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Line The Rediff Indian of the year

The Nominations...

Thu Dec 7 00:02:54 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:simply put - aside from teaching the world at large to breathe right the man is responsible for capturing the imagination of india's intelligent and bored youth to do something about the state of affairs - be it trough the youth training camps which trains kids to adopt and help rural communities, be it drinking water sanitation or education. To Sri Sri for adding another dimension to the spiritual hoopla that the masses and classes thrive on - PRAGMATISM and Common sense! for focussing people energy into constructive solutions for the society. From 'Go Figure' one can now safely say 'Go Breathe! regards sonal.

Thu Dec 7 00:03:22 2000
Name:Jeff Houck
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:His untiring commitment and actions towards serving others. From rural village programs, prisoner programs, business courses, youth programs, his entire focus is on bringing joy back into everyones life.

Thu Dec 7 00:15:39 2000
Name:R Rajaraman
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He makes one aware of one's potential to deal with stress naturally and efforlessly and delivers ancient wisdom in simple and easy-to-follow manner with love and humour.

Thu Dec 7 00:19:07 2000
Name:y kalyan chakrabarti
Nomination:ab vajpayee
Reason:improved relations with usa....good handling of pakinstan issue, recent kashmir cease fire, decentl handling of political scenario, stern handling of petroleum price issue

Thu Dec 7 00:42:32 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Very Loving and Kind Gentleman

Thu Dec 7 01:05:50 2000
Name:Raghavendra Vatsa
Nomination:Hrirthik Roshan
Reason:Every Possible Reason In this World.

> Thu Dec 7 01:20:37 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is the Divine reincarination and has transformed millions of lives. He has devoted His entire life for the sake of humanity. He will be the most profound being of our time.

Thu Dec 7 01:27:05 2000
Name:Jerre Stetson
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is a walking embodiment of love and wisdom. He is playful and humble, kind and gentle. His words are precious pearls of wisdom. He cares for all with love and compassion.

Thu Dec 7 01:47:15 2000
Name:Meenakshi Ramamoorthi
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi shankar ( art of living - founder)
Reason:To put it mildly he has transformed the lives of millions of people in India and across the world. He has even transformed terrorists like no othe person can. His humanitarian projects, 5H being among them (you can see is a huge and astonishingly successful effort to transform India's poor villages from the grass roots. His visit to the UN earlier this year at the UN Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious & Spiritual Leaders was just a tiny token of his greatness, where he was the only presenter to receive a standing ovation.

Thu Dec 7 01:50:19 2000
Name:Meenakshi Srinivasan
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He has redefined the lives of so many people not only in India, but around the world with his Art of Living course. Further his programs such as the 5H program with youth leaders has transformed not only many indian youth but also communities where they serve. I vote for the positive!

Thu Dec 7 01:51:47 2000
Name:Michael Weitz
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar through his extensive travels all over the world has brought needed spiritual upliftment as well as practical service oriented programs to countless thousands of people. Seva projects include the 5 H programs, prison smart, dollar a day program as well as a network of courses to raise ones self awareness as well as ones connectedness to each other and to God.

Thu Dec 7 02:00:01 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:Sri Sri's Art of Living courses involving Breathing techniques and meditation have transformed the terrosists of some of the out fits of kashmir and the ranvir sena of Bihar.His technic called "Sudharshan kriya" is being under intense research for many medical comitions like Multiple sclerosis and depression etc.

Thu Dec 7 02:03:01 2000
Name:Vilas Viswanathan
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He has shown us the way that was always within us. He has given us love, hope, feeling, health and heart and joy to everyone. JAI GURUDEV!

Thu Dec 7 02:03:39 2000
Name:Ashley E. Maynard
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He carries the light for all the world to see! His open-heartedness and care have changed my life and the lives of millions around the world.

Thu Dec 7 02:05:22 2000
Name:Cathrine Larssen
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is the closest we come God on earth in this time. No man alone can do the work he does on this planet to aliven the human values on earth and bring back happiness, life, health and peace to every human being! Please see

Thu Dec 7 02:13:07 2000
Name:Asha Mulchan
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker is teaching the world that the power of love conquers all. Love sees no boundaries, no limitations, no difference in color, race, creed or social status. Love sees and recognizes itself in each human heart, and thus unites the world under the fatherhood of one Divine Consciousness and the brotherhood of love. Through the work being promoted and propagated by Sri Sri Ravi Shanker the world WILL be united as one! Thank you for considering my nomination.

