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December 30, 2011
Faisal Kidwai: Bigg Boss's Sunny Leone reveals dark truth about Indians
Imagine the response if a dark-skinned Indian woman who had acted in porn films had gone to the Bigg Boss house instead of an Indo-Canadian porn actress, says Faisal Kidwai.
December 29, 2011
T V R Shenoy: 2012: Year of the Street, Court and Polling Booth
'What happens if the judge should accept Dr Swamy's arguments? Can P Chidambaram continue as home minister if he is an 'accused' in a scam? Leave aside the morality of it, will he be able to function in his highly sensitive post if he is distracted by legal battles?' Varad Varenya: J&K interlocutors- They came, they saw, they went
Now that the Jammu and Kashmir interlocutors have seen the problems of the people and submitted their report on a year-long exercise, it is time for the government of India to be serious over the intricate matters concerning Jammu and Kashmir, says Varad Varenya. Aziz Haniffa: US-India ties: The year of the drift
'The current period of implementation and consolidation will put the relationship on an even sounder footing when the leaders in both capitals determine it is time to quicken the pace.
December 28, 2011
Ritu Jha: California Diaspora- Some blows, some clout
Despite the Tri Valley University case and hate crimes, the Indian-American community gained ground in California. T P Sreenivasan: 2011, the year of hedging in foreign policy
'Hedging has become inevitable in the emerging global scenario and we too should have our share of hedging. But it has to be combined with firm positions and sturdy alliances wherever necessary.' Sheela Bhatt: It's going to be 2012, not 1912!
In the tug of war between modernity and tradition, we often don't know which side we are on. As a friend said the other day, "As parents we are contradicting ourselves every day. We ask our daughters to look for jobs and at the same time we say get married soon. We keep asking them, 'Why are you writing on so many private things on Facebook?' We want to micro-manage our children's lives, but we want to portray ourselves as liberals who give our children lots of freedom." Shashi Shekhar: Aftermath of 2011: Do Frequent Elections Beckon?
'In many ways, 2011 had come to resemble the mid-1990s when an unusual number of politicians found themselves in prison or out of office over various charges of corruption. It is not a happy parallel to draw on for the then Congress government was followed by two long years of political instability and frequent elections.'
December 26, 2011
Virendra Kapoor: Did Chidambaram rescue a former client?
The fact that S P Gupta was a former client of P Chidambaram is not germane to the controversy. The withdrawal of the cases in itself was scandalous. Not one of the three cases against Gupta impinge on the wider public interest, says Virendra Kapoor.
December 21, 2011
T V R Shenoy: Season of Southern Discontent
'I am more pessimistic than ever that any amicable solution to the Mullaperiyar Dam problem is possible. Neither state is prepared to accept that its neighbour might have legitimate fears, of a dam collapse in Kerala and of water famine in Tamil Nadu.'
December 19, 2011
M P Anil Kumar: Here's to the folks of Goa, Daman and Diu!
'The 67 sorties mounted from Jamnagar broke the Portuguese's will to fight, the army columns advanced unresisted, and the Portuguese threw in the towel. The formal surrender took place about midday on December 19.'
December 15, 2011
T V R Shenoy: We have leaders who refuse to lead
'Where is the much-vaunted Congress 'high command'? Exactly where it was when Anna Hazare was shaking Delhi in August? Exactly where it was when the FDI-retail concern brought Parliament to a halt in November?'
December 12, 2011
Shashi Shekhar: My Rediscovery of India
'The aspirations of India's people have gotten far ahead of the political debate as one sees the malls in tier-2 cities and car showrooms in 'rurbanised' towns.' B S Prakash: Consume or Kill? Save or Spend?
'The public are being told to consume more, even in China and India. A part of the global problem is being attributed to the saving patterns of people in Asia and we are being told that greater demand and consumption in BRIC countries can help ease the pain of the developed world.'
December 08, 2011
Saisuresh Sivaswamy: Dr Singh, the prime ministership of India is a political job
If the prime minister doesn't plan to step down post the FDI fiasco, he should get down to real governance -- and can start by having the numerous clowns in his court shut up
December 07, 2011
Harsh V Pant
Every day, frictions increase between India and China
America's Asia-Pacific policy will come unhinged without Indian support and Indian desire to effectively balance China will remain just that, a desire, without American support, feels Harsh V Pant. Archives
December 06, 2011
T V R Shenoy: The prime minister no longer enjoys any authority
The prime minister, I believe, still enjoys a majority in the Lok Sabha if push comes to shove, but 'majority' and 'authority' are two different things. When you look at Dr Manmohan Singh you must now automatically insert 'lame duck' before 'prime minister,' says T V R Shenoy.
