April 23, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Thu Apr 19 15:14:27 2001
Name:Jaffar Ali
Views:Dear Sir, It is not fair to look down upon the software business/jobs in the USA. Some time or the other any industry as a matter of fact has to face the wrath of time, and so is the software industry now. We Indians have gone so far spanning many oceans and seas just to get something really good (really good acording to me is huge money . Ofcourse yaar!). If not software jobs we can do many other things which many of others are doing and would be continuing to do so. We have to see that we dont loose our dignity, by just flying back to out homeland. If we do so we would be looked down thereafter. We can still do many respectable jobs and still earn our bread and butter. Therefore, I mean to say it clearly without any type of ambiguity that we Indians are respected all over the world for their good culture, behaviour and hard work. So let us continue to stay there (USA) and make out motherland proud. Thanks

Thu Apr 19 15:24:59 2001
Views:ya it is agonizing to go thro this phase . the future is bleak and uncertain. waiting to see light at the end of the tunnel. hey you intelligentia out there - would you enlighten me about the imm future in the US of A

Thu Apr 19 15:30:44 2001
Views:I suggest the people who r job-less and still in USA that they come back to india and choose temporary job. This not only keep the existing job holders secure but also create some more opprtunities for the potential job seekers. I also suggest the job-losers not to agree for low paid or other jobs as this may degrade the position of future INDIANS. In my view, the fate of existing job holders in some what stable as the economy is slowly growing up. But they may face problems with the job-less/ unemployed people who r ready to do the job with 40% of pay!. I humbly request all the job-less people in USA to come back to India - WHERE THERE ARE LOT OF IT JOBS R WAITING FOR THEM!! Jagan Mohana Charya Engineer-CS, CMC Limited.

Thu Apr 19 15:37:06 2001
Name:jairaj shetty
Views:well earlier programmers were needed to set up the automation level to what it is today.Now what you need is experts in various fields to run the applications.How on earth do you expect a 12 std passout to run applications for advanced science? Do they have the proper background? Well this is cleansing and in good spirit .It also is an example to the indian citizens to think twice if they really need to run away from india to fetch their bread&butter. Koodoos american govt.

Thu Apr 19 16:04:32 2001
Views:It is very unfortunate that the situation for H1 B visa holder turned gloomy. They have invested lakhs of rupees in going there. They should not be asked to leave US, if they do not get a job in software industry. They should be permitted to do any other jobs.

Thu Apr 19 16:12:14 2001
Name:Vasudevan Sriram
Views:Hi, I think this concern of S/W engineers that they are no longer wanted is really misplaced.I work in a company which invests quite a lot in R&D and has been in RED since its inception.But i must say there is still a lot of optimism here. We still think that providing some dumb generic solution to a customer solves his problem but never really go in to address his strategic needs. There is even now more a focus on the Technology involved rather than the customer.This is one of the main reasons for panic button getting hit when Tech' companies like Mobile phones/Semi conductor devices start showin gthe red in the Balance Sheet. I am a Techie but still feel its not the Technology which is causing the problem but the Attitude to think that every new Technology will produce a customer satisfying solution.. Cheeeeeeeers Sriram V.

Thu Apr 19 18:43:49 2001
Views:The whole of IT is by itself a hype. It is the only field that immature even after growth. This crash i feel is primarly due to the entry of people from other fields who came in just for the sake of money and nothing else. So an hype that the whole word is only IT and nothing more was the hype that was created and ultimately led to the present situation. By law, anything that goes up fast will come down double the speed. Thats nature. So is this field. Anything that is being done in this world for money, just the money will have its own premature death.

Thu Apr 19 19:03:56 2001
Views:RIDICOLOUS ! I thnk all Indian brains should leave the states immediately.USA companies r takin undue advantage of us.I thnk its a lesson for all indians who rush to USA instead of serving their own nation. they must learn from people like Devang Mehta.

