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March 27, 2001
'The synonym for corruption in future would be India'Fri Mar 16 00:17:52 2001 Name:SWAPNIL Email:WRITE2SWAPNIL@USA.NET Views:it is being used for cheap gains no one is thinking about the morale of armed forces.it should also be taken care of in this frenzy for cheap gains..
Fri Mar 16 00:24:19 2001 Name:bharat Email:hindustani19712001@yahoo.com Views:There must be DEATH SENTENCE given to every corrupted member in Defence Deal. Bcuz. It makes lesson for everybody in future . I think in Kargil war, due to our corrupted politicians, we lost our too many brave soldiers bcuz of deal. There should be law given to the public so they can be able to punish Corrupted Politicains ,Corrupted army professionals,and other members in Higher Grade. !!!MERA BHARAT MAHAN
Fri Mar 16 00:25:01 2001 Name:rahul Email:reddy_sid@hotmail.com Views:Where will these politicians stop! Yeh to sab kuch bech khayenge! The fact that Mrs x has the audacity to come and claim she is innocent - forget anything else, is $4000 worth of political donation enough to get access to the top man of defence in this country?
Fri Mar 16 00:29:19 2001 Name:Bhairav Email:bhairavm@yahoo.com Views:Let the government rule.... As it is there are lot of problems with our country... like earthquake and Drought and all... everything was going fine... there is no need for all this... waste of time and money Bhairav
Fri Mar 16 01:01:02 2001 Name:bobby Email:ak@hotmail.com Views:Self styled swadeshi and moral crusaders only accept bribes in dollars,foreign ,videshi weapons are preffered to swadeshi ones
Fri Mar 16 01:05:12 2001 Name:geeman Email:abc@abc.com Views:Before jumping to conclusions people should ask some simple questions. Where did Tehelka get the money from? Having no background in any kind of journalism how did they even get this far into the echelons of the army? The answer is as follows: This whole operation was planned and executed to malign the govt by dropping names and implicating non entities. No points for guessing who is behind all this ......who else has so much experience in fixing defence deals?!!
Fri Mar 16 01:10:43 2001 Name:avaneesh tiwari Email:avi_tiwari@rediffmail.com Views:Namaskar It seems that this controversy will gear up ,but there is need to enquire about the hidden motiff of tehelka though they are gaining cheap popularity after this but as Ms. Jaitly has said that it is nothing more than blackmailing . But by blaming tahalka or their modus operandi one can not turn down down all the dealing covered by their video footage. Ms. Jaitly's credibility is dubious the strange thing is that despite of all the protocol how a retired army man entered in def. ministers resident and despite of all the security how tehelka people manged to take camera inside Mr. Fernandes's residence .the resignation of Ms. Jaitly is correct.
Fri Mar 16 01:16:50 2001 Name:sunil porwal Email:porwalsunil@hotmail.com Views:the chain of corruption exposed is not uncommon to any govt establishment.it exist in each & every place in govt across the country.why only govt..is our pvt sector or individuals much behind it? what we need is drastic surgery of our democratic polity.we had too much of democracy which we can afford.each & every head of the govt whether in centre or state(PM&CM'S) is busy saving his/her chair..thats objective number one.then follow anything else..the present parlimentary system doesn't support good governance as the head of govt is busy assuaging the feelings of the parlimentarian's or state legislative members to keep his chair intact..its this phenomenon which hinders any hard decisions.its this phenomenon which has destroyed adminstrative excellence.its this phenomenon which requires money to buy/ sell members who count in making PM & CM'S. second area of attention is the security provided to govt servants under law .the purpose of the same was to protect them from highhandedness but it has become too much of job security. thirdly demand from non voluntary organisations , social groups for better governance at large scale is needed. citizens should demand thier rights while interfacing with govt agency & cases of neglect by govt employees taken to logical conclusion. we should not forget that release of extremist owing alliance to veerapan could be stalled caused a lone man raised his voice against all odds. we shouldn't forget that this scandal also exposes the whole security envoirment in the country..if some dotcom crew can get into so deep with only limited resources how deeply various mafia dons must be there in our system interfering in each of the decision..or in other words running the state.
Fri Mar 16 01:31:22 2001 Name:r k shah Email:kinatic@caltigermail.com Views:how right is it of tehelka.com to give such stupid casste and how right they r in investegating the govt.? the govt. has been really good and we need a stable govt. & who in this world is not running after money isn't tehelka.com earning because of this news..... Why blame others when all are at fault.... will the droping of govt. solve the case.... will anybody else be as capable as geogre fernandes and as dedicated as him to his duty in turn what has he taken maybe a few...... we would like to reestablish the faith in our govt. only after proper investigations steps should be taken against govt. its high time now that we have peace and a stable govt.....
Fri Mar 16 01:43:26 2001 Name:John Pandian Email:john_padian@rediffmail.com Views:According to me the synonym word for corruption in future would be India. According to me some what just like the ISI even we should have some agents who should have the licence to kill. i.e. they should secretly deal each and every corruption matters and if be needed kill those people in public cauze this will prevent many people from doing crime.
Fri Mar 16 02:00:47 2001 Name:SHYJU KT Email:shyju_k@hotmail.com Views:India need more scoops like this, before our country's top executives (politician ministers) learn the importance of managing the country, rather than using the country and their positions to amass personal wealth.
Fri Mar 16 02:25:58 2001 Name:Tony D'Silva Email:trdsilva@hotmail.com Views:We would like to know if the whole thing was done to frame and dishonor Mr. Fernandes as he might be the most powerful NDA leader right now? Any serious analysis on who and why some people might like to stage this drama to discredit him would be very helpful....and investigative story, if possible!
