The Rediff Special
'For starters how about the
Indian cricket team not
playing with Pakistan?'
Nightmare of Flight 814, Message Board. Views verbatim, edited lightly.
Message: The govt should not have releasedthe terrorists, though the thought
that more hostages would have died is horrifying, at times
tough decisions have to be made maybe the govt should evolve a
policy on that, so that politicians kith and kin also fall in the
same category, the mufti mohd sayeed issue comes to ones mind.
while the govt let the VC ofkashmir univ die and at the same
time releasing the terrorists for
the daughter of this politician
Candidly speaking terrorists have
no rights to live and human rights DO NOT apply to them
as they are just subhuman garbage esp paki ones. Why dont we inject
them with AIDS virus or soemthing the govts policy, indecision
and lack of will sucks.
Name:Saurabh Mittal
Message:Whether the decision was right or wrong but the plain fact is the Govt. was in a big DHARAM SANKAT, what to do. To top it all, there was this ugly scene of the hostage's relatives storming the Govt. houses which created a very bad impression in the eyes of the world. CNN and BBC have been at their best in showing this particular clip in their news bulletins. Also I am fed up of hearing the same old thing, that Pakistan was suspected to be involved in the hijacking. Every one, even a stray dog will tell you that it is the work of Pakistan, so why don't we go ahead and do something. We need action, and are fed up of such things. Indian politicians must now sit down and get to the core problem, that is, how to eradicate terrorism. India should not go around the world like a cry baby saying "Pakistan ne maara. Uncle US, ask them to kneel down, punish them". It is our problem, not theirs. Start a campaign and kill all the guys who organize terrorism in the country. Torture them in jails, cut off their body parts. This would set an example to other terrorists who dare doing such activities. Do something, I request the BJP govt. I have great faith in Vajpayee, and I expect in whatever time the BJP govt is in power, something can be done. Do something constructive, i request our politicians. Or the day is not far off when terrorism would take the toll of not only Kashmir but the whole of India.
Name:M Basker
Message:What were these Congress guys doing when the negotiations were going.
They are gonna use this as an election issue and say that the
govt is incompetent. What else can these jerks do. Did anyone open
their mouth in coming up with solutions during the
hijack. When will these guys ever learn to be proactive.
USA is definitely not gonna declare Pak a terrorist state. So, why even think of
the impossible? First place, snap ties with those jerks and
talk tough. Before another Kargil takes place, do aerial survelliance
and destroy those terrorist hideouts. Let them get this message,
"If you want to go to heaven in a Jihad, you will".
Name:muthu kumar
Message:The whole crisis was handled in the best possible way by the government of india. kudos to them. it is unthinkable to undertake a commando operation in a islamic fundamentalists ruling region. Instead of accusing or commenting on the performance like a post-match cricket analysis, where it goes like this, our batting was bad, our bowling was bad and finally our fielding was so worse, we should have practised a lot, he droped a crutial catch and so on...please for god sake stop commenting mercilessly, and think in an more pro-active way of give the taste of their own medicine. I strongly urge the Indians all over the world to give some useful suggestions which would tame down the paki's hawkish and barbaric mentality of killing innocent people. my suggestion would be to liberate some provinces of pakistan for self rule, say karachi where the muslims of a different sect are treated shabbily and also blast some of their railway stations or airports. Love begets Love, hatred begets hatred, hindus have suffered a lot, enough is enough...a befitting reply would do a world of wonder for peaceful existence.
jai hind
Name:muthu kumar
Message:The whole crisis was handled in the best possible way by the government of india. kudos to them. it is unthinkable to undertake a commando operation in a islamic fundamentalists ruling region. Instead of accusing or commenting on the performance like a post-match cricket analysis, where it goes like this, our batting was bad, our bowling was bad and finally our fielding was so worse, we should have practised a lot, he droped a crutial catch and so on...please for god sake stop commenting mercilessly, and think in an more pro-active way of give the taste of their own medicine. I strongly urge the Indians all over the world to give some useful suggestions which would tame down the paki's hawkish and barbaric mentality of killing innocent people. my suggestion would be to liberate some provinces of pakistan for self rule, say karachi where the muslims of a different sect are treated shabbily and also blast some of their railway stations or airports. Love begets Love, hatred begets hatred, hindus have suffered a lot, enough is enough...a befitting reply would do a world of wonder for peaceful existence.