Thu Apr 19 19:14:19 2001
Views:Hey Y'all, 1. Please improve your English and/or writing skills. If your resumes are written like this, you won't get jobs be it recession or boom time. 2. Do not put up your questions here. This is a message board not somebody's online career guide. 3. I read people from India asking if they can still come here ... what are they think skinned must be an understatement for them or is dumb the right word. Can't they see what we are all going thru. 4. So many want to go back to India ... India does not have jobs for those who are there. What guarantee that we will get one. 5. Time to think of a career change. 6. Not all H1Bs are bad and with fake certificates. Some of us have worked hard to be where we are. The assumption that all are with fake degrees is disgusting. It is only of late that the fakies have stormed in and this is a reality check for them. that's it. if US thinks this recession is going to hurt the job market, it will stop the H1s coming in.

Thu Apr 19 20:16:26 2001
Views:The options people have is to skip into the jobs whatever available and wait untill the economy raises.

Thu Apr 19 20:26:31 2001
Name:Vinod Nair
Views:I have been Selected by a American Company for immediate posting. But after some days they told me that 'your case is currently withheld'. Till date (3 months) they are telling the same. What should i do. Wait for the Company or search another job ?

Thu Apr 19 21:02:57 2001
Name:mohanrao p

Thu Apr 19 21:15:28 2001
Name:Hariharan Ramalingam
Views:I'm a hardware design enginer working for LTITL (larsen & toubro information technology ltd),India, my H1-B was sponsored by LTITL, USA on Nov'99 with an appointment order. But I was kept idle in India without moving to USA by my employer. From Nov'1999 to till today I didnt get a chance because my employer placed me on bench in India itself wasting my H1 visa. This is a clever Fraud practices followed by employers spoiling employees career options in US which should be stopped. I wish the Government should take action against the employers for such unlawful practices.

Thu Apr 19 22:24:27 2001
Views:It is highly unfair to throw out thse whowere tillrecenytly helping in prosperity of theU.S.A .They should be suitably allowed to settle down &getself employed

Thu Apr 19 23:25:12 2001
Views:It is ridiculous to say these laws are not good. Don't we know the law before coming here? I dont understand why people blame US immigration laws when they are suffering. They don't bother about these laws when enjoying the fruits. And who asked these guys to come on H1 sacrificing their so called careers as mentioned some times? Did any one see this type of hype from 1994 to 2000? And why not? because you are enjoying the life style. Then you dont bother about the same laws.. We have to grow up.

Fri Apr 20 00:05:25 2001
Name:Kisor Ray
Views:Well, the boom would take place once again.Indians need to mature their skill set.

Fri Apr 20 00:06:29 2001
Views:I agree with the view that Indian has put forward...we come here, because we are looking for "greener pastures" knowing very well the risks involved.... so if there is a downturn one will be hit and one should be ready to take it... the only thing that pinches me is the TAX... one should not pay SSN or if one has to pay it then one should be allowed to use it when one is out of job and needs money... or when one is leaving the country... BTW i am not a green card holder and on H1...

Fri Apr 20 00:45:17 2001
Name:Bibhuuti Bhusan Biswal
Views:It is unfair for Indian-Americans to leave the country they have served for years.On the contrary,it is also a clean cheat from americans to their friends who have served their motherland.So,friends do not get disheartened.Good time is coming in your own country.It is just like a recession period in IT sector.India is going to be the only super-power in IT in near future.Time is coming when those people will work under your sleeves& you will dictate terms.So,be alert & work accordingly which is the need of the hour to be benign to your motherland.

Fri Apr 20 02:39:49 2001
Views:go back to india . u guys will have better luck in india . east or west india is the best

Fri Apr 20 02:54:08 2001
Views:h1's need to quit their whining about paying taxes. You pay taxes to live in this system. You pay taxes for clean air, clean water, clean streets, timely police and fire services in case you need them. What makes US a better place to live than india are these services and these are the things you pay taxes for just like you are "supposed" to pay taxes in india when you live their. So stop crying about taxes. And ask yourself why did you come here in the first place if your answer is Money only than you are getting what you deserve right now (layoffs).

