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Republic Day terror plotters convicted
February 16, 2010 15:41 IST

Two Harkat-ul-Jihad-al Islami terrorists were on Tuesday held guilty by a Delhi [Images] court of possessing explosives and hawala money in 2007.

Additional Sessions Judge Nivedita Anil Sharma convicted Md Amin Wani and Lutfur Rahman of various offences under the Indian Penal Code, the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act and the Explosive Substances Act.

Both the convicts were allegedly active members of Bangladesh based HuJI militant organisation.

Wani, 29, was arrested on January 4, 2007 from Seeshganj Gurudwara in Delhi old city area by the city police's special cell for possessing Rs 4.5 lakh hawala money.

Another convict Rahman, 30, was apprehended from Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway station here with 1.5 kg explosives and a timer device.

According to police, both the convicts were in New Delhi to disrupt the Republic Day function.

The court, while holding the duo guilty, rejected the contention of defence counsel M S Khan that there was difference in the sample of explosives sent for forensic examination that claimed to have been recovered by police.

The prosecution examined as many as 10 witnesses to prove its case. The court is likely to pronounce the order on sentence on February 18.

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