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Line Postcard to the FM

Thu Jan 25 10:00:27 2001
Name:Mrs. Bindu Asher
Suggestions:Pl.consider reducing Respected Sir, limit for individuals as this contributes very little to the exchequer. Let the salaried class enjoy the increase in their pay packets. The Govt. should not give with one hand & take back a major chunk of it with the otherhand. Thanks.

Thu Jan 25 10:01:04 2001
Name:Nilesh Jain
Suggestions:Do something good for India.

Thu Jan 25 10:03:37 2001
Suggestions:Before BJP came to power in their election manifesto they have promised that they will reduce the tax liability to salaried employees,but no such step was taken. At least this year we hope there will be some relief to salaried class. Regards,

Thu Jan 25 10:03:44 2001
Name:Rishi Sharma
Suggestions:Electronics goods , LPG, Diesel should be cheaper this time.

Thu Jan 25 10:03:48 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Please look at States Orissa, UP, Bihar and West Bengal. India's economy will improve when we will see that all States of India are growing in Economy. Regards

Thu Jan 25 10:04:48 2001
Suggestions:Please make this budjet to more useful for the development of I.T field.

Thu Jan 25 10:05:10 2001
Name:T.S. Arunachalam
Suggestions:Dear Sir, As per current income tax rules, one has to be out of the country for a period of 183 days in any financial year under a working visa or business visa to be treated as non-resident for tax purposes. There are a lot of NRIs from Africa and Gulf who are not very well to do and often they spend sometime in India between jobs. Since some of them are forced to stay in India more than 6 months in a year before finding new jobs, they are forced to pay taxes under local IT laws just for the reason that they have stayed more than 183 days in INdia during a financial year. May I, kindly request you, to amend this requirement so that the poor NRIs can stay in India for a period of at least 365 days without incurring tax liability? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. regards Arunachalam

Thu Jan 25 10:06:56 2001
Name:vikram purohit
Suggestions:dear sir, salary people is one of the highest tax payer in the country. you know the limit non taxable income along with standard deduction is not sufficiant for a working class people. Please you do something for lower class salary people whose income is less than 2lacs vikram

Thu Jan 25 10:08:39 2001

Thu Jan 25 10:08:47 2001
Name:Vijaya Sarathi R
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister, At the moment formers are facing lot of problems due to cut in subsidies and ofcource draught. I request you to give some concessions for formers as they are the majarity of our community.

Thu Jan 25 10:11:20 2001
Suggestions:reg:incometax rates Without changing the tax rates, kindly consider 1.adjusting the slab rates 2. enhancing savings limit to atleast 1 lakh 3. abolish surcharge 4. enhance 5 lakh limit for standard deduction. the total tax burden on a public sector/govt employee is too heavy though the tax rates are moderate.

Thu Jan 25 10:11:34 2001
Name:himanshu shah
Suggestions:Honourable Minister, Can u pls spend yr time reading this .. only 1 request to make is to curtail the income tax on the salaried persons or increse the range forthe same ,,coz majority portion after other deductions goes in tax ... & v r called tht c r in higher middle income group ... but in fact the status after this comes in a such a way that v feel tht we are below povertyline.. this is just a suggestion .. even I know tht this suggestion is not going to become true .. but this I 'm conveying the grievance of all the sallaried people who have faith in this system .. otherwise the system is forcing to create BLACK MONEY. It may happen that you sitting on high seat , may not understand the situation of people who are paying tax. thanking you yours faithfully, himanshu

Thu Jan 25 10:11:50 2001

Thu Jan 25 10:12:07 2001

Thu Jan 25 10:12:48 2001
Name:c prabhu
Suggestions:development from the grass root level,can help many jobless youth to get a job, Income tax ceiling to be raised to 100000 retirement age to be maintained at the present level taxes on computer and its pheripherals be removed luxury car taxes to be raised cooking gas cost not to alter petrol diesel price to be maintained

Thu Jan 25 10:15:27 2001
Name:Dr.Sunil Prabhu
Suggestions:Dear Mr.FM, Please do not ignore Pharmaceutical interests in your budget this year. The industry is awaiting right kind of signals from you, to forge ahead in this knowledge based industry just like the IT sector.

Thu Jan 25 10:16:15 2001
Name:A H Quereshi
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Kindly increase the "free allowance" limit in Baggage Rule & reduce the custom & exsercise duty on passangers goods of returnee and those who are coming on vacation. Thanks

Thu Jan 25 10:18:14 2001
Suggestions:I would like Government should enhance tourism industry and provided for financial and subsidy to the tourism industry becouse by this India can earn more foreign exchange . Govenment should introduced such bill or financial bill that more and more people will attract and participate stablize growth the population.

Thu Jan 25 10:18:33 2001
Name:pria krishnan
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Please abolish income tax and expand the existing expenditure tax. Thanking you Yours faithfully, Pria Krishnan

Thu Jan 25 10:18:38 2001
Name:Tanveer Inamdar
Suggestions:Please do not go in for tax and price hikes as we are already overburdened by increasing tariffs and taxes

Thu Jan 25 10:18:41 2001
Suggestions:job for the deserved

Thu Jan 25 10:19:17 2001
Name:vijaya venkateswaran
Suggestions:dear sir i am requesting u to concentrate on non blockable money chain which improves flow`s on both public and private sectors

Thu Jan 25 10:19:32 2001
Name:Arjun keshari
Suggestions:Dear sir, This time, please fix the Income tax amount 20% flat for every USA. So no body will do the cheating with Income tax slab ot saving. with regards arjun keshari

Thu Jan 25 10:21:02 2001
Suggestions:dear sir , instead of increasing prices of commodity. b'cause of rise of price of input material . you should put the question of how to manage in this situation to all top ranking people in the heirarchy . the person coming with a pratical solution should be given the reins to control , if he doesnot perform his head should roll. krupanand

Thu Jan 25 10:21:09 2001
Name:Ronald Gomes
Suggestions:Increase the Saving Limit under Sec88 to Rs 100000/-

Thu Jan 25 10:23:46 2001
Suggestions:1)dearness allowance & city compensatory allowance (d.a. & c.c.a.) shall be fully exempted from income tax. 2)std. deduction shall be increased to 30000 irrespective of gross earning.