Fri Apr 20 03:15:20 2001
Name:Laput Rao
Views:What is this H1-B Visa Man! Bull Shit.Our condition over here is just like potatoes kept under pressure cooker. No breathing time to hunt for a next job fear of being deported living a life under a channel of pressure with tension blocking the flow of thoughts.Will the economic situation improve if yes then when and will these H1-B holders return back to USA or not at all. Is the present economic scenario demands a halt for coming over to U.S.A. and like these many doubts go unanswered. All I feel is that there should be some sort of rules relaxation for H1-B Holders but with the present economic conditions for the rules to be changed in one night is still a journey to the unknown.

Fri Apr 20 06:01:42 2001
Views:Sub: Extention of H1-b Visa Hi, My first term H1b visa is going to expire in another 2months. How much time before I have to apply for the extention. What's the procedure. Can you briefly explain about the h1-b extention. Thanks for your great service.

Fri Apr 20 06:27:29 2001
Views:One should understand that US is a country of sudden ups and down turns.. So you had to be prepared when you land here for going back. I don't understand when people cry when they 've to come back.. Is our country so bad..? Have you ever thought of the expenditure enquired by the poor citizens in India for making an Engineer or a professional.. Try something to do there also.. At least the tax paid by you will repay ur debt to them...

Fri Apr 20 07:26:41 2001
Views:Can a H1B visa holder can start his own business in United States?

Fri Apr 20 10:03:11 2001
Views:what is actually happening? why this cut in IT spending all of a sudden?

Fri Apr 20 10:03:28 2001
Name:Kishan Bailey
Views:This is very typical of Indians. Once you go places to lick other's boots to be a part of somebody else's dream, get ready to be kicked as well. Indians are always a casualty because it is only we who can go so low to be part of some other country's dream as you have put it.

Fri Apr 20 10:04:12 2001
Name:N.C. Murmu
Views:Here is my thoughts : Can I ask some question here ? I Have gone thru' views posted here. But Alas ! I found all look like they are all American rather than India !

Fri Apr 20 10:24:44 2001
Name:Prasanjit Das
Views:It is very bad to know the condition of IT in USA all of sudden after the Gov change over. By all means hope the condition will improve in near future and let every body dream come true.

Fri Apr 20 11:07:37 2001
Views:It have became much harder to get an job for graduate i.e Degree holder (, ect). Many of Indians who are presently in job getting trobule and also they is no gurateen for their present job! Wat will be the next step taken by the US Govt. to over come these problem.

Fri Apr 20 11:12:23 2001
Name:adwait bisi(software proff.,india)
Views:no body can say about far as USA's economy goes presently it is running under pressure,but it does mean that indian have to leave america.the country which is more diversified is more success.hence indian should go for some changes and for that they have to be flexible. in nutshell USA govt.should take care of it.because indians are those who made their IT a booming field.

Fri Apr 20 11:42:40 2001
Name:ajay kumar
Views:will the software industry booms again this year

Fri Apr 20 12:04:23 2001
Views:What do i do? I have focussed my son in the direction of IT

Fri Apr 20 12:37:02 2001
Views:in the present scenario it appears that teh situation in USA is worsening from day to day. there is a little chance that these guys can get another jobs now. They are now living on their savings in the past

Fri Apr 20 12:39:55 2001
Name:Mankind Lover
Views:COME BACK!!! Work for your your country..and put your learning into use here and try to make this place a better place to live. You will find utopia in your motherland where you are recoganized and accepted for whatever you are. Guess what a difference can 40,000 educated guyz bring here? Its time you guyz realized that running after dollars and blondes is'nt going to take you places. Jai Hind!!!

