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Line The Rediff Indian of the year

The Nominations...

Thu Dec 14 04:01:24 2000
Name:Sanish Mondkar
Nomination:Sachin Tendulkar
Reason:For being the true hero of indian sports.

Thu Dec 14 04:08:28 2000
Nomination:Jyoti Basu
Reason:The best Prime Minister India never had! Every other Indian politician pales in comparison. According to the World Bank West Bengal today leads India in the rate at which poverty is declining there.

Thu Dec 14 04:21:52 2000
Name:Indraneel Ghosh
Nomination:Mr. Atal bihari Vajpayee
Reason: Mr. Vajpayee is the only Indian leader who has the courage, the vision and the strength (even at this age of 70+) to take the nation to a glorious future.

Thu Dec 14 04:24:05 2000
Name:Himanshu Chawla
Nomination:Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee
Reason:We need a person like our PM to raise pertinent issues and take them to their LOGICAL CONCLUSION. We have suffered at the hands of people who evoked passions but led them nowhere .. Bofors .. Communalism .. Nationalization .. The man of the moment has shown that his dhoti encloses more metal than anyone we have seen, despite a recuperating knee. Under his continued leadership we will see an end to issues that have sapped our collective national energies .. Whether it is Kashmir , Ayodhya, Militancy in the North East.. more mundane issues like Bandwidth on the net . he's our one last hope !

Thu Dec 14 04:27:51 2000
Name:Ashish Varan
Nomination:Sachin Tendulkar
Reason:Should I give one ?

Thu Dec 14 04:32:01 2000
Nomination:Sonia Gandhi
Reason:Brave and fearless to face all the pseudo-nationalists. She is still defending our founding-fathers and their constitution

Thu Dec 14 04:40:22 2000
Reason:1.He is a good player. 2.He is doing teriffic job for AP . 3.His leadership is transparent to evrybody. 4.His future plans are extordinary. 5.If he thinks to do ,he can do by hook are cook. --ramarao badam.

Thu Dec 14 04:58:48 2000
Name:Anandam Mamidipudi
Nomination:The Indian Army
Reason:Isn't it obvious why?

Thu Dec 14 05:01:40 2000
Name:Subrahmanyam Nujella
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari.
Reason:It is hightime we recognize her efforts in fetching the only medal for our country in the Sydney olympics. She deserves it more than anybody else.

Thu Dec 14 05:17:19 2000
Name:Ashwini Karandikar
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:The Olympic bronze...inspite of no support from the official infrastructure she stuck to her dreams and won the medal.....

Thu Dec 14 05:21:39 2000
Name:sumitra unia
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:His contribution to people of all religions, economic classes and ages. His work crosses national, international, cultural, linguigstic and religious boundaries. The hope and compassion he helps people develop is of immense value to those who learn from his teachings. We are healthier, happier and more caring individuals as a result.

Thu Dec 14 05:26:57 2000
Nomination:Abdul kalam
Reason:Best Indian talent who is never went to abroad for education. Pure Indian scientist and brain behind so many Indian researches.

Thu Dec 14 05:31:21 2000
Nomination:Prem Panicker
Reason:For his relentless coverage on the Indian Cricket scene, against all odds and in particular BCCI.

Thu Dec 14 05:33:30 2000
Nomination:Indian Soldiers & Vajpayee
Reason:Though I have lots of people in mind but Indian Soldiers are the most important for our nation and parallely the leader is the most important. So Vajpayee has done a great job and all prayers for him to do better.

Thu Dec 14 05:39:09 2000
Reason:1) Indian Soldiers 2) Vajpayee 3) Varsha Bhosle (I'm her fan) 4) Advani 5) Malleshwari 6) Engineers etc etc

Thu Dec 14 05:40:25 2000
Name:Rajat Bahl
Nomination:All those men and women of our security forces who have died or have been wounded fighting counter insurgency.
Reason:These people deserve to be called the Indian of the year as they laid down their life to make OUR life better.... Jai Hind......!!!!!!

Thu Dec 14 05:41:37 2000
Nomination:AB Vajpayeeji
Reason:For the first time in our history, we have a good PM with honesty and genuine national interest. He has really put India back in the world map.

Thu Dec 14 05:48:30 2000
Name:Arun Koul
Nomination:Indian Soldiers
Reason:Inspite of its indifferent population and shameless politicians, India is preserved by the Indian soldiers' sacrifices.

