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Name:Joseph Mathew
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 1:42 IST
Message:A beautiful angel has flown away to the eternity. She will come back from up above the sky with flying colors and wings. Another British humanitarian Florence Nightingale died on August 13, 1910 and the same year Mother Terasa born on August 26, 1910. Is it coincidental or reincarnation? May God bless the world and the gutters of the world..

Name:Betsy Silvester
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 1:53 IST
Message:A Mother who inspired a queen. A Mother who gave new meaning to the word POVERTY. A Mother who rooted in Christianity showed the world the true Meaning of RELIGION. A Mother who gave a new lease of LIFE to the TERMINALLY ILL. A Mother who even when she left showed the world how to SMILE! She will always dwell in our dear hearts. We are going to MISS YOU dear MOTHER. We await your CANONISATION!

Name:Jaimin Saraiya
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 2:58 IST
Message:The loss is truly unrecoverable. May her holy soul rest in peace. Let's keep her generous work going in the best possible way we can. My deepest condolences.

Name:Ryan Mascarenhas
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 3:41 IST
Message:God bless her noble soul and inspire people to carry on her missionary work.

Name:Ravindra chimata
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 3:45 IST
Message:To pay a real homage to the mother, we all should, at least in small terms, continue the work done by her and which was very close to her heart.

Name:Raghuram Gatamaneni
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 4:16 IST
Message:Mother Teresa is one among the people I admired and respected. I pray that her soul rests in peace.

Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 5:0 IST
Message:A beautiful light has left the world with her passing. May everyone she shone upon here, learn from her and spread her message to others. In this way, she will be remembered and cherished for all time

Name:Ann Dykstra
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 5:33 IST
Message:Mother Teresa has opened my eyes and made me aware of how much we needed her, and pray that everyone of us open our hearts to the poor and lonely through her love and devotion on earth.

Name:Rashmi Jha
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 5:40 IST
Message:My heart felt condolences on the Mother's death..

Name:Ramakrishna Chitrapu and Mrs Sarada Ramakrishna Chitrapu
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 7:17 IST
Message:Mother ... you are the definition of the word Mother. Embodiment of selfless service to humanity, in general and the poor and suffering in particular. Your name will go down in the annals of the human history as the Saint of the Saints.We pray with our heart and soul. May your soul rest in peace. The world is poorer by your absence and the heavens have gained at our expense.

Name:Akash Bhatnagar
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 8:8 IST
Message:Maa, may your soul rest in peace.

Name:Mr&Mrs.Anand & family
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 8:49 IST
Message:She has left a lesson or two for everyone in this world. It's time that we follow her steps and thrive towards a peaceful earth irrespective of caste, creed, culture, language or relegiion. Only that will be a fitting homage to the "ANGEL OF PEACE".

Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 8:54 IST
Message:We wish you were with us.

Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 9:12 IST
Message:Mother, you have shown us the meaning of love.We will cherish your memories forever.

Name:Rupam Raja
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 9:13 IST
Message:Mother Teresa will live in my memories for ever. I salute a great human being.

Name:Savio L. A. D'Costa
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 9:36 IST
Message:We should not let her work for the poor be forgotten as time goes by. We should all endeavour to do at least a few works that she did. Monetary contribution should not be the focus but using a little bit of our time to help those in need would be a fitting tribute to her.

Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 10:29 IST
Message:Critics of her have said that she was more concerned with saving the soul of the poor than their substance. So what? I can't think of any other person who has spent a more exemplary life regardless of her motivation.

Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 11:34 IST
Message:Mother Teresa, Pray for us... You have shown deep compassion and love for the poor, needy and unwanted... I hope me and the others will do the same... May God Bless you ALWAYS and FOREVER...Amen.

Name:Gaurav Mehra
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 12:8 IST
Message:She lived a life of IMPACT. She died around the same time as Princess Diana and even though her funeral did not capture as much of the media's imagination as Diana, she had a far more influential life than the princess. She led a life of self-denial, compassion, humility. She was a true disciple!

Name:Briana Lawrie
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 13:21 IST
Message:We have lost the most dynamic force for good on earth, and we all feel the loss. Mother was the person I most admired on earth, and I am heartbroken that she is gone. Goodbye dear Mother, we will miss you so much. Rest in God's arms. Thank you for showing us the meaning of love.

Name:Juha Martikainen
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 13:45 IST
Message:Mother Teresa's death was a great loss to humankind. In the midst of this chaotic world, she was a pillar of peace and hope.

Name:Sathyan Doraiswamy
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 14:14 IST
Message:Her selflessness and simplicity has influenced me a lot.... I pray to God for her soul to rest in peace and provides strength and courage to Sister Nirmala so that she can fill up the enormous void.

Name:Ramesh Kumar P
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 15:50 IST
Message:The world will always miss Mother

Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 15:50 IST
Message:The world will miss Mother

Name:Dilip K. Chakravarty
Date:Mon Sep 15 1997 16:39 IST
Message:Let her soul be with god.
