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Ever been face to face with the King?
February 22, 2008
Recently released figures from India's National Tiger Conservation Authority put the population of tigers in India in 2008 at a pitiful 1,411.

Sadly, encountering a tiger in the wild is going to become a rarer and rarer experience. 

Have you ever encountered a tiger in the jungle in India? Perhaps on a trip to a wildlife sanctuary or a national park? Or maybe unexpectedly -- and memorably -- while traveling through one of India's magnificent forests?

Tell us about it? How did it come about? What time of day was it and where were you?

Send us all the details of your encounter -- year, date (if you remember it), location and more. And if you happen to have some great photographs of that encounter, that you have taken yourself,  please do send us those as well and we will put them up right here on!

Mail us at   

Photograph: Noah Seelam/AFP/Getty Images

Also read:
It's a shame we cannot protect our national animal!
Do we take care of our wildlife? What are you doing?
'There is more concern for the tiger outside India!'

Is it the end of the road for the Indian tiger?
At least one tiger is killed every day

Complete coverage: The decline of the Indian tiger


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