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Bag containing explosives found at New Delhi railway station

Onkar Singh in New Delhi | August 30, 2003 13:02 IST
Last Updated: August 30, 2003 14:41 IST

The Delhi police on Saturday found 21 kg of gelatin sticks in an abandoned bag at the New Delhi railway station.

The bag was found on platform no 6-7.

Deputy Commissioner (crime and railways) Dipendra Pathak said a case under Explosives Act has been registered and investigations are on.

"After the Mumbai bomb blasts the Delhi police had mounted search operations in various parts of the capital. As part of this alert drive, constables Surinder Singh, Darpan Singh and Subash Chand were carrying out random checking of bags when they spotted a bag lying unclaimed under the stairs of platform number 6 and 7. They immediately alerted the bomb disposal squad and placed sand bags around the bag," Pathak said.

The bomb disposal squad confirmed there were 150 gelatin sticks in the bag.

"It is certain that the person who was carryings this bag had a sinister design. Whether he left it because he feared he could be caught or he thought that he could pick it up later we would know when we manage to nab him. Some household goods have also been found in the bag," he said.

Sniffer dogs have been pressed into service at the two railway stations in Delhi to help police personnel in checking bags and baggages.


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