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Democracy can't be established by force.
March 25, 2003 16:20 IST
Thu Mar 20 14:33:28 2003
Name:sumeet durani
Your Views:Absolutely. Someone has to have the guts to do it.
Thu Mar 20 15:24:26 2003
Your Views:Democracy is a basic human right which if not given should be taken, by force if necessary. Those who oppose the intervention of an outside force act like a violent alcoholic's ignorant wife who upon intervention of an outsider asks him to leave as it's their domestic matter.
Thu Mar 20 14:39:07 2003
Name:a b
Your Views:No, US should be taught a lesson, by sliming its soldiers with all the chemical and bio weapons available in iraq.
Thu Mar 20 14:40:26 2003
Your Views:The war is more than destroying the weapons. It is obvious why the British and US are doing this, they have done this before with other nations. India was attacked for its wealth, USSR was divided, now it is the turn of countries like Iraq. This is going to continue unless the world body and other countries stop this. Why don't countries like France and China use their veto power? Will they allow the same thing if Iraq attacks America? The war is just inhuman and show the greed the two countries have!
Thu Mar 20 14:44:09 2003
Your Views:If saddam has to go, there are at least half a dozen leader like him which includes BUSH also. So do u think Saddam alone has to go
Thu Mar 20 14:48:24 2003
Your Views:Saddam should go as Musharaf should go. They are bad dictators. But US has no right to interfere directly into Iraq's internal politics, particularly without UN mandate.
Thu Mar 20 14:48:41 2003
Your Views:All of us agree that Saddam is a threat to the world. His removal/existence is the responsibility of Iraqi people. If they cant, the international community must intervene. I am sure Bush and his administrators would have thought quite a bit before attacking but my greatest surprise is the international community not supporting a call for removing him. War was sure to happen. Lets hope that peace will prevail. The biggest danger is the whole world would start turning against U.S.A. one country cannot rule the world. I am sure Saddams case will be that he will flee iraq and go somewhere and join osama to attack u.s.
Thu Mar 20 14:50:08 2003
Your Views:Yes,in this case only oil seems to be the real interest and not the valuable lives (read blood) of the Iraqis or the american combat forces that could face casualties. The very nation that propositioned (remember WW-2)the creation of a unified world body (the UN) seems to be undermining its own actions.Mr Bush, show us hard evidence to substantiate your deeds, like you have done so in the past.Just do that and you will stand to gain considerable explicit support.If there is truth in what you say, make it known to the world.No one will dare to not support you.Your efforts will only be reinforced.
Thu Mar 20 14:51:27 2003
Your Views:A democracy with force will not stand long. Oil is thicker than blood for America and the bush team. Saddam shold go to spare Iraq people from war and also see if US is true to its word of not ivading Iraq if Saddam is left. Once saddam leaves US wouldnt have any face to attack Iraq and would be cornered from all sides by the international community. Bush has no right to interfere in Iraqs affair, whether democracy is established or not in Iraq its the Iraq peoples problem. The situation is more dangerous because tomorrow its going to be some other country US is going the way that its the worlds only police. They have taken a wrong direction.
Thu Mar 20 14:53:57 2003
Name:Balasubramanian A
Your Views:Yes, it will be good if some settlement comes between the parties which will end in no war, Saddam's exile AND IMPORTANTLY Iraq remaining an independant country with full ownership of its oil and other wealth. But since US and allies are eyeing mainly at Iraq's oil and not Saddam or his WoMD(?) etc., they will not be ready for any such settlement that does not give them abolute control over Iraq and its oil. So let Saddam be there in Iraq and resist US from robbing Iraq easily. Maybe if the war prolongs beyond the expected duration of 15 days, some country like Russia may broker peace, bringing in some acceptable solution.
Thu Mar 20 14:56:43 2003 Thu Mar 20 14:57:42 2003
Your Views:In principle, no one other that the people of Iraq have the right to remove Saddam. If US claims to be a democracy, they are liars, because they have ignored the fundamental principle of democracy, a definition coined by their own leader (for the people, by the people and of the people). In attacking Iraq, the US and UK are once again trying hard to legitimize their colonial ambitions. Remember, the US are descendants of the Britishers and hence have the inherent genetic makeup of their colonial predecessors. One has to strongly hope that this does not lead to a Third World War as happened befire the Second World War when the member nations undermined the authority of the League of Nations.
Thu Mar 20 14:59:26 2003
Name:V. Chandrasekhar
Your Views:Dear Sir: With reference to the above, it is clear that the fight is between Bush sr through Bush jr with Saddam. After the 1991 war Bush lost the elections whereas Saddam continues in power. There is nothing else. By Saddam's going Iraq is not going become any better as no worthwhile alterntive is in hand. It may happen the same way as Diem in South Vietnam during the early 60's when he was toppled and killed with US help and things went to worse. With such ethnic distribution in Iraq's North, Central and South there will be utter chaos for sometime. Taking into account the way Saddam has destroyed the country it is better for him to go but is there an alternative in hand.
