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Line The Rediff Indian of the year

The Nominations...

Wed Dec 20 00:03:24 2000
Name:Aravind Raj
Nomination:Atal bihari Vajpayee
Reason:Placed India in the list of Nuclear powers in the very first year, carved three new states without any bloodshed as promised by his party, exposed Pakistan's true colors with his historic Lahore trip and cease-fire initiative. Providing a clean administration and trying to take India into the 21st century by overcoming the obstacles being created by the senseless oppposition parties. Proved that his govt is the best govt India had since Independence.

Wed Dec 20 00:03:42 2000
Name:an Indian
Nomination:chndrababu naidu
Reason:IT development for india, which may lead to make india a service provider of the world (technically), and bring millions jobs to india.

Wed Dec 20 00:04:44 2000
Nomination:PV Narasimha Rao
Reason:By being the first former prime miniter to be convicted of wrong doings, he has in a sense proved that no one is above the law. Others in my choice: The infotech CEOs of india... They have really tried hard to project a new face of india. Rupin Katyal : for having so bravely died in the hands of hostages. Rajakumar : For being the first hostage to have stopped life in the south Vajpayee govenment : for forming all the new states in India. The femina Miss Indias : for proving to the world the beautiful women almost always hail from India.

Wed Dec 20 00:06:03 2000
Name:Ashish Mrig
Reason:The sleuths at much maligned premier investigative agency of India continue doing their work as unobtruisevily as possible. The agency which has been used by politicians, mocked by media and distrusted by world deserves praise for it's investigative work in exposing match fixers among other things.

Wed Dec 20 00:06:53 2000
Nomination:Amithabh Bachan
Reason:He has come back and proved that there is only one king for one nation.

Wed Dec 20 00:11:36 2000
Name:Binay Anand
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpeyee
Reason:Because of this man and his team, we (Indian) can travel whole world with our head high. We held our Economy tight during the worst era, Showed the world with out IT skills and above all.. we are one of the undisputed superpowers.

Wed Dec 20 00:25:07 2000
Nomination:Hrithik roshan
Reason:I think he should be rediff indian of the year because not just he has acting talent in him but he is also very down to earth. he is using his popularity to do good things for society like those milk campaign. so i think he should be rediff indian of the year.

Wed Dec 20 00:26:41 2000
Name:Jitendra Sinha
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:Inspite of the fact that all allies are pulling in different direction, he is doing a great job.

Wed Dec 20 00:37:21 2000
Nomination:Viswanathan Anand
Reason:should i explain this ., after we got one bronze in the olympics and and fixed matches .... its better to keep quiet

Wed Dec 20 00:40:30 2000
Nomination:The Indian Soldier
Reason:Because he is there,we are there!Let the real Indian win this time!

Wed Dec 20 00:42:12 2000
Name:R Jagannathan
Nomination:Chandra Babu Naidu
Reason:Visionary leader with modern outlook. A great leader to lead India forward. Absolute action oriented simple person who does not speak politics in power. India requires at least one Naidu in all states to move the country forward

Wed Dec 20 00:56:01 2000
Name:M. Ramesh Chandra
Nomination:A. R. Rahman
Reason:His music had such an impact that it has changed the way people think about choreography, photography, direction, etc. apart from music. In short, he has taken Indian Cinema to international /////standards.

Wed Dec 20 00:57:16 2000
Name:Sushil Markandeya
Nomination:Ms. Medha Patkar
Reason:In these times, when everybody is pretending that mass poverty is abolished in our country, she is one of few activist trying to focus our attention to our social, economic backwardness.

Wed Dec 20 00:58:16 2000

Wed Dec 20 01:02:41 2000
Nomination:Abdul Kalam
Reason:In the current Hindu-Muslim split-up situation, He made India proud. He came up from a lower class family to the high position with his sincere and hard work. I think he is the rolemodel for the Indian youths.

Wed Dec 20 01:11:26 2000
Nomination:Amitabh Bachchan
Reason:Simple, he is the MOST FASCINATING MAN INDIA HAS EVER PRODUCED! He beat death and when everyone thought his career was over he proved them wrong.

Wed Dec 20 01:14:06 2000
Nomination:karnam malleshwari
Reason:coz she was the only proud indian who brought the medal home.there was a very tough competition and in such case,every one is bound to lose confidence.but her effort and desire to get the medal for the country got the better of the was the time where weight lifting was losing its existence.and this event is a great encouragement to her juniors as it again got recognised. so i vote for karanam malleswari.

Wed Dec 20 01:31:09 2000
Nomination:A R Rahman
Reason:he is a person who showed the youth of india what one can do by sheer hardwork. Inspiring many young people..with his great music. what we are doing to him...nothing... he needs recognition. I feel the man of the year should be A R Rahman

Wed Dec 20 01:33:05 2000
Name:Pam Brockman
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:As founder of the Art of Living Foundation and the gift of Sudarshan Kriya, his grace has blessed many many many people all over the world with the tools to live their lives without stress, regardless of what life brings them. He has inspired many charitable organizations and projects which help people live together in harmony despite diversity, reduce suffering & poverty, improve hygiene & health, and provide homes for those in need. He is a man of peace and action, wisdom and service and inspires those all over the world to do the same; to be the best they can be and watch how they are achieving more that they ever thought possible.

