lot complicated tax structure is causinga lot of panic for us and also heavy tax rates for highly paid software professionals. If this trend continues then it will be difficult to retain good talent in this field in India. We hope in this budget you will consider this point. Also ou foreign visitors gets very much upset with the kind of infrastructure (Roads, Telecom, Internet facilities) we have. There should be enough funding for the road facilities as we have to travel a lot in all major cities and across it. We sincerely hope you will take up the issues in the budget. Thanks in advance (Tech Group)

Mon Jan 29 12:27:12 2001
Name:Alok Lal
Suggestions:I belong to Konar Dam (small place of Hazaribagh.) And we facing a problem in all kind of tele communication. Pl. provide us some facilities of telephone and roads

Mon Jan 29 12:30:57 2001
Name:ajay bagga

Mon Jan 29 13:20:38 2001
Name:Lavina D'souza
Suggestions:Keep up the good work sir. And please make the budget for the benefit of the public and not the corrupt politicians.

Mon Jan 29 13:23:20 2001
Name:Suhel Goel
Suggestions:Dea Sir I am a student in a school in Delhi. My suggestion is that some amount of money should be allocated to the development of the government schools. These school have a lot of land but due to lack of infrastructure they are poorly maintained. As we all know that us children would form the future of this great nation of ours. So I would like to give my humble suggestion that please do look in the schools of India and do allocate more money and do ensure that they reach in the right hands. Hoping that my suggestion would be taken into consideration. Suhel Goel New Delhi

Mon Jan 29 13:33:41 2001
Name:Sonali Thakker
Suggestions:Dear Mr. Sinha, I am surprised to hear, that there might be a further tax imposed on taxpayers. I have lived overseas for 10 years before returning to India. Rather than always looking for more money on the revenue side...I see very few genuine attempts at raising money through genuine disinvestment or expenditure cuts by the government. The government is clearly too bloated and I don't see concrete measures at increasing transparency, reducing manpower or costs. ENough of trying to protect one';s political base. Sonali Vice President Star TV India

Mon Jan 29 13:49:36 2001
Suggestions:There are certain obvious disadvatages where the assessees are salaries class vis-a-vis business. Therefore, following suggestions: 1. Benefit of depreciation be allowed for selected items to encourage investments in such assets by an individual, like car, two wheelers, refrigerator, washing machine, grinding machine (household appliances). 2. Medical expenses are limited to Rs.15000 for exemption. Considering the cost of medical expenses rising and becoming quite dearer, limit needs to be raised to Rs.50000 (on reimbursement basis) or one month salary, whichever is lower. 3. Limits on savings and rebate thereon need to be reviewed. To encourage further savings, limits fixed long back need to be revised upward. 4. Amounts spent for education of children need to be exempt with high slabs as to-day the cost of education is very high and the limit of Rs.100 is very negligible. Regards

Mon Jan 29 14:11:06 2001
Name:kailash sharma
Suggestions:Please remove all type of taxes. There is no need of present government system, where u all the pillers of democracy r looting entire country. U r taking taxes only for your and beaurocratic expenses, why we should pay for this. U r doing what it was done in NADIRSHAHI. U r not doing well. All the development works r being depend on loan, how our country will survive. there is no further need of the man like as u and atal bihari. We the laymen have no relief from u. Industries r sicking and u r doing nothing. I will start a compain please donot pay taxes to government. I will never pay any type of taxes. Because i know the money which is i giving as tax, there is no utilisation of that, it is simply coming in use of the men like as u. why we should pay for a corrupt system. We can pay only for military.

Mon Jan 29 14:12:40 2001
Name:kailash sharma
Suggestions:Please remove all type of taxes. There is no need of present government system, where u all the pillers of democracy r looting entire country. U r taking taxes only for your and beaurocratic expenses, why we should pay for this. U r doing what it was done in NADIRSHAHI. U r not doing well. All the development works r being depend on loan, how our country will survive. there is no further need of the man like as u and atal bihari. We the laymen have no relief from u. Industries r sicking and u r doing nothing. I will start a compain please donot pay taxes to government. I will never pay any type of taxes. Because i know the money which is i giving as tax, there is no utilisation of that, it is simply coming in use of the men like as u. why we should pay for a corrupt system. We can pay only for military.

Mon Jan 29 14:15:15 2001
Suggestions:Please reduce in entertainment tax

Mon Jan 29 14:15:31 2001

Mon Jan 29 15:04:14 2001
Name:Abhik Sengupta
Suggestions:Last year in spite of the great expectations generated, you did little about reducing the govt. expenditure. This year we expect you to do a great deal in this direction.

Mon Jan 29 15:04:56 2001
Suggestions:Honourable Minister, To remove duty draw back scheme for exports and in its place to give 50% (example)of export value import licences to exporter which should be freely transferable/saleable in open market. This will bring lot of black money (foreign exchange) in our foreign exchange reserves. Thanking You Raju

Mon Jan 29 15:05:54 2001
Suggestions:You are squeezing only the salaried class in the country, who are the most honest tax payers. Consider these opeople and alleviate their tax burden by bringing down their taxation level to 15%. You shall not regret this decision. You catch hold of big tax evading sharks, some of whom are in your vicinity in the the garb of big netas.

