
December 30, 2010
Exclusive! Headley's wife's good friend speaks out
In an interview with's , George Alexander Mapp, a friend of Faiza Outalha, estranged wife of Lashkar-e-Tayiba terrorist David Coleman Headley, talks about his relationship with Faiza, his ordeal with the NIA and what he thinks about the Headley case.
December 23, 2010
Headley example of counter-terror cooperation: US
The United States has put the case of David Coleman Headley, Mumbai terror attack suspect now languishing in a Chicago jail, as one of the key counter-terrorism cases on information sharing with its partners.
December 20, 2010
'Headley has expressed hatred towards India'
American-born Lashker-e-Tayiba operative David Headley, accused of plotting the Mumbai terror attack in 2008, had 'hatred' towards India and warned that he would stop helping the probe if his admission of guilt was linked to cooperation with New Delhi.
December 01, 2010
Headley's 26/11 revelations won't matter to Pak
Pakistani authorities had told United States officials that the statements given by David Headley, the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks suspect, to American investigative agencies would not carry any value in Pakistan's courts and would be treated as "hearsay with little evidentiary" value.
November 26, 2010
NIA's unanswered questions on David Headley
'We will continue to probe the Fahim Ansari angle since there is one stark similarity between him and Headley. Both men were in touch with the man called Sajid Mir.'
November 16, 2010
'26/11: Headley must have had local help'
Sebastian Rotella, the award-winning reporter relentlessly exposing the David Headley case, in an exclusive interview with's Vicky Nanjappa.
November 12, 2010
Headley got in trouble because of his kids!
Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley had made his children do 'military drills' in a Chicago park last summer, according to a law enforcement officer, who said this observation had helped bring the Pakistani-American terrorist 'on the radar'. "On a summer day last year, Headley, like many fathers, took his children to a Chicago park. There, he ran his children through military drills, including manoeuvres such as rolling into a shooting position," a report said.
November 09, 2010
India seeks clarification on Headley name change
India is likely to press for a clarification from the US on why there was no mention in David Headley's passport that he had changed his name in a detailed questionnaire to be sent to that country after Washington handed over a one-page report on the issue. US rejects Headley's extradition
David Headley dominated the discussions between the CIA and their Indian counterparts on Monday. Why US held back Headley info from India
The United States did not provide information to India on David Headley before 26/11, as intelligence inputs it had about the Mumbai terror plotter was not enough to sufficiently establish his role in planning terrorist attack there, America's spy chief has said.
November 08, 2010
Obama shares with PM details of Headley probe
Amid criticism in India that the United States did not convey to India specific information on David Headley, President Barack Obama on Monday shared with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh results of an ongoing probe into why US intelligence agencies failed to connect the LeT terrorist to the Mumbai attacks. Americans sent Headley to Pakistan
After arriving in Pakistan, Headley began training with terrorists, eventually playing a key role in the 26/11 attacks that left 166 people dead in Mumbai in 2008, The New York Times reported quoting court records and interviews.
November 06, 2010
'US intel failed to act on Headley warnings'
It was not only Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley's two wives, but also five other sources who had provided tip offs to the United States intelligence authorities about his anti-India plans, a news report said on Saturday.
November 03, 2010
India will ask Obama for Headley's extradition
Security experts wonder if the home ministry's outburst against the US is directed at seeking David Headley's extradition.
November 02, 2010
Ahead of Obama visit, NSA downplays Headley tiff
Seeking to downplay the Headley controversy, National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon said on Tuesday, that the access given by the US to the Pakistani-American terrorist was "unprecendented", saying such cooperation may not have been possible five years ago.
November 01, 2010
Will continue seeking Headley's extradition: India
Extradition of Lashkar-e-Tayiba terror operative David Headley is an option that India will continue to pursue, Home Minister P Chidambaram said during a press briefing on Monday. Speaking on the contentious issue of the United States not sharing intelligence about Headley with India on time, Chidambaram said, "What the US knew and when they knew about David Headley vis-a-vis 26/11 is a matter under full review in the US. They will share it with us once the review is over."
October 31, 2010
Indian investigators may quiz Headley's wife
According to the 106-page dossier of the National Investigation Agency, prepared after the detailed questioning of Headley in the US, he had told the Indian investigators that they should not ask him any questions pertaining to his immediate family.