Thu Dec 7 02:18:14 2000
Name:R. Radhakrishnan
Nomination:Indian Taxpayer
Reason:The choice is based on the fact that the Indian Taxpayer pays his/her tax unfailingly because he has a conscience and an element of honesty. This is lacking elsewhere in the country.

Thu Dec 7 02:34:53 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:By changing how youth think of themselves and the country, He has brought a ray of light. The more his breathing and meditationprograms are known the more the country will benefit.

Thu Dec 7 02:41:16 2000
Name:Andy Sudol
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:His unceasing effort to improve humanity through his teachings and the Art of Living Foundation that he founded and heads.

Thu Dec 7 02:43:04 2000
Name:Richard Dunville
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:His teachings have enveloped the world with peace and joy. His service has helped others find their future. His actions are the true ebodiment of love.

Thu Dec 7 02:58:29 2000
Name:Pamela Donato
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He teaches the highest knowledge and offers the Sudarshan Kriya, which eliminates toxins in both mind and body.

Thu Dec 7 02:58:38 2000
Name:Shan Chaudhuri
Nomination:Jaswant Singh, Foreign Minister of India
Reason:Did a good work, got MEA out of the rut in shoddy decision making and "shooting in the leg" syndrome. Good tilt towards the Big Apple, at the same time Panja visits Iraq, Jaswant visited Saudi Arabia. Good Stuff. He is a better MEA than even Vajpayee.

Thu Dec 7 03:41:34 2000
Name:Savitha Naik
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He's enforced the redeeming qualities of Indian culture within India as well as spreading them throughout the world. He's helped individuals all over the world realize their infinity.

Thu Dec 7 03:41:38 2000
Name:Sridhar Rao Putty
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He gives true knowledge to people and shows them the right path.

Thu Dec 7 03:43:34 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:This man has shown me so much beauty in the world and has changed my life completely. I'm so blessed to have met him!!! Check out

Thu Dec 7 03:46:43 2000
Name:David Longnecker
Nomination:Ravi Shanker
Reason:His teachings are transforming the world. He has transfomed my life and those of my friends. Jai Guru Dev David

Thu Dec 7 03:46:48 2000
Name:Manoj Majhi
Nomination:Kalanithi Maran, Sun TV
Reason:He's young and dynamic at mind.

Thu Dec 7 03:50:59 2000
Name:Bhavini Vyas
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He has helped so many people in so many ways, for so many years. He is such a fascinating person who puts a smile on everyone's faces, by showing them to love. He has also been there for me whenever i needed him, in spirit.

Thu Dec 7 04:14:22 2000
Name:Mark Emerson
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:This is the greatest saint living on the planet. He is Krishna, Buddha, Adi Shankar and Christ Jesus all in One. It is time the the world wake up to his Presence here.

Thu Dec 7 04:28:01 2000
Name:Heidi Parker
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He has help many to fill their lives with true joy & peace of mind. He is the fouder of an amazing organization as well, which has provided many community service projects and still will.

Thu Dec 7 04:39:16 2000
Name:Dr. Fred Kingsbury
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:A world renowned spiritual master, humanitarian, and teacher.

Thu Dec 7 05:06:45 2000
Name:Andrew Behla
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Enlightened master who has spread love, service and knowledge worldwide. See for more info...

Thu Dec 7 05:34:12 2000
Name:Katherine gottfried
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:For all of His humanitarian efforts, 5H, Dollar a day, HIV programs, etc. For bringing Vedic knowledge to the USA and enriching our lives, setting us on the spiritua; path. For his ability to love unconditionlly.

Thu Dec 7 06:16:52 2000
Name:Pierre Laflamme
Reason:He is doing such an incredible work in India and all over the world. I am living Canada and I know Sri Sri Ravi Shankar since 12 years now. He has done such a great job here in Canada. His constant efforts has brought peace in the minds and hearts of everyone.

Thu Dec 7 07:34:43 2000
Nomination: karnam malleshwari
Reason:salavaged Indian pride and maintained therecord of a bronze medal in the olympics,being a woman makes her feat extra special.

Thu Dec 7 07:43:05 2000
Name:Stephanie Turcotte
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Punditji)
Reason:He is the epitome of what non-conditional love is. He teaches others how to heal people and how to be selfless. He reaches people all over the world and has brought a conciousness to everyone.

Thu Dec 7 08:58:11 2000
Name:shweta naik
Nomination:Amitabh Bachchan
Reason:He is uncomparable to anyone in the industry........