Mon Jan 29 15:35:03 2001
Name:tenzin yangchen
Suggestions:why some states are free not to pay income taxes i.e.sikkim?the situation is bad there.present government indulging in rampant corruption,poor are getting poorer,no development works are taking place.if at all they are in papers only. the representatives of bjp party who visit sikkim regularly knows evcerything. these corrupt so called leaders are taking benifit of sikkim being tax free.

Mon Jan 29 15:37:19 2001
Name:tenzin yangchen
Suggestions:why some states are free not to pay income taxes i.e.sikkim?the situation is bad there.present government indulging in rampant corruption,poor are getting poorer,no development works are taking place.if at all they are in papers only. the representatives of bjp party who visit sikkim regularly knows evcerything. these corrupt so called leaders are taking benifit of sikkim being tax free.

Mon Jan 29 16:07:29 2001
Name:DNVSSN Murty
Suggestions:It is time give 100%tax rebate on the purchase of one computer by any salaried class employee goverment/public sector. This will cause lot of development of branded PCs as well as assembled PCs. Most of the employees of Central govt./State govt. would purchase a computer, if the entire amount upto a maximum of Rs.70K or around Rs.60K is given rebate on purchase of IT related items. Think about it sir,

Mon Jan 29 16:18:46 2001
Name:S. Chowdhury
Suggestions:Respected Sir, I am working in power sector since 1978. In power sector I find due to absence of proper transmission system there are pockets of surplus power in our country, e.g. Eastern Grid. I am hearing about National Grid since 1978 which has not come true. Similarly in the Eastern region there is no industrial growth as such. Also thousands of villages are without power due to non-availability of distribution network. I don't find any political commitment to fulfill the needs for improvement in this direction. Will you kindly do something about it in the Budget? Although Central Govt. promoted the concept of CPP and IPP but the State Govt. does not seem to patronise the idea and the industries who have put up CPP are put to innumerable hardships instead of providing certain facilities. I think this is because State Govt. is finding that their source of income from the industries who had been paying earlier for power is getting eroded after they put up CPP. This attitude seems to be totally negative which needs to be rectified. Also whereas I support for the growth in IT sector but feel equally concerned when I find a downward trend in infrastructural growth. Because need for IT comes later for making efficient system, but if there is no goods produced, question of efficient services does not arise. A boost to infrastructural growth is a must. To make the rules and laws more transparent it should be vetted by a committee of industries on whom these are going to be applied, as is done in America. To curb corruption in Govt. Deptts. provision for strict action is to be made against the officials who bring any false charges against any industry or individual. They should not be let off scot free. Otherwise the power of a Govt. official to frame false charges becomes his supreme power and makes him corrupt. I hope as a free citizen of India I have given enough suggestion for implementation Regards, S. Chowdhury

Mon Jan 29 16:21:31 2001
Suggestions:Sir Plz reduce the prices of daily use things.

Mon Jan 29 16:26:38 2001
Name:vishnu pala
Suggestions:I would suggest taking adequate precautions to reduce the impact of the present earthquake. From the budget point of view. This may hamper the financial conditions of the state as well as at the central level. The budget of this year may not be sufficient to handle this kind of operations but the money coming from the other countries should be utilized properly to come out of this major earthquake impact on the nation as well as the state/states. The important thing is to build, strong external relations with the other countries like united states of America so that we get in timely help because the economical conditions of the country is pretty good. Next budget should concentrate more on this kind of hits because these are the natural causes, which damage complete financial conditions of the nation. Establishing a strong relation between budget and the natural effects/impacts could help us in bringing more prosperity to the effected people and the areas, which are completely damaged.

Mon Jan 29 16:27:34 2001
Name:Bharat Bhushan Tewari
Suggestions:While no business community is paying any income tax and no meaning of TDS for them, as it appears only meant for lower middle class people who are either serving in Public Ltd. companies or Govt. jobs. They are not bothered to give any money for relief fund etc. for Ahmedabad. Govt. also appeals to Salaried people to give one day salary in lieu of quake or cyclone or anything, they never appeal to any business community (who are not paying any income tax, nearly 70% of Delhi business community, they dry clean shop to sweat shop to property dealer to any shop or factory) People who are paying tax they can not take sugar from Ration shop. They have no money to buy a CAR or a MIG flat. But people who are staying in MIG flats or Kothies and have flourishing buisness are not paying tax. Whether govt. is going to do any thing for middle class people, I am drawing annual salary of 2 lac and the only earner in the family. I am staying in a DDA LIG flat, which has been bought about 2 years back on Power of Attorney and H.Purchase basis. As it is on Power of Attorney basis I can not take any benefit of either House Tax (rebate in income tax) or any rebate on Loan taken. Now for the last two years I am not taking House Rent benefit for Tax Calculation, but even in my office about 99% of the people are taking House Rent benefit (even they have their own house). In some cases, where Husband is employed in Govt. Job and wife is employed in a Public Ltd. Company, the Both Husband and Wife are taking benefit for the same Residence which is owned by the Husband's Father. It does not end here as the younger brother of the husband is also taking the same benefit. Is the Govt. .... is sleeping !!! I want the Govt. must increase the limit for tax calculation as only the genuine tax payer is the MOST SUFFERED in these circumstances. If the Govt. can not change then definitely time has come for the genuine tax payer is to become corrupt by adopting so many measures available in the market.