November 29, 2011
T P Sreenivasan: Kavita Karkare's call should not fall on deaf ears
Her concern was the continuation of security breaches and terrorism and the apparent mood to move forward in normalising relations with Pakistan, without any guarantee that terrorism will not be its State policy anymore, says T P Sreenivasan.
November 28, 2011
T V R Shenoy: Our main political parties have become deaf and blind
'The Mayawati government's resolution for partitioning Uttar Pradesh and Manmohan Singh's move of allowing FDI in the retail sector are classic diversionary tactics to draw eyeballs away from the real issues that concern the people.'
November 15, 2011
Ruma Pal, former Supreme Court judge, slams higher judiciary
Justice Ruma Pal is to be saluted for her courageous dissent of conviction and reminding her peers that they need to put themselves on self-trial. The alternative is for India to sink further into the cesspool of even greater corruption, says C Uday Bhaskar.
November 11, 2011
Tarun Vijay
Biting the hands that protect Omar and India
The proposal to remove the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in some parts Kashmir is a ploy by anti-India forces to show that they are still relevant, says Tarun Vijay. Archives
November 09, 2011
Mahesh Vijapurkar: Why I miss the postman
Mahesh Vijapurkar laments the decline of Indian Post. Shashi Shekhar: The importance of Narendra Modi's visit to China
The success of Gujarat has today put it in a place where it can negotiate and navigate international relations of direct economic consequence to it without being held back by the timidity in New Delhi, says Shashi Shekhar.
November 08, 2011
Praful Bidwai: Neither sport nor entertainment: The fraud called Formula One
A major antagonism is visible the world over between capitalism and democracy. But the Indian elite and the media continue to glorify capitalism, with all its sleaze. Their celebration of F1 is part of this, says Praful Bidwai.
October 31, 2011
B S Prakash: Decline, recession, stagflation, crisis, crunch...
'Every slide in the power point presentation had a graph with years like 2006, 2008, 2010 on the X axis... Most lines seemed to lie inert horizontally and many seemed to dip despondently, except the red line for China which seemed to rise triumphantly in each slide...'
October 17, 2011
T P Sreenivasan: How the IFS is finding its soul
'A number of younger diplomats have begun to search for the soul of the foreign service, to give its members a sense of belonging and pride.'
October 12, 2011
Tarun Vijay: What Putin's return means for India
'In diplomacy, like in politics, there are no permanent friends or foes. Only interests guide policy. The same principle must true for India-Russia relations in the coming Putin era.' Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd): Can China and Pakistan launch a Kargil-like foray?
Army chief General V K Singh has spoken recently of Chinese troops in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

The impending American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the US-Pakistan divorce has the potential to destabilise the region. China may become more assertive in South Asia.

October 11, 2011
Neerja Chowdhury: LK Advani could've won the race by sitting out
What has gone against Advani is the sense that he is desperate to become PM, says Neerja Chowdhury Tarun Vijay: What Putin's second coming would mean for India
India will be well advised to welcome Putin's second coming as Russian president wholeheartedly, yet try to build up its independent capabilities, says Tarun Vijay
October 10, 2011
T V R Shenoy: Why the Congress needs to fear its allies
'A defeat in the Hisar by-election would not make any difference to the numbers in the Lok Sabha for the simple reason that the Congress had not won that seat in 2009 anyhow. But alienating the Trinamool Congress (19 Lok Sabha MPs), the DMK (18 Lok Sabha MPs), and the Nationalist Congress Party (nine Lok Sabha MPs in addition to all the MLAs in Maharashtra) is another story. Those 46 MPs are crucial to the survival of the Manmohan Singh ministry.'
October 03, 2011
Playing dirty politics with the poor
'Second-generation neoliberal policies, coupled with multiple failures on the food front, could do to the UPA what India Shining did to the NDA in 2004.'
September 29, 2011
Why does the Congress have such a poor culture of accountability?
'It is Andhra Pradesh and not Uttar Pradesh which is the real litmus test for Rahul Gandhi's political leadership.' Narendra Modi can't be India's prime minister. He should move on!
'Let the Jaitleys and Swarajs struggle for political supremacy while Modi can be the power behind the throne. In short, he could play the Sonia Gandhi card. In a country so enamoured with symbolism, that may yet prove to be a political masterstroke.' Why is the Congress aggressively defending Chidambaram?
'It is no longer about A Raja alone. It is not even truly about P Chidambaram. It is about rescuing Dr Manmohan Singh.'
September 28, 2011
Mahesh Vijapurkar: Anti-corruption movement - Disappointments ahead
The common man thinks that the stringent Lokpal law promised would take care of all corruption and rid the country of the malaise. It will not.