jai hind
Name:Ambarish Deshpande
the complete hijacking episode was a bizarre incident happening due to our own lack of a strong deplomatic and defensive strategies... why cant we declare pakistan a terrorist state if america doesnty
I think we have to change our strategy to deal with terrorism. We are victims of our own mistakes. I don't understand why hundreds of terrorists are in prison and we are feeding them and spending our money for what,just for killing us. I do agree that all of these terrorists should be hanged in public. i don't care if it is against our constitution. I am sick and tired of being citizen of a nation which follows old gandhians policies. Come on, wake up and look ground realities and act aggressively. I am a patriotic Indian who doesn't want my mother country to bow in front of others and plead for help.. Jai hind.
Message:As a rule, Execute a terrorist within 24 hours of arrest.
Solve the root problem, by, abolishing Article 370.
Those, who oppose the abolishment, treat them as traitors.
Name:Pradeep R Sandadi
Message:I think we are wasting our time by chatting here as to what should the GOI have done.I don't see anyone with a spine in our govt back home.They are as big a cowards as us. I was hoping atleast this govt. would be different and that we would enter Y2K with some dignity.,but it all shows that we will never-ever would be able win in a war(proxy or otherwise)because we are bought up spineless.
Message:Blaming pakistan is not a new issue for us.
But what we have to build is international
awareness about issues.As long as we have secret
cabinet meetings and ministers 'No Comment' statements.
india struggles.
Do we have any friendly Country ? By the recent hijack
incident we are sure that nobody extended support.
We have no time to build international pride. Because we
have enough internal problems.
We know for sure that we cannot demand and condemn anything.
Because we talk peace and always taken for ride.
Wake up !!!
Dont spend days in revealing opposition parties mistakes !!!
Start new !!
Bring improvements day by day !!
Dont continuously say STOP TERRORISM...Act on that.
Dont be defensive...And wait for attacks...
Do preventive measures...And save lives.
OTHERWISE...wait for some more disasters..!!
Name:Balaji Soundararajan
Message:The country which fought war two times with india and got defeated doesn't have rights to speak about us..India was ruled by christians, muslims, budhists etc and now it time to ruled by us. Why the govt has to wait for USA to declare pakistan as terrorist country. Did they wait for us before firing missiles at afganisthan or sudan. Mighty rules the world. that's what it is. Let india declare pakistan as terrorist state. Cut off everything with the nation full of religious fanatics. If the terrorist want to do good for their people, why can't they donate money and keep the muslims in kashmir happy. how much money they spend for arms and weapons. If they donate that and work for people I'm sure all the country will be happy. It is fight for power. Not for people. We indians made mistake by releasing the terrorists. Is our javan's life not worthy compared to the 155 people who were on board. How many javans were killed to capture these militants. Time for india to stand on its own. Let us throw away our caste system and stop dividing us with religion and caste. Let us feel that we are all indians and show in action. Words can't help. fellow indians....
Message:They are
calling themselves as mujahuddin
(soldiers of god).
They think that they will
win Jihad(holy war).
They are fighting against
christians in Russia(chechnya
,dangestan), bosnia,
indonesia , US , UK etc. They are
fighting against Jews
in Israel. They are fighting
aganist India.
It is time for entire world
to accept their jihad call
and crush these mad peoples
who are unnecessary creating
problem for entire world.
They do'nt want all people in
the world to stay peacefully.
Name:sanjay v shah
Message:There is no doubt in any body's mind that Pakistan is fully involved with this hijaking. India has always been reactive . It is time we take an aggressive stand and unless we cause harm to Pakistan it will never stop doing such things. Territorial invasion is urgently called for .If we want to be reactive and submissive , we should give up Kashmir once and for all . It will save a number of innocent lives- definitely more than 156 passengers on board IC814 . We need to take a hard look at what happened in Kargil and the recent hijacking . We also should not allow such terrorists to stay in jails for so long. They should be convicted and finished with . If let loose they will kill someone here and there and all lives are valuable be it on an aircraft or anywhere on the ground.