October 29, 2010
'Headley issue won't hit Indo-US ties'
Days before United States President Barack Obama's maiden India visit, US envoy Timothy Roemer told CNN-IBN in an interview that the controversy over the confessions of David Coleman Headley will not affect the ties between the two countries.
October 28, 2010
India, US spar over sharing info on Headley
The United States has launched a review of its agencies' handling of inputs provided by two of the three wives of David Headley about his involvement in the 26/11 strikes, a top Obama administration official said on Thursday, even as India expressed disappointment over not being provided specific information on the Mumbai attacks plotter 'India disappointed with info on Headley'
Home Secretary G K Pillai talks to's about the lack of information from the United States on Lashkar operative David Headley
October 20, 2010
Headley issue may spoil Obama's party in India
The Indian establishment may get a leverage while talking to American officials on bilateral efforts of counter-terrorism while the media splashes scary details about what Headley did in India, points out Sheela Bhatt
October 19, 2010
We didn't know time, place of Mumbai attack: US
The United States has admitted that two of the three wives of Lashkar-e-Tayiba terrorist David Headley had multiple conversations with its officials in 2007 and 2008 about his radical connection, but they could not provide any specific information about the time and place of the terror attacks. 'Al Qaeda plotter sent Headley to UK for arms'
An Al Qaeda commander, who triggered the recent terrorism alert over Mumbai-style attacks on London and cities in Europe, sent 26/11 mastermind David Headley to Britain last year to seek money, weapons and manpower.
October 18, 2010
Headley revelations will add to distrust of FBI
The FBI moved against Headley seriously only after coming to know of his role in the planned attack in Copenhagen. It did not show the same seriousness in respect of his role in the Mumbai attack, writes B Raman
October 17, 2010
US officials told me to 'get lost': Headley's wife
"Get lost" was what the US officials in Islamabad told the young Moroccan wife of 26/11 accused David Headley when she informed them that her husband was planning a terror attack in India with the help of the Lashkar-e-Tayiba.
October 16, 2010
Revealed: FBI knew Headley's motives before 26/11
Three years prior to the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was warned of the strikes and David Headley's links with the Lashkar-e-Tayiba by the wife of the Pakistani-American terrorist, says an investigative report.
September 28, 2010
Access to Headley is a closed chapter: US
United States Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake, while briefing reporters on the meeting between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and External Affairs Minister S M Krishna on the sidelines of the 65th United Nations General Assembly in New York, said the issue of direct and complete access to Pakistani American and Lashkar operative David Coleman had not come up at all at these talks.
September 07, 2010
26/11: Pak likely to send team to quiz witnesses
Pakistani prosecutors on Tuesday filed a petition in a Rawalpindi-based anti-terrorism court for the formation of a commission that would visit India to record the testimony of 24 key witnesses in the Mumbai attacks case.
August 28, 2010
Pak seeks more details on Headley from India
Pakistan has handed over another dossier on Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley to India seeking more information about his role in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.Pakistan's High Commissioner to India Shahid Malik met Interior Minister Rehman Malik in Islamabad, briefing him over the latest development concerning the issue.Headley, an American citizen of Pakistani origin, was arrested by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation in October 2009.
August 18, 2010
Pak sends another questionnaire on Headley
In yet another delaying tactic in the 26/11 Mumbai attack case, Pakistan has sent to India 47 questions regarding additional information on Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley and his activities during his multiple visits to the country.
July 22, 2010
Krishna and team was briefed on Headley
Home Minister P Chidambaram had briefed the Cabinet Committee on Security, where External Affairs Minister S M Krishna was present, on the interrogation report of LeT operative David Headley before visiting Pakistan for the SAARC Interior Minister's conference last month. Keep Headley probe confidential, US tells India
Amid reports that the Obama administration was upset over Indian officials going into the details provided by Headley, State Department spokesman P J Crowley said the US values cooperation with India on combating terrorism but it places responsibility on both countries.
July 21, 2010
Pak can't ignore Headley's revelations: Krishna
Talking tough, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna on Tuesday told Pakistan to take "seriously" the revelations made by Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley on the Mumbai attacks and not "push them under the carpet".