Wed Dec 20 01:46:43 2000
Nomination:Atal Bihari vajpai
Reason:He's bold yet sensible, takes strong but cautious decisions, is capable of working smoothly under most restrictive conditions, has upheld the dignity and honour of India when nobody else was visible to do so, commands the love & respect of most people very naturally.

Wed Dec 20 01:53:14 2000
Name:Balaji Ramalingam
Reason:He gave a new dimension to indian music. Made the indians all over the world to hum the Vante mataram. Now started waving the Indian flag in the music world too.

Wed Dec 20 01:59:14 2000
Nomination:Atal bihari Vajpayee
Reason:For giving India the leadership it was lacking for a strong central govt after Narsimha Rao inspite of the coalation.

Wed Dec 20 02:12:44 2000
Name:Subramaniam Srinivasan
Nomination:Vishwanathan Anand
Reason:No one has done more to a sport in a country all by himself, than Anand. Not even Telndulkar. Sachin at least had the luxury of starring in a five-start sport with all the attendant privileges. But, Anand, participating in an obscure sport, has been so inspiring, that thousands of youngsters are showing a genuine passion for the game, and excelling in it too. Not just for his past acheivements, but this year has been nothing short of spectacular for Anand. He won the World Blitz, World Rapids, World Cup, and is one step from winning the World Championships. Through all this, he remains the most pleasant, charming and unassuming person. One just needs to listen to his contemporaries and peers talk about him and wish him well. Anand, it is. Anand, it will always be.

Wed Dec 20 02:30:21 2000
Name:S Nayak
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:For the first time India has a Leader and statesman in him who can stand up and say 'NO MORE' You can ignore India India not N-capable India is socialistic masked country with billions of loans More over One who has a dream.... dream for his coutry.... not for his son, daughter, brother, nephew, family and friends..... His country is ahead of his family.

Wed Dec 20 02:36:44 2000
Name:Nalinikanth Gollagunta
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:One of the few politicians who wishes well for the country and tries to help to the best of his abilities.

Wed Dec 20 02:37:55 2000
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:Best Leader India ever had.... beyond a politician.... a leader and a statesman.

Wed Dec 20 02:44:48 2000
Name:Yegna Balasubramanian
Nomination:karnam malleswari
Reason:Obvious to every proud indian.

Wed Dec 20 03:57:45 2000
Name:vikas agarwal
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:Amongst all the people who have been nominated I consider him to be engaged in the service of humanity in the most selfless manner. He is showing the world that India may be a developing country in terms of material senses but the most developed country in spritual senses. He has brought light in the lives of people in 110 countries and could well be the most known indian in the world. Even if he is not I consider him to be the most respectable indian alive in this world.

Wed Dec 20 04:09:38 2000
Name:Uday Bhaskar
Nomination:AB VAjpyee
Reason:Vajpayee has been doing good for the whole country. This reason is good enough

Wed Dec 20 04:11:10 2000
Nomination:Shri A B Vajpayee
Reason:Dynamic Prime Minister who drives India to Superpower

Wed Dec 20 04:13:38 2000
Nomination:Amitabh bachchan
Reason:he has brought the whole of India to standstill.

Wed Dec 20 04:46:56 2000
Name:Vivek Jha
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Sharkar
Reason:Its a pity that we need someone to tell us how to live .Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has shown us the right and effective path . He now had followers in more than 100 countries thru the Art of Living foundation and he is the true Indian of the Year

Wed Dec 20 04:48:44 2000
Name:K C Reddy
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:Because she is the only one who got us an Olympic medal in 2000 by which she not only saved the country from humiliation but also raised the morale of the upcoming sports people in India(which, right now we need the most in INDIAN sports arena.)

Wed Dec 20 05:01:49 2000
Nomination:N.R. Narayana Murthy
Reason:Mr N.R. Narayana Murthy is the chairman and CEO of Infosys Technologies Limited. I can not think of anyone but this humble man for the award. His vison and philosophies for India's future makes him an extraordinary entrepreneur. He is truly a role model for all Indians.

Wed Dec 20 05:02:55 2000
Name:Vinay BHutani
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vaajpayee
Reason:Atal is 'atal' on his promises to build Temple

Wed Dec 20 05:37:32 2000
Name:Suresh Mallina
Nomination:Karanam Maleswari
Reason:She the women who bought a medal which everyone should be proud off

Wed Dec 20 05:38:02 2000
Name:Vijayanand Maram
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:She has made India proud in the international sports.

Wed Dec 20 05:39:08 2000
Reason:Made the country proud by wining a medal and also saved India from the humilation of coming empty handed from Sydeny.

Wed Dec 20 06:08:53 2000
Name:Sandeep Bhayana
Nomination:Sh. A.B. Vajpyee
Reason:An excellent and Prime Minister India could have in current political situation.

Wed Dec 20 06:11:17 2000
Nomination:Chandrababu Naidu
Reason:A man with a vision.He cares for the future of the A.P people for giving them what they are dreaming of, A knowledge society.He stood for the poor ,cares for the middle class,uses the upper class and takes advantage of his power by making the elite group work for his vision.

Wed Dec 20 06:24:01 2000
Name:V. S. Hegde
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:With corrupt politicians and officials all around, he is managing the country somehow. He still stands above all. Hope the god will further strengthen his knees in new year which shows symptoms of weakness time and again.

Wed Dec 20 07:17:34 2000
Nomination:The Armed Forces of India
Reason:who else???

Have you sent in your nomination yet?