Fri Apr 20 12:45:42 2001
Name:Nirav Bhavsar
Views:Hi! Heres another victim of H1B laided programmer. Just 6 monts ago, In India everything was going smoothly. Ive been offered good job over here. But what happens after my coming over here. They just laided off me within just very first month, since ive started working there.. Now what should i do. Looking for some other opportunity nowadays. with lol, Nirav Bhavsar

Fri Apr 20 12:55:53 2001
Views:Its really very tough situation for the guys and gals who went there.Its really a pity but no one to help!!! Its not the fault of American goverment!!! They had money they threw it we ran before it and now they don't need us so we are thrown out. This is a perfect business men policy.

Fri Apr 20 13:03:44 2001
Name:Sandeep Nag
Views:Lot of diplomatic efforts are required with a real political will , to make a treaty which is even, like the treaty of reciprocity, where the Indian immigrants should be equated on equal terms. The present lot of politicians are pretty much incompetent in doing such things. An Indian individual should understand that lure of money is temporary and look before you leap.

Fri Apr 20 13:35:27 2001
Name:Dharmesh Shah
Views:what is status of jobs for h1 holders now? Please enlighten

Fri Apr 20 14:14:59 2001
Views:I don't know what the US laws are. But it is patently unfair to lay-off without a minimum notice period. Indians would do well to remember this experience and learn that it is better to be in your Country earning half the salary with dignity than to be thrown off like a used towel, without even being extended certain normal courtesy while being laid off. It is abhorring to hear that entry card of employee is deactivated on a fine morning without even being told. That is not the way a civilised country and civilised people behave. Is the US becoming the Uganda of this millennium? It's time people from India also realised that all that glitter is not gold! Over-dependance on US has made matters worse. Not enough response when Europe or Japan beckons! The enterprising spirit of Indian businessmen is legendary. It is a challenge to our IT professionals and I fervently hope they will come out of this testing time unscathed and re-assert themselves and make India proud!!!

Fri Apr 20 14:57:50 2001
Views:When we look in to the current situation it is almost impossible for those engineers who are on bench and who are in web development. I dont say that it is 100% not possible, there are chances but ones luck plays a vital role. Coming to whether they must stay in US without a job or come back to india, its up to them, they must be prepared to face the situation in INDIA also. You have to bear with the busy bodies and also no job situation there.

Fri Apr 20 15:28:34 2001
Name:haraprasanna parida
Views:i think they should come to India and try here. bcoz the job security is there.

Fri Apr 20 15:54:02 2001
Views:what about h4 visa status?

Fri Apr 20 17:05:32 2001
Views:Things are bad these days for aspirants seeking jobs in the US. But the scenario will improve once again. HIB will make losers and winners out of Indians.

Fri Apr 20 17:07:25 2001
Views:don't worry all are come to India and start a new business and earn money. why we are losing our confidence...

Fri Apr 20 17:48:28 2001
Name:ramesh varma
Views: when can i expect IT market to be in better position? Is there any chance of survival of fresh software engeneers?

Fri Apr 20 18:36:03 2001
Name:shasidhar reddy
Views:how long will the situation continue to be so bad ? how is the market for System programmers and administrators ?

Fri Apr 20 19:01:04 2001
Views:toiling hard for a developed country like US consultants from India get nothing but a red rose on their cubicle and a letter saying that they are sacked because of the current market day's it is better to work in india than to take the pains of the west

