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Line The Rediff Indian of the year

The Nominations...

Wed Dec 6 19:57:25 2000
Name:Anish Kostka
Nomination:Karnam Malleshwari
Reason:I choose her because she saved the country from humiliation and made the country proud when all others failed including the much hyped hockey team

Wed Dec 6 20:01:56 2000
Name:ravi kalmath
Nomination:Atal Behari Vajpayee
Reason:Managing the country well even though running a coalition govt , his own party units (rss, vhp) are trying to force their way/ views on him - he is walking a tight rope between swadeshi and videshi...He has managed to balance his act very well, and in the meanwhile, stepping up the reforms. Thats why he is the rediff man of the year!!!

Wed Dec 6 20:02:57 2000
Nomination:Rupin Katyal
Reason:Too often we have heard the stereotypical statement-" Veggie Hindus are cowards, and carnie Muslims are brave" One man dies in an alien land bravely protesting an atrocity - his courage should inspire the other millions of troops in Kashmir to give the lie to this statement even more vehemently.

Wed Dec 6 20:17:10 2000
Name:Ramesh Kumar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the 'Art of Living' Foundation with its global vision and all humanity as one, transcending race, religion, boundaries, social and economic divisions, has transformed many a lives helping them find light where darkness existed once, through a very simple and easy to follow technique. World was never more rosier than it is today. Tomorrow it will be even better all this is due to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Wed Dec 6 20:17:11 2000
Name:Ravi Kumar K Pillai
Nomination:AB Vajpayee
Reason:He continued good performance on Foreign Affairs and facilitating slow but steady econommmic reforms

Wed Dec 6 20:19:59 2000
Name:manas mishra
Nomination:sachin tendulkar
Reason:among all these chaos this man stands alone...smiling.. carrying the expectations of the entire nation on his shoulders... he is our idol.

Wed Dec 6 20:27:14 2000
Nomination:Chandra Babu Naidu
Reason:CEO most people tried to emulate in 2000

Wed Dec 6 20:33:58 2000
Name:P Montella
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:This enlightened spiritual Master has implemented numerous charitable programs throughout India in a a most comprehensive manner that uplifts villagers in order that they may sustain themselves, and has set the foundation for generations to come. His 5H program, has targeted every level of social existence that needs attention, not just some areas. Homes-Health-Hygiene-and Human Values. His program to bring youth back into the fold of India by building pride for their nation, fostering outreach to others through community service and instilling life coping skills and vocatinal skills in them is one of a kind and again, is building the base for the future and glory of India as a nation who not only teaches acceptance of others, but lives it all while uplifting one another to do the same. Millions have been transformed now in India by through his Art of Living program physically, mentally and spiritually. And he is bringing this message forth globally in the form of an Indian who promotes human values in the world - and is showing the world how to make it a living reality. India should wave this flag proudly and loudly for all the world to see.

Wed Dec 6 20:45:57 2000
Reason:He has performed better than the most for the following reasons: (1.) So many parties being held under one roof called the NDA. (2.) Clinton's visit (3.) Portraying India as the No:1 IT power.

Wed Dec 6 20:46:59 2000
Name:Ankur Rupani
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:He is my guru and the guru of over a million people in the world today The happiness and joy that he has brought in our lives can not be described in mere words. He is giving the highest knowledge to people all over the world and providing poeple with the tools to implement this knowledge in life. He is the Krishna of our times. He is the founder of Art of Living which is a NGO with numerous centres all over the world. Art of Living offers various courses designed by him for the development and growth of the individual at all levels spiritual,mental and physical. Research shows that the Sudarshan Kriya that Sri Sri has gifted to the world has tremendous medical beenfits as well like there are instances where cancer has gone down after its practice There are also Art of Living schools where the ancient vedic knowledge and practical knoweldge are synergised. One could go on and on in praise of Sri Sri and it wont be enough He is certainly our man of the year!

Wed Dec 6 21:00:24 2000
Name:Madhu Kadari
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Greatest spiritual leader and world visionary has given tools to countless individuals to lead a life with a smile and a sense of belonging. Founder of 5H project which has given hope to thousands of villagers who were looking for help to come out of state of despair.

Wed Dec 6 21:01:15 2000
Name:pratyush prabhakar
Nomination:sachin tendulkar
Reason:he is the greatest player in the world.even though his career is not free of patches but he has done remarkably well in recovering from them and the last year was not an exception.

Wed Dec 6 21:02:40 2000
Nomination:saurav ganguly
Reason:by his dazzling batting display hitting innumerable exhiliarating sixes he scored 7 one day int. centuries in the year which even no other team achieved! his batting is a feast to the eyes and has left everyone in aweful splendour!

Wed Dec 6 21:07:36 2000
Name:Abhay Joshi
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Sri Sri has brought about a herculean change in the humanitarian services around the world, especially in India. He has affected hundreds of thousands of lives in such a positive way that even the UN has recognized his nobel work. His charitable and service projects are being recognized throughout the world. For more information, please visit

Wed Dec 6 21:19:07 2000
Name:Sharmila Muraraka
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:1) As an Indian, because He has made India proud - His ART of LIVING has followers in 110 countries 2) He has brought happiness and peace into the lives of millions around the globe - no matter the age, the country nor the religion!

Wed Dec 6 21:21:39 2000
Name:vikas rai
Nomination:atal bihari vajpai
Reason:great leading ability, make india's position into world map.

Wed Dec 6 21:39:38 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He works for the upliftment of Human Values.