Thu Jan 25 10:23:52 2001
Name:Mohan Kulkarni
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Here are few suggestions. I belong to a salaried class. In cosmetics for alcoholic products duty structure needs to be revised. Cosmetics in general is no more a luxury, but it has become a necessity. No one will call a talcum powder or Shampoo a luxury. So duty structure in 3304 needs to be revised. Everytime petrol should not be a target commodity to increase. Now that subsidy raj should end. OR problems will persist. As regards Income tax their should be some relaxation, as the inflation is always there. For a commonman who is earning 10000/- a month should not bother about tax. As investing certain amount for tax benefits is also out of his hands. I think something should be done about direct taxation. And modvat scheme should be extended for special duty. I hope you will consider these things and will bring exciting budget. ALL THE BEST. Mohan Kulkarni Manager Operations AVON Beauty Products I (P) Ltd Mumbai PH 8804377/78

Thu Jan 25 10:24:00 2001
Name:Ronald Gomes
Suggestions:Increase the Saving Limit under Sec88 to Rs 100000/-

Thu Jan 25 10:25:16 2001
Suggestions:schemes under rural developement should not be forced to a state. proportionate money should be given to states with broad guidelines.

Thu Jan 25 10:26:04 2001
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister, I am very happy to note the progress made in IT segment. But could you please inform us what action your government proposes to take to meet the targeted growth rate in the next 5 years to 9%. Also please inform us how the deficit is not controlled inspite of your promise during the budget. Please also make it clear to the states of the union that no funds will be allocated to them unless they too start serious financial reforms in various sectors and just not have commissions after commissions which does nothing but recomend and the state government does nothing to implement it. Yes offcourse bill relating to this is being done but i think it is too too slow. Also the process of disinvestment is very very slow. I think some serious effort must be made to come out of ITDC which is not the business of government. Please also allocate a good fixed sum like 10% to education and also increase the percentage of allocation to social sector like rural development. Kindly name this budget as infrastructure growth budget so that we do not lag in our efforts to achieve the targeted growth rate. Priority to infrastructure must be the theme of this budget. Hope you meet the aspirations of the people by making this budget growth oriented instead of just promises and doing very little. Regards Krishnan - Bangalore

Thu Jan 25 10:26:19 2001
Suggestions:Honourable Sir, I would like you to do something in the Telecom Tariff structure for INTERNET users. They should be encouraged to use more and more of net time. Only by doing this will the internet activity increase on a large scale. Regards, Arif.

Thu Jan 25 10:26:59 2001
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister, I am very happy to note the progress made in IT segment. But could you please inform us what action your government proposes to take to meet the targeted growth rate in the next 5 years to 9%. Also please inform us how the deficit is not controlled inspite of your promise during the budget. Please also make it clear to the states of the union that no funds will be allocated to them unless they too start serious financial reforms in various sectors and just not have commissions after commissions which does nothing but recomend and the state government does nothing to implement it. Yes offcourse bill relating to this is being done but i think it is too too slow. Also the process of disinvestment is very very slow. I think some serious effort must be made to come out of ITDC which is not the business of government. Please also allocate a good fixed sum like 10% to education and also increase the percentage of allocation to social sector like rural development. Kindly name this budget as infrastructure growth budget so that we do not lag in our efforts to achieve the targeted growth rate. Priority to infrastructure must be the theme of this budget. Hope you meet the aspirations of the people by making this budget growth oriented instead of just promises and doing very little. Regards Krishnan - Bangalore

Thu Jan 25 10:29:03 2001
Name:C.Amarnath Reddy
Suggestions:Sir, I want this budget to be more helpful to the middleclass people hope you will make that thanks bye sir

Thu Jan 25 10:30:05 2001
Suggestions:Job for the deserved

Thu Jan 25 10:31:09 2001
Suggestions:Due to increase of average payscales as per 5th Pay commission, The Limits for Income-Tax should be revised. Or atleast SAVING limit should be increased

Thu Jan 25 10:34:06 2001
Suggestions:Strike a right balance between IT and Brick& Mortor sectors

Thu Jan 25 10:36:30 2001
Name:Sandhya Lakshman
Suggestions:Hi, 1.Now that most of the tax payers have PAN card No/ PAN card they have to be exempted from paying local tax. You can tell them to give their PAN no/ show card. 2.The standards/ income are rising hence the slab for non taxable income has to be on the higher side. There are many business men and ministers who get illegal wealth in the way of costly gifts and many other ways why are you putting the tax on the salaried class. This is the hard earned money and we can rightly use it.

Thu Jan 25 10:37:57 2001
Name:Ashok Kumar Mishra
Suggestions:Respected Finance Minsiter, Sir, I am thrilled to have this opportunity to write a letter to you. I am an NRI working in a Software firm at USA and started my journey from a village of India. Here I am writing this letter to draw your attention towards the mass population of India living in villages. I had had hard time during my study to get my fees and other expenses incurre. It will be great if you can provide some fund towards the hard working, intellectual and poor students that don't belong to a particular class but are handicape by poority. Could you pls establish a fund for these kind of students. Also, I would request you to draw your attention towards the problem that NRI's face when they visit India now a days every person has joined to world of the Hi-tech where he has to carry some of his belongings with hime like Handheld computer, Camcorder, Cell Phone Camera, digital organiser and some other stuff. In order to eliminate corruption and inhance the fairness towards the economy and personal need could you please include these stuff to the personal items that a man carry with hime without paying any duty. Also I would like to take your attention towards the NRIs who want to establish their businesses in India and provide a great work force to India and Indian people. Can you give some lowered interest rates for them to start the firms. Thanks, Ashok

Thu Jan 25 10:38:14 2001
Suggestions:Hon'ble Sir, Your dynamic approach towrds reforms in financial sector has been appreciated by one and all in the country and Indians abroad. The recent approach of down sizing the banking sector through VRS has got excellent response. As we hear, the compensation given to those opting for VRS is subjected to income tax. sir, this has come as deterent for employees opt for the scheme although people have opting for it. Sir, as you are the salied employees who are retiring from the employment even if they have good number years of service, cannot afford to pay so much towards tax since they have to meet so may items of liabilities to pay off. I feel , to make the VRS more acceptable to people, the Govt. can sympathetically consider exempting the VRS payments from income tax which will be taken as blessings by the retiring employees.

Thu Jan 25 10:40:33 2001
Name:Roshan Gupta
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister, your speech is eagerly awaited and everyone is having a lot of expectations from you. However I suggest to simplify taxation laws - it is long overdue. Also the MAT provisioning could be given a look - to allow brought forward losses to be adjusted - rather than allowing lower of b/f losses or b/f depreciation. Best wishes for the Budget.

Thu Jan 25 10:41:09 2001
Name:Jai Narayan
Suggestions:1. Doctors earning more than certain amount, say Rs. 3.5 lacs, must pay tax under new scheme.

Thu Jan 25 10:43:48 2001
Name:Jai Narayan
Suggestions:1. Doctors earning more than certain amount, say Rs. 3.5 lacs, must pay tax under new scheme.

Thu Jan 25 10:44:02 2001
Suggestions:are you planning to remove the airport tax.

