Actor Shah Rukh Khan [Images], who was detained at the Newark Liberty Airport on Friday night and interrogated for two hours, participated at an event advertised as 'Dinner with Shah Rukh Khan' at the Trump Taj Mahal [Images] Casino, two hours after the harrowing incident.
Though he jokingly referred to the incident during his performance, SRK [Images] spoke out strongly against his treatment at the New Jersey airport after the event, saying "it was not a good feeling" when the security officials took him to a separate room for questioning.
"I appreciated my independence a million times more today, I wish I was in India on Independence Day," Khan told a news channel.
The Indian Consulate in New York is in touch with Khan, and the Indian government has taken up the issue with the United States administration.
Photographs: Gunjesh Desai
Image: Shah Rukh Khan relaxes in his hotel room at the Trump Taj Hotel [Images] at Atlantic City and (inset) spends time with an young fan.