Thu Mar 20 14:59:31 2003
Your Views:WAR AGAINST ALL WARS why the rest of the world remain content with mere expression of protest. it is time to recall the simlar situations in the past how the 'west 'tried to threaten world peace and how the then leaders neutalised the situation and saved the world from desaster. 1. in suez canal crisis, when us, uk and france were about to wage war on egypt to illegally claim rights on suez canal, it was the then indian prim eminister j'lal nehru intervened and prevailed upon and averted a disaster. 2. in cuba crisis, it was the then ussr prime minister krushchev sent war ships to american coast and stopped us seige on cuba. 3. it was the trio of nehru, tito (of the then yougaslavia) and nasser of egypt who stood firmly against the imperial west and also stood guarantee to world peace. 4. it was indra gandi who also stood firmly against the usa and led the non aligned world against the greedy west. also put a country in the world map. now is there anybody wotrth their name and position to carry forward this great task of providing security to world community. unipolar world cannot guarentee world peace. only bipolar world with ' cold war climate can prolong the life of u.n.o. and guarantee world peace. it is secret of creation without 'duality' no balancing achieved. i urge the world powers, say france, china, russia and germany on behalf of u.n.o. to unleash threat to danger to washigton, n'york, las angels, london, spain portugal and avert war. what us / bush wanto to do is: is not a war against sadam or al qaida or terroroism. it is war to establish monopoly on oil wealth. it is war to cover failure of bush to stand against al qaida or to question pakistan who is giving shelter to bin laden and his al qaida movement and other terrorists but only to divert world attention. the leader who shouts 'god bless america' cannot act for world peace. let god punish america and save the world
Thu Mar 20 15:01:50 2003
Your Views:No.
Thu Mar 20 15:07:19 2003
Name:Vikas Mohan
Your Views:No - Saddam should'nt go,its is US against whome the world should unite & stand up say . US just want to control over 62% of the Oil reserves.
Thu Mar 20 15:07:59 2003
Your Views:No why should he leave iraq if his peoples like him who is america to tell him to leave iraq
Thu Mar 20 15:09:50 2003
Your Views:Come on...folks...USA is doing something absolutely brutal and blatant.Were any of the sept 11 attckers Iraqi....Has iraq launched a single terrorist attack on US since the gulf war..what has Iraq done to deserve this...Just in case I am misunderstood..I am not a muslim and I am not in Iraq
Thu Mar 20 15:10:48 2003
Your Views:Bush is the biggest threat to peace today and the biggest terrorist himself.Who is he to control Iraq.If iraqis are not happy with Saddam, its their internal matter.Bush has all the rights in this world to use any force, any weapon (of civilian destruction) bypass UNSC and wage a war only because his father could not remove saddam from his position. Bush is only interested in getting control on oil fields.Hes nothing but a LUNATIC.He cannot see the millions around the world who are asking for peace.He has absolutely no regards for democracy, for UNSC and for Humanity.He needs to go to an asylum.Ask Bush to leave America and goto UK (Tony blairs house)in exile.He will do all the innocent civilians aound the wolrd a big favour.
Thu Mar 20 15:11:06 2003
Name:alec bedsar
Your Views:he should not go.usa can not force any one to go
Thu Mar 20 15:11:21 2003
Your Views:Yes Saddam should go and leave the country and allow other peacefull leaders to take over the reins of IRAQ
Thu Mar 20 15:11:24 2003
Your Views:NO. Bush should be kicked out of whitehouse.
Thu Mar 20 15:12:16 2003
Name:hasdg hsd
Your Views:No, it should retaliate
Thu Mar 20 15:12:18 2003
Your Views:no who the hell bush is to order saddam to live his country
Thu Mar 20 15:12:22 2003
Your Views:US & UK demand is ridiculous and most illogical . These people doesnt have any moral/legal rights to ask a ruler of a soverign country to step down and go in exile. will he do it if saddam ask him to do so. this war is purely for taking control of the oil resources available at iraq than disarming iraq. I think even UN is covetly supporting US in this issue. Its high time all right minded nations boycott US and even UN for failing to do its duty in preventing US from its attack against iraq. Innocent civilians of iraq suffer due to the hegemonistic attitude of US. Definitely this action of US is only going to breed more terrorists and terrorist attacks across the world. US should reap for its actions.
Thu Mar 20 15:12:50 2003
Your Views: I think the issue is not if Saddam should go... The issue is whether Bush should go...and I think he should. He is holding the whole world to ransom....by invoking this unilateral war....
Thu Mar 20 15:13:00 2003
Name:Krishnan S
Your Views:Yes! He should go. But being a dictator, there is no way his Govt can be kicked down. So there is only one way for dictators to go. By a coup! But there are not many Iraqis who can pull it off. The Americans are called to do this favour to the Iraqi people. I hope they do not forget the favour.
Thu Mar 20 15:13:09 2003
Your Views:I am for Saddam to go for what he has done to Kuwait and Iran in the past. But I am certainly against the way US wants to remove Saddam. Why use force? Kill innocent people. I AM AGAINST US's USE OF FORCE APPROACH as well as SADDAM'S REGIME. Going through UN to disarm the WMD is the best possible approach!!
Thu Mar 20 15:13:27 2003
Your Views:America is aiming at the oil reserves in the Gulf, and this is only a beginning towards its long-term aims of controlling oil industry. At least some of the supporters of US are not realising this!!
Thu Mar 20 15:13:29 2003
Your Views:YES!
Thu Mar 20 15:13:42 2003
Name:Toshan Patel
Your Views:NO WHY SHOULD HE. Why can't Bush Go ?. What does he think he is. He says Saddam is a dictator, I think Bush, Blair and Howard all three are world dictator who without UN sanction attacks Iraq. They say Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, what they don't?. they say they are a responsible nation to have them. We all know what happened in Hirosima Nagasaki.
Thu Mar 20 15:14:04 2003
Your Views:Let the Iraqi people decide.Who is US or UK to decide on their behalf?.This war is not about WMD.it is about OIL,and Reconstruction contracts bulk of which will now go to US cos.Regarding bypassing UN mandate a bad and dangerous precedent has been set for the world community.
Thu Mar 20 15:14:07 2003
Name:Jitendra Baid
Your Views:I think bush shuld go
Thu Mar 20 15:14:19 2003
Name:noel cedric
Your Views:it is time for saddam the tyrant to kiss good bye to the world.he has had his time as a dictator and tyrant and now is the right time for iraq to have a new leader and new progree.