Mon Jan 29 16:31:12 2001
Name:pala vishnu murthy
Suggestions:To The Honourable Finance Minister of India. I would suggest taking adequate precautions to reduce the impact of the present earthquake. From the budget point of view. This may hamper the financial conditions of the state as well as at the central level. The budget of this year may not be sufficient to handle this kind of operations but the money coming from the other countries should be utilized properly to come out of this major earthquake impact on the nation as well as the state/states. The important thing is to build, strong external relations with the other countries like united states of America so that we get in timely help because the economical conditions of the country is pretty good. Next budget should concentrate more on this kind of hits because these are the natural causes, which damage complete financial conditions of the nation. Establishing a strong relation between budget and the natural effects/impacts could help us in bringing more prosperity to the effected people and the areas, which are completely damaged. Vishnu murthy pala germany

Mon Jan 29 16:31:40 2001
Name:Balwinder Bhanwra
Suggestions:DearSir regarding budget, it always hits hard to middleclass since now middleclass segment is too large. Also this segment is educated, cultured, so they try to have deccent living, good education to kids, schooling etc. this segmant is largest buyer of consumer durable and non durable goods. I wish to says please ensure sufficient place to breathe for common man. taxing may further reduced and simplified. Education may be subsided. medicine also should be subsidised. since it has become almost impossible to get good treatment for common man. you may make insurance compulsory at nominal cost and common man be given an insurance card,which could be produced at all good hospitals without getting in to hassles of claiming back. Sir i have lot of suggestions but we understand compulsions of an finance minister. also see that sales tax be reduced to 4 percent . 13.2 percent is virtualy killing many trades and forcing to wrong practices and corroption. make an clean hassle free budget. Thank you BALWINDER BHANWRA i am an small scale entreprenuer.

Mon Jan 29 16:32:27 2001
Name:S.N.Rama Raju
Suggestions:Reduce personal tax. Impose heavy penaly on Tax evaders - including imprisonment of not less than 10 yrs (not in 'A' Class ! )

Mon Jan 29 16:34:12 2001
Name:Balwinder Bhanwra
Suggestions:DearSir regarding budget, it always hits hard to middleclass since now middleclass segment is too large. Also this segment is educated, cultured, so they try to have deccent living, good education to kids, schooling etc. this segmant is largest buyer of consumer durable and non durable goods. I wish to says please ensure sufficient place to breathe for common man. taxing may further reduced and simplified. Education may be subsided. medicine also should be subsidised. since it has become almost impossible to get good treatment for common man. you may make insurance compulsory at nominal cost and common man be given an insurance card,which could be produced at all good hospitals without getting in to hassles of claiming back. Sir i have lot of suggestions but we understand compulsions of an finance minister. also see that sales tax be reduced to 4 percent . 13.2 percent is virtualy killing many trades and forcing to wrong practices and corroption. make an clean hassle free budget. Thank you BALWINDER BHANWRA i am an small scale entreprenuer.

Mon Jan 29 17:13:28 2001
Name:suresh joshi
Suggestions:dear sir, please increase standard deduction U/s. 16(1) for salary person minimum 30,000 for all person thanking you suresh joshi

Mon Jan 29 17:39:27 2001
Suggestions:For senior citizens, the IT exemption limit is rightfully kept at Rs.1.00 lac. Considering, the assessees who have completed the age of 50 years and approaching towards their superannuation need consideration in contemplation of limited no. of years available for their earning (more particularly where they are service class). Thus, the benefit of IT exemption of Rs.1.00 lac be extended to assessees having completed 50 years of age, provided they make investment in approved pension schemes, PPF, retirement benefit schemes, valueing the difference of normal IT exemption limit and the IT exemption limit available to senior citizens. This would be a great help to those assessees who would be turning senior citizens in near future. 2. Also, where the assessees are contributing for schemes of education of children, such amount be specially considered for IT exemption so that such amount is used for higher education of children, for the reason higher education (more particularly professional qualifications) have become quite costly.

