April 12, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Thu Apr 12 04:12:39 2001
Name:Ravi Chhabra
Views:Its been a ridiculous scenario, When we were in India, we use to hear there are better opportunities in USA. Here the things are totally opposite. Even if market is good a person has to start everything after 6 months again appearing for interviews..Can a person especially H1 holder be stable here.With only six months stay in US I affirmly believe "NO" ...NEVER

Thu Apr 12 04:15:19 2001
Name:Sandip Adhvaryu
Views:yaaroo ! Dont vary just wait for few months

Thu Apr 12 04:18:58 2001
Views:Considering the commitment of the software engineers and the taxes they pay, INS should consider giving GC's automatically to them after showing the tax returns for 4 years

Thu Apr 12 04:22:23 2001
Views:Hello, It is bad that things are taking a turn this way. Specially for people who are new in this market and donot have a longer sustaining capacity, there seems to be walls closing in, in here. As of now it appears techies hang in till they can and kep evaluating their options. Worst is the sign in ads saying green card holders or citizens apply only. But in times as tough this I am not so sure if this is totally wrong, I mean the country trying take care of its citizens. This may not be exactly the feeling by everyone but I believe heart to heart the H1 candidates will agree even if not like it.

Thu Apr 12 04:30:23 2001
Views:I have found that some people have used this as a chance to settle scores with H1B workers by firing them knowing fully well that they will have to leave the country- Shame

Thu Apr 12 04:31:36 2001
Views:It is a real bad time for H1B holders. I wish US Govt comes out with temp GC which has same rights as permanent GC for those who are in the GC process.

Thu Apr 12 04:33:36 2001
Views:hi All h1 guys actively participated with society like paying taxes..and all of a sudden telling them to move out is inhuman.They should be allowed to stay bach search for another job till their visa expires.

Thu Apr 12 04:37:46 2001
Name: rm
Views:what about the students who have to still get their career started....???

Thu Apr 12 04:38:18 2001
Name:Rohit Ghanara
Views:I guess, there's a BIG uncertainty in the life's of the people who have still managed to remain affloat may be there hardwork, or may be there good/bad luck that they are still so called employed. But the most important thing in being employed is that they are under constant and heavy tension about their i guess this is the time to take decision, that one never thought of earlier....whether to continue this so called "better than the Hyderabad or Bangalore" lifestyles but with the tremendous tension and uncertainty ??????????

Thu Apr 12 04:59:51 2001
Name:Balakrishnan Vaneeri
Views:I am a consultant. Though I am currently on an assignment, I am not happy with the current situation. It may be difficult for me to find another contract after this one. My company has already started asking many of our consultants to go back to India till the situation becomes manageable. I would be forced to accept a job, which may be in an area that I am not really interested in and for a lesser pay (if possible). As of now, I do not feel secure. Hence I do not buy anymore stuff and I am not making any commitments here cos who knows one day i may have to pack my bags and leave.

Thu Apr 12 05:14:02 2001
Name:Deepak bane
Views:looking at current conditions i would say the situation will not get worse than this.winter brings spring after him.but the question is when?near future.hope so.

Thu Apr 12 05:16:28 2001
Views:Europe and the Developed Asia is open and requires lots of man power.Also going back to India to do our own off-shore contracts will be a great blessing in disguise.But prepare a contigency plan that will sustain you thru a period of 4-6 months which is max bad time Iam expecting.Wish you all best of luck and a happy job hunting P.S THOSE WHO DID NOT HAVE THE TIME TO MARRY ,THIS IS GOD SENT TIME TO TIE THE NUPIICAL KNOT

Thu Apr 12 05:30:43 2001
Views:Mera Bharath Mahan!!!! Go back to India and do something useful to the country!!!!

Thu Apr 12 05:33:16 2001
Views:Hi all, Its really difficult to even imagine. the state of those people who after comming to US got to know that they have to return back without working. Those guys might have even left their jobs to work here.. Its even terrible to work in these scenarios where no body knows when your manager will come to you and say that you are no more required!! Hope that this scene gets changed in the course of time... hope hope hope...bye

Thu Apr 12 05:39:23 2001
Views:It's the toughest situation people can face. It's all about who you know that can save your job not what you know..