Fri Apr 20 19:09:19 2001
Views:Couple of Suggestion: 1. Take everything positively, although its tough. Let it be blessings in disguised. When we are in US its our country to work, and if we go back our Karma Bhumi is again Indian Mother Land. We can give more to our country, I am pretty sure.. all of us have learned a lot. Although this is tough for people who came recently in last one year.. because they have not made their piece of Money Cake. 2. If you want to stay back.. We should push advantage against our Social Security deductions from Pay check. We have paid a lot of money for that.. we should get part of our salary till the time we are here in US without Job. Will some one of those Associations.. Pass these message to US government !! We all will be helped... 3. Don't loose your mind and don't abuse this country. We should be happy.. because we as a human being would have never taken this decision to go back.. and God is helping us to go back and stay with our Family/Friends and make life there more beautiful. Who know, we may come back here.. OR Americans will start Shifting to India in Next Few Years... 4. Lets make India Better than US.. and Give Visas to US citizens including our Kids to come and Work in India Hazzle free and Not like H1B's. Best of Luck to all... Where ever you all are Enjoy life in what ever you have.. don't loose your enjoyment.. Life is so straight.. Simple Principle of life.. If you are happy others will be happy and they will keep you happy.. And if you are not than. no one can make you happy... Jai Hind.

Fri Apr 20 23:30:10 2001
Views:I think what has happened is really good. Atleast the IT crazy engineering colleges will reduce the fee and people will think twice before they pay capitation fee. Everybody is exploiting the fact that there is US. I think we have to blame ourselves and we are facing the tunes. Its time to think and act and stop selling lands to do Computer science.

Sat Apr 21 00:34:04 2001
Name:Jyoti Singh
Views:I think its very much fair. why does not india allow people from bangladesh to come to india freely and work. same goes in USA. no one should expect that by paying taxes for a year or two in that country they should be eligible for all the benefit the citizens have.

Sat Apr 21 01:34:19 2001
Views:H1 B jobs should be made pensionable and retirement age should be made 58 years like Indian Govt job. If any one gets H1 once. he should get lifelong pension is that possible ? Ask your Indian body shopper who brings you here.

Sat Apr 21 02:21:08 2001
Views:It is foolish to say Indians have slogged for the US Economy or that they have done so much for this nation..blah..blah Plain and simple truth is they have made hay for themselves while the sun shone

Sat Apr 21 02:40:58 2001
Views:What I feel is one should have a little of Backbone ! Leave immediately a place where u and ur hardwork is insulted..! Myself being an s/w engineer the position is India is quite good and u can surely survive with a little money and more of self respect

Sat Apr 21 03:04:09 2001
Views:No security, on the land of no one. Yes, what security do we can expect on other's land?. We are here to make some good bucks, and when thats not working good enough lets go back. For what are we here today? people from india come here with a view to stay on H-1 for couple of years and make good money and go back .. but we facinated my this dream country we find all sorts of loop holes to live here and try all means to grencard and citizenship.. this it goes on.. and its a never ending story. and talking about what options we have? I dont think its thats easy to find a job in india as in here. Its pretty tough guys.... Once again say MERA BHARAT MAHAN

Sat Apr 21 05:23:25 2001
Views:Take this - you come to US, but you are always dying for indian food, indian songs, indian clothes and indian language . You remember everything you had done in india, you want to go back, you miss your folks, you miss the festivals, you miss your friends. Everyday you talk about going back. You know you can get a good salary back home. You are educated, you have skills, and now you have experience. So why is this fuss all about. I think things have been made easier for you. I may be one of you but my horizons are vast. All the best.

Sat Apr 21 09:11:55 2001
Views:Check out They are still carrying advertisements for thousands of positions. The advertisements are as recent as today. Good luck!

Sat Apr 21 10:32:13 2001
Views:they can survive by looking for job in other companies..

Sat Apr 21 10:38:28 2001
Name:Kotaru Nagasrinivas
Views:Dear Peers, It is always a good sign. becasue we have to show our skills and strengh only at tight time only not alwasy when things are going in a steady way. in this situation it seems that, only people can survive have great knowledge or confidence. Not all the people who have gone to states or otehr countries with basic infrastructure Thankin You

Sat Apr 21 11:26:59 2001
Name:manoj mishra

Sat Apr 21 12:01:32 2001
Views:yeah,it seems the situation is very worse..confusion chaos everywhere