July 20, 2010
Comments on Headley links baseless: Pakistan
Pakistan on Tuesday dismissed as "baseless accusations" National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon's remarks that David Headley was linked to the Pakistani establishment and intelligence agencies. Headley narrated terror-Pak establishment nexus
National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon said following Headley's interrogation, India now has a "much clearer picture" of the infrastructure of terrorism and its support systems in that country.
July 19, 2010
Pakistan Navy trained 26/11 terrorists: Headley
In yet another indication of the involvement of Pakistani establishment in the 26/11 Mumbai attack, LeT operative David Headley has corroborated the statement of lone captured terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab that the terrorists got training from Pakistan Navy.
July 16, 2010
ISI chief Shuja Pasha met 26/11 handler: Headley
In revelations that clearly show Inter Services Intelligence's role in the Mumbai terror attacks, Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley has told his interrogators that the Pakistani intelligence agency had paid Rs 25 lakh to Lashkar-e-Tayiba to purchase a boat, which terrorists used to travel from Karachi.
July 15, 2010
NIA drops plea for warrant against Headley
National Investigating Agency withdraws plea from a Delhi court for non-bailable warrants against David Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana on charge of plotting terror attacks in India.
July 14, 2010
Headley's confessions point to ISI links in 26/11
Sources said David Headley revealed that three ISI officers -- Major Haroon, Major Sameer Ali and Major Iqbal -- were associated with the 26/11 terror plot.
July 09, 2010
NIA seeks warrants against Headley, Rana, Saeed
National Investigation Agency has moved a Delhi court for issuance of non-bailable warrants against Pakistani-American terror suspects David Headley, Tahawwur Hussain Rana and Pakistan-based Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Hafiz Saeed on the charge of plotting terror attacks in India.
July 07, 2010
'Headley's claim on Ishrat baseless'
Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley's reported claim that Ishrat Jahan, killed in an encounter with police in Gujarat in 2004, was a suicide bomber of the terror outfit has been contested by the father of the man killed along with her.
July 02, 2010
Headley's Hindi stunned Indian interrogators
Though Indian and American authorities have refused to give details regarding the interrogation of arrested Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley, sources in investigating agencies have revealed that the probe team was taken aback by the fluency with which the Pakistani American spoke Hindi.Headley's fluency in Hindi indicates his preparedness for the terror strike in Mumbai, say sources.
June 29, 2010
Q&A: PM on Bhopal, Headley and fuel price hike
Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh addressed the media persons onboard Air India One on his return from G-20 Summit in Toronto.
June 28, 2010
Terror from Pak, Headley headline PM-Obama meet
Dr Singh briefed Obama about the peace initiatives with Pakistan, but made it clear that Islamabad should abide by its commitment of not to allow terrorism emanating from its soil directed against India.
June 16, 2010
Headley expected to be sentenced early next year
The sentencing of Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley is expected to happen only by early next year, after the trial of co-accused Pakistani-Canadian Tahawwur Hussain Rana is complete, Headley's lawyer said in Chicago.
June 11, 2010
NIA team foxed by wily Headley
After much delay and discussions, the interrogation of Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley by a team of the National Investigation Agency has finally come to an end.Sources close to the members of the investigating team told that the Pakistani American terror operative proved to be a tough nut to crack.Headley was well prepared to face the NIA team's questions and throughout the interrogations, he stuck to the earlier responses. 'NIA team may not have got much from Headley'
The United States Department of Justice on Thursday announced that a team of Indian investigators was afforded complete and unhindered access to Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley over a period of seven days.The department, in a statement, said, "As part of the cooperation and partnership between the United States and India in the fight against international terrorism, Indian law enforcement officials were provided direct access to interview David Headley. The LeT men who helped Headley plan 26/11 attacks
The National Investigation Agency team, which quizzed Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley in Chicago this week, tried to glean information about one Abu al-Qama, who allegedly played a key role in planning the 26/11 terror attack on Mumbai.The NIA team asked Headley specific questions about Abu Qama's role in the terror attack. Headley revealed that he had stayed in touch with Qama while planning the 26/11 attacks and updated him about the reconnaissance. No restrictions on questions to Headley, says US
'Headley and his counsel agreed to the meetings (with the Indian investigators) and Headley answered the Indian investigators' questions over the course of seven days of interviews. There were no restrictions on the questions posed by Indian investigators,' said a statement from the US Justice Department NIA concludes questioning Headley
The four member National Investigative Agency team has concluded questioning of Mumbai terror suspect David Coleman Headley and has headed back home, Indian Ambassador to the US Meera Shankar said on Thursday.