Message:The most ridiculous part of the whole exercise is that the Chiefs of the Armed Forces were not involved in the Crisis Management Group which handled the issue.
Name:Ashish Viradia
Message:With due respect to all readers, is any one going to talk about the martyrs who sacrifice there lives for capturing those terrorists. Why can't we just understand that we have already paid huge price for catching them. To let them go without any capital punishment is stupidity. Not that I don't know the stake was of 140+ Indians & foreigners onboard. But it was the country's dignity & commitment on line. I think we paid heavy, letting those culprits loose... That every police, army personnel would think about the worth of their lives in the line of duty... That every one should understand that..... it was the right time to slap terrorist on face by denying there needs..
I even read on net that nearly everyone on board were ready to overpower those 5 in the final episode.... I am sure deep down in there heart they are in pain knowing what price there country paid...... I am just asking readers to please remember the lives of martyrs when you have to make a call....
Message:Why are these militants kept alive
in our jails and fed. This is a waste of
money and leads to further mischaps like this one
The reason they can go back to pakistan is that they say
" They have comitted no crimes in our country". But we know
what they did in our country. Instead of just keeping them in jails
they should undergo public trail and be sentenced to death. That
way nobody can say its a humanitarian crime. They comitted crime
in our country and we senetenced them to death, isn't it a simple explanation!
convinced about evidence that it has.But the question is,can any political party take
the risk of losing of 18 million Muslim votes?
Message:I'm saddened by the hijack,
grieved with the relatives, and am stunningly disappointed
by the resolution. It was a
very expensive price which wil
be paid over many long years,
by the blood of countless people, both the poor, and those of our army and security
personnel, who will be anonymous. I agree with Mr.Diwanji, the Indian middle class has not done itself proud.
If we are happy to have a country that our poor die for, but we remain safe and have the pride and advantages of citizenship, we are not worthy of the sacrifice made for us by countless brave young men, whose lives we seem to little care about.
The opposite should be true. We of the middle class should
realise that our debt is the
greater, as we have reaped greater benefits, than the jawan in uniform,and the poor who die in untold numbers in our democracy. If we do not have the stomach for our near and dear to be in harms way now and again, let us carve up this country of ours, and spare our defence personnel further loss of life and limb.
Freedom, liberty and Nationhood do not come cheap.
The price need to be borne by all, and the priveleged should not be exempt. It seems we shoould require a length of army service for
everyone's sons and daughters,
to ensure the children of the poor are not disproportionately slaughtered.
Krishna Reddy
Name:Fawad Ali
Message:I hope my message will find some place on your web page. Violence in any form is always deplorable. The biggest tragedy in today's world is that we feel the pain when it is inflicted on us, but it is perfectly normal when others suffer.
India has been violating human rights and killing innocent women and children in Kashmir in the name of terrorism. Whenever a group or a faction in minority is oppressed they react, and that is what has happened in the recent crisis.
My sincere advice to the Indian leaders and military STOP KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF TERRORISM.
Unfortunately leaders in both the countries want to waste no time in blaming each other. If we look at the history we will find that any time there was political instability in India tension was built and escalated. Today again Indian leaders are trying to blame Pakistan for their own failures in domestic and security policies. Why was the plane allowed to take of from Amritsar??? Why did the government take so long to react? Was it not all aimed to create a dramatic situation to draw attention of the world against Pakistan, but unfortunately with no evidence?
