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Line The Rediff Indian of the year

The Nominations...

Mon Dec 11 00:07:24 2000
Name:Supriya Rai
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:In a world falling prey to baser instincts, he has started a movement that combines individual growth with community service, known as the Art of Living Foundation. The technique of sudarshan kriya has powerfully impacted the lives of thousands of people spread across at least 113 countries.

Mon Dec 11 00:19:43 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:The teaching and spreading of love he does

Mon Dec 11 01:01:01 2000
Name:James Paul
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:For making a lasting transformation for Millions thrugh the art of living workshops

Mon Dec 11 01:09:20 2000
Name:Sue Hindle
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:The extraordinary good work that he is doing to alleviate suffering physical, psychological and spiritual across India and the world.

Mon Dec 11 02:17:57 2000
Name:Rainer Lang
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:exceptional approach to human values and integration of spiritual and 'material' life

Mon Dec 11 07:22:39 2000
Name:Lisa Kempster
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He has made a great difference in my life through his teaching and wisdom. He also has made a great difference in many other lives within and outside India. He is instrumental in much good community work within India also.

Mon Dec 11 08:00:12 2000
Name:Niranjan Chakravarthy
Nomination:Indian IT industry
Reason:It is this year that any industry in India has boomed. Though I personally feel that IT does not have a long and stable future, it sure has dazzled this year and left many aspirants starry eyed. Is the IT industry does not fit the role of Indian of the year , it should belong to Azim Premji, or the Infosys Chairman. Thank you.

Mon Dec 11 08:00:37 2000
Name:Madhava Muvvala
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:Sri Sri have made leaps and bounds teaching love and compassion on the humanitarian grounds to the entire world with out any expectations. Being an Indian He have been accepted as the divine by as many as more than 100 coutries, don't ever body think it is grace to our great nation. I am very pleased to nominate him as the true Indian accepted by the world. Madhav Muvvala New jersey, USA

Mon Dec 11 08:42:08 2000
Reason:For His Nonreligious spiritual movement

Mon Dec 11 08:47:51 2000
Name:Abhishek Agarwal
Nomination:Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:Mr Vajpayee I think he is the most deserving Prime Minister of our country.He has shown on multiple occasions his leadership capabilities and ability to fight against world. He showed concern to the general public rather than to classes.Developed positive relations throughout the world the astonishing personality and great enthusiasm is definitely the right contender for the man of the year.

Mon Dec 11 09:08:20 2000

Mon Dec 11 09:09:52 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:The man teaches to practice eternal love and the art of leading a better life.

Mon Dec 11 09:11:05 2000
Name:Smita Bhosale
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He has devoted his life to bringing about an awareness among people round the globe about the potential of the self.

Mon Dec 11 09:18:50 2000
Name:Debra Villasenor
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:In 1982, Sri Sri presented the world with the Sudarshan Kriya technique and started the Art of Living Foundation, which teaches his programs worldwide. To date, his Art of Living program, featuring the Sudarshan Kriya, has been taught to more than a million people in more than 100 countries, and is now widely used for conflict resolution, anger management, and personal development. His organizations work with the United Nations and the World Health Organization and foster health on every level: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is India's national treasure. He continues to inspire and guide numerous educational, charitable, and humanitarian organizations around the globe. His programs are innovative, ethical, and effective, and they cut across all religious, racial, and class barriers. He is a tireless crusader for human values and a proponent of Indian spirituality, ancient heritage, and Indian pride. With the guidance of this world-class humanitarian, educator, and spiritual leader, all of India's "weak knees" could be cured!

Mon Dec 11 09:28:30 2000

Mon Dec 11 09:30:51 2000
Name:meghna patel
Reason:the reason for my nomination is that SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR has created a general awareness among the people of not just india but also the entire world of enjoying each moment of life.He has founded an institution called'THE VYAKTI VIKAS KENDRA which is recogonised in over 80 countries.This institution holds courses called 'THE ART OF LIVING'which teaches simple breathing techniques that can eliminate stress,anxiety and any such physical or mental teaches how to enjoy every moment of has been getting a positive response worldwide.In fact,He even represented india in the Millenium World Peace Summit that was recently held.Such is the great guru(as he is commonly known)whose motto is to enjoy life to the fullest.

Mon Dec 11 09:31:10 2000
Name:Gayatri Haas
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:For making the world a better place to live....

Mon Dec 11 09:32:50 2000
Name:Anil S.
Reason:There cant be any argument given about OSHO. He is just himself.