June 10, 2010
Pakistan dismisses media reports on Headley
Pakistan dismissed reports that Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley had linked serving Pakistani army officers to the 2008 Mumbai attacks, saying they were based on "misguided leaks" aimed at maligning the country.
June 09, 2010
Indian media frustrated on Headley case: US
The Indian government is pleased with the cooperation the United States has offered on the David Headley case, but country's media appears to be frustrated on the apparent delay in the access, a top Obama administration official said on Tuesday.
June 08, 2010
What Headley told the NIA team in US
The National Investigation Agency team, which questioned Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Headley in Chicago recently, will return on June 9. The team, which has been investigating the case since the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested David Headley in October last year, claims that it is satisfied with the interrogation. "We made him confirm the various links he had with his Pakistani handlers while the Mumbai terror attack was being planned out," said a source. Headley wasn't discussed during Indo-US talks
Robert Blake, the Barack Obama administration's point man for South Asia, has taken strong exception to reports that the controversy over Indian investigators getting access to Lashkar operative John Coleman Headley had hijacked the India-United States strategic dialogue held last week.The Pakistani American, found guilty of being one of the key conspirators of the horrific 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation last October.
June 07, 2010
Bleak start for Indian sleuths quizzing Headley
Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative and 26/11 attacks accused David Coleman Headley has proven to the visiting Indian investigating team that he was a rogue agent and has immense experience in dodging interrogation.
June 05, 2010
India granted access to Headley: US
India has been given access to David Coleman Headley, the Pakistani-American Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative who has confessed to his role in the Mumbai terror attacks, United States National Security Adviser James Jones said on Friday."Yes, access (to Headley) has been given. This is an ongoing process and I don't have any detailed information that will be helpful except to say that it is in the hands of right professionals from both countries," Jones told PTI.
June 04, 2010
Indian team in US not gung-ho about Headley access
Indian agencies are not sounding gung-ho about the access that they will get to David Headley, the terror suspect, who has confessed before the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he was involved in the Mumbai 26/11 attack. NIA team in Chicago, awaits access to Headley
However, three days after the team arrived in the US to question Headley, there was no confirmation from American authorities as to when and what kind of access would be granted to the team
June 03, 2010
Krishna bats for access to Headley
As Indian investigators are in the US hoping to quiz Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said on Thursday that providing access to him is "is perhaps the logical next step."
June 02, 2010
NIA team well prepared to question Headley
The National Investigation Agency team, which is in US to question Lashkar operative David Headley, is well equipped with evidence to charge him, Home Ministry sources told Burning the midnight oil on access to Headley: US
"We are burning the midnight oil, working our fingers to the bone," he said, to ensure access to Headley for India, as it was "so important to India, the Indian people, the Indian government." Indian team in US to quiz Headley, but FBI mum
As a team of Indian investigators arrived in the US to question for the first time LeT operative David Headley, authorities here are tight-lipped about when and for how long the access will be granted to the Pakistani-American who has confessed to his role in the Mumbai attacks.
June 01, 2010
Investigators to quiz Headley on last India visit
A team of Indian investigators arrived in the United States on Tuesday to interrogate Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley, who helped plan the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. The team comprises officers of the National Investigation Agency and a law officer. The 49-year-old Pakistani-American will be facing direct questions from Indian investigators for the first time since his arrest in October last year.
May 31, 2010
Why Headley's interrogation is a charade
A delay of eight months in giving India limited access to David Coleman Headley reduces the entire exercise to a charade. Should the Manmohan Singh government have literally colluded with the Obama administration in playing a fraud on the Indian people by creating an illusion of US cooperation? asks strategic expert B Raman. Team in US to quiz Headley for 'local' links
The questionnaire on Headley, prepared by the National Investigating Agency and the Intelligence Bureau, that carries the stamp of approval of the home ministry, will largely revolve round the Mumbai 26/11 attack and more importantly the crucial local link to the entire case.
May 30, 2010
NIA team leaves to grill 26/11 suspect Headley
The questioning of American Lashker-e-Taiba terrorist David Headley is going to revolve around the places he had visited after the Mumbai terror attacks and the people he had remained in touch with during his stay in India. A three-member team of National Investigation Agency, which along with a public prosecutor is expected to leave for the United States on Monday.