September 20, 2011
TP Sreenivasan: PM steps on to the shifting sands at the UN
T P Srinivasan outlines the importance of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's trip to New York for the United Nations General Assembly session Gopal Krishna: Women chief ministers show path to nuclear sanity
Two women chief ministers in India have taken a statesman like courageous stand against nuclear projects Bengal. This sets the precedent for other states and visionary leader to take decisive steps to save present and future generation of Indian from unpredictable and inevitable nuclear emergencies, says Gopal Krishna. Shonalee Biwas: Why Narendra Modi is the best bet for brand BJP
If the BJP has to pose any sort of challenge to the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance in the next Lok Sabha elections, it needs to go back to what it has always stood for in the mind of the voter, says Shonalee Biswas. Shashi Shekhar: The debate over Narendra Modi
Whether one likes Narendra Modi or not, one cannot deny him the credit of putting the national debate back firmly in the political realm and on the merits of relative political choice, says Shashi Shekhar.
September 15, 2011
Mahesh Vijapurkar: Why I fear for the future of Anna Hazare's movement
The campaign should have started as a demand for total revolution to usher in good governance of which probity in public life as a quintessential element, says Mahesh Vijapurkar. S P Udayakumar: Koodankulam- People's movement against nuclear energy
Villagers protest against the Koodankulam nuclear power project. Shashi Shekhar: Should India be condemned to suffer vote bank politics forever?
'We must make politics that uses demographic identity as a wedge, less and less relevant.'
September 14, 2011
Did Chidambaram convince us?
'Till the time there is an efficient leadership in place, it would be difficult to elicit popular support for the government's moves in fighting terror. However, I am still convinced that P Chidambaram is our best bet as home minister.' When bribery became official in India
It is now on record that the Congress has a history of paying money -- call it 'donations' for 'cooperation' if you like -- to MPs from the Opposition benches.
September 13, 2011
Faisal Kidwai: Should Modi's burden be India's too?
I do not know if Narendra Modi is personally responsible for the killings and rapes of hundreds of Muslims -- that is for the courts to decide -- but I do know that being the chief minister he is at the very least morally responsible, says Faisal Kidwai
September 09, 2011
India cannot afford another lost decade
'There cannot be any fence sitters in political churning. The 'apolitical' campaigns will have to take a political stance sooner than later.' How the CBI has helped the BJP
'By any rational reckoning the CBI has done the BJP an enormous favour by arresting Janardhana Reddy. It gives the party one more chance at redemption.' The government must act!
The government must seriously consider enlarging the scope of its counter-terrorism policy to covertly target organisations across India's borders that are sponsoring terrorism in India.
September 08, 2011
Colonel R Hariharan: No end to preparedness in the fight against terror
India has certain special features -- a strange disconnect between thought and action, lack of strategic focus in fighting terrorism and a national inability to focus on core issues for immediate response.
September 07, 2011
PM's Dhaka visit: By no means a write-off
Indian commentators are inclined to view the country's relations with its neighbours almost exclusively through the prism of the ascendancy of China's diplomacy in South Asia.
September 06, 2011
Burying the ghosts of Kashmiri graves
The Kashmir conflict has many sides. There are victims and perpetrators on all sides. If the demand for retributive justice is pursued by all sides, it will end up finishing whatever little is left to salvage in Kashmir. WikiLeaks: Narayanan is more credible than Roemer
M K Narayanan had nothing to gain by misrepresenting the Indian position to Timothy Roemer, while the latter had to impress upon his government that his demarche on the phone was very effective. Ambassadors are known to write their cables in a way that pleases their masters back home.
September 05, 2011
Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd): Army chief's age - A needless controversy
A chief lodging a 'statutory complaint' sends a very wrong signal to the rank and file of the service. Does India need a spectacle like this? Even more dangerously, this also signals the breakdown of communication at the highest levels of the defence ministry, says Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd). Praful Bidwai: Anna's problematic agenda: End of a grave crisis
Team Anna must show some humility instead of imposing its will on society. It doesn't hold a monopoly on understanding how to make governance more inclusive, clean and people-responsive. It must recognise that finally, it is Parliament that prevailed on the Lokpal legislative process, and that's how things should be, says Praful Bidwai. Shloka Nath: Saving the Sundarbans
The Sundarbans is at the epicentre of both India-Bangaldesh bilateral diplomatic challenges and of the most intense global battles against climate change. B S Prakash: When are we happy?