Thu Jan 25 10:45:29 2001
Suggestions:Respected Minister, We are hoping the upcoming budget will bring down the prices of the Onions

Thu Jan 25 10:47:39 2001
Name:Ravindra D. Yeole
Suggestions:Respected Finance Minister, I have following suggestions : 1] The income tax slabs should be withdrawn and a flat rate of 5% should be charged. 2]The present tax 30% and surcharge 15% is too much for the honest salaried and common man. 3]The investment limit of Rs. 60,000/- should be raised to atleast Rs. 1,00,000/-. 4]The people who have taken housing loan before 31/3/99, should also get the facility of tax free interest on housing loan upto Rs. 75,000/-, at present this rule is for those who take housing loan after april 1999. 5]All the dues like Income tax, Electricity bill, telephone bills, water bills and other taxes due to government (state or central) should be collected from the defaulters on priority and defaulters (particularly from siad to be national heros like film stars, politicians, industrialist) should be punished vigoursly. I hope the BJP lead government will do something for the common man, who voted them to power. Regards and Wishing you full term as FM. Ravindra Yeole

Thu Jan 25 10:49:38 2001

Thu Jan 25 10:52:10 2001
Suggestions:dear finance minister, you must do more benefit to the farmers,labours(mines and quaries etc..) in low levels and child labors etc. thank you muruges

Thu Jan 25 10:52:33 2001
Suggestions:Make the budget good in this way that poor can't suffer all the best

Thu Jan 25 11:05:59 2001
Name:ahinsak jadhav
Suggestions:please keep income tax limit up to Rs1.00 Lakh.

Thu Jan 25 11:07:21 2001
Name:Seshu Kumar
Suggestions:Dear Hon'Minister I have a suggestion/ idea in the area of personal income tax. It emanates from Hon'ble prime minister's thought. I have a feeling that govt. would have bare the brunt of paying exccessive interest on funds such as PPF, GPF etc.,. Is it feasible to make income tax mandatory, possibly at moderate affordable rates compulsory to all, getting away with the savings scehemes? In lieu of it, a social security in the form of health insurance may be offered to all. Another suggestion I have, which I donot know whether it is connected to budget proposal, is w.r.t to Govt employees on LTC. GOvt. is possibly spending large sums on reimbursing LTC claims. Can taxable flat sums at different scales, may be offered, doing away with the large amount of paper work involved in processing/ settling the claims? Wishing you all the very best in the preparation of budget proposals. Warm regards Dr. A. Seshu Kumar

Thu Jan 25 11:36:10 2001
Suggestions:Mr Yashwant Sinha The Honourable Finance Minister of India I request you to consider the tax slab to be reduced and 30 % tax to be reduced to at least by 10 %. Middle income citizens are badly affected by this .and there is no purchase power with people like us. Economy will not progress untill we have some purchase power. Thanking you rakesh

Thu Jan 25 11:40:37 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir, Kindly reduce the retirement age for all Govt. employees from 60 to 58 as this will solve the unemployment problems slightly. Please do not raise the rental charges for telephone as it will be a heavy burden for medium class citizens. Please do not raise the prices of essential commodities in the interest of lower & medium class citizens.

Thu Jan 25 11:42:44 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir, Kindly reduce the retirement age for all Govt. employees from 60 to 58 as this will solve the unemployment problems slightly. Please do not raise the rental charges for telephone as it will be a heavy burden for medium class citizens. Please do not raise the prices of essential commodities in the interest of lower & medium class citizens.

Thu Jan 25 11:43:00 2001
Name:Prem Khamesra
Suggestions:One of the biggest tax evasion and black money area is properties, specially metropolitan properties. With the advent of internet, please make it mandatory for every property seller to offer his property to an online auction for one month stating his reserve price. For an Indian IT company, it will be possible to set up such a site for the Department in two months. The department will then get a fair bid for the property in question and the whole bidding will be absolutely transparent. I am sure you would be aware that a flat which is shown to have been sold for 5 lakhs is actually sold at 20 lakhs and so on. This simple means would ensure property transfers at real market prices and would not saddle the Department with any unwarranted purchases.

Thu Jan 25 11:47:44 2001
Name:major bs bains
Suggestions:Please announce the payment of Vth pay commision awards for war injury pay cases for war disabled and widows without delay. War injury pay for war disabled cases is still not decided and the war disabled are not get the pension as per the vth pay commision. There is long delay in taking decision. I am a war disabled and get pension as decided by IVth pay commission because the government has not decided the case for such cases. major bs bains/ ic-18201/1971-72 war disability case.

Thu Jan 25 11:50:29 2001
Suggestions:It will my pleasure to make this suggestion as a common man. It is understood that approx Rs.2 lakhs is spent on each officer/ bank or govt for his annual transfer. Basic reason is to prevent frauds and vested interest. just think about 1 lakh officers being transferred as a legacy of BRITISH Raj ,we spend Rs.20000 million. Is there Rs20000 M worth of frauds taking place every year ? KINDLY THINK AND I LEAVE IT TO U SIR, FOR REMEDYING THE SITUATION N.BALAKRISHNAN

Thu Jan 25 11:55:18 2001
Suggestions:DEAR SIR, how do u think efficiency will improve in view of 44 % Income tax ? kindly reduce to 30 % maximum 2. remove IT SURCHARGE. 3. WOMEN ARE THE BACKBONE -THEY SHOULD BE TAXFREE REGARDS ANURADHA

Thu Jan 25 11:56:00 2001
Name:Prem Khamesra
Suggestions:Every tax paying citizen should be given a place of respect in the society and the Income Tax Deptt. Today unfortunately it is not. In the name of SAMMAN whatever was done would not yield any result. Please make the tax payer a welcome person in the corridors of the Department not one to be viewed with suspicion and always subject to petty pin- pricking like, you have not done this you have not done that, by corrupt officials. Please simplify the tax laws to meet this objective. Please discard the system of assessments altogether and substitute it by ground surveillance. Please institute steps to acknowledge the contribution of a tax payer by token yet salutary steps. The fact remains that a tax payer, however small, is a contributor while Government officers however big or small are parasites who but for these contributions would have no place. Please put this fact into its place and you will be the best Finance Minister India ever had.

Thu Jan 25 12:24:47 2001
Suggestions:Please increase the INCOM TAX STANDARD Deduction Limit to atleast Rs.40,000/- and also the rebate U/s 88 to Rs.20,000.

