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Seshan willing to run for President's office

C K Arora in Washington

Former chief election commissioner T N Seshan is willing to run for the office of the President of India if all parties unitedly sponsor his candidature.

Talking to reporters here on Friday, February 7, he said ''I would be available for the office'' if there is a serious offer.

When a correspondent drew his attention to the ceremonial nature of the office, hardly allowing any role to the incumbent in the Indian parliamentary system, he said the office of the president can be used to effective national advantage without suborning the constitution.

Earlier, Seshan said he had no desire for any elective office. Life had been very kind to him, offering opportunity to hold almost every important administrative position in the country.

He also explained his earlier controversial remark that he was most qualified for three jobs - the president, the prime minister and the secretary-general of the United Nations.

Seshan said he had made the observation when asked what kind of job he would like to do after his retirement. It did not mean he was applicant for these offices, he added.

He is here at the invitation of the Congressional Committee for the 45th national prayer breakfast which he attended here on Thursday. US President Bill Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore were also present.

He said he had a brief chat with the president and the vice-president, both of whom were impressed by the success of democracy in India despite all odds.

He said he had explained to them the age-old democratic tradition in India which allowed due place to dissent.

At the press conference, he also explained the objective of his newly-formed organisation, the Deshbhakta Trust, which will have its first sangamam or convention on March 8 in Bombay to finalise its programme. Some 100 selected people would attend.

The Deshbhakta Trust would have autonomous chapters right down to the panchayat level, he added.


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