Thu Mar 20 15:14:39 2003
Your Views: i dont think action tken by U.S any way jutify war at eraq sidling U.N charter still we fails to under stand U.S plea agaist the view that rraq got weapon of mass destruction before the work is being cleared by U,N Weapon inspector which cleary indicate the philospy of might is right
Thu Mar 20 15:14:56 2003
Your Views:no, not at all!!!! these are very few my qtn for Mr bush. 1)why US is worried of Iraq? 2) Why view do u hold on iraq Oil fileds(dont forget the reference to oil fileds made in national speach of 4 minutes) 3)WMD- there are so many who are having WMDs, including US, what about them? .....
Thu Mar 20 15:15:00 2003
Your Views:Iraq is right. World should come together to supress US..........
Thu Mar 20 15:15:05 2003
Your Views:no,he should not go and give a fine back replyto bush. plz dont go saddam
Thu Mar 20 15:15:23 2003
Your Views:NO, ITS BUSH WHO SHOULD GO. The action of U.S should be condemned. Its funny that under the garb of disarnament he has started using same deadly arms. Bush seems to have forgotten History. How the mighty have fallen. History is going to repeat itself.
Thu Mar 20 15:15:37 2003
Your Views:no he will fight until his death he is the superstar in the world
Thu Mar 20 15:16:30 2003
Name:Nagi Reddy
Your Views:Why Should Saddam go? If he did any thing wrong, the international community should shut him. But here Bush is doing not correct thing. Major countries are oppsing Bush's WAR. Every time he is saying war against Terrorism, but he is acting like a Terrorist. Nobody beleives you.
Thu Mar 20 15:16:30 2003
Your Views:he has to go
Thu Mar 20 15:16:40 2003
Your Views:NO
Thu Mar 20 15:16:45 2003
Name:Navin Vishawakarma
Your Views:No, he should face Us attack bravely so that Prez. Bush doen't dare to do same with other country.
Thu Mar 20 15:16:55 2003
Name:Skaria Thomas
Your Views:A strong dictator and a determined heart is the only thing that should complement a country like Iraq and its people. Saddam SHOULD NOT be overthrown. He has proven himself to be a worthy leader of state. He keeps his people alive with hopes and is always by the side of his people and it is by no means the business of Americans to interfere in another country's defence property. Bush is an absolute menace to the humanity... He is man who lacks the dignity of a President. And above all he is below all when it comes to leadership.
Thu Mar 20 15:17:11 2003
Your Views:Yes, the Saddam should go. Just for the sake of so many innocent people of his country. If he is really concerned about the people of his country, his single sacrifice can save the life lot of people. Although it is not fair on US part to attack Iraq without any solid reason. The worst thing is war. All the political people of the world think only about themselves may it be Bush, Saddam or Osama. Nobody think about the pain human beings get during the war.
Thu Mar 20 15:17:44 2003
Name:Niranjan Prabhu
Your Views:Lets keep the oil angle apart, I feel the US has a genuine reason to be concerned about Saddam handing over something terrible to Osama's gang. Northern Iraq is today a haven for Islamic thugs of various groups incl the Al Qaeda, and the US has every right to save its ass from further erosion. India may not have had the guts to do something to Pakistan before it became a nuclear power but does not mean that the US needs to sit and watch when it CAN do something about it. Look at N Korea and Pak. They are totally out of reach today. The point I am getting to is that if you look beyond the oil angle there are many many genuine reasons to go in for a war. To quote Krishna in the Gita, the Lord says to Arjuna 'It is an illusion to think that our hands should remain clean and our souls unstained for the law of strife and destruction to die out from the world. On the contrary, abstention from strife and concomitant destruction may help one's moral being, but leaves the slayer of creatures unabolished.' France and Germany are against it due to high Muslim populations. Look at these figures France - 8% Germany - 25%! Russia - 30%! Hope what starts with Iraq ends with Pakistan!!!!
Thu Mar 20 15:17:51 2003
Your Views:YES!! Saddam should disarm his weapons & surrender to the US.
Thu Mar 20 15:18:04 2003
Name:Koti Reddy
Your Views:I strongly believe that Saddam should leave for the betterment of Iraqies
Thu Mar 20 15:18:05 2003
Your Views:Saddam Should not go. American is not world body. Without UN sanction they took law in their hand. Because of their own profit they are fighting. Not for world. This juncture, we will support Saddam. In 1990, Saddam invaded Kuwait. At that time, all world unitedly against Iraq. But situation is change.
Thu Mar 20 15:18:16 2003
Your Views:Saddam should go as a leader as he is very unwise and does not think for the good of his own people. He is very selfish and is a kind of a dictator. But Americans do not have a right to decide about his existence. It is the people that he is ruling that should be more worried about him as their leader. After all people should be given a fare chance to express their likes and dislikes
Thu Mar 20 15:18:18 2003
Name:p chandra
Your Views:Saddam and his sons have to give a fight till the last drop of their blood. Mr. Bush thinks that Mr. Kofi Annan is his Vice President and Mr. Blinx and his team are the peons of the White House. Whatever he is doing in Iraq is contrary to and against the world opinion. This is nothing but an international piracy. The word "rogue" state emanated most probably from the US. As a matter of fact, the US herself is proving by her deeds that she is the biggest rogue on this planet Earth.
Thu Mar 20 15:18:20 2003
Your Views:No.. sadddam should not go... fist of all he is Head of a country and second he is a solder himself... he should die but should not bend before the americans.. I being a Hindu I support Saddam Hussain and request all the nations of the world and the muslims who are fighting nonsense proxywars to move to Bagdad and fight with americans ... Bush has violated the UN and he should be punished by the world and If I was the primeminister of India I will learn a lesson from the attack on the world that India is no safe on this earth so India need to grow as a super power... today Iraq is attacked tomorrow may be our turn so I call upon people who are corrupt and lazy in India to think of India and fight against the monopoly power of usa and defend the land and support Iraq,,, saddam I am with u ,,, i support u.
