According to a report in the Vancouver Sun, at the 2007 Vaisakhi celebrations in Surrey (British Columbia) former leaders of Babbar Khalsa and International Sikh Youth Federation marched in the parade on April 7 wearing vests emblazoned with a Khalistani crest.'To Canada's Minister for National Security, Stockwell Day, "Khalistan is an imagined homeland (and so) as long as people are not actively supporting a terrorist group, people have the right of freedom of expression."
This report also says ' eight-point Sikh agenda is being launched on the eve of the next election in Canada (whenever elections may be called) to make public a distinct range of aims and objectives for the Canadian Sikh community."
In the document's preamble it is also stated that 'The Sikh agenda has been arrived at after widespread consultation and represents the disparate parts of the Canadian Sikh community. It is hoped the agenda progressed over the next four years with the Canadian Government, the Opposition and individual members of Parliament.
In their agenda the Sikh Lobby Network (Canada) and the Lobby group Sikh Federation (UK) they are asking the Canadian government to lift the ban on their two terrorist groups and support for the Khalistan movement.
No way, responds Minister Day. "It is certainly not the position of the government of Canada to delist, or to get in any way involved in this question of separatism in India. Our position clearly is when it comes tp listing terrorist groups, safety and security of Canadians is number one."