May 12, 2010
Headley holds the key to Ansari, Sabahuddin appeal
The Maharashtra government's decision to appeal against the acquittal of Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin largely depends on India's interrogation of Lashkar operative David Headley.
May 09, 2010
Rana to appear before US court on Tuesday
Pakistani-Canadian terror suspect Tahawwur Rana under investigation for his role in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, has stuck to his 'not guilty' plea to terror charges and is headed for trial, will appear before a US court in Chicago on May 11 for a status hearing in the case.
May 05, 2010
India may get access to Headley by month-end
The United States will inform India by next week about possible dates, most likely in this month, for giving direct access to Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley. Rana seeks 'specific' details of terror charges
Citing the need to be better prepared for trial, Pakistani-Canadian terror suspect Tahawwur Rana has asked the US government to provide him "specific" details of the kind of "material support" he provided to terror acts, saying so far the prosecution's allegations in the superseding indictment have been "vague". NY plot: Investigators probe Headley-Shahzad link
American investigation agencies are trying to find out if Faisal Shahzad -- the Pakistani-American arrested for the failed bombing plot at Times Square -- operated by himself or was assisted by other terror networks such as the Al Qaeda.The investigators are now probing whether Shahzad had any links with David Coleman Headley, the Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative arrested from Chicago last year for plotting the terror attack on Mumbai in November, 2008.
May 04, 2010
26/11 verdict makes access to Headley crucial
Although Headley has confessed to the FBI that he had conducted a recce of the targets in Mumbai, this is will not be enough to nail him in India. Only if Headley confesses the same details to Indian agencies can the confessions be used in the 26/11 case in India, said investigators
May 01, 2010
Road has been cleared for access to Headley: India
All bottlenecks have been removed and a new team will be sent to the US to pursue the matter of India's access to David Headley, who has confessed to his involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks, Solicitor General Gopal Subramanium said on Saturday.
April 30, 2010
'Headley could be David Armani and Dawood Gilani'
Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley, who confessed to plotting the Mumbai terror attacks, had a dual personality that enabled him to switch between a Westerner and a devout Muslim and evade suspicion, according to his maternal uncle. "It could not have been more different between the two worlds. In one world, where he wants to be Pakistani, he was considered to be an American. With Americans, he was being seen as a Muslim. So he had to get used to a duality of life."
April 28, 2010
India's drive for Headley access yields results
US officials have agreed to take "suitable steps" in giving India a direct access to Headley, a statement released by the Indian Embassy in Washington said on Wednesday.
April 24, 2010
Access to Headley: Solicitor General off to US
With the United States promising to give India access to 26/11 accused David Headley, Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam on Saturday left for Washington to discuss legal modalities for it.
April 22, 2010
'Can't tell when Indians can quiz Headley'
The US and Indian authorities are holding discussions on providing New Delhi access to Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley who has confessed to his role in the Mumbai terror attacks and agreed to be interrogated by foreign agencies. Indians should campaign against Headley's plea'
The Indian society and the families of the 26/11 terror attack victims should start a campaign against the plea," former additional secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, B Raman said at an anti-terrorism seminar in Mumbai.
April 19, 2010
Working day-night to resolve Headley access: US
The US is constantly working at the "highest levels" to provide direct access to India as "quickly" as it can to Lashkar operative David Headley, who has confessed to plotting the Mumbai attacks.
April 17, 2010
US 'assures' India on access to Headley
India is also keen to interrogate Headley in a way that is legally acceptable in a court in the country. Headley has confessed to playing a crucial role in the Mumbai attacks.