Thu Mar 20 15:18:25 2003
Your Views:no way, If some Tom Dick and Harry asks BUSh to leave US, will he oblige
Thu Mar 20 15:18:36 2003
Your Views:Whether Saddam should go is an independent question. The point is how can US impose war on another country.. UN has become a dumb spectator to this arrogant agression by USA.
Thu Mar 20 15:18:40 2003
Name:harmeet singh
Your Views:If Saddam and Bush are real warriors tell them to come for a game of wrestling. With arms and men anyone can fight.
Thu Mar 20 15:18:52 2003
Name:Kumar Suresh
Your Views:NO. Not arbitarily it is upto the people of iraq to decide their own leader. other should not imposed their decision on sovereign nation state
Thu Mar 20 15:19:04 2003
Name:Nitin Mittal
Your Views:Hi all !!! I think this is not fair enough to say that Saddam shud go. I am not aware of ground realities out there but I am sure about one thing that whatever Mr.Bush is doing is absolutely wrong. He is trying to be the king of this world. What makes him think that way. He is not ready to listen to UN. Today this is happening with Iraq, tomorrow it may happen to any other country. And what i feel is this war will increase feeling of hatred by a substantial amount which is not going to help this world to its final motive, peace. In the end i just wanna say, US will face its consequences sooner or later.
Thu Mar 20 15:19:08 2003
Your Views:Should Saddam Go? It is impertinent trying to answer this one when you are not an Iraqi. Saddam did act foolishly 12 years ago but didn't or couldn't stick to his misadventure. I have not seen any reports of evidence of Iraq having WMD or they having threatened any country - Kuwait or KSA or even USA - unprovoked. Iraq is not Afghanistan and don't try to make it one. Let every one realise the innocent lives that will perish under the name of protecting them. Also, with all the technology, US is known for ite friendly fires damaging their own allies. No, I don't think Saddam can go now under the present circumstances. He will be a hero when he dies and US and their allies shall expect to live under fear of retalliation by Saddam's followers for ever. Let sanity prevail.
Thu Mar 20 15:19:15 2003
Name:Prasanna Kumar
Your Views:It is sad to note that the world failed to chain the mad man, Bush. I chanced on an american site which www.antiwar.com is an amazing effort by saner americans to tell world that all americans are not mad like Bush and his cronies. Oil, madness of Bush and eggheadness of Saddam, created this hardship for the people of Iraq and world. Shame on us all for failing to prevent this. But the madman is holding all most all aces - and wanted to have all the oil as well. Let us pray for the people of Iraq, and yes for the people of America.
Thu Mar 20 15:19:27 2003
Name:Koti Reddy
Your Views:I strongly believe that Saddam should leave for the betterment of Iraqies since the people of Iraq suffer as along as Saddam is in power.
Thu Mar 20 15:19:30 2003
Name:Junbaidullah Baig
Your Views:Bush must Die, Saddam must win with that humanity & democracy wins. Saddam Hussain is the leader. Insahllah America will face the wrath.
Thu Mar 20 15:19:33 2003
Name:Sunil Nighojkar
Your Views:No.....And only people of IRAQ can decide this...
Thu Mar 20 15:19:41 2003
Name:Sheetal Duraiswami
Your Views:Mr. Bush should leave to to the people of Iraq to decide whether Saddam should leave or stay. I don't think any justifications given by America & its Allies are above the lives of the innocent Iraqi Citizens. Does Mr. Bush also realise that this action of America , puts her also among the various Terrorist organisations in all the coutries of the world. This time it is the country taht has become the terrorist.
Thu Mar 20 15:19:48 2003
Name:Durander Batawadekar
Your Views:Yes it's time for him to go! He had it comming for a long time! He should realize what he did to Kuwait is now being done unto Him! His armed forces are much stronger than that of Kuwait! Its a pity that an Opportunist like the US is in the game! But Kuwait had no other choice but to seek their help...and the fact remains...they came to their help when they most needed it! So to say the US is entirely at fault is also not correct.Conclusion: Saddam must go for good to rid at least one BIG nuisance in the Middle East!
Thu Mar 20 15:19:49 2003
Your Views:President Bush should make a request to UN to ask Saddam Hussain to conduct free and fair election to prove his popularity and continue as president instead of war. no outsider has authority to tell that saddam hussain should go. it is an internal matter for people of Iraq to decide.
Thu Mar 20 15:20:11 2003
Name:Navin Vishawakarma
Your Views:No, he should face Us attack bravely so that Prez. Bush doen't dare to do same with other country.
Thu Mar 20 15:20:22 2003
Your Views:No
Thu Mar 20 15:20:32 2003
Name:Ashwin Mangeshkar
Your Views:Yes, Saddam should go, but not by force like what US is doing. US is doing all this for their own economy and not for the world on a whole. US wants their own economy to grow, which would incidently grow, when they get the contracts of re-building Iraq. At the same time Saddam is also showing defiance and he should also be held accountable for human rights abuses and countless number of crimes created by him. But what US is doing is not correct, and without the support of UN no one can just go and attack a country. US has made the UN body redundant. If India would have done such a thing with our neighbour, we would have to face the world's ire. Democracy can't be established by force.
Thu Mar 20 15:20:53 2003
Your Views:No,Saddam shouldnt go. The one who should go is BUSH. Bush wants to enjoy OIL money in Iraq and doesnt bother about terrorism. If he is so keen, then why no action against PAK? Good Luck Saddam. Brave man with lot of guts
Thu Mar 20 15:21:28 2003
Thu Mar 20 15:21:34 2003
Your Views:This war is clearly for oil, its clear from Mr. Bush's remark that even if Mr. Saddam goes into exile still the allied army will march into Iraq.