Wed Dec 6 21:50:08 2000
Nomination:Karnam Malleswari
Reason:She has brought the only olympic gold medal for India thereby saved the face of 1 billion Indians

Wed Dec 6 21:50:29 2000
Name:Sri Sri RaviShankar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar exemplifies the meaning of "Humanness".Never have we seen so much being done unconditionally for so many all over this universe. His work is recognized by educationalists and social reformists all across the globe.His educational and self developmental programmes have been implemented with resounding success in practically all walks of life (villages,schools,corporate world,prison reform,conflict resolution,universities,uplifment of women and children all over the world--to name few)If anyone should be nominated as Man of the Year Sri Sri definitely lives it, exemplifies it, and at the least we can honor Him with this award

Wed Dec 6 21:53:55 2000
Name:shweta sinha
Nomination:Amitabh Bachchan
Reason:Hats off for a "dhansu" comeback!

Wed Dec 6 21:54:00 2000
Name:Dinesh Kashikar
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Founder of a movement which has spread to over 108 countries around the world, Sri Sri Ravi Shanker has successfully projected the best of India all over the world. He has been felicitated by numerous international organisations and millions around the world revere him as a spiritual leader

Wed Dec 6 22:02:50 2000
Nomination:sri sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:for his teachings to the humanity on the "art of living" and human values

Wed Dec 6 22:10:12 2000
Name:Ninad Palnitkar
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Reason:US relations improvement Kargil war great leadership

Wed Dec 6 22:20:53 2000
Reason:far-sighted old man

Wed Dec 6 22:22:11 2000
Name:Ajay Tejasvi
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He has Truly made Life a celebration on this planet.

Wed Dec 6 22:40:40 2000
Name:Maaya Marri
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He has changed the lives of Indians all over the world, and brought their hearts back home.

Wed Dec 6 22:41:02 2000
Name:Mala Sundareshan
Nomination:Guruji Sri Sri Ravishankar
Reason:He has brought a change in millions of people all over the world for the better. He has given the world the knowledge to be happy always. He says laugh sing meditate and celebrate. he has made everyones life a celebration. With many seva projects all over the world he has made it possible for the world to be one in spirit and actuality.

Wed Dec 6 22:42:44 2000
Name:Mayuresh Deshpande
Nomination:Atal Bihari Vajpeyee
Reason:Altough, you may have tried to give this a color of his 'weak attitude'. I believe, him to be one of the very few PMs that we had whose gotcourage to tell the world that we matter! His visit to US alone, should win him this award, but there were quite a few steps, the one of Ramdan.. was a real shrewed tactic, if of course you could see it in that view. Without the 'socialist' goggles that you wear. Never the less, I nominate him for the best Indian of the Year simply because he is trying his best to keep India a notch ahead of the past.

Wed Dec 6 22:44:36 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:No person I have seen has had such a tremendous impact on every single human being he has come in contact with.

Wed Dec 6 22:45:10 2000
Name:Vivek Rao
Nomination:Rahul Bajaj
Reason:For sincerly trying to uplift the economy of India

Wed Dec 6 22:47:27 2000
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:To have Washington declare Aug.26th as Sri Sri Ravi Shanker Day, have the UN invite him for an address alongwith the Prime Minister, and to adopt 3000 villages in one year to improve the standard of Indian living is an amazing achievement that only he can manage.

Wed Dec 6 22:52:02 2000
Nomination:Atal Behari Vajpayee
Reason:Proved to be dynamic in many a trying situations. Has a good balanced head. A good human being.

Wed Dec 6 22:53:47 2000
Name:Justine Lovig
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:His teachings have transformed my life, and the life of so many I've known. It's been an unbelievable blessing to connect with him. Words can not begin to describe.

Wed Dec 6 22:55:24 2000
Name:A Vijh
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shanker
Reason:Through the Art Of Living foundation he has gotten across a spiritual message to millions of people all over the world and has totally transformed the lives of the people that have come in touch with this spirituality!

Wed Dec 6 23:10:04 2000
Name:Rama Prasad
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is the greatest spiritual master who has brought about changes in the very core of several human beings all over the world.

Wed Dec 6 23:12:44 2000
Name:Brijesh Eshpuniyani
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:He is the founder of the "Art of Living Foundation" - an international non-profit educational and service organization. This organization under his guidance has taught millions around the globe to live a healthier happier life. Also crucial service projects like education of the underprivieleged, rehabilitation of prisoners, etc. are being handled under his guidance. He is absolutely fantastic!!!

Wed Dec 6 23:25:06 2000
Name:Sriram Raghavendran
Nomination:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Reason:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (or Sri Sri as he is called) is an exceptional humanitarian, educationist and spiritual leader who has transformed the lives of millions through his Art of Living course and other chartiable activities. Truly someone who is a Man of the new millenium. I cannot think of a person who is more suited for this award.

Wed Dec 6 23:32:16 2000
Name:M.Arun prakash
Nomination:Athelbehari vajpayee
Reason:The revolutionary prime minister. Made India Hi-tech country.

Wed Dec 6 23:35:59 2000
Name:Amitava chatterjee
Nomination:Sourav ganguly. (captain of indian team)
Reason:He gives us a beautiful sunshine after a long dark night.

Wed Dec 6 23:42:56 2000
Nomination:amazing site
Reason:i like this site because its i fell the fastest site.everthing opens so quickly.

Have you sent in your nomination yet?
