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The rat
February 18, 2007

The charms of the rat are universally known. He is as loved as the Walt Disney character Mickey Mouse.

Remarkably easy to get along with, hardworking and thrifty, the rat will be generous only to those they are inordinately fond of. So if you get an expensive gift from him, you should certainly rate yourself high in their esteem. On the surface, a rat may appear reserved, but this is not so. They are never as quiet as they look. They are bright, happy and sociable and really cherish their friends, associates and family.

Are you a rat personality? Read your forecast for 2007

The year commences on an intriguing note. Your search to discover yourself and your potential is will bear fruit. Your environment is conducive to growth and is supportive of the big changes you have planned. A platform to showcase your talents helps you to be the best at your work/business. Loans and important licenses are sanctioned around March-June and your business flourishes. Finances improve around September and investments prove fruitful. Inheritances for some in November are surprising. Those in long-term relationships plan a grand wedding this winter

Famous people born: Pope John Paul, William Shakespeare, Yves St Laurent, Prince Charles, Karim Aga Khan
Lucky days: Thursday, Saturday
Lucky Numbers: 5, 6



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