Thu Mar 20 15:21:49 2003
Your Views:who is bush to tell sadam leave his country.this fucking arse hole bush only brought up laden and he paid for that.now they want oil from iraq so they act as they r good and patrons of world he will get his arsehole fired but petrol
Thu Mar 20 15:22:26 2003
Your Views:No not right now
Thu Mar 20 15:22:26 2003
Name:Navin Vishawakarma
Your Views:No, he should face Us attack bravely so that Prez. Bush doen't dare to do same with other country.
Thu Mar 20 15:22:37 2003
Your Views:I think this is the most henious crime since the use off Atomic bomb in the second world war .US has arrived this is the message a crazy US president gives to the entire world it is Iraq today,can be Iran tomorrow and the likes .Can a UN mandate hold some significance now .Saddam or no saddam is no question here the question is can US citizens the world over expect love in return for all this .They are again making themselves the worst enemies of humainty in any form can Sep 11 be history now or are we inviting something horrible and horrendous than that .We will have to make some hard choices now in terms of the stances we take as far as the countries lower down the order are concerned .US has taken a step where they want to wipe- off what they created in the cold war some decades ago can it really be done no body is sure even US isn,t.George Bush will go down in history as the most crooked presidents US soil has produced who works on a self generated ego of High Headedness.We should all make a sincere effort to serve humanity and humans the world over is that the UN charter but where are they now Meetings for what !!! This is height of Inefficiency !!!Height of Indifference
Thu Mar 20 15:22:53 2003
Your Views:W
Thu Mar 20 15:22:54 2003
Your Views:Saddam should not go as hes and his country had been taken and treated unjustly by United States & UK as it is the want of Power and Oil in that country
Thu Mar 20 15:23:06 2003
Your Views:We should not be sheeding tears for Saddam. He is dictator who killed thousands of his own countrymen. As far as UN is concerned in the recent memory one does not recall when it has acted as truly global forum. It was always a stooge of the western powers,remember how it was a silent spectator in Bosnia/Serbia crisis brought about by the self proclaimed western superpowers. What is UN doing in stopping Pakistan sponsored terrorism against India ? India should look at what advantages it can get out of the present crisis, may be cheap oil by breaking the cartel of OPEC
Thu Mar 20 15:23:23 2003
Your Views:Along with Saddam the American thugs for oil should go along with pet dog Tony Blair.
Thu Mar 20 15:23:25 2003
Your Views:The disarmament process should have been the first course of action. Yes!! personally I feel the UN cease to exist and India should go ahead with their war on Pakistan because when the US can defy the United Nations, why can't India defy the US or the non-existant UN, to protect their borders and prevent infiltration of terrorists. US went at war with Iraq because it was in their interest. They don't want India to go at war with Pakistan because it is not in their interest. In short, they want the whole world to move at their whims and Fancies. Hope the US war on Iraq ends all terrorism in this world, because all those responsible for terrorism in Pakistan, Afganistan and other countries will be now called "Freedom Fighters", because as per US, defeating Saddam Hussein is defeating Terrorism in this world, atleast that is what they are trying to tell the world. Hail America.
Thu Mar 20 15:23:30 2003
Your Views:I think the war might be unjust for the civilians of iraq. But saddam should go. If he is not a tyrant and wants the wellbeing of iraqis why should he confront Americans. He should go into exile. I do not think iraq's people have any rights under saddam's rule. But I am not sure this trike will bring a big change to the country. But they have no hope under Saddam's rule. So he should go.
Thu Mar 20 15:23:32 2003
Name:V.S. Moholkar
Your Views:Saddam should go only if Iraqis want him to....and not George W. Bush.
Thu Mar 20 15:23:44 2003
Your Views:No
Thu Mar 20 15:23:54 2003
Your Views:No Saddam should not leave. Why should he leave the country only because Bush wants him to.
Thu Mar 20 15:23:57 2003
Name:Supriyo Chatterjee
Your Views:Let UN disarm Pakistan who is also holding "weapons of mass destruction" and there is a "risk of these weapons being supplied to terrorists" bred in Pakistani training camps run by ISI.
Thu Mar 20 15:24:03 2003
Your Views:This is not how things should be handled. if usa or uk claims to have faith in democracy they should have opted for the un backing the war or world opinion in their favour. non of these prevails.
Thu Mar 20 15:24:16 2003
Your Views:No.
Thu Mar 20 15:24:22 2003
Name:Sowali Nishant Raj
Your Views:The question is not whether Saddam should go but rather who are we to decide that he should go. If there are people backing the action on humanity crisis & sufferig in Iraq they must be totally ignorant of much worse human rights conditions in Zimbabwe. But Robert Mugabe is no Saddam as he has no weapons of mass destruction like Saddam.Just FYI,the country with highest number of weapons of mass destruction is USA. what about them?? You cant touch them, they are so powerful. Well, so all talks of equality and just causes are restircted to non-super powers. Coming to resolution 1441. What does the USA has to say about resolution 242.It is more than 30 years since resolution 242 called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.But Israel is pro-US so let them be. I have not spoken about UK as I feel their stance is of mere follower. I can say this now having stayed in London for past 7 months & seen them acting as a US echo. About the UN.US & UK are destroying what they had created.If Germany and allies would have won we would have been fed a different history and would have seen it from their pt of view & would have made sence.You see what are allowed to.