'There are many unknowns about happiness, but one thing is known: Thinking about happiness does not make you happy.' Rajni Bakshi: How to get to know Parliament better
According to C V Madhukar, a senior member of PRS Legislative Research, an independent Delhi-based think-tank, 'the debate on the Lokpal Bill reflected how Parliament functions about 80 percent of the time.'
August 29, 2011
Dr Sanjay Nagral: Team Anna - What about medical corruption?
'The Hazare movement and media have focussed on corruption of the 'spectacular' variety. But what has escaped the discussion is the institutionalised corruption in-built in the conduct and practice of professions ike the medical profession in India.' B Raman: A retreat has been sounded in Anna vs govt battle
'The public perception at this stage of the battle is that the victory thus far belongs to Anna and his followers, but in reality it may turn out to be a victory of mixed proportions.'
August 26, 2011
Chandrabhan Prasad: Want to live in the India Anna wants to build?
'All societies possess conservatives and India can't be an exception. The difference is that when upper castes display their conservatism, they turn into a Taliban. Anna has come to harvest that social constituency.' Brigadier Krishan Mehra (retd): Anna Hazare is no common dude
What does the poor common man do? He does not have the wherewithal to fight the system. Anna has provided this Aam Aadmi a ray of hope.' G V Dasarathi: I am Anna Hazare?
'Democracy must be nurtured, or else it gets corrupted. Voting is just one part of your duty as a citizen of this democracy. But another duty that most of us overlook is participation,' Ram Kelkar: Let's not end up needing a Lokpal for the Lokpal
A system that is judge, jury, and executioner, with draconian and apparently ill-defined powers and a haphazard system of oversight is not necessarily a better denouement, even if the current situation is untenable T V R Shenoy: Why hasn't PM faced Anna between April and August?
The answer to that must lie between the prime minister and his conscience.
August 25, 2011
Govind Talwalkar: The Ayatollah in waiting
'Like the Iranian religious supremo, Anna Hazare demands supreme power and he dreams that with the present dysfunctional government, he could wield power from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and everybody would just obey his fiats.' Gail Omvedt: Caste and the anti-corruption campaign
'Reservations are anathema to many of the core supporters of Anna Hazare...'

'The deeply disturbing aspect of this whole event is the reactionary trend that political and social life, especially as dominated by "shining India," seem to be taking.' Reproduced with kind courtesy, Shashi Shekhar: No quick-fix solutions to corruption
'Much of what we call corruption is but a side effect of a deeper malaise. The chalta-hai attitude and its innovative twin, jugaad.

August 24, 2011
Lieutenant, did you die in vain?
'You will not get the adulation from the government that a martyred soldier gets in the US. Your name will not be read out in any obituary reference in Parliament, as is done in the UK for all soldiers who fall in combat in the line of duty. Your name will not be etched on any national memorial because we do not have one!'
August 17, 2011
Saisuresh Sivaswamy: We, The Feeble
'Hazare is not the issue, and the government should not make him into one. Rather, it should focus on the issue he has voiced: Corruption that is depriving people of the mind-boggling welfare funds but for which India would already be a member of the Comity of Nations the prime minister often speaks about.'
August 10, 2011
A Ganesh Nadar: India, you've come a long way
From coal engines and phone calls that took two days to come through, to the cellphone revolution, and scams that have become mindlessly bigger, A Ganesh Nadar on a country that has seen remarkable changes in its 64 years as a nation. Harsh V Pant: This violence has dented Britain's global reputation
'The breakdown in the family structure in large sections of British society and the lack of discipline in young Britons is being looked at once again as the underlying reasons for growing criminality and lack of respect for authority among the youth.'
August 09, 2011
Harsh V Pant: Sino-Pak- An 'all-weather' friendship under cloud
The deteriorating regional security environment and the rising tide of Islamist radicalism in Pakistan might just force Beijing to change its course towards India, says Harsh V Pant
August 08, 2011
Nandini Sundar: When the government defends the indefensible
'Can governments which consistently let their lawyers down, be trusted to uphold the rights of their people? How much longer will the State fight against its own citizens, inside and outside court?'
August 01, 2011
Virendra Kapoor: The method behind Digvijay's campaigns
'Praise me, condemn me, but do not ignore me. Given that the Congress party has a whole army of office-bearers, a vast majority of Indians would find it hard to name even a couple of them. But you can bet that they will readily recall the name of one general secretary: Digvijay Singh. Fame and notoriety being two sides of the same coin for present-day politicians, Singh would not mind being abused by the 'aam aadmi' so long as he enjoys a fair recall value.' T P Sreenivasan: Pakistan's charm offensive works, and how!
'India seems to have been charmed into conceding ground to the new Pakistan foreign minister on many of its established positions. HRK has established her credentials and the US will be particularly impressed.'