Thu Jan 25 12:50:43 2001
Suggestions:allow the some percent of depreciation on vehicle owned by the salaried people,it will boost the vehicle market

Thu Jan 25 13:08:46 2001
Name:Bijoy Raychaudhuri
Suggestions:Dear Mr Sinha, You might like to consider imposition of a 5 percent tax to corporate bodies on the amount they indicate as perks to their employees including allocation of share options, with pricing being applied as market price on date expenditure is reflected in the account books. Thank you for consideration. This measure will be unpopular only with the rich, but will not hit them directly. Also, in future this measure will have huge revenue potential as the proportion of perks in take away remuneration increases. Sincerely, Bijoy Raychaudhuri ex Joint Adviser Planning Commission New Delhi

Thu Jan 25 13:28:28 2001
Suggestions:It is unfair on the part of the ministry finding easy way of reducing Govt expenditure targeting central government employees, while Finanace ministry has absolutely no control over the extravaganza expenditure for running the Ministries and Ministers. When the direct Tax collection of the Govt amounts to 70,000 crores (approx) which is 1/3rd of Govt of India's budget, Fin Ministry should find better ways of revenue collection from other sectors and give up the tendency to squeeze Govt. employees.

Thu Jan 25 13:42:13 2001
Suggestions:according to time

Thu Jan 25 13:58:09 2001
Suggestions:please remove t6ax on exports

Thu Jan 25 14:10:07 2001
Suggestions:1>let the reforms process speed up,disinvestment et. al. don't just speak disinvestment do it. 2>allocate more funds to infrastructure and education. cut down on subsidies. 3>cut subsidies to higher education e.g the IITs divert the same to basic education. 4>let farmers pay some income tax but allocate more funds for irrigation schemes and rural development. this will help cities from being overcrowded and polluted. 4>finally,downsize the govt. expenditure. i can understand political compulsions but look to the future and take some harsh decisions not populist ones. thanking u in advance and hoping for the best, amit gheji

Thu Jan 25 14:12:11 2001
Name:Anuj Mishra
Suggestions:1. Please do something about common taxation rules in each state of india so that people do not have confusion about tax. 2. There is lot of person I see who earns lakhs of ruppes per month but the don't pay their income tax. Every one know that there are 10 methods to break the 1 law.And they succeed in it. Please do something that people of india pay their taxex atleast.

Thu Jan 25 14:14:22 2001
Name:Bhavesh Sanghvi
Suggestions:This is a request from the citizens of India who form a rare part of those who earn and honestly declare income above Rs500000 (5 Lac). The woes obviously are there is No standard deduction, there is a higher surcharge etc Please look into bringing down the average tax rate to 15% by introducing a higher standard deduction, reducing the surcharge, increasing the limit to Rs19000 of tax upto Rs200,000 income. The entertainment expense account reimbursement since valid for people working from 1955 will only have retired personnel accepting.Also the deduction for housing loan interest should be universal overall and not as per the years simply because one doesnt stop paying such installments and one doesnt buy houses in India beacuse of this facility on tax deduction. Overall please look into this category of people and do something. Bhavesh

Thu Jan 25 14:14:33 2001
Name:Bhavesh Sanghvi
Suggestions:This is a request from the citizens of India who form a rare part of those who earn and honestly declare income above Rs500000 (5 Lac). The woes obviously are there is No standard deduction, there is a higher surcharge etc Please look into bringing down the average tax rate to 15% by introducing a higher standard deduction, reducing the surcharge, increasing the limit to Rs19000 of tax upto Rs200,000 income. The entertainment expense account reimbursement since valid for people working from 1955 will only have retired personnel accepting.Also the deduction for housing loan interest should be universal overall and not as per the years simply because one doesnt stop paying such installments and one doesnt buy houses in India beacuse of this facility on tax deduction. Overall please look into this category of people and do something. Bhavesh

Thu Jan 25 14:17:45 2001
Name:Inder .M.T. Singh
Suggestions:Dear Mr.Sinha, My suggestion is bring down the prices of Petrol,diesel,kerosene-oil,coking gas & CNG. Presently I'm camping at Bangkok & if you try to lookin to & compare the prices of aabove mentioned at home with Thailand ,I think you'll definitely be amazed /astonished/bewilderd to see the differences. I think if Thais can do this why can't we ..?? Also you can suggest to the P.M to announce that every comodity & other goods 'ld've price mentioned .I hope you'll look in to the facts & bring in Nation friendly Budget & take some proper measures to take the nation to the right direction. Thanking you in anticipation, Inder.M.T.Singh.

Thu Jan 25 14:17:54 2001
Name:Inder .M.T. Singh
Suggestions:Dear Mr.Sinha, My suggestion is bring down the prices of Petrol,diesel,kerosene-oil,coking gas & CNG. Presently I'm camping at Bangkok & if you try to lookin to & compare the prices of aabove mentioned at home with Thailand ,I think you'll definitely be amazed /astonished/bewilderd to see the differences. I think if Thais can do this why can't we ..?? Also you can suggest to the P.M to announce that every comodity & other goods 'ld've price mentioned .I hope you'll look in to the facts & bring in Nation friendly Budget & take some proper measures to take the nation to the right direction. Thanking you in anticipation, Inder.M.T.Singh.

Thu Jan 25 14:18:14 2001
Name:R Ramesh
Suggestions:Dear Mr. Finance Minister, I request you to give concessional benefit to the salaried people by three options a. increasing the Us/88 benefit from present 60000 to 100000. b. Income tax start for salary more than 1lakh rupees c. Removing the surcharges on Personal Tax Thanks and Regards Ramesh

Thu Jan 25 14:19:05 2001
Name:R Ramesh
Suggestions:Dear Mr. Finance Minister, I request you to give concessional benefit to the salaried people by three options a. increasing the Us/88 benefit from present 60000 to 100000. b. Income tax start for salary more than 1lakh rupees c. Removing the surcharges on Personal Tax Thanks and Regards Ramesh

Thu Jan 25 14:25:05 2001
Name:santosh trimbake
Suggestions:1)take off the surcharge on payable tax. 2)raise no tax limit to 75000 from current 6oooo. 3)tax slab rates should be as under a)75k to 85k--5% b)85k to 150k ---10% c)150k to 300k--- 20% d)300k & above---- 30%

Thu Jan 25 14:41:58 2001
Name:Shailendra verma
Suggestions:Sir, sub:- Appeal for the increase in the income slab of the highest tax bracket. We want to bring to your kind attention that the slab of greater than Rs1/50 thousand which attracts the highest rate of TDS is very low . This needs to be increased uptill three lakhs. You will earn the gratitude of millions of tax paying Indians. Regds SHAILENDRA

Thu Jan 25 14:49:07 2001
Name:Debashis Mukherjee
Suggestions:Please be gutsy enough to tax agricultural income. That is the only way our economy can be revived. Best regards, Debashis Mukherjee

Thu Jan 25 14:57:13 2001
Name:pratik khara

Thu Jan 25 15:08:59 2001
Name:Anil kumar gupta
Suggestions:Respected Mr.Sinha, In this budget you should provide incentive as social seurity at age of 60years in terms of money.

