Thirty years of dictatorship, 20 years of war and the continuing violence have left deep psychological and emotional scars on the Iraqi people.
However, a group of Iraqis, who underwent a special one month training programme in trauma relief at the Art of Living International Centre in Bangalore, are ready to enhance the living conditions of their fellow countrymen.
"Life is still very difficult for us in Iraq. I wish to share His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's knowledge with my brothers and sisters, and bring relief in Iraq," says Wafa, the first Iraqi Art of Living teacher from Baghdad.
As part of the intensive training program, the group took lessons in trauma relief techniques, including ancient Indian breathing practices and Sudarshan Kriya, a breathing process taught by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
The 43-member Iraqi contingent comprised of lawyers, government officers, engineers, principals, journalists, political leaders and sports personalities.
Image: His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with the group of Iraqis who underwent a one month training programme in trauma relief.