Thu Dec 14 05:53:50 2000
Name:sumitra unia
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:For developing the Art of Living Movement to help people all over the world. His work transcends national,international cultural and linguistic bounda- ries. I and many others I know have benefitedimmensely from Sudarshan Kriya, a breathing process developed by this remarkable individual. His spi- rituality and knowledge are timeless and very unique

Thu Dec 14 06:05:11 2000
Name:G Satish
Nomination:The Supreme Court Justices
Reason:The last resort of the common man - from the days they acquited an accused in the Indira Gandhi assassination case to barring the release of prisoners for Rajkumar - they are the last resort for the common man. Yes, even with the delays in the Justice system, when the Justice does come, it shines in the darkness. Way to Go!

Thu Dec 14 06:19:00 2000
Name:Srinivas Bondada
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:One and only medal lifted in the Olympics to see India in the medal list. Encouraging and priasing her may be a lesson to other sport persons. Where India is lacking in this area for several years.

Thu Dec 14 06:19:54 2000
Name:Niranjan Thakur
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:The best PM India has got . Using his skills and political knowledge he has been running the coalition goverment .

Thu Dec 14 06:21:03 2000
Name:Ashutosh Gupta
Nomination:Sanjay Dutt & Hritik Roshan
Reason:Beautifull and sensible portrayal of the situation and sentiments of Kashmir in Mission Kashmir

Thu Dec 14 06:22:27 2000
Name:Paayal Tejas
Nomination:K. Malleshwari
Reason:She has achieved something extraordinary.

Thu Dec 14 06:31:26 2000
Nomination:Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:After becoming prime minister at a late age where people normally retire, he is guiding India better than earlier all prime ministers, may be except Nehru. We must appreciate his enthusiasm and selfless service to the nation, especially with NDA where we have leaders who raise hue and cry unnecessarily to get publicity.

Thu Dec 14 06:47:05 2000
Nomination:Atal B Vajpayee
Reason:Though between strong un-cultured politicians trying to take political gains, I found ABV doing his part religiously, May god help him to continue... Cheers

Thu Dec 14 06:49:35 2000
Nomination:AB Vajpayee
Reason:Successful visit to US

Thu Dec 14 06:53:58 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Individuals play an important role in the formation of peaceful society in the world and it is here Sri Sri Ravi Shanker's teachings and Art of Living courses in India and 106 countries are helping people to live a peaceful and stress free life. You can also visit Art of Living Foundation web site on further info if you wish

Thu Dec 14 07:02:05 2000
Nomination:AB Vajpayee
Reason:Guiding India in times of political turbulence, for acting like a statesman in solving kashmir problem, Firm response to pakistan during kargil war, adept handling of economy . The fact that he did all these without majority makes him THE BEST.

Thu Dec 14 08:03:35 2000
Nomination:Indian Army
Reason:Thanks to Indian Army ,we can breathe in Free country ,busy in our lives ,pursuing our goals ...these are the people behind our success.... Salute to Indian Army...Jai Hind

Thu Dec 14 08:18:20 2000
Nomination:abdul kalam.(the missile man)
Reason:he is not my man of the year, but for life. there are lot of things one should learn from him. his achievements has far exceeded his position. one should learn from him the dedication and the patriotism for india. i am a man who dream of india as a strong power. no one in this world should see my country as just another third world country. and india should not bow to any nation which considers themselves to be superiors.i wonder what is that we are lacking to progress in the same manner as that of western nations.most of the indian students out smart the native students in foreign institutions ,this is a hard core fact.considering this thing in mind every indian should question himself of why we cant turn our country to a land of paradise full of richness and glory.we can do it,provided if u wipe out the word impossible from ur dictionary and work with commitment.we have the bad human tendency of blaming the indian burocracy or the corrupt politicians.we are the one who bought them to this position.and changes cant be made over night but one thing i can assure is that no hard work goes fruit aim high and proceed. we can make it. i admire abdhul kalaam for his great contribution to our nation and his striving dream to see india as a respected powerful nation.

Thu Dec 14 08:18:48 2000
Nomination:aamir khan
Reason:the only true actor in bollywood.

Thu Dec 14 08:26:04 2000
Nomination:Supreme Court
Reason:For giving historical decisions on formal Prime Minister Rao, slamming state governments on Veerappan’s case, giving go ahead to Narmada Dam and providing water to needy, moving pollted industries out of capital city Delhi and many many such decisions in this year.