Thu Mar 20 15:24:37 2003
Your Views:Saddam must go
Thu Mar 20 15:24:45 2003
Name:dhumal sunil
Your Views:We are witness to the violation of basic international principle of not interferring into domestic affairs of other country. We should only hope that somebody does not tell Mr Bush or Mr Vajpayee to quit or face action. All said and done the US and allied have double standards for their problems and the terrorism faced by the other countries , especially India Conclusion India should make herself more and more strong in this jungle raj where UNO stands redundant
Thu Mar 20 15:24:49 2003
Name:b k bhatia
Your Views:why saddam should leave his own country? it is iraqi people who have to decide whether they want saddam or not.bush has no business to inter fere in the internal affairs of iraq.what is the role of un? bush is danger for humanity, peace and not saddam.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:09 2003
Name:aditya pant
Your Views:forcing the war on iraq is an ugly move of president bush. how one can force any one to leave his own country without any justfull reason. this is all ameriaca's conspiracy to take hold of oil fields of iraq. saddam should never leave and he should teach a lesson to bush.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:14 2003
Your Views:Why should saddam go? Who are you to ask this question. if democaracy is established by force, it will be called dictatorship.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:42 2003
Your Views:The whole world should unite in telling US to stop the invasion on IRAQ. Does not US have wepons of mass destruction??? US only has vested interests in the oil rich countries. Why are they not targeting countries like N.Korea or Pakisthan who breed terriorists and are known to be possesing weapons of mass destruction. US is now talking about reconstruction of Iraq, and as we all know UK who is a puppet of US is also eyeing post war interests in that country, as both the US and the UK economy is going to benifit post war as most of the major contracts would be shared by these two countries. How do you think the US weapon manafacuturing and the aircraft manafacturing industries are going to perform if there is no war.These industries are funded by the state and thus they are directly affecting te economy if they do well which is only possible when there is a consumption of the arms and ammunition already produced. The US expects the UN to play an active role in the distrubution of food supplies at the outbreak of war, when the US themselves do not have the mandate of the UN to act upon IRAQ. It is so sad that in spite of world being against the US for waging a war we are mute spectators.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:43 2003
Your Views:There is no doubt that U.S is interested in oil more than Saddam's blood. Oil is one of the precious and most sought after products . The availability of oil with US is fast declining. With OPEC controlling most of the world oil prices US is afraid that oil is becoming dearer and it had to look for sources of supplies which is the control over middle east . Further US also understands that its powers will be threatened so do its allies like UK and Australia. This is another reason why France,Germany and China the other permanent members of the UN Security Council are not approving use of force against Iraq. US wants to dictate terms since it is the only superpower . The only country that can challenge its powers is China . But since there are mutual trade interests Chinese do not want to indulge in this situation. Bush has always had double standards in cases like terrorism one for its own country and other for international community. Here too why is he not attacking Pakistan which also is a non democratic country with neuclear weapons if his main fears are that they can be misused in a non democratic set up? Natures rules above all you reap what you sow & so shall it be for US.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:47 2003
Your Views:Saddam need not go just because bush wants him to go. Who is Bush to decide Iraq's future. When America can support terrorist countries like Pakistan, on what grounds are they attacking Iraq. It is saddening to note the plight of children and women during and after the war. Bush seems to be a coward as he is supporing a dictator on one side and fighting another on the other side. Saddam seems to be a brave man.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:51 2003
Your Views:WONDERING WHY 9-11 HAPPENED ? twaz just a result of the undue interfernce by the Americans in matters not concerning them. and this time again... they r gonna burn their fingers badly. just a few points.... 1. N. Korea breaches the NPT, decides to go ahead with nucke programme. NK is more eccentric than Iraq. Why the preference for Iraq ? 2. When India faces DIRECT and estd. threat frm Pak, we shld "be patient"... Wehn US faces some abstract/ intangible threat... they serve an ultimatum....!!!! 3. What the Fu@k is the UN doing ? its quite eager to bully the small nations.... wht abt the Big B%$#@@!@ Bush ?
Thu Mar 20 15:25:51 2003
Your Views:In my point of view Saddam the great should not leave/go Iraq,he had done a great job to rebuild the nation after last battle with their enemy,he is rel emperor of Iraq and no body should interfere in his way how he does handle his nation.US is mighty power,nodoubt but his aim is to make diturb his non favourable countries. Every nation is free now then why should they follow the directive of States.Saddam is doing the right thing whatever he thinks for his nation he does for the betterment of the Iraq,we have to salute Saddam on his positive and brave attitude,other nation should take lesson who can not dare to speak against the US.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:53 2003
Your Views:Saddam is a threat to humanity. People tend to forget that this man attacked a small peace-loving country (Kuwait) some years back leading a human disaster. Iraqi people will prosper once he is out of the way.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:56 2003
Name:Kala Kale
Your Views:It is nothing but the empirical thirst of US and irresistable tich of Mr. Bush to show to the world his might that has led to this war. That the US and UK are invading a sovereign nation to free it from its own legitimately elected leader, although an autocrat, under the pretext of his holding WMD, about which the world is not convinced, is a most barbaric act. And the way they have defied UN, it is clear that they hold no respect towards UN or the world community. Let the US learn that it is not omnipotent, nor is it destined to be mighty for the time immortal.
Thu Mar 20 15:25:59 2003
Name:james bond
Your Views:yes mr saddam hussain should strike back the amount of oveconfidence in the us is excesss they fell they are goods and the fell that nobody can do anything to them but saddam should show them what they are caable of a talk would be the best solution but if Mr BUSH insisted that a war was reqd then the people of iraq should not leave him. message to both the commanders please try to save all the innocent people who are not of trouble to you or both the parties would loose the grace of God and Allah.
Thu Mar 20 15:26:04 2003
Your Views:Saddam should go so should the Americans along with their equally mad President and his Pet Dog Tony Blair.Do not shed blood for oil and your imperialistic designs.
Thu Mar 20 15:26:20 2003
Your Views:my question is who is bush to dictate to sadam to quit out of his country?
Thu Mar 20 15:26:24 2003
Your Views:It is none of Americas business to dismantle Saddam. USA should mind their own business. Saddam has the right to remain in his own country.