Thu Jan 25 15:35:23 2001
Suggestions:flight charges should reduced. Train aircondition ticket charges should reduced. Petrolium product such as petrol,LPG gas rates should be reduced.

Thu Jan 25 15:35:26 2001
Suggestions:Implement cadre restructuring proposal in central excise deptt. pl. because the salary package to L.D.C.s is below the subsistence requirments even when they are recruited via SSC exam. Pl. do needfull immediatly.

Thu Jan 25 16:02:09 2001
Name:sanjay singhania
Suggestions:None Taxable Income should be one lakh because middle class family minimum monthly expenses is five thousand so yearly sixty thousand and extra expenses, Please you consider, If we interested to cover maximum people under tax roof

Thu Jan 25 16:10:33 2001
Name:Ashok Bhat
Suggestions:Dear Sir, As a member of a middle class family member my suggestion is: 1. There should be a government body to check the situation of the salaried persons

Thu Jan 25 16:18:40 2001
Name:Samir Shah
Suggestions:Businesspersons has lots of way to show expenses and they are taxed only on profits and not income. For individual, std. deduction is ONLY Rs.20000. For salaried persons, no expenses are deductable even incurred for job(like travelling etc. etc.) Amount is same even if one is bachelor or has one of more dependants. Amount is again same for person leaving in metro, city, town or village, which vary vastly in std. of leaving. Does this justify? Like other countries of the world, can it be modify to take care of above?

Thu Jan 25 16:21:15 2001
Name:Atul G Bhalerao
Suggestions:Please impose taxes on imported items in such a way that Indian goods are safegaurded

Thu Jan 25 16:32:11 2001
Name:Narendra Kumar Bharindwal
Suggestions:Honourable Finance Minister, Shri Yashwant Sinhaji, Sir IncomeTax on individuals salary income is a cumbersome process, TDS has to be deducted and at the end of year Return has to filed and computation has to be done to arrive at the Tax Liability or refund due after considering the various deduction & rebates available. I suggest that the Government should do away with this old and time consuming process and adopt a new system wherein a certain percentage of the gross total income for the will be collected as tax and no deductions or rebates should be available. You could put up a slab like Below Rs. 75000/- No Tax Rs. 75,000/- to Rs. 250,000 7.5% Rs. 250,000/- to Rs. 500,000 10.0% and Rs. 500,000/- and above 15.0% Which should be paid by the assessee either monthly or quarterly but it be paid fully on or before 31st March of the relevant previous year failing to do so Interest can be charged a reasonable rate say 2.0%. By doing so the IT department can avoid save time, Manpower & Money and they can do investigation by looking into the records of the companies where some PERK or MONETORY benefit given to an employee has been absorbed as some other expenditure in its P&L A/c. Also the IT Dept does not face cash crunch every year to meet the refund requirement of so many assesses after assessment and it will also check corruption in the IT offices where aassesses have to pay them to get their refund faster. I Hope you consider this as a good suggestion and bring a new system which will make work simpler & less time consuming and help in saving valuable resources of our country and make people more Government Friendly. Thanking You, your,s Sincerely Narendra Kumar Bharindwal Bangalore, (I AM DOING MY CA SIR)

Thu Jan 25 16:32:26 2001
Name:Shwetha Shetty
Suggestions:Sir, Reduce the Income tax burden. Increase the slab for 20% tax to a higher amount.

Thu Jan 25 17:06:26 2001
Suggestions:provide more for tourism and it is the answer to faster economice development

Thu Jan 25 17:28:48 2001
Name:Surinder Kumar
Suggestions:Care should be taken in fixing the Bus fare and fixing the new prices of petroleum because this only give a fire in increasing the prices of every consumables.

Thu Jan 25 17:28:59 2001
Name:Rakesh Varma
Suggestions:Mr. Yashwant Sinha Please Make Provision For More IT Savy Projects . Thanks & Warm Regards Rakesh

Thu Jan 25 17:29:40 2001
Name:Surinder Kumar
Suggestions:Care should be taken in fixing the Bus fare and fixing the new prices of petroleum because this only give a fire in increasing the prices of every consumables.

Thu Jan 25 17:56:01 2001
Suggestions:1.Income Tax rate slabs should be fixed at lower side. 2. Tax exemption should be raised. 3. Exise Duty on Computers and its perepherals should be lowered. 4. No tax on items which are essential for human survival. Thanks.

Thu Jan 25 18:11:35 2001
Suggestions:it is going well whatever you are doing for us/india keepit up thanks alot

Thu Jan 25 18:22:37 2001
Name:sk singh

Thu Jan 25 18:24:39 2001
Suggestions:Agriculture income shown by all employees/professionals/business people should not be exempted as most of these land owners are not engaged in farming but lease their lands for farming. Hence there should not be any exemption for them for agriculture income.

Thu Jan 25 18:28:11 2001
Suggestions:Agriculture income shown by all employees/professionals/business people should not be exempted as most of these land owners are not engaged in farming but lease their lands for farming. Hence there should not be any exemption for them for agriculture income.

Thu Jan 25 18:33:33 2001

Thu Jan 25 18:50:52 2001
Suggestions:1.Gearin up to meet the power demandes. 2.A real good package for indian tourism dept, (of course this gonna be our golden tree if we gonna invest wisely on this as u know our country has the most traditional n modern tourist treasures in the world) which in turn will give us good returns 3.Havin a real focus on enviroinmental awarness of course we ( and our generations have to survive in near future without dyin of CO2 and Nox) its my humble request that there had to be a good serious focus and implementation as well on this.

Thu Jan 25 19:12:53 2001
Name:natwarlal p. mehta
Suggestions:i suggest to create a new catagary of taxpayers who are ready to pay onetime lumpsump amount of tax as worked out by experts.these taxpayers need not to pay tax for lifetime thereafter.agelimit could be fixed for this catagary.thanks.

Thu Jan 25 19:20:31 2001
Name:natwarlal p. mehta
Suggestions:i suggest to create a new catagary of taxpayers who are ready to pay onetime lumpsump amount of tax as worked out by experts.these taxpayers need not to pay tax for lifetime thereafter.agelimit could be fixed for this catagary.thanks.

Thu Jan 25 19:30:39 2001
Suggestions:Discard the system of Income tax,wealth tax, gift tax.It will generate more revenue as half of our money is lying with big persons as black money.

