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'Why do you keep harping that minority religions are not recognised enough in India?'

Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000, 21:47:40EST -0400
Subject: When Staten Island wore saffron

I am disgusted with your false propaganda! I was present at the function in Staten Island when Vajpayee delivered his speech. I heard each and every word of it. What is being claimed by Vajpayee is very true. How can the Indian media mar the Indian PM's image in this manner? The report in rediff about the event was clearly biased and full of concoctions to portray a false image of the PM. The reporter owes your readers an apology!


Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000, 12:39:47EST -0700
Subject: When Staten Island wore saffron

The report unfortunately does not represent the true facts. First of all, the saints were not shrill. And secondly, what is wrong in repeating the fact that Hindus are a peace loving people?

Yes, other religious saints were also invited and it is true that they did not get a chance to speak. But the very fact that they were present and shared the dais proves that they were a part of the programme, so what if they couldn't speak? (Also, your reporter does not know that the Sikhs and even Muslim saints did come to a dinner which was hosted by Swaminarayan at their temple on August 29. Why would they do that if they were not convinced of the good intentions of the VHP?)

The statement that the public (except the ones who paid $ 500) had to be content with snacks was not entirely true. Well, if you are ready to shell out some more money the public will get dinner too next time. Everything needs money, you see. Nothing comes free.

Please make sure that your reports are balanced henceforth.

Neela Waghmare

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000, 19:54:53EST -0700
Subject: PM arrives in New York

It is reported that two chefs from five-star hotels in India accompanied Prime Minister Vajpayee to America. Being a resident of New York, I can assure you that there was no need to import expensive five-star chefs from India. There are dozens of Indian restaurants in America where Vajpayee and his entourage could have eaten or ordered from.

I wonder who paid for the expenses of these two chefs? Is it a routine matter for the PM to spend so much on food? Why can't our politicians behave like normal Indians?

Dr Joseph K Mathai

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000, 12:35:37EST -0500
Subject: Aren't there other religions in India?

Why do you keep harping on the fact that minority religions are not recognised enough in India? Where else in the world do people who practice religions that originated in other parts of the world and who committed untold atrocities against Hindus, continue to live in peace and along with Hindus, under a religious umbrella (yes, Hinduism) that preaches tolerance among religions?

And what about the fact that the explosions in churches have occurred through direct ISI involvement? Why do you continue to blame Hindus for religious persecution of minorities even in the face of mounting evidence that such is not the case?

It is about time that the so-called "secular" media that you claim to represent, takes a hard look at itself and sees for itself what a bunch of hypocrites they have become.

K L Narayan

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000, 09:23:03EST -0700
Subject: When Staten Island wore saffron

It was a good report though you over-emphasised the comments of a few Khalistanis who are enemies of India and ignorant of the tenets of their own religion. Does secularism mean that the prime minister should not have a faith? Did the chief minister of Punjab go to a gurdwara in USA? All these religious fanatics are bent on destroying the Indian culture and a very liberal sanatan dharma.

The day Hindu religion is destroyed in India, Sikhism will also be devoured by the jihad, because jihad considers Sikhs too to be kafirs. After the traitors destroy Indian values and Hinduism, only a primitive law will be left with shackles on women and everybody else for that matter.

Rameshwar Singh

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 12:21:06 -0400
Subject: When Staten Island wore saffron

This article clearly shows what the VHP is all about. They have only one agenda -- getting rid of the secular status of India and declaring it to be a nation only for the majority community. The prime minister needs to demand an apology for the gross violation of protocol made in the seating arrangement. It is an insult to the whole nation.

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000, 12:09:50EST -0400
Subject: When Staten Island wore saffron

Doesn't Prime Minister Vajpayee have anything better to do? What sort of advisors does he take along with him? He has been in the US for barely four days and he already seems to be out of work. He has nothing to do other than to praise the Indian community living in the US. Why is the prime minister so profusely thanking and cajoling the NRI community and others of Indian origin for their work towards making India a global power? This fact is already well known and I think he could concentrate on other matters rather than resorting to the same rhetoric. He could get on with the job and promote other stuff that India has to offer, other than their people or their IT talents.


Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000, 08:02:00EST -0700
Subject: When Staten Island wore saffron

This report was well written.

Pravin Sheth

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000, 13:44:56EST +0100
Subject: When Staten Island wore saffron

The reporter appears to be anti-Hindu. In fact, the whole reportage of appears to be anti-Hindu, if the reader can comfortably read between the lines.

Bipin Patel

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000, 20:33:03EST +0800
Subject: `Aren't there other religions in India?'

The report gives a true picture of the feelings of the people who attended the function. But I don't understand why you had to change the name of a man who was spitting ire at minorities. If he is courageous enough to speak like that, he should be man enough to give his real name.

Patrick Jonas

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000, 04:47:21EST -0700
Subject: `Aren't there other religions in India?'

This report brings to light the bad manners and crass behavior of some of our NRIs. I fail to detect anything particularly Hindu in the meeting as described in this report, except perhaps for the aloo tikkis and the kachoris being served. These are Indian vegetarian snacks and quite tasty too, but they have nothing to do with Hinduism. All Hindus are not vegetarians either.

Yes, the Babri Masjid was not an issue worth taking up for the Muslims of India. Those who have done so have displayed their fundamentalism and narrow-mindedness and have also proved the charge that they have been pampered and spoilt by the politicians in India. Also, with such incidents, the writings of Monsieur Gautier and Varsha Bhosle stand vindicated that Hindus are cowards. Otherwise, those Muslims wouldn't have got away with bomb blasts and riots in Mumbai on account of the Babri Masjid demolition.

There are thousands of temples all over India destroyed by Muslims. Kashi and Mathura at the hands of Aurangazeb are just two examples. Has anyone seen the mosque at Ajmer? It was built in just two-and-a half days and hence they did not get sufficient time to grind the shapes of the Hindu deities off the blocks of rocks, which they removed from a Hindu temple and used them as they were, to build that mosque with! This is a living proof of such historic wrongdoings against Hindus.

As against this, how many examples are there where the Hindus have destroyed or desecrated Muslim places of religious worship?

Wing Commander RV Parasnis(retd)

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