Mon Dec 11 09:39:01 2000
Name:Anil Brahmaniya
Nomination:Sachin Tendulkar
Reason:Done so much for the Indian cricketing scenario, zeal and enthusiasm that he bring to the game in uncompareable, starting so young and proving that he is up there with the bests, and lastly not least his performances had received applause from the best in cricketing world.

Mon Dec 11 09:45:45 2000
Reason:Brought peace and happiness into the lives of thousands and spreading the message of religious harmony.

Mon Dec 11 09:49:52 2000
Name:Aravind Kalaiah
Nomination:Medha Patkar
Reason:Environmental Awareness

Mon Dec 11 10:01:30 2000
Name:Jayasree Harikumar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is a enlightened person with a great vision of the world with all peace loving people helping each other to suceed and lead a health and full life.

Mon Dec 11 10:06:38 2000
Name:Haresh Hinduja
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:For bringing love and happiness to millions of Indians in India and abroad.

Mon Dec 11 10:15:15 2000
Name:Cole Redmon
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He's inspired millions over the world to live in harmony and understanding of one another, to see as brothers and sisters, to find the common values of all religions and belief systems rather that to dwell on differences. A truly divinely directed being worthy of the awareness of all.

Mon Dec 11 10:48:07 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He is the only one who can take the responsibilities of the whole world

Mon Dec 11 11:32:13 2000
Name:sangeeta ratna
Nomination:sri sri ravishankar
Reason:the greatest humanitarian bringing smiles on the faces and human values to the hearts of millions across the world through his art of living courses and service projects. the face of this single indian can not only lift the confidence of us indians but all human beings irrespective of their nationality caste,religion,sex etc.etc.

Mon Dec 11 11:45:26 2000
Name:Rahul Jain
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:For bringing lasting smiles and effecting trasformations in millions in India and abroad.

Mon Dec 11 11:56:34 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:because He is Love personified, manifestation of Love taught me to accept people as they are and also that Life is just a game and it is to be played.

Mon Dec 11 11:56:59 2000
Name:Ravi Shankar
Nomination:Mr Chandra Babu Naidu
Reason:For his innovative thoughts

Mon Dec 11 12:02:55 2000
Name:rebecca kwong
Reason:He gives spiritual pleasure to all people regardless of religion, race etc over the world.

Mon Dec 11 12:28:39 2000
Nomination:Mr.Atalbihari Vaipyee
Reason:Announcing ceasefire in J&K thus paving the way for peace. This is very bold step taken by any others than vaipyee

Mon Dec 11 12:33:44 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is a ocean of love and compassion and his teachings have brought love peace and joy to millions of people all over the world.the Art Of Living basic course has transformed lives of people across all castes,creeds religions and sex

Mon Dec 11 12:35:31 2000
Name:Gregor Spindler
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He brings light in our lives.

Mon Dec 11 12:40:47 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Everyone can work for materialistic development; but only he can work for a spiritual development which will eventually lead to the divinisation of the entire of mankind.

Mon Dec 11 12:44:35 2000
Name:Zeljka Zganec
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Because he works 25 hours a day to make people see they are nothing but love personified, to wake them up to see what they really are...

Mon Dec 11 12:47:24 2000
Name:Dr. John F. Holliday
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Through his own compassion, effort and determination, he has touched the lives of millions of people around the world.

Mon Dec 11 12:51:06 2000
Name:kallol chatterjee
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:I believe he is directing humanity towards its natural evolutionary goal. In the process , he is also contributing to social upliftment in a major way. Superficial religious barriers are being slowly but steadily overcome thanks to his efforts. In short , he is pulling up global human consciousness a few steps closer to its universal source/destination , without underplaying the prevailing social and ethical norms - a much needed transformation , with the minimum disturbance and dogma. -Aum Tat Sat.

Mon Dec 11 12:59:56 2000
Name:Sujo John
Nomination:Medha Patkar
Reason:Though the courts have ruled against her she still continues the fight. The true Indian spirit of old.

Mon Dec 11 13:06:56 2000
Name:Nilay Kant Mishra
Nomination:Karnam Malleswari
Reason:She brought us the only cheer of the year 2000 and gave us the hope that eveything is not yet over for Indian Sports

Mon Dec 11 13:09:33 2000
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:He is leading the nation in a positive manner

Mon Dec 11 13:12:25 2000
Name:Sharat Mittal
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:He has changed the life of millions for betterment through his teachings and many more are joining everyday and the day is not far off when every human being will seek his blessings.

