The world's biggest flower bouquet, consisting of over 1,75,000 flowers and standing 15 feet high, was presented to President A P J Abdul Kalam on Friday at the International Flora Expo 2006.
The genial President said he had decided to donate the bouquet to the exhibition hall for people to see and admire.
"Isn't this beautiful? Do not look at me, look at the bouquet," Kalam quipped while addressing the conference.
S Jafar Naqvi, an organiser of the conference, told the gathering that according to records, this was the world's biggest flower bouquet comprising several flowers and that it surpassed the 1,56,000-flower-bouquet.
20 leading flower designers from Mumbai and Delhi have designed the bouquet.
The unique bouquet, 5 feet wide at base, 20 feet wide on the top and 15 ft high, has been made out of different varieties of flowers from all over the country.
Photograph: AFP | Text: PTI