Mon Jan 29 17:55:42 2001
Suggestions:sir pleasewithdraw 50% of MPa quota .This shall be utilised fully to rehabilitate Gujarat Bhuj and other ares ,,, Alagarsamy from Chennai

Mon Jan 29 17:56:55 2001
Suggestions:sir pleasewithdraw 50% of MPa quota .This shall be utilised fully to rehabilitate Gujarat Bhuj and other ares ,,, Alagarsamy from Chennai

Mon Jan 29 19:01:25 2001
Name:mukund apte
Suggestions:the benefit of fifth pay commission appears to be negligible due to deduction of income tax from the salary. please increase the tax exemption limit. Thanks

Mon Jan 29 19:09:16 2001
Name:Manoj Khanderia
Suggestions:Kindly reduce role of the goverment in business and welfare schemes and restrict role of state as a mere "POLICE STATE" to maintain Law & Order.Reduction in budgetory allocation will render reduction in direct & indirect taxes.

Mon Jan 29 20:04:17 2001
Suggestions:sir, My few suggestions for the forthcoming budget are, 1] revert back to old system of spot payment of duty, 2]make more transparent the new valuation under excise, 3]it was a mistake in enhansing the limit of ssi to one crore revert back, 4]do not hesitate to collect EARTH QUAKE CESS, 5]bring back the prosecution in service tax too, 6]exempt/extend capital gains tax more flexible. thank you, baalu radha krishna

Mon Jan 29 21:22:09 2001

Mon Jan 29 22:22:47 2001
Suggestions:When Mr. P. Chidambaram presented his budget and when he announced about reduction of tax slab rates by 10% in each slabs, then the opposition leader Mr. L.K. Advani shouted about making 1 lakh rupees as non taxable limit. Since BJP has come to power, you have been imposing more tax on individuals. Why you and your party speaks different languages when in power and when in opposition. I voted for BJP believing Mr. L.K. Advani will insisting or try to bring the individual's tax burden. But in reality it is not so? From this may I assume that you are also just like any other party just opposses what ever ruling party does or says?

Mon Jan 29 22:23:39 2001
Suggestions:When Mr. P. Chidambaram presented his budget and when he announced about reduction of tax slab rates by 10% in each slabs, then the opposition leader Mr. L.K. Advani shouted about making 1 lakh rupees as non taxable limit. Since BJP has come to power, you have been imposing more tax on individuals. Why you and your party speaks different languages when in power and when in opposition. I voted for BJP believing Mr. L.K. Advani will insisting or try to bring the individual's tax burden. But in reality it is not so? From this may I assume that you are also just like any other party just opposses what ever ruling party does or says?

Mon Jan 29 23:10:28 2001
Name:manoj pandya
Suggestions:Why can not you allow deduction for educational exps. like fees , interest on loans etc.from income for tac purposes. Even mutual funds can be created for establishing educational institutes and contribution to these funds can be made as deductable from income.

Mon Jan 29 23:46:47 2001
Suggestions: Please Do not release the budget.

Tue Jan 30 01:43:43 2001
Name:Mr. Lalit Vazirani
Suggestions:Sir, In my perception the problem facing India is that too many people are expecting concessions and handouts and not enough people are contributing to the exchequer. My suggestions, make agricultural income taxable. Also ensure that taxes collected by means of income tax is properly used. When income tax payees clearly see their hard earned contributions being frittered away in populist measures they feel cheated and will not hesitate to evade paying taxes. I hope you put a stop to it. If you dont, then you have no moral right to exhort people to honestly pay their taxes and the citizens of India will be justified in witholding any further payment of all direct taxes where they feel cheated. I trust this letter will receive utmost consideration. Lalit

Tue Jan 30 01:44:53 2001
Suggestions:My suggestion may look weird but I have the faith that is the future to eliminate India's poverty. Create Panchayat sabha on the lines of lok sabha,i.e for every 10 contagious villages, One panchanyat sabha member, who will be give rs 1lak per year for development in 10 villages i.e 50,000 panchayat sabha members into 1 lakh each Sridhar

Tue Jan 30 05:05:54 2001
Name:Rajaraman B
Suggestions:Now is the time to bring in an era of universal tax. Centre can plan on imposing 5% tax to be paid by all (for the first 50000 Rs.) then the existing tax rates could be maintained or lowered. Also for income above 10 lacs, for individuals, the tax should be 40%.

Tue Jan 30 08:10:55 2001
Name:Satyanarayan Sarda
Suggestions:Dear Sir, My suggestion is to increase the taxable income limit to one lac. Thanx.

Tue Jan 30 08:36:02 2001
Name:dillip kumar naik
Suggestions:Special package for Gujurat so that they can establish to some extent.

Tue Jan 30 09:02:30 2001
Name:nripendra kumar srivastava
Suggestions:Minstry may permit school and training schedule to village houses which left by their owner. To get updated knowledge who are emloyed in computer centres of various universities. Allow computer professionals to join hands with person who need their help free of cast in universities.

Tue Jan 30 09:16:03 2001
Name:Ravi S Nanjundiah
Suggestions:Dear Sir, I hope you will seriously consider giving allocation for setting up a Rapid Disaster Relief Action Force to be able to swing into action during a major calamity such as an earthquake, cyclone or any major accident.

Tue Jan 30 09:49:17 2001
Name:t parameswara reddy
Suggestions:Try to reduce the no.of Ministers& Bureaucratic Hyrarchy at the central & state levels.