July 18, 2011
B S Prakash : Accidental Chinese Wisdom
Kissinger asks Zhou Enlai, 'What do you think is the impact of the French Revolution?' Zhou, after a pregnant silence so beloved of statesmen, says, 'It is too early to tell.' This comment about the Revolution that changed history has been a subject of analysis for decades.
July 15, 2011
All the while you push away the pain, the shock
Now the pain is back and it is unbearable. It sort of chews mercilessly at you as you chug through your day. It pulsates as you drive past knots of dead-bored cops. Or bump over pot-holed roads. Or past a drawing of a happy face that says India Smiling. It pricks sharply as you read articles on what politicians have to say. Vaihayasi Pande Daniel on every Mumbaikar's agony
July 14, 2011
Sumit Bhattacharya: It can only happen in Mumbai
'Yes, Mumbai has been sucker punched again. As much by its own as by the bastards who routinely put bombs in crowded places.' Lisa Curtis: In wake of Mumbai attacks, Pak could help save dialogue with India
'The US should make clear to Pakistan that, whether or not the attack originated in Pakistan, now would be an opportune time to move ahead with the prosecutions of the LeT members involved in the 2008 attacks.' Harsh V Pant: India's Forever War
'The terrorists who have done this know well that the ever-forgiving Indian government knows only one way to respond -- with high-sounding, but meaningless words.'
July 13, 2011
Colonel Anil Athale (retd): Judicial activism- How far does it go?
Colonel Anil Athale (retd) on the state of the judiciary in the country.
June 30, 2011
B Raman: Strategic review of national security management
Unless one is able to convince the serving officers of the need for changes, reforms, new thinking and new concepts and ideas, even the best of task forces would fail to meet the objectives for which it was set up, says B Raman on the new task force set up to review our national security.
June 20, 2011
Bibhu Prasad Routray: 'People' factor missing in anti-Maoist operations
The government needs to get the tribals in the Maoist-dominated areas on their side, if they are going to win the battle against the Maoists. But that is easier said than done, says Bibhu Prasad Routray.
June 17, 2011
BS Prakash: The untold story of Obama's mother
Barack Obama's mother was a truly unusual person, a woman with a curiosity, a keen intellect, and an internationalist orientation much ahead of her times, says B S Prakash after reading A Singular Woman.
June 13, 2011
Sachin Kalbag: Tribute- J Dey was first among equals
MiD DAY executive editor Sachin Kalbag pays tribute to J Dey, the veteran investigative journalist, who was shot dead by unknown assailants in Mumbai on Saturday.
June 08, 2011
T V R Shenoy: New Delhi's summer of discontent
What do you make of the sheer fecklessness of the political class, those men and women that are supposed to be the pillars of our representative democracy? Why are they all seemingly blinded by folly? asks T V R Shenoy.
June 02, 2011
Vivek Gumaste: Fatal flaw in communal violence bill
The manipulative syntax of the bill smacks of a furtive agenda to tilt the scales in favour of a specific community at the cost of the majority and violates the basic tenet of equality before the law, says Vivek Gumaste.
June 01, 2011
T V R Shenoy: The communal polarisation of Kerala's voters
There was a clear polarisation of Christian and (especially) Muslim votes in favour of the UDF. This caused enough misgivings to start a consolidation of Hindu votes behind the LDF, says T V R Shenoy.
May 26, 2011
T V R Shenoy: Mayawati couldn't ask for a better foe than Rahul Gandhi
H R Bhardwaj's exalted opinion of himself and Rahul Gandhi's exaggeration have done far worse than strengthen the chief ministers they claim to oppose.
May 24, 2011
Obama: a better orator than statesman
The world will welcome the lofty ideas that have figured in Obama’s Arab Spring speech, but the credibility deficit will remain till the US conduct on the ground matches the President's golden vocabulary.
May 21, 2011
India on a road to rediscover Africa
India is on a rediscovery of Africa. India and Africa, as maritime neighbours have an ancient tradition of trading links. But a modern day engagement is taking shape between them with the Indian government going ahead with a Focus Africa policy for a structured interaction with all regions of the African continent. The second Africa-India Forum Summit is to be held in Addis Ababa next week. Propaganda vs public diplomacy
Public diplomacy works better with multiple channels of communication, including web 2.0. Propaganda cannot survive multiple channels and web 2.0; it works best in information starved place, says Abhay L.
May 20, 2011
Praful Bidwai: Poll results- Tectonic shift in Indian politics
The Congress's 3-to-2 score in the five states might appear respectable, but must be seen in perspective. Its Assam win came entirely because of local leaders. The corruption issue hit the Congress in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. And it lost the people's pulse in Puducherry, says Praful Bidwai.