Thu Apr 12 05:44:42 2001
Name:venkat seelam
Views:H1B holders should be allowed to find another job.Should INS force them to leave America,INS should refund all their taxes (including federal and state).

Thu Apr 12 05:48:42 2001
Name:Mahesh Bhanumurthy
Views:I strongly feel that the least the US govt. can do to alleviate the misery of H1-B contractors is to allow them to remain in the US for a minimum period of 6 months without revoking their visas as is the case when a H1 visa holder loses a job.

Thu Apr 12 06:01:59 2001
Name:Anoop Saxena
Views:I feel nothing wrong about it. Its all part of the game. I mean 90% of the Indian software consultants come here through, unfair means, just to earn money. Theycan not say that back in India they were not getting well paid. IT has almost always paid well to the consultants. I said Unfair means in the sense that they manipulate their resumes, break the bonds with the companies etc. While employee management problem is definitelty a factor but please do not tell me that you can not swtich comapnies with in india itself. Why do all these software programmers who come to US for better life complain when they find themselves laid off. I mean everyone knows beforehand that if you are laid off then you will have to leave the country. So its a part of the game. And second every programmer worth his salt can find a job. I mean, i am hearing about so many lay off but why? because so many Indians just for quick bucks attended a short training in E.Com and came to US. very few among them would be genuinely interested in what they learnt. After coming here they apply for green card and then accpet the citizenship of US. Personally I think its high time Indian government came out with a law requiring a person to give up his/her Indian citizenship before accepting any other country's citizenship. There is a basic fault with us Indians, at large. WE FOLLOW. And we follow blindly. First mainframes and then E.Com. So now that you are being laid off and asked to go back home accept it without making too much fuss. If you are a good programmer you can find a job for yourself in US.

Thu Apr 12 06:02:07 2001
Name:AShok Pappu
Views:"It was the promised land where jobs were plenty and lifestyles better than the boys from Hyderabad or Bangalore could ever have imagined" I dont know who wrote this but i can tell this for sure after working both in bangalore and In USa. Being on a Hi visa is like being like a bird living in a golden cage for the H1 guys like myself from my prospective and from the prospective of so called the "Body shopping" companies point of view the H1 guys are the ducks which lays the golden eggs no longer sacred when they are out of billing. i dont think such a things even exists in bangalore as a think called hourly billing and getting paid only if being in billing. this kind of "lifestyles " sure dont exist in bangalore and Hyderabad and the writer of this article perhaps forgot this too. the H1 visa holder is NOT AN IMMIGRANT BY THE VERY DEFINITION THEY ARE NON-IMMIGRANT VISA. H1 visa is a TEMPORARY Worker Visa at this point i should remaind every one that there is an seperate immigration visa for immigrating to the USA coming back to the H1 story what is that means to be a temporary worker? the comp[anies By definition should hire a H1 visa worker if and if only they cannot find an american worker for that position. so what is the status of that guy who holds a H1 visa ? the status of a secondary citizen (i dont think this is exactly true but the closest i can get to) "It was the promised land where jobs were plenty " yeah sure ,the Promised land only for the citizens not for the secondary citizens who are at the mercy if INS freinds and fellow country people it is with great pain i am writing this. first we are no different than the beggers who beg for few coins in front of temples, the only difference is that we were sitting in front of the US consulate general chennai all night spending time on pavement begging for a H1 visa(

Thu Apr 12 06:02:19 2001
Name:Narayana Murthy
Views:Better to go India, otherwise how these people are survive.Previously they are all in good position.But the market is very dull and asking multiple platforms like UnixAdministrator and SoftwareEngineer in such case how these people are survive.Better to go India and come back once the market is improved. If the person ready to any kind of job try to find out small jobs.

Thu Apr 12 06:03:36 2001
Views:Surely we will have a rebound in 2nd half

Thu Apr 12 06:16:21 2001
Views:I think there is nothing wrong in asking us to go back to India when laid off while on H1. We know it is a temporary visa and the risk is always there irrespective of economy. If not before coming here, atleast after an year or so, we should realize the laws pertaining to our H1-B status do not allow us to stay here if we or job is lost. I am ready to back if I am laidoff and don't get a job within a month.