April 13, 2010
'May get some access to Headley, no extradition'
A S Dulat, former Indian spy chief, speak about the implications of the Devid Headley case in an in-depth interview. Access to Headley is good news: Krishna
External Affairs Minister S M Krishna on Tuesday expressed happiness over media reports that Indian investigating agencies would get direct access to David Coleman Headley, the man charged with scouting targets for the 2008 Mumbai attacks. NSA discusses India's access to Headley with US
National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon has met his United States counterpart James Jones in Washington, DC and discussed modalities by which access could be given to David Headley, Lashkar-e Tayiba operative blamed for role in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
April 12, 2010
Why the US is wary of allowing access to Headley
Indian agencies say they are fully aware that Pakistan is trying to put pressure on the US, to deny access to Indian investigators. For the US it is more of an embarrassing situation since, Headley is not the only one who has helped launch a terror attack from their soil. Headley had contacted several persons undertaking similar jobs and the US would not like that information to come out in the open, sources pointed out. Obama nods, but Headley access now in legal realm
Well briefed on India's angst over the ambiguity on the access to Lashkar operative and 26/11 conspirator David Coleman Headley and also the perceived US indifference to India's role in Afghanistan, US President Barack Obama has assured Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that he was "fully supportive" of India's request for access to Headley and "fully appreciated" and "recognized the enormous sacrifices" India has made in helping "stabilize" Afghanistan. India will get access to Headley, Obama assures PM
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh raised the issue of India getting access to 26/11 plotter David Headley with President Barack Obama, who said the US was fully supportive of the request and working through legal processes for giving it.
April 11, 2010
India seeks access to Headley under 2005 accord
India will seek direct access to Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley under a bilateral agreement signed in 2005 and a communication is being sent to the US to allow its investigators to question him. The draft letter was being examined by Union Home Minister P Chidambaram after it was prepared by Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam and officials of National Investigation Agency, official sources said in New Delhi. Headley: extradition, no; access, info likely
US officials asserted that the "extradition of Headley is an absolute non-starter," and explained that this Pakistani American LeT operative's aboutface when he agreed to plead guilty was conditioned on "an unshakeable" plea-bargain that the death penalty and any possible extradition to India, Pakistan or Denmark, be taken off the table
April 10, 2010
India will seek Headley's extradition
Determined to seek the extradition of Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley and access to him, India will raise the issue with US at the official-level during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's four-day visit to the US.
April 06, 2010
India will get access to Headley soon: FBI
Indian investigators will soon get access to terror suspect David Headley as United States authorities are working out the logistics of where and when they can question the Pakistani-American in connection with the Mumbai terror attacks, an official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Tuesday. "In the plea agreement, Headley did agree to meet with Indian authorities. I think right now we are just trying to work out the logistics and scheduling of that," said FBI.
April 05, 2010
India preparing letter for Headley's access
India is expected to get access to Lashkar-e Tayiba operative David Headley within 30 days of sending a letter of request, which is being prepared, government indicated in New Delhi on Monday. Headley access taken up at the highest level: US
The issue of granting India access to Lashkar-e Tayiba operative David Headley is being taken up by the US government at the highest level, its Ambassador Timothy J Roemer said Monday as he met Home Minister P Chidambaram in New Delhi. 'India is getting every bit of info about Headley'
Ambassador Daniel Benjamin, coordinator for counter-terrorism at the United States department of state, has made it abundantly clear that his office will not influence law enforcement authorities via any diplomatic lobbying to provide India with direct access to Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley. Pakistani-American Headley was part of the conspiracy for the horrific terror attacks that shook Mumbai on November 26, 2008 and left 166 people dead.
April 04, 2010
'No access to Headley, but talks satisfactory'
India said on Sunday that it is yet to get access to Lashkar-e Taiba operative David Headley but negotiations are underway on this issue and it is "satisfied" with the progress of discussions.
April 02, 2010
'US yet to decide on Headley's access to India'
US has said that it is yet to take a decision on Lashkar operative David Coleman Headley's extradition to India, said Robert Blake, the Obama Administration's point man for South Asia, especially India-Pakistan relations.
April 01, 2010
Army, ISI have no ties with Headley: Pak
A statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) termed the report as false and fabricated, and said that they were aimed at maligning the image of the Pakistan Army and the ISI.
March 31, 2010
'Report of Headley naming Pak officers baseless'
Pakistan military on Wednesday dismissed as 'fabricated' reports that Pakistani-American David Headley, who confessed to plotting Mumbai attacks, had named three army and Inter Services Intelligence officials for their involvement in the 26/11 strikes, claiming that it was an attempt to malign security agencies. Will press for Headley extradition: India
India on Wednesday said it would press for access to Lashkar-e Taiba operative David Headley and his extradition and that his plea bargain with the US authorities is being examined in this context. How the Pak army helped Headley and 26/11 gunmen
David Headley's latest revealations show the extent of the Pakistani army's involvement in formenting terror in India. Headley said that when he was training with the Lashkar-e-Tayiba, there were six Pakistani army officials who were directly involved in helping the LeT carry out terror strikes in India.
