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Kesri, Pawar willing to step down in Sonia's favour

Two major contenders for the post of Congress president -- Sitaram Kesri and Sharad Pawar -- on Friday offered to withdraw from the contest if Sonia Gandhi agreed to take over the reins of the party.

If Sonia Gandhi took over the party, Kesri said the Congress's image would get a boost, helping it in the next election.

Said Kesri, ''We are ready to make her a delegate from any state to enable her to contest the election for the top party post.''

Replying to a question from journalists, Kesri said there was no motive behind his offer. ''The only motive behind the offer is to make the party stronger,'' he said.

Later, Pawar's spokesman A R Antulay said, ''I have all along been saying that Sonia Gandhi should give her consent for her unanimous election as the Congress president and this view is also shared by Pawar.''

Antulay ruled out the possibility of any consensus for the top party post in case Sonia decides against contesting. A consensus is possible only if Kesri agrees to withdraw in Pawar's favour, he said.

Rajesh Pilot, the third candidate in the Congress presidential election, ruled out any further talks with Pawar on the issue.

Since three candidates were in the fray, he said any debate on the election will generate heat and bitterness. The contest should strengthen the party and not weaken it.

Antulay, however, claimed that secret negotiations were on between Pawar and Pilot to ensure Kesri's defeat.

Meanwhile, a Pilot election fund has been launched. An account for this purpose has been opened with the Union Bank of India. Pilot himself contributed Rs 50,000 and another Rs 100,000 came from his supporters through cheques. The account will be submitted to the party chief.

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