Thu Dec 14 08:26:10 2000
Name:Irfan Patel
Nomination:Abdul Kareem
Reason:For taking on the might of Veerappan

Thu Dec 14 08:26:52 2000
Name:Paul Raj
Nomination:Kapil Dev
Reason:In the midst of conspiracy, corruption he is still an honest man.

Thu Dec 14 08:35:39 2000
Name:Vivek Nurani Viswanathan
Nomination:A B Vajpayee
Reason:Undoubtedly THE Rediff Indian of the year. Even seen anyone like him before?

Thu Dec 14 08:55:03 2000
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:She was one of the very few Indians who brought glory to the country this year.

Thu Dec 14 09:02:22 2000
Nomination:Prime Minister Mr. A.B.Vajpayee
Reason:He had bought India as a strong country and made the world know about India. He formed a stable government even though the opposition and allies are creating problems.

Thu Dec 14 09:20:06 2000
Name:Mitesh Sharma
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Only Person in this Decade who has shown the right way of living life & shown us what is actual god means. What we are doing here. what is aim of life? He is just undescriable.

Thu Dec 14 09:21:32 2000
Nomination:Sachin Tendulkar
Reason:Because of his match winning performances everytime except in few cases where he did not play well. thatis why he is the indian of the year.

Thu Dec 14 09:22:32 2000
Name:Vivek Kurundkar
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:For making efforts in improving the relations with USA.He is the Best Prime Minister India ever had. He is so kind and gentle that everyone even from minorities feel that he belongs to them. With him as PM India is going to become the super power of the new Milenium. Above r few reasons.I can list 100's of reasons. Please give him the honour to become the Indian Of Millenium please don't consider Gandhi's and Nehru's as media always considered them. Once again I request u to elect Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee as "The Indian Of The Year" Regards vivek

Thu Dec 14 09:23:28 2000
Name:Manav Bahl
Nomination:PM Atal bihari Vajpayee
Reason:He is the best person India can have under the given conditions. He has really enhanced India's position at the International Arena, and now India is viewed as one of the strongest countries in South Asia. Trade, investment have dramatically increased, and his leadeship is considered as a main block for the success of Indian diplomacy this year. And i am very sure and positive that he will continue to be the strong pillar for India's harmony and success.

Thu Dec 14 09:37:47 2000
Name:diwakar sharma
Reason:i dont think that one has to tell any reson as to why mr. vajpayee is the rediff india of the year, go beyond your own vested interests and try to see what is in favour of the nation as a whole, and you would find the answer of your query,

Thu Dec 14 09:47:06 2000
Nomination:Atal bihari Vajpaee
Reason:He is the only hope left in the present corrupt political scenario.

Thu Dec 14 09:50:18 2000
Nomination:ABDUL KALAM

Thu Dec 14 09:52:00 2000
Nomination:Narayan Murthy
Reason:for creating a new breed of Honest businessman, for believing that his assets walk out his premises every evening(employees), for being a socialistic capitalist, for creating the long forgotten breed of a true hero and for being a virutal mentor to very middle class Indian. Narayan Murthy, I salute you.

Thu Dec 14 09:52:33 2000
Name:Nikhil Moro
Nomination:Maneka Gandhi
Reason:I nomimate Maneka for her relentless crusade to open society's eyes to India's barbaric treatment of its animals. If "a nation is judged by a way it treats its animals" (Gandhiji), Maneka has proved how ill-treating animals is bound to economic, social and moral degradation. Maneka's crusade is otherwise thankless - animals don't vote!

Thu Dec 14 09:58:27 2000
Nomination:Indian soldiers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reason:I salute them for the brave job they do day in and day out bearing the weather and the unhostile conditions they need to operate in.Lets help them in making India all the more stronger. Thanks, Ravi.

Thu Dec 14 10:00:01 2000
Nomination:Atal bihari Vajpayee
Reason:He is the Prime Minister. I cant let him down and so does he.

Thu Dec 14 10:02:38 2000
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:A country of 1 billion found its name on the Olympic medal tally just because of her.

Thu Dec 14 10:23:18 2000
Name:Nitin Bhopale
Reason:I think nobody has performed best at their level. Whether its politician or person from any other field. But Malleshwari despite of all hurdles got a medal in sydney olympics in athelitics. I am proud of that.

Thu Dec 14 10:24:32 2000
Name:Satish Rao
Nomination:Dr. Abdul Kalam
Reason:For dreaming for India and putting those dreams in many a young Indians who will make this country great. He is a great scientist and has made India really proud.