Tue Jan 30 10:31:23 2001
Name:Ramesh Pisal
Suggestions:we should immediatly announce the automobile policy.this sector facing lot of problems.

Tue Jan 30 10:40:29 2001
Suggestions:This budget 2001 is very exclent and will be 100% help full to poor people.The policy of Mr.Y.Sinha is better than other FMs.During this economic status manage to India is not a easy thing .Lots of thanks to him and also NDA Govt.

Tue Jan 30 11:47:05 2001
Name:Anil Panchal.
Suggestions:Dear Mr Sinha, Do something for the villages. Regards Anil

Tue Jan 30 11:53:16 2001
Name:Prema Kumar
Suggestions:I am a stenographer in a private firm and paying TDS of around 5000 every year as there is no scope for any saving. I just want to point in my locality a Doctor well known to me is paying minimum tax even he was showing income of only 1 lac /p.a. They have very heavy rush in the evening and morning and maintaining very good reputation in the market. His income should be around 8Lac as for other normal Doctor's Clinics. But if you note no Doctor / Nursing home is paying even tax equivalent to a Stenographer. In Lajpat Rai market, shopkeepers are doing business of 1 Lac per day and showing income of 1 Lac per annum. I think these things are known to the Finance Minister as well but he seems to be pro business community. I sincerely request the Finance Minister to make some provisions in the Income Tax Rules so that these Pvt. Doctors and Shopkeepers at least pay more tax than Stenographers and Clerks. Thank you very much

Tue Jan 30 11:59:05 2001
Name:l nagpal
Suggestions:I am working as a clerk in a pvt company and paying 7000 as Tax to the govt. but it is very unfortunate that near to my residence a property dealer having 3 houses in the same row and a car and 2 motorcycles is not paying any tax. Is the govt. will look after this. Also private clinics are also not paying tax in comparison to a lower grade clerk. thanks

Tue Jan 30 12:18:14 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir.. Please make it compulsory to deduct one day salary for the Gularat relief from salaried class employees. Regards Raja.R Hyundai Motors

Tue Jan 30 12:46:00 2001
Name:Suyog Oke
Suggestions:Increase Taxes on Cigerates, Alocoholic Drinks by atleast 200%. And give Milk, Good food to every people in the country free.

Tue Jan 30 12:53:56 2001
Suggestions:1) An amnesty scheme may be introduced for Non-profit Voluntary Organisations not registered under the I.T. Act. 2) Grant-in-aid recieved from International and National Donors for specific activities should not be included under the definition of "Income". 3) The Government is encouraging SHG's and other micro-credit institutions.The SHG's and other M.F. Institutions should be exempted under the I.T. Act.

Tue Jan 30 12:59:01 2001

Tue Jan 30 13:04:14 2001
Name:Dr.Vasant D.Joshi.
Suggestions:1-Cancel all the subsidies. 2-Increase the customs duty on all imported items. 3-The exorbitant recomendations of the 5th pay comission should be re-evaluated 4-Pension scheme should be only till 15 or 20 yrs after retirement. 5-Pension scheme for the M.P.s and M.L.A.s should be only for those who complete a minimum of 3 terms of the respective Houses. 6-Instead of Income Tax there should be Expenditure Tax. 7-The scheme of Free Telephone to the Telecom workers should be cancelled as on the same lines all the Govt.employees can ask for Free Services from their their life.why other Tax -Payers should bear this load! 8-Please take hard steps to curtail expenses on administration and un-necessary facilities to the govt.and Bank employees. 9-Nationalisation of Health Services like in Gr.Britain. 10-May I expect a reply!

Tue Jan 30 13:05:07 2001
Name:Dr.Vasant D.Joshi.
Suggestions:1-Cancel all the subsidies. 2-Increase the customs duty on all imported items. 3-The exorbitant recomendations of the 5th pay comission should be re-evaluated 4-Pension scheme should be only till 15 or 20 yrs after retirement. 5-Pension scheme for the M.P.s and M.L.A.s should be only for those who complete a minimum of 3 terms of the respective Houses. 6-Instead of Income Tax there should be Expenditure Tax. 7-The scheme of Free Telephone to the Telecom workers should be cancelled as on the same lines all the Govt.employees can ask for Free Services from their their life.why other Tax -Payers should bear this load! 8-Please take hard steps to curtail expenses on administration and un-necessary facilities to the govt.and Bank employees. 9-Nationalisation of Health Services like in Gr.Britain. 10-May I expect a reply!

Tue Jan 30 13:05:31 2001
Name:Dr.Vasant D.Joshi.
Suggestions:1-Cancel all the subsidies. 2-Increase the customs duty on all imported items. 3-The exorbitant recomendations of the 5th pay comission should be re-evaluated 4-Pension scheme should be only till 15 or 20 yrs after retirement. 5-Pension scheme for the M.P.s and M.L.A.s should be only for those who complete a minimum of 3 terms of the respective Houses. 6-Instead of Income Tax there should be Expenditure Tax. 7-The scheme of Free Telephone to the Telecom workers should be cancelled as on the same lines all the Govt.employees can ask for Free Services from their their life.why other Tax -Payers should bear this load! 8-Please take hard steps to curtail expenses on administration and un-necessary facilities to the govt.and Bank employees. 9-Nationalisation of Health Services like in Gr.Britain. 10-May I expect a reply!