Thu Mar 20 15:26:25 2003
Your Views:Hi, "Should Saddam has to be there or not", should be decided by "Iraqi" people. "Bush" & "Tony Blair" has no right to dictate on any country. If I ask "Bush" to step down, will he do ? US and UK are very much interested to grab "Iraqi" oil and nothing more than that. This is not a good sign to the world, which is happening b'coz of "Bush" and his Spoons.
Thu Mar 20 15:26:26 2003
Your Views:why should saddam go? wait i will go or better u go or we will all go
Thu Mar 20 15:26:33 2003
Name:vignesh v kamath
Your Views:saddam should not leave his country the international cummunity should support him and prevent the ongoing war by putting pressure on bush
Thu Mar 20 15:26:35 2003
Your Views:Removing Sadam Hussain forcibly by USA is not justifiable. UN should check all possibility to disarm Iraq rather than to catch Sadam and forcing war on Iraq.
TThu Mar 20 15:27:18 2003
Name:Ravindra K Dangi
Your Views:Its like US terriosm..that a resident of Iraq should leave Iraq..Y Not Bush leave US..I think everyone who is supporting US is a anti peace and huminity country..i urge rest of the world..oppose the policies of US and symphetises with Iraqies
Thu Mar 20 15:27:22 2003
Thu Mar 20 15:27:34 2003
Name:Vinu Mathew
Your Views:Its Saddam's birthright to stay in Iraq. The US has taken a wrong step by attacking Iraq. Why was the UNO established, if USA can take law into its own hands. George Bush right now is a MAD man. Will US pay for it dearly? We have to wait and watch.
Thu Mar 20 15:27:37 2003
Your Views:"This matter is purely an internal matter.Bush has no role to play. if this is encouraged tomorrow he may insist vajpayee jee to go"! we should also see from the angle of iraquees too!
Thu Mar 20 15:27:54 2003
Name:Gaurab Hazarika
Your Views:Saddam has to go for the good of this world. I understand that he might be a fundamentalist but with one less tyrant in this world, this world would be a better place. The Muslim fundamentalists will have one less person on whom they can possibly rely on.
Thu Mar 20 15:27:54 2003
Name:Ravindra K Dangi
Your Views:Its like US terriosm..that a resident of Iraq should leave Iraq..Y Not Bush leave US..I think everyone who is supporting US is a anti peace and huminity country..i urge rest of the world..oppose the policies of US and symphetises with Iraqies..There is no need to go saddam...if some one who should go is Mr Bush
Thu Mar 20 15:27:56 2003
Your Views:No War.........
Thu Mar 20 15:27:57 2003
Name:K. K.
Your Views:the people of that country should decide for the fate of their president and you have the UN and other organisatios to decide on the peoples mandate. No other country or its president can ask his counter part to leave the country by force. its an absolute violation of the human right to stay in his country of birth. If the later is asked the same question for over ruling the UN will he agree to leave the country by will or Force. The UN should take strong action for violating its norms. which ever country it is. And should impose sanction on them . no matter how powerful they are. Other wise they should disolve the UN as an organition. it should not have different set of rules or one country and some other for 3rd world country. If the US wants to disarm other countries then they should lead by example.1st disarm your self then talk of other countries. It is try to establish supramcy over the world by doing such deeds.The world should be aware of this as today it is Iraq THen it can be your country or even mine. Such things should not be allowed.by the UN and stern action should taken for violating the UN.
Thu Mar 20 15:28:01 2003
Name:deepak Bhasin
Your Views:why should he? If he is a dictator, then why should not Parvez Musharraf leave? why USA is treating him like a pet?
Thu Mar 20 15:28:15 2003
Your Views:saddam shld not go
Thu Mar 20 15:28:16 2003
Name:Ramesh Babu
Your Views:No individual country has right to put leaders of others countries to go on exile. If thats the case, US should not only ask Saddam, but other other countries, which is treat not only to US but also entire mankind
Thu Mar 20 15:28:19 2003
Name:Prashant Bhargava
Your Views:No way,.. Bush is no one to ask him to do so. Even if he had weapons of mass destruction he was no harm to the US or UK and many other countries like Pakistan, India, Norht Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Israil have much more deadly and technically superior weapons so why just Iraq. And the way Bush is talking "Saddam and his sons should go", makes us feel that there is something personal between him and Saddam. And anyone who could take such a drastic step for his personal issues is not fit to hold such a responsible post as the President of the US. Bush and Blair are been reckless and unfair in doing so and there definately is some hidden agenda behind all this. Saddam should stay and should be supported. Otherwise, US will be like a bully and no other country will be able to say no to any demand put forward by the US. US is a superpower but it should respect other Nations boundaries to remain and be respected as a Superpower.
Thu Mar 20 15:28:22 2003
Name:Ramesh Babu
Your Views:No individual country has right to put leaders of others countries to go on exile. If thats the case, US should not only ask Saddam, but other other countries, which is treat not only to US but also entire mankind.
Thu Mar 20 15:28:26 2003
Name:Vinay Kumar
Your Views:Yeah..I m strong supporter of this view that Saddam must go. It has been almost 30 years since he is in power. & he did no good with Iraq but to keep the same in poverty,illiteracy,curruption & always posed problem for the world. Yes, I do agree that the Oil motive is also there for this war But still War is justified & Saddam must go
Thu Mar 20 15:28:28 2003
Your Views:well no way , how can a president ask another to leave , its something like one nation is policing entire world , well if i had been the PM of a country like India , i would have strongly oppossed this by all possible means , well if this is what America is doing , just to avoid terror , statement of our PM should be We would even attack Pakistan as its already creating troble in INDIA .
Thu Mar 20 15:28:52 2003
Your Views:What a stupid question? Who are we to decide that? It is something like asking a foreigner to decide about India's ruler.
Thu Mar 20 15:28:58 2003
Your Views:As claimed by Bush after Sep.11 that perpatrators attacked the US now the US itself is a perpatrator and unnecessary invading into Iraq. Mr. President George Bush is to go instead of Sadam Hussain.