Thu Jan 25 19:33:41 2001
Name:shiv chandra mishra
Suggestions:make the tax rate more friendly. and if possible lower the subsudy rates try to bring more peoplesin the tax net

Thu Jan 25 19:57:04 2001
Name:hitesh b.parekh
Suggestions:Income tax on salaried persons should be in a slabs like Professional tax and should be collected monthly without asking employees to go for various rebates on certain investments and tax slabs should be kept in such a way that no body is desirous to go for evade tax responsibility.

Thu Jan 25 19:58:06 2001
Name:hitesh b.parekh
Suggestions:Income tax on salaried persons should be in a slabs like Professional tax and should be collected monthly without asking employees to go for various rebates on certain investments and tax slabs should be kept in such a way that no body is desirous to go for evade tax responsibility.

Thu Jan 25 20:00:57 2001
Name:hitesh b.parekh
Suggestions:Income tax on salaried persons should be in a slabs like Professional tax and should be collected monthly without asking employees to go for various rebates on certain investments and tax slabs should be kept in such a way that no body is desirous to go for evade tax responsibility.

Thu Jan 25 20:36:49 2001
Suggestions:save mumbai port abolish octroi on pol products going out of muncipal limit.or waste infrastructure worth billions

Thu Jan 25 20:37:39 2001
Suggestions:save mumbai port abolish octroi on pol products going out of muncipal limit.or waste infrastructure worth billions

Thu Jan 25 21:09:22 2001
Name:vivek kataria
Suggestions:respected sir. ias an ordinary citizen requet u to please check educational subsidyas well as petroleum subsidy.

Thu Jan 25 21:16:34 2001
Suggestions:Scrap service tax on CA's Architects, where value addition is very limited. You can tax rather, doctors(nursing homes) advocates, even CA's and Architects having a professional income of say 10-15 lakhs per annum, so that small or freshers can be spared of the unnecessary burden.

Thu Jan 25 21:26:43 2001
Suggestions:For Industries you allow depriciation which has impact on reduced tax liability. similarly we salaried pepole also need to replace house hold capital items like TV, washing M/C, car etc. Why we are not allowed to claim deprication ? Is it not injustice ?

Thu Jan 25 21:33:59 2001
Name:narasaiah choudary narra
Suggestions:dear sir, The following are may suggestions/requests. 1.Dont reduce the Income tax rates & slabs.Dont increase the IT exemption limit. 2.Dont give subdies on any product. Thank you very much

Thu Jan 25 21:40:43 2001
Name:swaran singh
Suggestions:100% eou's exporting goods without using any duty free material (excise duty or customs duty) should be allowed to get DUTY DRAW BACK as in the case of unit not under eou because unit in small scale sector manufactuting handicrafts items such as Leather Saddlery & harness goods, use material such as leather etc on which no excise duty is levied thus these could not get duty draw back where as there counterparts which are non eou get draw back on all industry rates. Please allow draw back to all eou which are not availing benefits of duty free imports and excise duty free raw materials. Thanking you, With regards Swaran Singh FCA

Thu Jan 25 21:46:11 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Many villages in Bihar and some other underdeveloped states still lack basic facilities like sanitation, good roads and drinking water. Suitable schemes could be framed to encourage MNCs and corporate bodies to adopt such backward villages all over the country in order to ensure provision of basic ameneties to them.Some tax concessions or free publicity through Govt.Media may be considered for such corporate bodies.Corporate bodies are wasting crores of rupees in making one man crorepathi. Instead atleast one village is improved with that amount it would do a great deal of justice to the underdeloped sections of our society.Govt. should also chalk out a programme of action whereby basic ameneties are provided to all villages and towns.A task force should monitor such schemes rather than Local Panchayath/ local self Government of the concerned village/town.Thanking you, yours truly, R.Rajagopalan

Thu Jan 25 21:49:09 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Many villages in Bihar and some other underdeveloped states still lack basic facilities like sanitation, good roads and drinking water. Suitable schemes could be framed to encourage MNCs and corporate bodies to adopt such backward villages all over the country in order to ensure provision of basic ameneties to them.Some tax concessions or free publicity through Govt.Media may be considered for such corporate bodies.Corporate bodies are wasting crores of rupees in making one man crorepathi. Instead atleast one village is improved with that amount it would do a great deal of justice to the underdeloped sections of our society.Govt. should also chalk out a programme of action whereby basic ameneties are provided to all villages and towns.A task force should monitor such schemes rather than Local Panchayath/ local self Government of the concerned village/town.Thanking you, yours truly, R.Rajagopalan

Thu Jan 25 22:34:33 2001
Suggestions:To rope in the vast amounts of black money, into the economy here's an idea though tough, should be possible. Black money, is mostly stored as cash. The amount can be easily calculated. Therefore, change the face of the currency, introduce totally new currency [say "nayi rupee" ] notes (maybe a 'smart note'), which will replace the present one, and all exchanges to the new currency will be only through a Bank account except for small amounts like Rs. 1000 and less. Now make a PAN No. compulsory for any account with more than Rs.25,000 in it. No other form of currency change to be allowed. Now as black money hoarders bring in Money, they can be nailed. Some may simply buy land or gold. For this make the PAN compulsory for all Land purchases, and all gold/silver/diamond purchases above Rs. 25,000. This is just the basic idea, but with it's roots are from the Yajur veda. please do think over this. Thanks

Thu Jan 25 23:35:16 2001
Name:Dr.Shyam Kamath
Suggestions:Income Tax: Apart from Advance Tax Option, One more option of incentive may be considered. One time payment of income tax in advance for the next financial year -- incentive of discount for such payment may be considered. At the end of the year for which tax has been paid in advance, if the payment turns out to be excess, tax-free interest @18% may be paid and this may be adjusted for the tax payable for the next year.

Thu Jan 25 23:37:54 2001
Name:vasantha kumar
Suggestions:I do agree that with out infrastructure development, there can not be any ecomomic growth. And I have strong concern about not including village people in this process

Fri Jan 26 00:48:49 2001
Name:dharam pal singh
Suggestions:respected honorable minister: i request the following suggestions for the budget 2001. 1) please ensure full liquidity for businesses thru fiscal measures like more credit for the excise payment etc., 2) please do allow more investments to be made in PPF a/c 3) please take personal interest in passing the fiscal responsibility act. 4) please develop a scheme which will put pressure on loss making psu to perform

Fri Jan 26 01:05:57 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Pls keep in mind Budget is not the yearly period where a govt. has to increase all the prices. It should be understood that it is thing were resource are to be shared for the welfare of the people based on their performance. We do not need any free subsidies we only need the fruit for work . Hoping the same from u. Thank you

Fri Jan 26 01:09:09 2001
Name:KJ Prasad
Suggestions:while no one expects lots of concessions on the incometax iside it reasonable by any standards that ceiling on savings be increased u/s88 to 1lakh

Fri Jan 26 01:30:06 2001
Name:Manivannan Jagathesan
Suggestions:Sir, I reside and work in USA. As the year 2001 unfolds, I hear of layoffs in different sectors in the US industries from IT to Media to Retail etc.. I suggest the budget should be such that the Indian economy should not be affected because of a economic slow down here in US. It should propel India into the future. Hope it helps.