May 18, 2011
TVR Shenoy: Doff a hat to the Indian voter!
Offered a proper choice, the electorate shall punish the corrupt, the incompetent, and the arrogant -- but also reward true performers. You cannot ask more of a democracy.
May 17, 2011
What is the road ahead for the AMU?
Before it plans to show light to others, Aligarh Muslim University has to put its own house in order and be what it always was -- a centre of excellence where tradition and modernity do not collide but complement each other, says old student Arfa Khanum Sherwani.
May 16, 2011
Can Sanya be the beginning for a new world order?
BRICS should reinforce the actions of G-20 for creating a new world order. It will also be a good idea to attempt to get Security Council replaced by the G-20, says C M A Nayar. Sonia's call to Jaya: The political implications
The Congress may say that Sonia Gandhi's call to new Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa was a courtesy call. But there was a clear message that the Congress president wanted to send, says Neerja Chowdhury. Sympathy for Pakistan?
By a mix of deception, subterfuge, ingratitude and crocodile tears, Pakistan has begun to get sympathy rather than condemnation when it stands exposed as the haven for the most wanted terrorist in the world.
May 13, 2011
Tarun Vijay: Let's give Mamata Banerjee a chance
Mamata must be whole-heartedly congratulated and supported. If she errs in future, we must be ready to correct her, says Tarun Vijay.
May 10, 2011
Rules for Regime Change?
What are the rules for change of a regime?" asked my co-passenger. "Well, it is a bit complicated and there are no rules," I started...
May 5, 2011
Pakistan won't change a bit even after Osama
'The US does not want Pakistan either to break up or fall into the hands of fundamentalists. The US has been saying for long that India should work with those in power in Pakistan, because those who came after them would have longer beards!'
May 3, 2011
T V R Shenoy
Why the CPI-M deserves to lose West Bengal
'People resent the fact that idiotic policies set by the Left Front -- banning English from primary schools, hampering the installation of computers -- have left them behind applicants from other states in the race for jobs. Above all, they are tired of the corruption of the Left Front.' Archive          
May 2, 2011
Seema Mustafa: Osama death- An embarrassment Pakistan can't live down
'It was impossible for bin Laden to live in the luxurious building with a huge compound in Abbotabad without the knowledge of the Inter Services Intelligence or the Pakistan military.'
April 25, 2011
T V R Shenoy: Why the Kadapa bypoll is critical for the Congress
If Jaganmohan Reddy wins the Kadapa by-election, he may be able to destabilise the Congress state government in Andhra Pradesh. This may also have implications for the UPA government at the Centre, says T V R Shenoy. B S Raghavan: Anna's team - A lamentable letdown
In the whole sordid series of happenings after Anna Hazare broke his fast, the only side to emerge with credit is the government. In fact, it is outshining the civil society, says B S Raghavan.
April 15, 2011
Gandhi doesn't need this defence
Banning books shows insecurity of the political class, says Praful Bidwai.
April 12, 2011
M R Venkatesh: Is Tamil Nadu witnessing a silent anti-DMK wave?
On the eve of the elections it is advantage AIADMK, says M R Venkatesh. Dr A Gopalakrishnan: Are Indian nuclear weapons facilities safe?
Parliament must insist that the government should direct its Department of Atomic Energy to immediately examine and make recommendations to the government on the structure of an independent surveillance and regulatory authority for the defence nuclear facilities, says Dr A Gopalakrishnan. Apoorvanand: Must university students know English or perish?
Let us not create 1,500 or more institutions, which are world class but disconnected to the socio-cultural milieu, which houses them, says Apoorvanand.
April 07, 2011
T P Sreenivasan: After Fukushima disaster, the IAEA has to change
T'The IAEA should be given the authority, resources and technical capability to intervene expeditiously in case of a nuclear emergency.'
April 06, 2011
Will the Marans take over the DMK in case it loses?
The Marans know for sure that these elections are extremely testing times, more for them than for Karunanidhi or his sons. Given this paradigm, and should the DMK win these elections, it is a matter of time before they attempt to take over the party reins, says M R Venkatesh. Neerja Chowdhury
Why World Cup win was a national catharsis
The World Cup victory has come as a badly needed morale booster for the country. But it is also a warning to the political class that their leadership can be usurped. This apolitical trend can be unhealthy for a democracy, says Neerja Chowdhury. Archive          
April 05, 2011
B S Prakash: Are the Chinese 'better' parents?