Thu Apr 12 06:18:00 2001
Name:sumant Patel
Views:This is nothing new for me. I am here for a long time. I work for aerospace co. on a contract basis. They give me one hour notice to go home. Same thing happen to lots of engineers coming from europe to work in aerospace cos. on contact and they had to go home. So I do not feel sorry for H-1B workers. It is just like farmers workers coming from Mexico. Those farmers workers had to go back as soon as the farming season is over or no work. So for a while they can go home enjoy vacation until they come back.

Thu Apr 12 06:20:38 2001
Name:Ravi Pindiproli
Views:Just to recap real quick on the immigration in the past.. I remember that folks had to come here and go to school and take up full time school and do 3 part time jobs at a time to survive.. we graduated and worked extremely hard to prove ourselves and now Indians have a set up a trend proving that they are the best of the best when it comes to technology. Making way for the newcomers who have quick access to arrive on an H1, start work in the first week of arrival, start negotiating an increase in salary within 3 months, jump jobs.... and most of these folks have no understanding of their technical areas of expertise... and yes there are exceptions, there are some who are brilliant. In today's market there are still opportunities, Companies willing to hire H1's (I am on an H1 myself and completing 6 years of H1)... and I know I have job security because I am contributing to the bottom line of the Company and have been taught to be a complete professional. There is still a need for technical people but for people who have actually worked hard and earned their way to the USA. It is time for the mediocre to return to their respective Countries, learn what it means to work hard and earn your place here before you become part of the American dream.

Thu Apr 12 06:24:52 2001
Name:ajaya panda
Views:Not sure what's going to happen?

Thu Apr 12 06:26:03 2001
Name:Elangovan Balasubramanian
Views:Maybe that's the way life is. In an alien country we cannot expect anything better. I feel we are better of going back to India. Atleast we get peace of mind

Thu Apr 12 06:27:26 2001
Views:no they donot have to leave, economic downfall seems temporary. If money is not an immidiate problem , i would suggest them to hang on!!!!

Thu Apr 12 06:39:01 2001
Name:Boby Thomas
Views:Facts being facts: Enenthough nobody would acknowledges this: Racism exists in the US. And if is true, I wouldn't blame them. It would not take much time for these isolated voices to reach a crescendo. Until now H1-Bs didnt care or seemed to not care because, the money was always good and that multiplied by 45 was a cool fortune. The current situation make us realize the following This is the way capitalism works: Hire and Fire. The H1Bs get the axe first in most of the cases - Most H1Bs work as consultants/contractors at client sites and logic says they will be expended first. H1B consultants/contractors dont come cheap - charging a min of $100/hr(It is another fact that usually only 1/4th of this money reaches their hands - the rest swallowed by the hunderds of middlemen/bodyshoppers in beteween) Of the 40,000 odd people(I seriously doubt this figure - the actual number is much less)my belief is most of them were working for consulting companies run by Indian entrepreuners. These consulting companies/bodyshoppers did not even wait a single day before terminating an employee who have been earning him $50-100/hour while he was on project. I am willing to take this thread further on the how bodyshoppers work in the US and the raw deal they dish out to their employees: If indicators are to be nelieved, its gonna be a long rough ride.

Thu Apr 12 06:39:48 2001
Name:tom peters
Views:i love america

Thu Apr 12 06:44:26 2001
Views:Hi I came to USA through Conusulting Firm..After My First project, he forcefully asked me to resign..stating some personal reasons..After I found another Job and applied for My h1. I got INS Confirmation.. I did Not get my H1 Papers yet.. Is it going to be a problem for me ? If the consulting firm cancels the H1..what will be my status till i get my new H1 papers.. Is it going to be a problem when I apply for Green card ? I took almost 2 months to get my New Job ? Thanks Reddy

Thu Apr 12 06:47:16 2001
Name:Aditi Bhattacharya
Views:Hi, I am an H1-B visa holder. I was, until recently, a consultant with a large Silicon Valley corporate. When my contract was suddenly terminated. I understood that it would be extremely difficult to find another assignment, and prepared myself for a long forced sabbatical. But I never gave up hope and I never gave up trying... and thankfully, I found another project within 2 weeks. I would like to say this to everybody who faces the same situation I did : "Keep your chin up, your hopes high and your efforts spirited. This too shall pass...".

