Resolution for plebiscite in Punjab
Two US Congressmen from California introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives, suggesting an internationally-supervised plebiscite in Punjab on the demand for an independent Khalistan which the Clinton administration has publicly opposed. California has a sizeable population of Sikh immigrants.
The proposal, by Democrat Gary Condit and Republican Dana Rohrabacher, is unlikely to have any political significance, something like the special mentions in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha during zero hour in India.
The resolution is apparently part of an effort to keep alive the controversy raised when US vice-president Al Gore’s office inadvertantly sent a reply to the leader of a proponent of Khalistan in Gore’s name claiming he had taken note of the matter.
Earlier, Republican Dan Burton had given notice of an amendment to the US Foreign Aid Bill, seeking to cut development assistance to India because of its human rights record. While the proposal is likely to fall through, it could trigger a discussion on India’s human rights record, repellent as it is to India.