Fri Mar 16 02:27:07 2001 Name:phaniharan Email:phaniharan@rediffmail.com Views:In the first place we should congratulate tehelka.com for its commitment to bringout the truth, or shall I call it as an adventure? In the first place, demanding the BJP government or say whatever party is in power on the basis of what tehelka.com brought out is nothing but repeating the same kind of mistake we have been doing for the last 50 years. And let it be clear, those opposition party's who love to take the present government to task is nothing but political.Because they themselves can not dare to claim that their party's are free from this kind of things.So let them not talk as if they are direct descendents of lord Buddha. What tehelka.com brought out is not new as every one knows that this kind of things are existing in our system.However, its only when evidence is brought in we tend to cry faul, but never tried to clean the system. In particular, right from Nehru's time people at the helm of things governing the country thought the existing structural model of governence whatever left behind the British goes well. So unless something that directly fall infront of their faces, hardly any action is taken to take care of dyfunctional governing systems or models of administration. This lead to the systems to malfunction in an irrational levels when politician+ burocrats+money join hands. The monitering system in this country are most of the time sleeping as their officers and people are there because of political appointments or with simply sitting and monthly getting mind set. However we boast great about being a largest democratic country still its these political party's who put up their candidates and the people still vote infavour of someone because of thier caste, religion, language, for notes and bottles.So, how can we have Guljari Lal Nada's, Babu Rajendera Prasad's or Vallabahi Patel's. Demanding for the resignation
Fri Mar 16 03:04:15 2001 Name:R Prabhu Email:roy.s.pra@prime.net.sa Views:This story is one of the millions since 1947. Just imagine the amount of money swindled over the last 50 years. We could have built 3 new India's. Politicians have helped directly or indirectly such deals. They should resign and never show up again.
Fri Mar 16 03:05:19 2001 Name:raj menon Email:raj-2000@hotmail.com Views:Excellent news. george should be banned from occupying any official post. now lets fry the rest, advani, vajpayee and also send a message to the opposition that their fate will be the same.
Fri Mar 16 03:08:49 2001 Name:rajiv khanna Email:raj2000@hotmail.com Views:Guilty officer could face death penalty" what about the politicians? they should be court-martialled too.
Fri Mar 16 03:10:23 2001 Name:pervinder singh Email:expoteknica@rediffmail.com Views:i salute the great new warrior force of journalists & media who are not only fighting against corruption, in-competence but also safe gaurding the interests of the common citizens of india who are otherwise helpless in this world of corrupt MPS & BEAUROCRATS. hats off to tehlka and other internet sites for their great deed.
Fri Mar 16 03:12:58 2001 Name:Jyothi Rao Email:jrao2001@hotmail.com Views:At least the army officers involved are admitting guilt, look at these shameless politicians. we r getting comments that such and such should not have resigned. I AGREE. THEY SHOULD BE COURT MARTIALLED AND HANGED!
Fri Mar 16 03:25:39 2001 Name:Side with the honest Email:abc@hotmail.com Views:The way Tehelka reporter is taking a shelter from the left parties in Kerala, the way HK surjeet and other communists are spewing venom without substanciation on tehelka.com and else where indicates to me that this is a pre-planed campaign. The anti-BJP feelings amongst the media are so strong that any unsubstanciated rumor is broadcast with newer twists to malign the BJP and it's friends. Remember, the way the flimsy onion price issue was raised by all just to help Congress? This event is also similar to that. In New Delhi, any one can get hold of a liasoning man and get him caught bragging about his contacts. Most liasoning men in Delhi are expert in bragging about their contacts. If an independant inquiry by Suprime Court Judge proves that George Fernandes or any other minister obstructed or even bent the procedures a little for ulterior motives or monetary concerns, we should hang them as guilty. But I am not willing to hang them just on the words of few corrupt agents and bragging loudmouths caught on the motivated party like Tehelka.com. Read Jaya Jetley's interview on rediff and hear/read the transcripts without any bias, you will come to the conclusion that she only told them that if any wrong is done to them she will make sure that it is corrected. Now, don't tell me that politicians can not tell this to anyone approaching them. Let's wait for statements from those who took Tehelka teams to Jaya or Bangaru and what reasons they told to them for a meeting. Tehelka Team no doubt tried hard to force words in the mouths of these people. Bangaru Laxman did a wrong thing by accepting cash. he should have asked for checks. His statement that to run a party like BJP, it needs huge money in cash is nonsense. Janasangh and BJP for past 4 decades have been run with very little money
Fri Mar 16 03:47:31 2001 Name:Rahul Email:Rahul_S_Shah2000@yahoo.com Views:This is one of the most sad news that I have heard. But, now I am beginning to realise that there is nothing called "GOOD" left in the Government. I do not know where the day is, when there is a person whom the present generation can look upto lead this GREAY Nation. I do not care, which PARTY they belong to. They are all in the same stinking boat. You can smell it in the Airport, when you enter India.. the smell of Corruption, from the Customs there, until you reach to meet someone you know, even with the attitude of people there in the Airport. This is just a small picture of what is happening. Why is the Country producing sharp, bright, hard-working Engineers/Technocrats/Managers/etc... ? Is it for them to think that India is not a place to run the "RIGHT" things ? I feel so now. I seem to have totally lost faith in what is happening at the TOP now. I do not know when I am going to think about it.... Thanks for letting me share my views. I guess I have been a bit strong. But, that is what they require.... They are beyond PITY and REPRIMANDing. GOD give them some sense ! Your take on the defence scandal