Fri Jan 26 01:33:18 2001
Name:Nagesh Vishnumurthy
Suggestions:1. Spend a Lot of money on Goverment Sector Computerization . This will give quick result , you will have rural and urban data at your fingertips. The more money you spend on this the faster the econmy will grow. 2. Automate the entire government. This will make all the ministry come close together and things iwll move faster. And also reliable 3. Many Private Sector Banks have computerised but insist on Paper Documents for following RBI Regulation. Remove these rules. Make it a paperless world.

Fri Jan 26 05:11:50 2001
Suggestions:Please allow the conversion of foreign currency into Indian Rupees legal and non taxable even if the rate is lower. Let not the source of the foreign currency be questioned. This way we will get more foreign currency.

Fri Jan 26 05:19:05 2001

Fri Jan 26 06:33:56 2001
Name:shyam sundar
Suggestions:Pls reduce the taxes for salaried . By virtue of working in MNCs , most of our salaries are high but the tax eats up half of the salary.You should be actually looking at the businessmen who earn huge sums but do not declare much in the tax return.My humble request to you is to reduce the tax burden on middle class and salaried people

Fri Jan 26 08:47:39 2001
Name:seetharam t k
Suggestions:dear sir,i have a humble suggestion.sales tax should be abolished.why should we traders be forced to collect tax when we are not paid anything for it.sir,i realize that our nation needs money to run efficiently.instead of collecting many many forms of tax why cant we collect just one type of tax .this way it will be easy to supervise the money collection aslo.pls conducy a cbi enquiry in kerala to find out that even 10 percent of the traders dont collect tax.those miserly few like us who do the service are butchered by the department and often questioned on the amounts pay the babus -the officials we are forced to avoid tax us and the govt is thier ordinary trader like me can survive in my business only if this system is abolished.only an able leader with a keen vision like you can help we forge ahead on globalization i reqest you to take the necessary steps on this behalf.pls dont treat my letter as a persnal reqest alone.i am sure that if you look into it you can see more black money will be wiped out and the deals will become completly on us sir to make ourself good tax paying citizens yours rajesh

Fri Jan 26 08:51:41 2001
Name:seetharam t k
Suggestions:dear sir,i have a humble suggestion.sales tax should be abolished.why should we traders be forced to collect tax when we are not paid anything for it.sir,i realize that our nation needs money to run efficiently.instead of collecting many many forms of tax why cant we collect just one type of tax .this way it will be easy to supervise the money collection aslo.pls conducy a cbi enquiry in kerala to find out that even 10 percent of the traders dont collect tax.those miserly few like us who do the service are butchered by the department and often questioned on the amounts pay the babus -the officials we are forced to avoid tax us and the govt is thier ordinary trader like me can survive in my business only if this system is abolished.only an able leader with a keen vision like you can help we forge ahead on globalization i reqest you to take the necessary steps on this behalf.pls dont treat my letter as a persnal reqest alone.i am sure that if you look into it you can see more black money will be wiped out and the deals will become completly on us sir to make ourself good tax paying citizens yours rajesh

Fri Jan 26 09:39:23 2001
Suggestions:Sir , Give ur more eco. freedom more lucritive offers , make it standard procedure to check tne I.Tax of all politicians EVERY YEAR

Fri Jan 26 09:43:34 2001
Suggestions:Dismantle the cluster of bereaucrats in metro cities as they stick to the metros for personal gains and not for the good of the vast majority of people who live in rural India. Please check officials of revenue departments like income tax customs central excise and IAS IPS clusters posted themselves in an organised manner in metros.How many of them contributing to the productivity of the departments? Down size the bureaucracy in metros and spread them in rural areas immediately. Is the suggestion so bad or is it not possible for antagonising the ruling bureaucracy?

Fri Jan 26 09:57:02 2001
Suggestions:my request is toincrease exise duty on Indian Made Foreign Liquors upto 300 %.

Fri Jan 26 10:35:24 2001
Name:Balajee Raghavan
Suggestions:Goverment should show in strong actions by getting out of the businesses were private sector can & doing well.Banks should be privatised & capital controls should be reduced in phased manner.RBI should be made fully autonomous & professionally managed similar to the US Federal reserve.

Fri Jan 26 10:36:15 2001
Name:Balajee Raghavan
Suggestions:Goverment should show in strong actions by getting out of the businesses were private sector can & doing well.Banks should be privatised & capital controls should be reduced in phased manner.RBI should be made fully autonomous & professionally managed similar to the US Federal reserve.

Fri Jan 26 12:17:46 2001
Name:rashmikant barot
Suggestions:sir can we not have the itax returns accepted as we have filled in rather than the ito's checking them as if business people are chors and they are dodh ke dhoyele

Fri Jan 26 12:24:32 2001
Suggestions:It's time to give more benefits to exporters but unfortunately Govt. is reducing the benefits.

Fri Jan 26 12:53:45 2001
Name:Dr. K.Arun
Suggestions:Sir, Please e-mail your speech at the World Ecnomic Forum at Davos. Thank you.

Fri Jan 26 13:15:27 2001
Name:manish somani
Suggestions:1)reduce dividend tax to 10% 2)redue surcharge from 10% to 5%.

Fri Jan 26 13:38:18 2001
Name:Kothari Medical & Research Institute
Suggestions:Respected Sir, Sub:Request for recommedation to the minister to Exempt/reduce excise duty on medical furniture tariff 9402.10 Our hospital is totally a charitable one. We are sure, there are many such hospitals in our country which workon thigter budget and have difficulty in running them efficiently on day to day basis. Hence, any additional burden by way of increase in taxation or otherwise on basic items like hospital beds and other medical furniture as bentioned about and items of use in emergency such as intensive care bed, emergency trolley,fowler's bed, sectional beds, etc. is burdensome to hospital. We shall appreciate your recommeding Hon"ble Minister of Health for considering total exemption from the payment of Central Excise Duty for such items as mentioned above. thanking you, Yours faithfully S.L. Rathi

Fri Jan 26 14:28:38 2001
Name:ravi lalpuria
Suggestions:dear mr sinha, please allocate more and more funds to education and infrastructure.if you dont do that you will loose the greatyest chance of doing this country a great favour and taking it to a glorious future. ravi lalpuria

Fri Jan 26 14:43:49 2001
Name:Puneet Dhamija
Suggestions:u r requested to penalise heavily the people who are currupt and wrong. BETTER IDEA WOULD BE TO AWARD THE HONEST ONES LET THE WORLD KNOW THAT IT PAYS TO BE HONEST AND RIGHT AND GOOD. ! REGARDS.

