The pig is know for his honesty, simplicity and great fortitude.
Gallant, sturdy and courageous, pig personalities will apply themselves to an allotted task with all their strength and you can rely on them to see it through. Outwardly they appear rough-hewn and jovial. Scratch the surface and you will find pure gold.
The pig is bound to be one of the most natural people you could come across. They never hit below the belt. No doubt, they will fight and have differences but they will not carry grudges unless given no choice.
Are you a pig personality? Read your forecast for 2008
The year 2008 will be a year of heightened creativity. You are at your best potential phase as you move ahead with confidence and conviction in your chosen field.
Those in the media/entertainment field are now ready to take on bigger, more meaningful projects as they perfect their art. If employed, staying away from power games and being a good listener helps build goodwill.
Finances are good, especially in June and July. Splurge on luxuries especially on loved ones. If single, be more open-minded. You end the year meeting someone interesting and plan for a rosy future.