Tue Jan 30 13:15:50 2001
Name:kailash sharma
Suggestions:we do not want pay tax to the bloody government system, we r earning by our work, why we should pay to the corrupt system. I will move a compaign please no pay tax to the present governemnt system. U r taking huge loan but not reducing your expenses, u all r public servant but ruling like as nadir shahi, how we will bear it.

Tue Jan 30 13:43:13 2001
Suggestions:Please given the brefif message about budget 2001

Tue Jan 30 13:54:43 2001
Name:suneel dutt
Suggestions:revered sir kindlymake it mandatory for everymanufacturer to displaycost of production .

Tue Jan 30 14:43:38 2001
Name:Ashok Shetty
Suggestions:Dear sir, In the coming budget, you must give top priority for the development of infrasrtucture for the rural educational institutions i.e both aided and govt. primary & secondary schools.The state govts. are not in a position to provide financial assistance and hence request to the hon'ble minister to look in to the matter so that the ecconomically backward students of the rural area can be benifited by providing quality based education.In my opinion atleast 3-5 lac. to be allocated to the each rural schools directly by the govt. to develop infrastructure like furnitures, black boards, library facilities, water supply, computers, play ground,electricity etc.. Thanks & best regards

Tue Jan 30 14:44:32 2001
Name:Ashok Shetty
Suggestions:Dear sir, In the coming budget, you must give top priority for the development of infrasrtucture for the rural educational institutions i.e both aided and govt. primary & secondary schools.The state govts. are not in a position to provide financial assistance and hence request to the hon'ble minister to look in to the matter so that the ecconomically backward students of the rural area can be benifited by providing quality based education.In my opinion atleast 3-5 lac. to be allocated to the each rural schools directly by the govt. to develop infrastructure like furnitures, black boards, library facilities, water supply, computers, play ground,electricity etc.. Thanks & best regards

Tue Jan 30 14:44:43 2001
Name:partha chakraborty
Suggestions:Respected sir This is partha chakraborty writing to you from calcutta.I hope what you will bring in the coming budget it will strong the Indian economy and I hope too you will bring some lucrative package for the young generation like me to get a suitable job. Thank you.

Tue Jan 30 14:48:10 2001
Name:Binod Gidra
Suggestions:Please enhance the exemption limit of Income Tax to 100000/- and also enhance investment under sec 88 to 120000/-.

Tue Jan 30 14:52:05 2001

Tue Jan 30 15:31:47 2001

Tue Jan 30 16:17:34 2001
Suggestions:I am sorry to write this but their is no other option: I am working as a Personal Secretary in a Public Limited Company. I understand Govt. is putting a surcharge on Tax again, I am already drawing salary around 2 lacs per annum and there is no scope for saving. As I get around Rs.11000/- salary out of which 2500 go children school every month. Already our company is deducting one day salary for Gujarat cause now Finanace Minister is thinking of surcharge on TAX. I do not know what he is doing, because people who have already paid thru one day salary again pay surcharge and BUISNESS MEN of INDIA. 40% of whom has NEVER PAID TAX and not thinking about TDS. We WANT FM to be very clear on this to take money from BUSINESS. THIS CAUSE IS WELL KNOWN IN THE WORLD NOW. WE MAY HAVE TO FILE A SUIT IN SOME OTHER COUNTRY ABOUT THIS CORRUPTION NOW. THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Tue Jan 30 16:40:32 2001

Tue Jan 30 17:51:38 2001
Suggestions:sir, can we not have 100% itax benefit for the E'quake donations for all platforms

Tue Jan 30 18:29:11 2001
Name:surendra naik
Suggestions:Sir, Please see that interest rates in all small savings schemes are reduced.or reduce the tax exmption available on schemes like ppf and nsc. please encourage savings through insurace schemes and thru mutual funds.Please continue the dividend tax exmption to the mutualfund unit holders.The same should also be extened to the debt schemes also just to make it more comparable with ppf.Also recomed to tax professionals like advocates and other professionals. thanks and regards. s.naik

Tue Jan 30 18:49:40 2001
Name:Sanjay Roy Choudhury
Suggestions:Dear Sir, It is a pleasure to know that you finally have decided to get the opinion of the public, as well as their suggestions, in the planning and formulation of the Budget. I do have one complaint, but you must be surely aware of this one, that the Budget formulation is never based on the fact that our Economy is very much dependend on the "Monsoon" season. And, as you know and the Government of India practices, the Budget is always being implemented well ahead of the start of the Monsoon. Nature is always unpredictable when it comes to certain factors on which the wellbeing and welfare of the country and it's inhabitants depend. In the same case, it is unpredictable as to haw the Monsoon could turn out this year. What should actually be done is to change the timing for the formulation and implementation of the Budget, i.e. at least well into the Monsoon season or rather after it ends as only then we all will be able to know what benefits or losses we have gained. Thank you very much for lending an ear to the people of this country and our deepest sadness and grief for the loss of lives in the recent Earthquake! With best wishes for a fruitful Year 2001!!! I remain, Sanjay Roy Choudhury

