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'Why don't they send Amitabh Bachchan or Ajay Devgun to save the Indians?'

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Nightmare of Flight 814, Message Board. Views verbatim, edited lightly.

Name: Prasaj Krishnan
Message: I think the Indian Government shouldnt release Maulana Masood.Instead the Government should do the same thing to Maulana Masood's and the hijackers' family whatever the hijackers are doing to the passengers. Thank You.

Name: sharad choudhary
Message: appeal to these damned hijackers: Please free all the passengers and surrender unconditionally. the GOVT SHOULD NOT GIVE IN TO THE DEMANDS OF THESE RUTHLESS militants' suggestion: i was wondering if some sedative could be mixed with the food which would show the reaction after a couple of that even if the hijackers prefer to wait and watch before eating the food fail to ascertain the adulteraion of food. I pray to almighty that the present scenario comes to a happy and safe ending

Name: Arvind Sahal
Message: If you want to release then why , did the indian government fought the Kargil , War , There aslo someones son , Someones Brother and someones Husband died . This is the time to fight for the country , Her .His motherland. You must be thinking I am talking if i am not effected , I am Ready to be swapped for any one Passenger , Mera Desh vashi , this is the time to comdemm and stay cool and help INDIA AND NOT THE ISI ! Jai Hind

Name: Abhijit Sane
Message: One thing the govt. must do is not bow down.If it acceedes to the demands of these terrorists,tomorrow someone will again highjack a plane and demand separate kashmir.We are all behind the families of those trapped as well as the hostages.My earnest request to the family members is to stay patient things will definately work out soon & they will have a happy reunion with their kith & kin.

Name: sonnyreid
Message: absolutely NOT. The hijackers should be treated as animals and the plane stormed with the express intent to kill all of the hijackers with minimal loss of passengers. They have to do this and any victims would be unfortunate ...but they cannot be allowed to continue. Any more delay would only add to the crisis. STORM the plane NOW! IF VICTIMS HAVE TO DIE, SO BE IT!

Message: No, Govt should not obey to the terrorism.

Message: govt shouldn't release Maulana Masood if they think that he is danger to our national security. also we shouldn't forgot that many indian army men are loosing there lives by fighting with these militants. my opinion is that bluder we did during release of militants during kidnap of muftisyed daughter shouldn't be repeated again

Message: I just wanted to convey to the relatives of the Hostages that all the Standard Chartered Global Credit Cardholders are eligible to claim from the insurance company - @250$ per hour for a maximum of 36 hours i.e appr. Rs.3.75 Lakhs. Is it possible for you to make a public announcement to all the relatives of the hostages or even arrange to make announcements through Starnews etc. This may not be the appropriate TIMING for making this announcement. But please make this communication without fail, once all the Hostage drama is over. Thanks.

Name:Avinash Shirode
Message: Absolutely NOT. Under any circumstances, the demands of hijackers MUST be rejected. We had lost hundreds & thousands of soldiers & officers in the past to defend our country and everyday lot of innocent people are becoming martyars by the unprovoked killings by terrorists. Even if we have to sacrifice the lives of innocent hostages, the govt. of India should not succumb to the demands of hijackers.

Message: Sir , To tackle such issue there must be firm policy of commando's operation only. If soldiers can sacrifise their lives for country then why can't the civilians? Suppose Govt. release any terrorist then other Indian families would have to suffer sooner or later due to terrorist activities. To discourage the terrorism and for the long term national benefit ,every Indian must be ready to sacrifise his/her life.Mufti mohammad sayed, the coward person put India in such a grave situation otherwise Govt.of India must deal such situation firmly every time without thinking that the srong signal go to the terrorists too that they would not get anything out of such acts. If needed,we may utilise the air bases of Russia to make operation succesful by pushing back all the persons back including so called taliban commandos ( who may provide help to hijackers instead of indians and india should not trust on their media talks)and only indian commandos should act swiftly. for sacrificing few lives, we can save the prestige of the country and foil the conspiracy of Pakistan and pakistani supported talibaans. During the Kargil there were so many citizen offered their services and lives for the country then why this coward elite class ( hostage & their relatives)can't sacrifice their lives for the country. Suppose if it could have a ordinary bus instead Air bus then do you think Govt.of India would have thought twice. The release of 36 millitants would cost more lives who might be poor and ordinary class . Jai Hind Jai Bharat

Name:Ramesh MG
Message: I think yes. Practically speaking, they should release only Maulana Masood. When the government can take an idiotic decision of releasing 5 militants for the sake of a minister's daughter I feel, it is a sesnsible decision to release him for the people who could be of help to the nation. What has Mufti Mohammed Syed and his daughter done to the nation after she was released? 157 people's life is much more important than 1 militant's life. Please keep it in mind that there are around 150 families depending on these 157 passengers in terms of their livelihood and etc. country

Name: Steve Rusk
Message: India should immediately consult with the Isrelies, for they have been proven the best at extracting innocednt citizens from such situations.

