E-mail from readers the world over
'The government should initiate bold steps to nab Veerappan'
Mon, 25 Sep 2000, 22:48:04EST +0530
Subject: Still at large
There could be nothing worse than this nemesis in the name of Veerappan for the governments of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Having spent Rs 120 lakh in search of Veerappan is nothing but squander of public money by an irresponsible government. If the Americans are able to track down Bin Laden and bombard his hideout with bombs, why can't we use helicopters to spray bullets on Veerappan's hideout once it is tracked down by satellite tracking systems? Perhaps this too will fall into the deaf ears of the governments of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Kumar Parameswaran
Thu, 25 Sep 2000, 21:09:07EST +0530
Subject: Still at large
Please do not glorify a cheap, filthy bandit.
Siddhartha Sharad
Thu, 21 Sep 2000, 12:05:10EST -0700
Subject: Still at large
The public should demand a CBI inquiry into the way in which the two governments have been handling the Veerappan issue all these years.
Suchin Asuri
Thu, 21 Sep 2000, 16:09:33EST -0500
Subject: Still at large
That was a great article. Rediff only seems to be getting better with each passing day!
Thu, 21 Sep 2000, 19:20:47EST
Subject: Still at large
It requires some courage to write such a good story on a much feared man .Keep up the good work!
I would like to request you to name the politicians who have financially benefitted from Veerappan. Why fear exposing these people?
Mohan Chopra
Fri, 22 Sep 2000, 13:58:44EST -0400
Subject: Still at large
The government should initiate bold steps to nab and punish Veerappan. India is a soft nation, a fact criminals, hijakers and militants take advantage of. The government should change its stand.
Yashodhara Devadiga
Fri, 22 Sep 2000, 14:51:10EST -0400
Subject: Still at large
Are you trying to glorify Veerappan? Except for the small, crazy bunch of Rajakumar fans, hardly anyone is really bothered about this whole issue. I thought Rediff was one of the better news sites. But after reading the over excessive news coverage you have devoted to Veerappan, I find it difficult to think so anymore. And this is not only my opinion, but also that of my other Indian colleagues who too read Rediff for news.
Veerappan is a criminal. Featuring articles that indirectly glorify him should not be your style.
Harshad Pandit
Fri, 22 Sep 2000, 12:07:58EST -0700
Subject: Still at large
Great stuff! I live a long way away from Bangalore, but have been following the Rajkumar kidnap saga in some online journals -- and I think this series is the best I have read so far.
Sat, 23 Sep 2000, 09:05:24EST +0530
Subject: Still at large
The whole thing stinks of fraud!
Mon, 25 Sep 2000, 20:30:57EST +0530
Subject: Still at large
This is definitely a good series. It will be helpful to interview Mr Krupakar who was kidnapped by Veerappan along with Mr Senani a couple of years back. The insight he gave into Veerappan's psyche in an interview to the Kannada channel Udaya TV was very useful.
It is a real pity that a man like Dr Rajkumar, easily the most loved person in the history of Karnataka, should spend nearly two months in forest in the captivity of a person like Veerappan.
Mon, 25 Sep 2000, 11:28:27EST
Subject: Still at large
Please stop the current series of "specials" about Veerappan. It will be
extremely painful for the families of his victims. Also, let us not
glorify a criminal and waste precious space on this site on him!
Vikram Ramachandran
Mon, 25 Sep 2000, 12:19:50EST
Subject: Still at large
The four parts of this series were very informative, the history of
Veerappan -- a small forest poacher turning into a terrible and dangerous
killer, and his current mission of kidnapping Dr Rajakumar were
interesting to read. I look forward to more such good, informative articles on this issue.
Tue, 26 Sep 2000, 00:59:43EST
Subject: Still at large
Veerappan should not be glorified as if he is some hero. He should be portrayed as the thief and criminal he is. The people who are behind Veerappan are cowards. The police officers who risk their lives to nab him are true heroes and you should carry articles on these officials.
Nikhil Rai
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