Tue Jan 30 19:13:19 2001
Suggestions:take care of IT

Tue Jan 30 20:22:59 2001
Name:sunil kumar shahi
Suggestions:hi , i am sunil doing import and export business .sir i want to give under your your notice that ,all the citizen of india is the same for you ,but you are not doing or seen the same as per your policy the reach person would be reacher then reacher and poor citizen will poor then poor . the difrence i am telling to you ,you have given the permision for import and export from so many port s ,icd s ,but you have not any monitring cell to them ,the bomby chs is passing the same goods if @100 other icd is passing @.10 the person like me have not more mony to do this .please close the i cd or give the notification that all value desided by the bby chs or delhi chs ,all the icd must have follow this .my import cost is 25% more then the pupele importin at icd .please do this as early as possible ,the country would not be loss the revenue agin and agin . sunil .

Tue Jan 30 20:29:26 2001
Name:Anil Narula
Suggestions:Dear Sir, We all realise your position and appreciate your efforts to raise additional resourses to meet the shortfall in the expenses and income. My suggestion to you would be levy "POPULATION SURCHARGE" of Rs.1.00 (Rupees One Only) per month per person. The employer should be paying for the employees and their family etc etc. This should get you ONE BILLION PER MONTH as additional funds to be focused on infrastructure and other developmental works.

Tue Jan 30 20:32:08 2001
Suggestions:sear sir you should bring a such budget that there will no burden on states specially gujrat

Tue Jan 30 21:07:19 2001
Suggestions:why is your govt not encouraging use of alternate fuels???! likelpg in automobiles as it is cost effective and alternate way to reduce hefty oil bill and it will also reduce pollution by is used world over since last 50 make useage of lpg in cars ... legal

Tue Jan 30 21:19:46 2001
Name:K Meenakshi Sundaram
Suggestions:Please cut down the wasteful expenditure of Govt on each and every head and promote swadeshi products (particularly while opening up the economy)

Tue Jan 30 22:19:58 2001
Suggestions:Please make tax payble as simple as it can be. Give an advertisement in TV,Internet,Newspaper how exactly one has to pay the taxes.

Tue Jan 30 22:31:13 2001

Tue Jan 30 22:37:08 2001
Suggestions:sir, i feel and submit my humble suggestion that collecting ITax from Govt. Servant is a futile exercise and may be exempted without having any financial effect by way of some formula adjustment. this will save enormous time & energy of Govt. servant in general and to Income Tax department in particular. they may than have time & energy to assess the incomes of business class properly and correctly.

Tue Jan 30 22:40:26 2001
Suggestions:Sir, We want that you should lower the rates of Income Tax & Indirect Taxes (sales tax and Excise duties) in your coming budget in order to get more revenues. As the rates of Taxes in our country is much higher in compared to developed countries, we not getting enough revenue. You should take steps to check illegal flow of smuggled goods from countries like Nepal & China. Steps be taken to make Rupee Stonger in international market and make it fully convertable. There is also need to further give the invester iniciatives for investing in L.I.C. and U.T.I. These are few points that I and my friends want you to take in mind in coming buget. Thanks

Tue Jan 30 23:40:29 2001
Name:honish zaveri
Suggestions:Dereserve the small-scale sector & make labour laws flexible to make Indian industry competitive. Thank you

Wed Jan 31 01:19:52 2001
Name:Viswanath Jonnalagadda
Suggestions:Sir, Please see that this year budjet is for the good of poor people and also see that it should bring boosting to our Information Tachnology. Viswanath