March 29, 2010
India to write to the US on Headley case
India will send a letter to the United States by the end of this week seeking direct access to David Headley, who pleaded guilty to 12 terror charges of conspiracy involving bombing public places in India and is currently in American custody.
March 26, 2010
Magistrate will take Headley's statement in US
A request letter for access to Headley, Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative who has admitted his role in Mumbai attacks, would be sent by Home Ministry next week to the US Department of Justice, official sources said on Friday. What India will ask David Headley
India is yet to receive the final nod from US to interrogate David Headley, but Indian intelligence officials are already ready with their list of questions for the Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative. 'Headley plea revealed Qaeda's European links'
Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley's plea bargain, under which he confessed to plotting the Mumbai terror attacks, throws light on close links between the Al Qaeda and the Lashkar-e-Tayiba, according to former Central Intelligence Agency expert Bruce Riedel.Headley's story showed in clear contours the close relationship between Al Qaeda and the Pakistani militant group LeT, Riedel, who led the review of the Obama administration's Af-Pak strategy,said.
March 25, 2010
India firm on direct access to Headley
As extradition of terror accused David Headley from the United States is likely to be a difficult process, India will press for immediate direct access to him for its investigators.Top government sources said as extradition of the 49-year old Pakistani-American, who has admitted to plotting the audacious Mumbai terror attack, appeared to become a difficult process, the immediate priority of the Indian investigators was direct access to him to know details about terror plots.
March 24, 2010
'Govt must act tough, seek Headley's extradition'
Subramanium, whose advice was sought by the Home Ministry on Headley case, has underlined that the US was under obligation to hand over the Lashkar-e Tayiba operative as the extradition treaty between the US and India was binding on the two countries as per international covenants, sources said. India to write to US to gain Headley's access
The home ministry will soon write to the US department of justice seeking a date for having direct access to Lashkar-e-Tayiba terrorist David Headley, who is currently under American custody. US has to give us access to Headley: Moily
India has insisted that US must provide a direct access to its investigators to interrogate Pakistani-American David Headley, who has confessed to plotting the Mumbai terror attacks. No U-turn by US on direct access to Headley: PC
Union Home Minister P Chidambaram has said that there was no confusion over the issue of Indian investigators getting direct access to Pakistani-American Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley or not.
March 23, 2010
'Headley will cooperate with Indian authorities'
Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley, who has confessed to plotting Mumbai attacks, will cooperate with Indian authorities as required by the terms of his plea agreement if the US government allows access to New Delhi, his lawyer said on Tuesday. MHA official meets solicitor general over Headley
Special Secretary (Internal Secretary) U K Bansal met Solicitor General Gopal Subramanium on Tuesday night and discussed with him about the options available before Indian investigators to question Headley under the plea bargain agreement between him and the American government. No decision taken on Indian access to Headley: US
In a volte-face, the United States has said no decision has been taken on providing India direct access to 26/11 accused David Headley.
March 22, 2010
Headley: Investigators to leave for US in April
India is likely to send a team of investigators in April to question American terrorist David Coleman Headley, who has admitted to plotting the audacious Mumbai terror attack. Headley: Investigators to leave for US in April
India is likely to send a team of investigators in April to question American terrorist David Coleman Headley, who has admitted to plotting the audacious Mumbai terror attack. 26/11 court rejects accused's plea to quiz Headley
A special court rejected the plea to make Pakistan-American terrorist David Headley a witness in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks case on Monday after the prosecution argued that he is one of the accused and part of a module, which had filmed targets in the city. The burnt-out case of David Headley
The Headley case highlights that the Indian government proved incapable of assessing the geopolitical dimensions of the US-led war in Afghanistan, while Pakistan has shrewdly exploited the fallacies in India's foreign policy orientation to navigate itself to an unprecedented geopolitical positioning, writes M K Bhadrakumar.
March 20, 2010
'Stop pussyfooting' on Headley: CPM to govt
Asking the government to 'stop pussyfooting' on the David Coleman Headley case, the Communist Party of India-Marxist on Saturday said it must immediately seek access to the terror accused.