Thu Apr 12 07:05:40 2001
Name:Mampatta V Vinodkumar
Views:We should try to influence INS to relax on the time we can stay and look for alternate jobs, in the event of being laid off

Thu Apr 12 07:07:20 2001
Views:Panic situation

Thu Apr 12 07:07:57 2001
Views:Well Young generation thinks it is a land of opportunity but it is a wasteland with no alternative to live but to die, as you will out of job, no medical treatment, no alternative job available without greencard.

Thu Apr 12 07:15:10 2001
Views:Well being an H1B visa holder myself I know that there is no security for us in this country.My husband has not been able to get a job for the last 3 months and there is not a single company he has left out in CA for applying ?Can anyone help me by seeing if there are any jobs at all for my husband ?

Thu Apr 12 07:24:25 2001
Views:As to why these lay offs are taking place so mercilessly, one needs to look at this countries economy In this free market economy, the government has no role to play with respect to the Job Market which is not the case in European countries and Japan. In countries like Sweden and Japan there is Job security. Layoffs are not only affecting the H1-B holders, but also the other sectors. But to the H1 holder, layoffs are detrimental since he/she is given very less time to either find another job or quit the country. But going by the standard of living, one is better off in India than in the US, jobless. With our contries economy opening up too, the GOI has also passed similar laws wherein the employer can layoff his employee provided the number of employees is more than 1000.

Thu Apr 12 07:26:33 2001
Views:Hi, I joined my company 6 months back . But I am completeing my 5 years work experince this month. I have a BE degree. Is there some way where I can get my Green Card processed in EB-2 stage. Thanks.

Thu Apr 12 07:35:44 2001
Views:this is a pretty sad time. Hope the recovery comes faster

Thu Apr 12 07:41:01 2001
Name:Abhjit Salunke
Views:I am currently in U.S and I think the condition should stabilize in the coming months.

Thu Apr 12 07:47:38 2001
Name:bhaskar gottiparthy
Views:After issuing H1B visa it means that the country is going to provide job in IT field. We H1 holders are unable to do any other jobs because H1 holders are legal to work only for IT field. Then why are they processing more than the limit and causing problems to us. Now we are unable to get jobs in India too because of this.

Thu Apr 12 07:47:47 2001
Name:Thomson Lukose
Views:It is furstating. I got my VISA on Jan 3rd and was ofcourse the most happiest guy around. But now after 4 months of getting my VISA - I feel really drained out. It is dream that once was...The fear is getting into me as I see many of our Indians returning back. It is painful that Indians have to suffer when the US Economy suffers. I still have the job (luckily the firm has not cancelled my VISA)...but can someone advice me what to done and how to go about? Or should I drop away with the dream in the grave? Is it over? Or is there a ray of hope....

Thu Apr 12 07:54:06 2001
Views:dont be panic the things will change for the real stuffy guys in the future

Thu Apr 12 07:55:26 2001
Views:Is it fair? thats what u ask dude......hello??? This is America!! they don't give a damn if you stay or u go back. U are like a laborer and nothin else..if they want u they will call u otherwise u go.... Everything comes with a price.....u wanna earn quick bucks ..there are risks accept it..its the truth. But wats wrong in fighting against it ....hehehhehehe!ENJOY

Thu Apr 12 07:56:02 2001
Name:Jagannadh K
Views:Sooner or later , the s/w industry would stabilise and things would normalise. I personally feel it is not fair for immigrants to be ousted from the country for whatever tentative fluctuations the industry is subject to currently. It would mean a great pain and trouble for those already here , if they need to pack their bags for good. Slash on the immigration now, but ease the rules and norms on those already here.

Thu Apr 12 08:08:43 2001

Thu Apr 12 08:09:24 2001
Name:Ravi Kandikonda
Views: Its relatively easy for the folks in technology to stay on the bench for some time and catch up on a job later. I wonder how the people in other fields like management, finance etc are coping up. Are there any consulting companies who are willing to have these non technical professionals? Also are there any consulting companies who specialize in placing professionals in fields like accounting, finance, marketing etc. Many Thanks

Thu Apr 12 08:15:35 2001
Views:yes it is true.

Thu Apr 12 08:22:46 2001
Views:No, it is not fair to think about it too much bcz we came here knowing that one day it MIGHT happen. That day has come that's all.