Fri Jan 26 14:45:18 2001
Name:Roland Alphonso
Suggestions:If the taxes we pay whether direct/Indirect were put to proper use (without going into anyone's pocket) then your job will be a very pleasant one

Fri Jan 26 15:41:08 2001
Suggestions: I like this

Fri Jan 26 16:15:55 2001
Suggestions:Please raise the income tax ceiling for tax calculations to atleast Rs.75000 .By doing this you are only encouraging the middle class tax payers to save more.Be always have a soft corner for poor farmers of this great country( without their hard work we cannot have food to eat.)instead of giving liberal concessions/benefits to the affulent sectors like Information Technology etc..

Fri Jan 26 16:44:27 2001
Suggestions:We have many political differences with China, but that is no excuse not to learn from them where they perform better. If we were wise, we would teach them what they want to know, and learn from them what we need to know that they know better. Why is China's infrastructure so superior to ours? The reason could be that the Chinese have a vision, while we have excuses, says P. V. Indiresan. FOR AN Indian, a visit to China ought to be a sobering experience. The frenetic pace of infrastructure development in Chinese cities is one reason. Another is the quality of infrastructure, which surpasses anything we have in India. There is often the complaint that Chinese statistics are suspect. To some extent, so are ours. However, there can be little doubt about several features of China. Exports worth over $200 billion a year is one of them. The quality and the extent of infrastructure development is another. Both roads and buildings are admirably clean. If we have a few flyovers here and there, they have viaducts that stretch for miles and miles. Some are built up to five levels. It is also a fact that all these have come up in the past ten years or so. General health and the physical well-being of the population also appears distinctly superior. So, the very low figure they give for infant mortality is probably correct. That the Chinese do well in Olympics is no exaggeration either. The cities are models in planning. Pudong, in Shanghai, has been planned as a garden city with skyscrapers interspersed among well-manicured gardens. With 200 skyscrapers, some of them among the tallest buildings anywhere in the world, Pudong's skyline is breathtaking. For that reason, it is free from the claustrophobic atmosphere of New York and other crowded city centres, including Mumbai. The population density is actually very low: 1.5 million people for 528 square kilometres -- around 30 persons per hectare. That is a fifth of Manhattan. The Indian Government's Vision 2020 envisages a density of 500 persons per hectare -- 16 times more crowded than Pudong. So, while we skimp on space, the Chinese build on a gracious scale. I was looking for potholes in their roads including small side streets. I could not find any. It appears the Chinese aspire for the finest in civic development; we have no such ambitions. It is reported that there is as much corruption in China as there is in India. However, there appear to be two fundamental differences. One, Chinese officials may be corrupt but they have to deliver. If they fail to deliver, they are liable to be hanged. That, of course, cannot happen in India. Two, petty corruption is probably much less. For instance, the going rate for the bribe that has to be paid for shifting a telephone from one street to the next is currently Rs 1,300 in Chennai. If China had similar corruption, it could not have expanded its telephone network ten times faster than us. The Chinese want to catch up with the best. We are not ashamed to be poor. New Delhi and Shanghai have approximately identical populations of about 13-14 million. Shanghai planned twelve years ago to become a showcase of the world. It held an international competition for the layout of the new expansion, including what the skyline should look like. After two years of deliberation, they froze the plan and got investors from all over the world to build according to that plan. In ten years, they have developed a business district, an industrial park and a transportation system that can vie with the very best, anywhere in the world. The economy is growing at 20 per cent a year. In comparison, the plans for Delhi are anaemic. Chennai is no different. TIDEL Park is its most recent and prestigious development. The Tamil Nadu government has squeezed as much building as possible into the available space. The building is so tightly packed that it stands every chance of becoming a slum in no time. The Chennai Metro is an eyesore. Its construction has been limping along for decades. Shanghai set up its Metro quickly. And it is beautiful. Where have we gone wrong? Why is China's infrastructure so superior to ours? Probably because the Chinese have a vision, and we have excuses. The feeling has taken root in the minds of Indian policy-makers that China is able to advance only because it is undemocratic. For the same reason, Indian policy-makers conclude that what China does is impractical in India. That is a convenient excuse but not necessarily a valid one. However dirty the road outside may be, our gurdwaras, churches and mosques (sadly not the temples) are spotlessly clean. So, democracy should not prevent our streets from being kept clean or free from potholes. Neither does democracy demand that our projects should overrun the budget, be delayed inordinately, and built shabbily. We have many political differences with China. That is no excuse not to learn from them where they perform better. One such area is construction technology, and another is project management. A third is the way they have induced foreign investors to finance their projects. India's top policy-makers have been visiting China in large numbers. The Chinese have not been too proud to ask their help where they feel we are doing better -- in the teaching of English and in IT, for instance. If we were wise, we would teach them what they want to know, and learn from them what we need to know and they know better. Let there be no illusion that the Chinese are perfect. They too suffer from lapses of quality. Some of the ball pens they gave us did not work. The sink in the brand new aircraft was choked. The battery cells they dump in the Indian market are of deplorable quality. Monumental buildings do not necessarily imply quality work inside. They too have beggars. Certainly, the Chinese have many faults. Those drawbacks are not our concern but their good points are very much so. Making such a distinction is an essential feature of good Vision.

Fri Jan 26 18:04:14 2001
Name:madhava e

Fri Jan 26 20:15:30 2001
Name:Dinyar N. Jalnawalla
Suggestions:Income of minor children is clubed together with father's income. We can have an education bond scheme where, amount from the minor's income can be invested in these bonds and that income becomes tax free.

Fri Jan 26 20:16:06 2001
Name:Dinyar N. Jalnawalla
Suggestions:Income of minor children is clubed together with father's income. We can have an education bond scheme where, amount from the minor's income can be invested in these bonds and that income becomes tax free.

Fri Jan 26 20:17:49 2001
Name:Dinyar N. Jalnawalla
Suggestions:Income of minor children is clubed together with father's income. We can have an education bond scheme where, amount from the minor's income can be invested in these bonds and that income becomes tax free.

Fri Jan 26 20:18:30 2001
Name:Dinyar N. Jalnawalla
Suggestions:Income of minor children is clubed together with father's income. We can have an education bond scheme where, amount from the minor's income can be invested in these bonds and that income becomes tax free.