Sat Apr 21 12:33:57 2001
Views:In the world USA is thought 2 be one of the best and forward country, there they give importance to work that the people i,e race. But now it is proved that USA is not up to the mark , they r also selfish people and they r not looking the other side of the coin by removing Indian(powerful) brains. This will lead 2 their government stability right now but in the field of IT i think it is going 2 be down fall from the quality of s/w is concern. It is only a opinion from a grown up Indian, Indian how lost their jobs right noe will regain them again. There is proverb in hindi language which will come true specially for INdian Brain. "Bagvan ke gar mein daar hi andar nahi".... Its only the phase(time)we will regain again. AND WE WILL PROVE WHAT WE R TO WORLD AGAIN...

Sat Apr 21 12:57:42 2001
Name:Navtej Sandhu
Views:This is totally unfair...first of all, they should not have ask for the applicants to apply for H1-B visa...if they sanction it, now its their (USA) duty to adjust them....where r their economy experts ? didn't they noticed that this kind of situation may arise also ? this is RIDICULOUS

Sat Apr 21 14:05:57 2001
Name:priya ranjan singh
Views:According to me ,i think maximum software people gone to usa lack of knowledge and main aim is gaining dollar and permanent stay in usa.Those people are does not know about the new technology.Those people have knowledge would not come back to india.Bush govt is basically defence is not like to adapat IT.

Sat Apr 21 14:18:08 2001
Views:I am still amazed to see the attitude of people who talk about unfairness of US companies. Do they ever think about the ways they have been treating their employers, India and people living in India??? When going was great, most of them enjoyed the fat pay-checks & ability to change employers at whim with hardly any notice. They left India with abosultely no regard. Now that going is tough, they are crying foul. I AM SURE INDIA DOES NOT NEED THEM EITHER. BTW, I have been there and kow these first hand. GROW UP & QUIT COMPLAINING ALL THE TIME.

Sat Apr 21 14:25:00 2001
Name:jimmy scaria
Views:they must not leave US. they must stick there in US and try some another jobs till the condition changes. i hope the condition will change with in 5-6 months.

Sat Apr 21 15:33:53 2001
Views:hi! this is raj. i am working as an software engg. in singapore and looking for a change of job. but as seen in the past few months the u.s. software market is into recession so i would like to know first hand information about the u.s. market trend and how long will it take for the market to really pick up. thanks! best regards, raj

Sat Apr 21 15:47:36 2001
Name:viral pandya
Views:Ans. of first Que. It is not fair. Ans. of second and third Que. they should find another job in U.S. and as it is possible they should try to settle over there only. Ans. of forth Que. those who have jobs have security of 75% but still they have to be alert and if this condition can come then at that time there should be some other jobs for them so,they can live there peacefully

Sat Apr 21 15:50:36 2001
Name:mohith rajan
Views:i think its unfair. this is a re-enaction of what shahjahan did to the master craftsmen who build taj mahal. and a reminder to all of us indians that we should never forget our roots.

Sat Apr 21 17:53:18 2001
Views:It is really bad situation because people who have gone there with colorful dreams are going to become IT patients. The treatment to this disease is only depends on USA economy....We hope that economy will recover in as early as possible...

Sat Apr 21 18:13:50 2001
Name:K. Thirumal Reddy
Views:At present how many H1-B visa holders retrenched? Further there are any jobs for those who had retrenched?

Sun Apr 22 18:24:05 2001
Views:Hi Guys, Don't feel bad when I speak facts.You went to USA when you could not survive in India.You made some bucks and showed them off to the Indian society as if you are the most talented and you made money with your intelligence, hard work,talent and determination.When you were riding high you derided things 'Indian' and thought that you would soon be an 'American'. You said you hate Indian values, Pollution and the cheap ways of living here. Now do you at least understand What is India?When you are thrown out of USA where do you go? Guys, understand one thing you came to the position where you are today because of our inexpensive education system.You donot understand it then when you criticized India. Come back to India and contribute to welfare of Indians.We are here to welcome you .

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