Thu Apr 12 08:34:08 2001
Views:concern over our fate. am here to meet and discuss with my peers

Thu Apr 12 08:43:01 2001
Name:Tom Cruise
Views:I think that it is very fair. Before these H1 folks came over to the US, they surely knew about the rules and that they would have to go back if they lost their jobs. The rules did not change over night. If they were worried about stability, then why did they come to the US in the first place ? They worked hard and were more than adequately compensated for their efforts. They made more money then they could have made in India or China. Why complain now ?

Thu Apr 12 08:43:12 2001
Name:S Singh
Views:H1B visa workers are just like Bihari and UP migrant workers who used to work in Delhi's factories. Since the factories in Delhi Dot Com companies and IT companies in US are closing and laying off people, we will have to go back to our villages and small towns in India. Nothing to be ashamed of. It is global capitalism at work. It was good while it lasted. Now the challenge would be to use these returning IT resources in Indian companies.

Thu Apr 12 08:48:57 2001
Name:arvind marpak
Views:I am also of the same case as you projected inthe do you fill to about the situation .i dont find any solution in this ,is it better to go back to india or be here to wait some time.Let me know any one with the suggestion

Thu Apr 12 08:52:22 2001
Name:sultan yaseenuddin
Views:Though i still have my job in hand I dont feel secure. Every day hearing about somebody or the other being laid off makes this feelng even worse.

Thu Apr 12 08:59:23 2001
Name:Gautam Sarkar
Views:Those who are already here, should be allowed to stay back and help in areas where job positions go unfilled. Compensation may not be the same, but that is start.

Thu Apr 12 09:16:43 2001
Views:i am a H1 B worker from India myself and have been in the US for the past 2 years working as a software consultant. Sure, H1 B workers are among the first ones to lose their jobs but one has to realise that the "hire and fire" work culture is part and parcel of being employed in the US. the industry here is completely market driven and the IT industry , being more volatile and therefore more susceptible to market fluctuations, does carry with it a certain amount of risk. having said that, i still think it is very sad that many H1 B workers have been given the pink slip without proper prior notice and/or compensation. that certainly is unfair . but the fact remains that if the appointment letter of the employees does not mention any notice period or compensation package in the event of termination of employment, there is not much that the worker can do about it. If there is some mention of the terms of breaking of employment by the employer, i believe, the company is liable to be taken to court on that count. the US laws are very scrict regarding employment contracts which are binding in the court of law. here i have a few observations i have made. if the worker is terminated from his job, there are a few options that he/she can consider. i know that not all options are feasible in all the situations but it could be worth a try. 1. Try and ask ur employer is he is ready to keep u on board without pay for some period of time (maybe a month or so). this would give some time to find another job. 2. Try and find some opportunity outside of the area where u currently are. For example, the East coast does not seem to have been as hard hit as the silicon valley right now . this doesnt mean that things are all fine in the East coast, but one may have a relatively better chance of striking it there. 3. i know of people who have managed to land in another job in the past few months

Thu Apr 12 09:22:31 2001
Name:Bill Gates
Views:Don't worry..

Thu Apr 12 09:23:05 2001
Views:I suggest that H1 B visa holders should get the option to work in different field as they have left everthing behind and if they are thrown away they will not be in a position to get the job in India as the economy of india is also not good.

Thu Apr 12 09:26:55 2001
Views:I believe the laid off H1B visa holders should collectively do something to stay in USA and find employment. The government (INS) does not have a clear and unambiguous policy/rules for the continuity of h1B visa holder who loses the job.Considering the fact that all H1B visa workers pay social security tax, and income tax there must be ways of protecting their interests. Its time to lobby for reforming condition of H1B visa workers. Influential attorneys, H1B visa advocates must recommend changtes to H1B visa rules .

Thu Apr 12 09:30:21 2001
Views:I think we should change our skills and resume quickly and try for what is hot out there !!

Thu Apr 12 09:41:55 2001
Views:They will have to leave US, because they don't have much experience on other platforms or languages.If some one konw only Java, this is not enough to stay in US, At least he knows some other languages so that if one language goes down then they can shift on another language. People in IT , knows all of things at least 2 or 3 languages and work on 2 or 3 platforms, so that when slack on one part then switch over on another. Thank's. Vineet

Thu Apr 12 09:49:27 2001
Views:I think the current situation will not last for longer time. It all happened due to DotCom boom and things will be settled soon. As a software professional we need to learn to adapt ourselves in this ever changing software field.i feel now there are lot of opportunities in India as more and more US companies shifts there work to offshore based companies. People can work for sometime in india and come back to US if they get opportuny again..