'Are we losing this race too? Will the Chinese outstrive us, even if they don't outsmart us?' Harsh V Pant
Why Indian defence needs to keep pace with China
'The defence capability differential between China and India is rising at an alarming rate. This will continue to constrain India's rise as a major regional and global player of any significance.' Archive          
March 31, 2011
Sandip Roy: Changing Census and sensibility in a new India
'I realise that in some ways the Census is a peephole into a changing India. It's not just about transgenders or the disabled. This time marital status includes separate categories for divorced and separated. Mental illness has been separated from mental retardation. For the first time, the census taker is asking for the date of birth.' T P Sreenivasan: The suffering of the Japanese must not be in vain
'Fukushima should inject a sense of nuclear neutrality into the thinking of our policy makers and it leads to a full appraisal of our options for the future.'
March 29, 2011
Richard M Bennett: Libya op- Humanitarian? Bah, it's about oil silly!
Whatever the humanitarian stance taken by the leaders in Washington, London and Paris, the real catalyst for action in Libya is not the deaths of countless civilians, but the need to secure the supply of oil to an increasingly thirsty developed world.
March 28, 2011
T V R Shenoy: 'Being non-corrupt is not the same as being anti-corrupt!'
'Kerala may have the worst physical infrastructure -- potholed roads to overflowing drains -- of the four major southern states, but does anybody care? Given all this you may think Kerala's voters lack any options come Election Day. That would be a mistake.'
March 25, 2011
T P Sreenivasan: WikiLeaks- Indian diplomats emerge unscathed
'No single instance has come out so far to show that an Indian diplomat was enticed to say or do anything to please the Americans -- no honey traps, no Swiss accounts. Whatever the Indians did or said to their American counterparts was based on facts, policy and personal conviction.'
March 21, 2011
India's very own blasphemy law
The social media purveyors of India need the government in the trenches with us, not high above, in disconnected office buildings, passing judgment and deciding what we are allowed to say and what not, says blogger Vijayendra Mohanty.
March 18, 2011
Can corrupt India handle nuclear safety?
'From the resurrected cash-for-votes scandal to a rigged process favouring four foreign vendors -- and from new safety concerns to the special legislation that caps the foreign suppliers' accident liability by burdening the Indian taxpayer -- the nuclear deal's future looks more troubled than ever.'
March 16, 2011
DMK: More bad news on the way
'There are indications of two streams of money flooding the coffers of Kalaignar TV. The first was from DB Realty. The second, which is not yet publicly disclosed, allegedly involves a sum of Rs 50 crore from another participant in the purchase of 2G spectrum. Investigators are also looking at a seeming clue thrown up by the famous Radia Tapes.'
March 14, 2011
Harsh V Pant: India finally makes an entry in Iraq
India will have to seriously think about its role anew as a new Iraq emerged in a new Middle... Seema Mustafa: Will Kashmir see an Egypt-like uprising?
The indifference, apathy and inaction in Kashmir by the governments both at the Centre and the state has added to a rush by the young people to become the masters of their own destiny, says Seema Mustafa.
March 07, 2011
Who doctored P J Thomas's bio-data?
'Between 2000 and 2004 there were six recommendations to start proceedings against P J Thomas. After 2004 not only was there no such recommendation, but all mention of the Palmolein Case was wiped off Thomas's bio-data. There seems to have been a deliberate attempt to clear Thomas's record starting in 2004. The Manmohan Singh ministry took office in 2004. Draw your own inferences.'
March 01, 2011
The United Colours of the tainted UPA
'Will Sonia Gandhi use the argument of retaining power in Delhi to over-ride her party's chances in Tamil Nadu, corruption be damned?'
February 28, 2011
Harsh V Pant: Who is mucking up India's defence build-up?
The reality is that Indian defence modernisation is lagging behind and the government and the present defence minister is largely responsible for the sad state of affairs today in the military realm.
February 24, 2011
Centre must take lead in police reforms
The Supreme Court's directives embody an inclusive package that can play an instrumental role in transforming the police. First by following the directives, and then persuading Congress-ruled states to follow suit, the Union government must set the ball rolling on police reforms.
February 21, 2011
How gigantic sums of public money are being lost
BSNL shall be bankrupt by the end of 2011, Indian Railways is bleeding; Air India has run up a total debt of Rs 40,000 crore.
February 17, 2011
Yoginder Sikand: Deoband and the machinations of the mullahs
For many mullahs, religion and religious institutions are simply tools to feather their own nests and to whip up the support of the credulous by projecting themselves as pious defenders of the faith, says Yoginder Sikand
February 16, 2011
Mahesh Vijapurkar: PoP Ganesh idols -- sentiment v reason
The Constitution lays out a laborious process for removing a judge, deliberately so because it must never be done on a political whim. History shows that no Supreme Court or high court judge has ever lost office in such fashion. The best defence against judicial misbehaviour, to use the American term, is 'peer pressure.' T V R Shenoy: Is the Supreme Court immune?