Message:Govt. is doing shit. These Corrupt, Delhi,UP, Bihari "Dhotis and Babus" are going to do nothing, These people are impotents of worst kind. They must be planning and masteminding how they can get more bribes and money from MNC's or some rogue businessmen, how they can loot India and its people again and again, People has to wake up and take their destiny in their own hands. When we are going to shed this attitude of someone will do something for us, When we are going to do away with the mentality of "Upperwale Ke Bharose. Destiny,Leadership,vision,is not in the hands of Gods. Its in the hand of a person or a individual. Look I am so tired of this tirade and excuses of lame people who always depend on others to do things for them. Why you need America, UK or any other country to approve your decisions? Why? If you need to take a decision chart it out, act upon it and finish it. What America or for that matter any other country got to do with our internal or external policies? What? If you have no clue then quit and get out the way. Let someone else do it. Why PM doesnot declear "Punkistan" as a terrorist state? What is he waiting for? Severe the ties, bring back all Indiains from "Punkistan". No visas, no travel, no trade, blockade and destroy that country economically. Hijack their ships,Hack their computer systems ,Create chaos in the streets, blow up refineries,we can do lot of things. Do home to home search of Miltants in Kashmir, choke the communities which support Militants. No water,electricity,no supplies nothing. Let them die. Speed up the trials of caught terrorist, put their trials on airwaves, let people hear what they did and then excute them publicaly, so that "Punkistan" gets a message. Mr. PM clean your house first then tell others how dirty they are. I think I have lost all respect for you. I think you are too old to run these kind of affairs of the state. So ste
Message:Shoot the other 32 terrorists in
our. That is the only response
for killing Mr Katyal.
Message:We know where the freed militants are for now.
They are making public appearances in Pakistan.
Why they cannot be arrested again and brought back to India.
I mean they were arrested before and put in Indian jails for some sort of a crime.
Message:In future, allow commandos to storm in
plane once the hijacking is confirmed
and the plane is within
an Indian soil and not to wait for
any damn approval or instructions, if
necessary amend the law.
Message:What you sow is what you reap. This is exactly what happend with India. India supported Bangladesh partition from Pakistan. Now, it will have to feel the same pinch in Kashmir what Pakistan felt in 1970's. I don't understand why India thinks that Pakistan is supporting Kashmiri militants. Why have we forgotton our history ??
Name:Rajeev Ranjan
Message:Do we have a national policy ??
The current hijacking of Indian Airlines plain has left many questions
un-answered , it has left everyone in dark about our future as a citizen
of India and probably it was one of the most disappointing moment for any
citizen of India when three dreaded terrorists were released in exchange
with 155 passengers It only exposes the realities that we don't have a
national policy about such incidents , we only have adhoc policies , and
we are still searching an identity for a nation .
I have following questions , left open for anyone to answer :
(i) What is our national policy about such incidents ? Its more important
that we should know exactly what we want to achieve if such sort of
incidents happen again .
(ii) What is our priority ? is our nation's dignity , respect and prestige
can be bargained by few terrorists ??
(iii) why cant we have the strong law that no matter what happens , we
will never give into such terrorists , whatever be the price may be .
(iv) Why cant every Indian think that country is HIS or HER . and if we
think , isn't is true that you have to sacrifice yourself if that's what
is ultimate goal ? If a soldier can die in Kargil and we worship him , why
cant an ordinary Indian has the right to die for the country ?
(v) One question which emanates is , are we going to believe that 155
passengers were just cows , waiting for slaughter ? if we are not afraid
of dying then even 30 people will be enough to over power 5 armed guys .
(vi) what message we have given to the world after releasing the
terrorists ? that India is a country where anyone can take it for ransom ?
(vi) Those who are gloating that only 3 terrorists were released instead
of 35, they should understand that it was very well a ploy by the
hijackers we were trapped into that . Moreover , if these released 3
terrorists kill 155 security people in Kashmir , then who would be
answerable for that ?
(vi) Last , but not the least , do we start thinking that Taliban is our
friend ? did they hand over to us the hijackers ? did they arrest the
hijackers for killing one person ? Did they allow storming of the plane by
Indian commando ? Isn't that a proof that they too wanted the militants to
be released for Indian jail and ultimately they have achieved that ?
These are the questions , we Indians should ask ourselves , if even an
iota of patriotism remained with us .
Message:What is the point of talking tough
about the hijacking episode now?
The government has committed a
serious blunder and the people
will pay a heavy price for it.
There will be a resurgence of
terrorism in Kashmir and the rest
of India. Also, begging the US
and UK to declare Pakistan a
terrorist state is ridiculous.