Thu Dec 7 09:40:24 2000
Name:Sejal Thakkar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:he is the only one who can bring peace and harmony in this world actully.With his inspiration amazing work and transformation are happaning.To understand his vastness and committement to change the nation one should meet him then only he can understand why I am voting for him.

Thu Dec 7 10:12:35 2000
Name:Georgia spencer
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:As one of the highest spiritual Masters to come out of India in many years, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar brings a message of joyfulness and thoughtfulness to all of the world. His seva programs, 5H and Prison Smart, have changed the lives of thousands of people. His spiritual teachings have brought peace to the lives of millions. He has touched the world and yet is available to anyone in need who comes to his door.

Thu Dec 7 10:17:13 2000
Nomination:Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:1)Although our Prime Minister is in his ripe age he has handled the government & his cabinet ministers very well.Many ministers in his cabinet tried to create confusion over certain issues but he handled them well. 2)All the issues of our neighbouring countries & talks with the supreme powers were peacefully handled by him although Mr.Vajpayee had to go through knee operation

Thu Dec 7 10:22:50 2000
Name:Austin Myers
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:For his promotion of human values for all people, as a world citizen. As the founder of The Art of Living Foundation, which is a world wide service organization improving the lives of thousands (perhaps millions at this date).

Thu Dec 7 10:27:38 2000
Name:nikhel kumar mahajan
Nomination:sri sri Ravi Shanker Jee
Reason:cause he is bringing about a change in the whole world hes an enlightened master who is sharing his knowledge with the whole world in order to make it a much happier and beautiful place

Thu Dec 7 10:28:30 2000
Name:Brian Ceccacci
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:For his contribution to humanity. Many world service organizations, and service projects. He has brought more quality of life to countless around the world through the Art of Living courses. Hands down Man of the Year material.

Thu Dec 7 10:31:32 2000
Name:Nageswara Rao.Kakani
Nomination:N.Chandra Babu Naidu
Reason:Mr.Naidu is a unique polotician with a clear vision to take India to new heights which is impossible for any one to reach.

Thu Dec 7 10:45:03 2000
Name:Ajay Pallegar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason: For he is Great & has lead many young souls like myself glide along the right path of life with ease & conifidence

Thu Dec 7 10:52:27 2000
Name:Arshie Varma
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:One Man who has transformed millions of lives across not only in India but also abroad. Have a look at his programmes for the slums, the villages, the normal people who have been helped with the elimation of depression and stress in their lives....and who endless keeps working for the benefit of human kind on this planet....look at the vastness of his purpose.

Thu Dec 7 10:53:12 2000
Name:Preeti Buchhada
Nomination:Sachin Tendulkar
Reason:Little master

Thu Dec 7 10:54:35 2000
Name:P R Subramanya
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. His speech at the UN Millenium Peace Summit gave the meeting direction, brought everyone together. His social service projects such as the 5H programme are making a tremendous difference to the villages of our country. And, most importantly He has made all the difference to my life in every sphere.

Thu Dec 7 10:58:24 2000
Nomination:karanam Malleswari
Reason:she made us to say IAM an INDIAN

Thu Dec 7 11:08:20 2000
Name:Nanda Kumar S
Reason:The mega star from south won his third national award for best actor, following up with the Padma shree award. This versatile actor's monumental movie 'Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar' is due for release.

Thu Dec 7 11:10:49 2000
Name:kishore p chibba
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravishankar

Thu Dec 7 11:13:02 2000
Nomination:mr.chandrababu naidu
Reason:due to his innovativeness in governence

Thu Dec 7 11:20:32 2000
Name:Dr. Mahamaya Mitra
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He has made distinct improvement in the life of millions of people in India and the world.

Thu Dec 7 11:36:09 2000
Name:Tatyana Gerasimova
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:A very prominent spiritual and social leader who gave very powerful speeches at United Nations.

Thu Dec 7 11:49:43 2000
Name:Gaurang Sompura
Nomination:Atal bihari vajpayee
Reason:best prime minister india ever has working at such an age with such a brain and cleverness

Thu Dec 7 11:53:31 2000
Name:Ram Mohan J
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:She has done what others Indians were not able to do.

Thu Dec 7 11:55:56 2000
Name:Helen Bekereva
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thu Dec 7 11:57:35 2000
Name:Mitchell D'souza
Nomination:Amithab Bacchan
Reason:Great Actor, loved & respected by one & all. Most of all coz I'am a very big fan of the big B.

Have you sent in your nomination yet?