Instead of the instinctive outcry that sentiments are hurt, the political leadership ought to avoid emotions and opt for reason for what has been suggested is good for us. They ought to cease stoking the fire and accept the reality, says Mahesh Vijapurkar
February 14, 2011
T P Sreenivasan
UN gaffes are not rare
Gaffes in the UN create some red faces and send a few chuckles around, but do not harm anyone as each country's position is known and the situation can easily be retrieved. Archive           Sushant Sareen
Sharm-el-Sheikh like surrender in Thimphu
The Indian people need to know what the Manmohan Singh government expects to achieve from the dialogue from Pakistan. This obsession of normalising of relations with Pakistan, even if this is at the cost of India's territorial unity and integrity, is acquiring dangerous dimensions, says Sushant Sareen. Archive          
February 10, 2011
B S Prakash: IT greats who changed the world
Marc Zuckerberg of Facebook, Sergei Brin and Larry Page of Google, Steve Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft -- visionaries, missionaries or monopolists?
February 09, 2011
T V R Shenoy: The DB Realty-DMK puzzle
'The CBI suspects A Raja of favouring Swan Telecom, a wing of DB Realty. A chain of firms connected to DB Realty transferred over Rs 200 crore to a television network connected to M Karunanidhi's immediate family....'
February 07, 2011
Virendra Kapoor: A static government and its bumbling ministers
When educated ministers like Kapil Sibal and P Chidambaram are forced to defend the indefensible it shows a certain desperation in the top power structures in the ruling UPA, says Virendra Kapoor. Rajeev Srinivasan: Children of a Lesser God
Rajeev Srinivasan on how the uncaring State does not give a damn about the rights of the poor and the middle class
February 02, 2011
How the State oppresses the 'little people'
Rajeev Srinivasan on how insurgents and terrorists seem to have more human rights than the average citizen in India.
February 01, 2011
T V R Shenoy: The case for CVC P J Thomas
If the UPA or the Opposition wants the CVC out it must use due process of law, not insult and innuendo. Prosecute him if he is guilty, praise him if he is innocent, but at all costs respect the office that he holds, says T V R Shenoy. B Raman: Why the Karmapa issue could hurt Indo-China ties
The controversy is a sensitive issue which could have an impact on relations with China and could hurt the feelings and sensitivities of the followers of the Karmapa, say B Raman.
January 31, 2011
B Raman: Will history repeat itself in Arab nations?
What happened in Iran post-1979 could happen in Tunisia, Egypt and the rest of the Arab world in coming months, warns B Raman Archive          
January 28, 2011
With its eyes on China, Delhi woos Jakarta
India and Indonesia have a vested interest in ensuring that China's hegemony in the region does not go uncontested.
January 20, 2011
Saisuresh Sivaswamy: PM walks softly, carries a big stick
'All those castigating the government for a feeble reshuffle are missing the point. Which is that the exercise was not meant to be anything more than a message.'
January 19, 2011
T P Sreenivasan: India's Smart Power in the US
'As India's involvement in the growth of the US deepens, the search for the soul of India gains momentum. India's smart power gets projected in the US in very many ways.' Mahesh Vijapurkar: A crying need to restore public confidence
Just because the 14 elders spoke for us is not enough; each of us needs to add his voice and convert it into a clamour to be heard across the length and breadth of the country, says Mahesh Vijapurkar. Lalit Koul: Kashmir Hindus: Forsaken, forgotten for 21 years
The Kashmiri Hindu community despite homelessness and horrendous ethnic cleansing has survived and will survive. It is the tenacity to weather any storm and belief in its values and morals that has kept the Kashmiri Hindu alive, says Lalit Koul. Tenzin Thargay: What Tunisia's revolution means for the Arab world
The Jasmine Revolution has consecrated a milestone which will go a long way in ushering in people-led movements in the Arab world, says Tenzin Thargay.
January 18, 2011
Arvind J Bosmia: Swami Aseemanand, as I know him
'It is hard to connect this Hindu terror mastermind over-drive with the Swami Aseemanand of tribal simplicity and boundless energy, whom I have known since the last 11 years and interacted with closely.'
January 17, 2011
T V R Shenoy: Why is the UPA so unprepared for economic crisis?
January 10, 2011
Hamid Mir: Taseer's death gives power to forces of tolerance
January 07, 2011
B S Prakash: Why Brazil tops the modelling world B Raman: What the RAW's new leadership must do