Wed Jan 31 01:31:58 2001
Name:Rina Sen
Suggestions:Sir,we have not yet got over the tragedy in Gujerat.But may I point out that the middle class {where I belong} just CANNOT afford more surcharges as indicated by Prime Minister.We are already in a most unenviable position---despite our instinctive empathy with sufferers, it's just not equitable to tax us for Kargil, next year for the earthquake and God forbid what next.The wealthy OPENLY BOAST that they don't pay taxes!Why only "chakki piso" we struggling middle slot with surcharges for disasters every year? after all & inspite of every disaster that befalls people {tomorrow it could be me}---THE SHOW MUST GO ON FOR US---WHICH u're proposing to make impossible by strangling us between the double grip of increased taxes as well as prices! I suggest you RAISE TAXES & LEVY EXTRA CHARGES ON ALL BUILDERS/REALTORS because they are the ones responsible for the ugly devastation in Ahmedabad & THEY ARE STINKING RICH BY CRIMINALLY CHEATING ON BUILDING STANDARDS & MATERIALS. Delhi is likely to go the same way as you must be well aware of the HEINOUS LACK OF QUALITY OF THE GREAT DDA FLATS.Even a nail on the wall or a child scratching on the wall brings down that patch of the wall & I can demonstrate it to you if u visit my flat.! So imagine what an earthquake can do!!ARE THE ORDINARY CITIZENS TO BE PUNISHED & TAXED FOR THIS OR THOSE WRETCHED BUILDERS & DDA OFFICIALS' CRIMINAL CHEATING? PL.punish them & force some social responsibility on them---not us middle class who have no escape routes like these wealthy criminals{murderers} Although the earthquake's a natural calamity, the sheer magnitude of destruction is MAN MADE as explained above. Also, I suggest that instead of exhorting the common man to bear the burden for wars & calamities---let the Govt. pay--as pointed out in the latest issue of INDIA TODAY ,a v.large chunk of revenues is spent on maintaining the Govt. IS THIS ETHICAL OR FAIR OR EQUITABLE? The govt. won't exercise economy, the wealthy won't pay taxes: that leaves only we the DDA flat dwellers to bear the brunt? I earnestly request the Govt. to show some CONSCIENCE! Best regards.

Wed Jan 31 01:36:08 2001
Suggestions:i think u should really wrok out on indian defence ,say some investments on latest technology & reall good anumations which can really help our indian force at border(ground based)

Wed Jan 31 02:19:49 2001
Name:Kapil Chawla
Suggestions:Here's a quote for you. Please read it. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~ Thomas A. Edison. This is the situation with our Country today. I have noticed that Indian policies try to guard India in every possible manner but in the end we are the one's who are the losers. I truly believe that we are quite close to make a real bearing on the world but we still require that extra bit. Why is still the common people don't trust the Govt. (This has nothing to do with Any Political Party). I have no suggestion for you. Rather I 've some question that you must answer. 1.Why has our Country failed to widen the Tax Net? (I mean to say that why only the ones who pay taxes are asked to pay more.) 2. Why is the business community overburdened with taxes that it has to see for alternative ways that you and everyone knows better? 3. I read somewhere that a Car that one buys has 65% of the cost going into taxes. Is it correct? If yes, then why is this? 4. It's in the mindset of many people that anyone who invests in Infrastructure is surely going to lose the money. Shouldn't this thing be changed? 5. If I am not wrong India is Investing quite heavily in the Infrastructure Sector. What I want to ask is that it's easy to start new projects but what about the maintenance of the existing ones? Even the new ones are not up to the mark. For eg. The Bridge over Yamuna In Delhi near ITO. Since the inauguration, the road has remained in bad position and one gets a bumpy ride. I am sure that once we invest like this, we will never be able to sail smoothly. The ITO Bridge is just an example and that too in the Capital. What about other places? Even the new Toll Bridge that is recently inaugurated doesn’t gives a smooth sail. 6. Isn't India losing out to China? I don't know whether this would reach to you or not and the Gujarat tragedy has made me more doubtful. But I hope for the best and wish you too Good Luck. Also, I am sorry if I have offended you in any manner.

Wed Jan 31 02:38:03 2001
Suggestions:You need to cut the expenditure of all GOVT/SemiGOVT officers. Same for MP/MLA/ CM/Minister

Wed Jan 31 03:47:27 2001
Name:S Nayak
Suggestions:Dear Sir, I would request you to take every action to get the required 25000 crores rupees for rebuilding Gujarat from the corrupt officials and businessmen. We have too much black money in the country. Here in USA, we have collected money and sending it to the Prime Minister's Relief fund. But I have little hope, it will ever reach the needy. I have similar unpleasant personal experience during Orissa Cyclone. The money never reached the cyclone affected people. Even at that hour of agony the State's Chief Secretary purchased the tarpaulin sheet at double the market price and no action has been taken against him so far.

Wed Jan 31 10:08:27 2001
Name:Karthik Kumar
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister: In the wake of the earth quake, the PM has warned of additional taxes to pay for the damage. All Indians would willingly share the burden, and even as I write are contributing their mite. However, when it comes to taxation I hope you realise that less than 2% of the country's people pay taxes. So when you draft your tax proposals, you may want to consider widening the tax net rather than burdening those already paying taxes, through their nose, if I may add. While we are on the subject of tax increases, may I also suggest that government profligacy be also cut down to pay for the damage in Gujarat. For starters let us cut out all the foreign junkets assorted politicians and bureaucrats make at the tax payers expenses. After all every drop counts in the mighty ocean of rebuiding Gujarat. Best wishes, Karthik Kumar

Wed Jan 31 10:19:37 2001
Name:virag gokani
Suggestions:i would like to suggest, that income tax excemption from 40000 sould be reduced to 25000-30000 and instead a month salary if salaried person OR avg one month income if business person should be charged as income tax, this would increase the tax payers all over india and not just metropolitan cities plus continue the normal slab wise income tax for income above 200000.