Thu Apr 12 09:49:36 2001
Name:Suresh Kumar G
Views:Hai, Can u tell me why this situation has arised and when can it could come to proper stage. Is it possible to go to US,if so when could be the better time to go. Actually i am holding H1B VISA. Bcoz of the current US situation i couldn't plan my trip. Plz suggest me proper way. Bye Suresh

Thu Apr 12 09:51:29 2001
Name:Manohar Divate
Views:It is but natural in all capital oriented culture use the hired resources to the maximum and throw it when not required. Unless computers say you can stay (no agencies show mercy, since no emotions are attached to it.).Can India be able to intervene in such situation?. This taught a

Thu Apr 12 09:55:30 2001
Views:Me also at SIllicon Vally, Sunnyvale..trying hard to find a new job..since the old job is in trouble..any time i may fell down.. :( I think, now, the market is not gooing to boost up like it was doing before..its starting towords east like the better, I think, its better dont dream about Sillicon Vally!!!!but face the facts.

Thu Apr 12 10:02:52 2001
Views:I strongly disagree. There are still demand in USA for genuine indian IT talence. There are openings if you are not a "over-nite" SW professional. After all its not that every comply shut its operations down. If there is work and who else other than Indians to grab it? RAMKUMAR 04/12/2001

Thu Apr 12 10:02:57 2001
Name:Neeraj Srivastava
Views:First thing i will say don't loose hopes. it will be a temporary phase, also start looking for other markets also. i have a strong belief our guys will bounce back. and there is also an old saying 'APNA DESH APNA HI HOTA HAI' . Indians are working hard to make american economy stronger, why can't they work in the same way to make indian economy stronger. we have to build india stronger so that our dependency on states or any other country will be less.This can be done only by us ,nobody from outsides will do this for our country and home. so don't loose hope and cheer up guys

Thu Apr 12 10:11:40 2001
Name:Pardesi Ji
Views:I don't know why people are complaining so much. Ladies and Gentlemen, sure we can show sympathy to our fellow Indians but they knew from day one that they came here temporarily to fill out a position and provided technical services. Sure their contributions are great but that doesn't mean that U.S. Govt. should start giving them green cards so that they dont' have to go back to India. Normally if a person wants to come to U.S.A it takes an average of 10 years when your family sponsors for you (e.g. siblings, uncles etc.) and H1-B come here right away. Sure they were supporting the U.S. economy, but why can't they go back to India and do the same wonders there. Or are they proud to be Indians only to earn an H1-B visa or particippate in discussion borads like this. As brutal and cold hearted it may sound, the fact is that U.S. Govt. cannot allow everyone to get a green card and stay here permanently. So my dear H1-B visa holders, you were here on temporary basis because you have a certain set of skills. But your skills (yeah those 3 month Java crash courses you took to become a Java Developer and make 80K/year) are "NO LONGER IN DEMAND". So time to do face the truth, pack your bags and go back. When our economy revives, we need your skills we will sure give you a call ;) Cheers!

Thu Apr 12 10:12:00 2001
Views:Anything that raises spectacularly will come down some time .. here is what is happening. Its all a part of life .. some experience extremes and others low. one thing is for sure .. for those who were in us for atleast 3 years .. they can comfortably lead good life in india itself .. but I will tell you the only thing that stops going back is the hype that u have built around u in the eyes of others in india. Friend .. ask ur self why you want to be in this land and prove to these people that u r in status when u r own home's doors are open for you? We have come for an opportunity and so when it is not there we will go back .. one must be confident of on self .. and be brave to face the situation. Building US hype will not give u peace .. just act according to the situation.. some of those who are lucky to be here for more than 2 yeard or so can happily go back and do something .. may be u may be grow leaps and bonds in ur country it self .. may be all that is happening is for your good .. the only thing i can say si that life is too short to be spent worrying .. america is not all that .. if u do not have the opportunity here then do something else .. have confidence and be in the real world and the hype world of American Joblessness.

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