Thu Mar 20 15:28:58 2003
Name:lalit bhandary
Your Views:NO, it is countries internal matter. There has been no proof against Mr Saddam that he is a terrorist or has done terrorist activities. Why didn't USA attack when Iraq used it against Iran , why now they want him to go. There is other mean motive behind this war. MOre so I feel its the ego Mr Bush is carrying to oust out Mr Saddam. War is something more and ego can destroy many things. Let us restore peace and beauty in this world. Lets not make this place a terro to live in future. I have high regards for the USA BUT not in this respect
Thu Mar 20 15:29:06 2003
Name:A global citizen
Your Views:Clearly, no. No nation has the right to forcfully remove another nation's leader. What Bush has done provides the grounds for anyone assassinating a US President in the future or launch war in that country by any means - conventional or not.
Thu Mar 20 15:29:16 2003
Name:vinod alangaram
Your Views:NO. No Idiot including can expel a citizen from his own country.This demand is atrocious and nonsense.
Thu Mar 20 15:29:21 2003
Name:Vasudevan KS
Your Views:This war is totally unjustified. This is not for peace, but for control of OIL RESERVE. Weapon Inspectros Mohd. El Baradi, Hans Blix etc. have categorically said that Iraq doesn't possess any WMD. The rest of world including Europe (minus Britain) have clearly opposed the war. Now there is no meaning for a body like UN or its resolutions when permanent members themselves bypass the body. Saddam, with almost all his weapons distroyed , can't do any harm to US or for any other country. And if it is terrorism then there is no proof that, he is supporting any terrorist group. Also there is enough proof that Pak is doing that. So if the war is against terrorism,(as claimed by Uncle Sam)then US should attack Pak, not Iraq.
Thu Mar 20 15:29:25 2003
Name:sp pandey
Your Views:No way ,saddam has confidence of his people bush is over reacting,rather he should have concentrated on osama bin laden till last & consquently shpuld have taken action in pakistan,who patronises & possesses major weapons of mass destructions, yes un has been left redundant by bush & knowing weak russian power bush & blair acted against humanity seemingly issue is ego but insight is different, may be a control on major-major oil fields,us markets are up ? its a commercial issue rather than weaponery
Thu Mar 20 15:29:38 2003
Name:Murali Siripurapu
Your Views:To be very frank, Only Iraqi's have the right to decide whether or not saddam has to to stay or go. I want Bush to Go. The majority of the people around the world, don't want the war! This is just arrogance of power and Greed to rule the world.
Thu Mar 20 15:29:46 2003
Your Views:Its very bad that all other countries are idle when american attack started. its inhuman and barbaric. bush must stop violence. bush must go. Its the responsibility of UN to look after these things. None of them have given the right to America to look after the world.
Thu Mar 20 15:29:50 2003
Name:Sajid C S
Your Views:Answer is a BIG 'NO'. First of all, the question is who the hell is Bush to give ultimatum to another countries President? For controlling dangerous dictators, UN is there, and the UN is cleared that Saddam is not dangerous and he don't have WMD. Itz crystal clear that this 'Bloody War' is for Bush's personal ego..!! And America's Slave, "Bloody Blair" backs too... Now, the result of this avoidable war will be the birth of new Terrorist Groups in Gulf region. Again the world will blame 'Muslims' for terrorism without remembering the original cause..! It is not too late for the World Leaders to realize, itz not Saddham, Itz boody Bush, who is the real terrorist and threat to the entire World. Itz high time we should think about disarming the US..!! Stay with Iraq.. Stay with the truth..!!!!
Thu Mar 20 15:30:10 2003
Your Views:Saddam should go for sure. But then who will decide this needs to be executed ? Bush !!! I don't think so. Tomorrow, the americans may make similar ultimatums to India. Already there are signs that our politicians have bowed their heads in front of Lord Bush. The efforts of Gandhi, Nehru and Indira seem to be be going down the drain. Its not a matter of Saddam Hussein, but a matter of kiski dadagiri chalegi. It is another form of exhortion. If the world leaders can do this than what message goes to the common man. The rule of the jungle is going to prevail.
Thu Mar 20 15:30:19 2003
Your Views:I totally disagree to taking the extreme step of a war to get back at Saddam. This is a war for revenge which Pres.Bush is fighting on no reasonable basis. Ofcourse there is oil which he and his father before him are trying their best to lay hands on. What is most amazing is they go to war without a UN mandate, this only proves that UN has no powers and the USA is the most powerful country. Then there is also a civilian population which is effected to a large extent in this war - which the US and their allies have totally no regard for. The Iraqi people have suffered enough with the sancions for over 10 yrs.They surely deserve some respite. This war is something that we as a civilised?? world should be ashamed of.
Thu Mar 20 15:30:23 2003
Your Views:I donn think its necessary nor we r the right person to think about this. So it applies to even Bush also that he is not the right person to decide about if president of iraq should be or should leave, so it the people of iraq to decide about that. Such being a case. In this regards i strongly support Iraq stand on this issue and Saddam.
Thu Mar 20 15:30:40 2003
Name:laxmi narayanan
Your Views:sub : whether saddam has to go on exile i think it is not fair that saddam has leave the country for the sake of US and UK. in the blix report it has not been confirmed that iraq is holding weapons for mass distructions. the UN drama is over and the action has began and no body know the extract trivality of this war. the entire global economy will come down drastically and already every body is facing lot of problems after sept 11. we can pray only god to finish issue at the earliest. laxmi narayanan
Thu Mar 20 15:30:46 2003
Your Views:Is American Life precious than Iraqi's life?.... Is it disarmment of Iraq or Testing of American weapon's capabilty?.... America has to compensate for the oil price hike to developing countries like India?...
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