Mon Dec 11 13:17:31 2000
Name:venugopal k poojary
Nomination:sri sri ravi shankar
Reason:he is the founder of art of living foundation.this foundation is involved in social work all over the world. innumerable people have benefitted by involving themselves and participating with art of living foundation.

Mon Dec 11 13:31:52 2000
Name:Saleel D Pulekar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Through his spiritual teachings and numerous social projects, he has enabled millions, not only in India but also abroad, LIVE better. Through his organisations, The Art Of Livng Foundation and The International Association of Human Values he is working towards making life a celebration on this planet.

Mon Dec 11 13:32:13 2000
Name:Venkateshan Prashant
Nomination:Hrithik Roshan
Reason:I think Hrithik is the Indian of the Year because he is such a good actor and nothing less than a pheomenon today. With just one film, he has done what nobody else could ever achieve in the history of Indian cinema. He also has a good head on his shoulders and he has done a lot for the Indian society by being a part of the campaign to promote the consumption of mother's milk. He also took part in the cricket match to raise funds for the Orissa cyclone victims. Truly, 2000 has definitely been Hrithik's year.

Mon Dec 11 13:34:45 2000
Name:C L Divakaran
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:Promoter of Human Values(indiscriminative and nonjudjemental love)

Mon Dec 11 13:36:12 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:Experience the Divine Love...!!!!

Mon Dec 11 13:45:33 2000
Name:vandana kansakar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Founder of Art of Living Foundation & our guruji

Mon Dec 11 13:49:43 2000
Name:Solongo Tsogtbaatar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is my beloved Guruji.He has changed the lives of countless people in every corner of the world.I am happy and full of joy to have done the basic course and the DSN course of the Art of Living Foundation,founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.In such a short period of time,the knowledge of Guruji has spread all over the world like wildfire. Thank's to Guruji and all the AOL teachers and the devotees.I am now on my way,and I have a reason to smile now. Jai Guru Dev, Solongo Tsogtbaatar Mongolia

Mon Dec 11 13:52:22 2000
Name:Steve Zoio
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:His Art of Living course has transformed the lives of millions of people around the world

Mon Dec 11 13:55:51 2000
Name:Maher Master
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Cause Guruji as we all lovingly call him has transformed the lives of millions on this planet including mine.

Mon Dec 11 13:58:49 2000
Name:Prabhat Sinha
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He is one human being responsible for making the humanity realise through real experience how limited we can get in our thinking, living and aspirations without following a few inherent disciplines that nature has endowed us with.

Mon Dec 11 14:03:27 2000
Name:Dijana Marcius
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:This person is one of the greatest when we talk about humanes values and humans rights.

Mon Dec 11 14:30:33 2000
Name:Gaurav Sood
Nomination:Atal Behari Vajpayee
Reason:Great leader with a clear vision and good temperament.

Mon Dec 11 14:38:36 2000
Name:A. Khatri
Nomination:Chandrababu Naidu
Reason: Done wonders in his state, kept away from the rat race at the centre and helped prevent yet another re-election.

Mon Dec 11 14:40:00 2000
Name:madhulika agarwal
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is the enlightened person who helps everyone to smile

Mon Dec 11 14:53:37 2000
Name:John J. Zanath
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Sri Sri is a rare, authentic Enlightened Vedic sage doing the most for India via Art of Living Foundation teaching and charitable activities in India and worldwide, 5-H program and other related improvement programs in India, spiritual rejuvenation of Indian youth, dramatically effective representative for Indian stature and dignity worldwide. Wildely popular in and out of India for joyous, level-headed approach to the essence of practical spirituality. Recently delivered UN speech on the importance of balance of inner spiritual seeking and social service. Destined to become a lasting historical figure in the Sanatana Dharma Tradition of India's unique leadership position in the world of spiritual thought and action and realization, for centuries to come; promulgator of scientifically validated meditation and breath-based neurophysiological technologies at the rational basis of spiritual transforma- tion; extensive spiritual and moral/psychological rehabilitat- ion of India's prisoners alone qualifies him for this honor.

Mon Dec 11 15:03:07 2000
Name:Shyam S.Sardana
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Because Sri Sri Ravi Shanker is a spiritual teacher, humanitarian, international speaker, vedic scholar, pundit & renowned expert on the science of breath.

Mon Dec 11 15:04:44 2000
Name:Devendra Singh
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:First ever statesman that India got after Sardar Patel.