Don't we have any self-respect?
Why don't we go about our
business of solving the problem
at hand, instead of worrying
about titles and names. What do
you expect the UK will say after the US has
declined to brand Pakistan a
terrorist state anyway? Remember
the reason for their existence is
to kiss up to the Yanks.
Message:I think our judicial system lacks speed and severity of punishments. There should more severe punishments for any anti-Indian activity. Terrorists who have been murderes of hundreds are still allowed to live in Indian jails and this is what prompts their friends to take measures to get them back.
Why dont we have legislation to inflict death sentences upon criminals who have been found guilty of killing indians, participation in bombing and such terrorist activities ??
There is enough evidence to declare Pak a rogue nation ,Western powers turn a blind eye
to it because it does not affect Americans or Britons directly.
The US & Britain used the UN security council to wage a long struggle to get the terrorists
who bombed a PanAm flight 10 years ago,these are very hypocritical & brazenly oppurtunistic nations.
Jai Hind !
Name:Suresh Kodoor
Message:The hijacking is most condemnable
and there is no excuse whatsoever in torturing
innocent people to meet ones demands
whatever it might be. The culprits should be
punished with the highest capitol punishment in
the land.
In the given circumstances government could have
done nothing else but secure the release of
the innocent people even if it means releasing
the jailed militants. (Forget about
RSS chief's body and soul nonsense.)
But it is also true that government miserably
failed in handling the crisis in the early stage
in co-ordinating various agencies and taking
prompt decisions. Government should make the emergency
response mechanism well oiled so that it promptly comes
into action and functions smoothly at the hour of need.
Before concluding one more question though.
What is the difference between Maulana Masood Azhar
fleeing to Pakistan and getting protection there and
all budhist monks and lamas from Tibet fleeing to
India and getting the protection here in India ?
Will China be justified in viewing India in the
same way as India views Pakistan for Patronizing
the Kashmir militants ?
Name:Vishwa Premi
Message:The hijack and its aftermath
have brought one thing in
focus. That India (its govt.
and people) does not know what
to do.
Let us go back to our roots.
Lord Krishna said your Dharma
calls upon you to defend
yourself. Only cowards do not
fight. It is time for India to
form a comprehensive policy to
deal with this problem once
and for all. Lest we shall
once again go back to the days
when we require a foreign
power to protect us.
My suggestions are:
1) Draft laws that ensure that
all those who indulge in
terrorism are trialled
within 6 months.
2) Death penalty should be
enforced alongwith state
confistication of personal
3) On the diplomatic front
efforts must be made to get
terrorist states treated as
pariah (similiar to what
was done to the White
S.African govt. in the 80's)
4) Article 370 must be
I know that the above list asks
too much from the present govt.
and the secular opposition.
But it is time for Indians to
decide whether they want to
live as cowards in their
motherland or with dignity in
the world. Remember the world
bows down to those who hold
their heads high, not to the
ones who hide like cowards.
For starters how about the
Indian cricket team not
playing with Pakistan. It is
stupid that on one hand they
exploit you and on the other
you play games (in a bid to
appear fair and noble) with
There is no place for cowards
in the world. The time has come
to take hard decisions.
I know many people will not like
what I have said but then I'm
not a coward. I speak my mind
and do what I say.
Please feel free to reply to me
If there is anyway I can offer
my services to India I shall be
glad to.
Hope India gets up from her
slumber and realises her
Jai Hind.
Vishwa Premi
Read what other readers said:
'Get into Afghanistan and kill the hijackers'
'The Govt should directly talk with the hijackers and release the passengers without succumbing to their demands'
'Distract the hijackers, storm the plane, shoot the criminals and rescue the hostages'
'An SOP must be in place, formulated without a second's delay'
'We should do an operation a la Entebbe whatever the consequences'
'The Govt should avail of all diplomatic means to get the passengers released'
'Never give in to terrorist demands'
'The relatives' behaviour is understandable --- they are under emotional pressure'
'It is scary to think what the 35 terrorists would do if they were released'
'Indian are and will always be ready to sacrifice their lives for the nation'
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