Name:sujata ashok naik
Message: Government should kill such people rather than putting them into the jail. Talking about the secuity part of IA should take some serious action & ensure not to happen it again. Ofcourse, this has affected the Millenium plans. Pl. don't release the Terrorist. That is all what I have to suugest.\ Thank you, yours truly, Sujata

Name:vivek bhojwani
Messag: How we deal with this situation will largely determine the future course the Kashmir problem takes. Put in another way, this will point to more hijackings of Indian planes - haven't we always relied on India to be soft? Lets be firm and take firm action - whatever possible even in outside sorroundings. The horse has bolted but we should still be able to wear it down, and storm the plane to win? Vivek

Message: Since Indian Govt. foolishly wasted the chance of overpowering the hijackers on their soil and air space even without knowing what the hijackers' demands would be, now there is no any other option but to release this killer and get all the innocent people (they should not be the culprits because of mishandling by the Govt.)freed.

Name:Sanjiv Seth
Message: The head says no but the heart goes out to the 160 hostages aboard Flight 814 and one feels that the Maulana may be released to secure the release of the hostages. It may result in increased terrorist activity in Kashmir but it is like immunisation shots which may give you problems in the near future but the long term benefits outweigh the present losses.

Message: Life of hostages is at stake, and therefore,my full sympathy is with them and their families. At the same time we should not forget that innumberable casualties have taken place in Kashmir,in the on going struggle. Soldiers and Kashmiris,who were kille were also sons of this soil. Therefore, submission to the demands to terrorists, may save hostages, but country will have to pay heavy price in future. We should request Taliban to either storm the airplane, or alternatively, ask highjackers to fly out of their country.

Message: No! What are our Crisis management group and Defence Security doing?We should not pose as a soft target to these terrorist groups.The government must take some vital steps. If we had intimation from the CIA then where was the security lapse? Of course the lives of the passengers are more important than the terrorists.

Message: If we released the militants How can we believe the hijackers will release the passengers ? If they demond more what should we do? So try to take some other solution at earliest. And moreover if we accept their demonds that will certainly be a wrong example

Message: no

Message: No they should not release him. Many people are died jor the safety of our country in recent kargil.

Message: Those hijackers have demanded $200 million .Y not give half of that to Taliban to eliminate the Hijackers. After All Taliban is Also A mercernery Organization.

Message: The release of Maulana Masood now seems imminent as the hijackers have started growing restless and may try to harm the passengers.The psychology of the hijackers should also be considered as they will definitely not agrre for the release of the hostages without some substantial benefir as they know their fate is sealed once they are arrested.

Message: Why can't the govt kill all the militants held in the indian prisons in an encounter.Why waste so much money and etc on keeping them in jail and then face these situation. ALternatively,they should bid for all the militants life for the passengers

Name:Kunal Mukherjee
Message: I have no one I know on the flight and so it would not be fair for me to comment on this. But at the same time I cannot forget the Mufti Md. Sayeed daughter episode - maybe the hijackers should concentrate on such targets only ? But I do believe that no militant should be kept in prison - the should be killed immediately after capture. This would pre-empt such hijackings / kidnappings to a great extent.

Name:Pawan Tandon
Message: NEVER

Message: These guys deserve to be shot. Masood too, if he is responsible for this.

Name:Ajay Pratap
Message: Storm the plane, kill the hijacker even if hostages are dead, but India should not bow to the terrorist. Indeed these dangerous terrorists are more valuable than 150 passenger. Because if they freed, they will kill more than 150 lives.

Name:Hanif Mohammed
Message: We missed opportunities to intercept the hijackers on different occassions !! We should have incapacitated the passengers and hijackers, whilst restoring the air vent, by mixing some kind of mild toxic agent, which would have made the hijackers sccumb and fall apart. We should use somekind of sensible way to outwit these criminals - who are not intilegent nor smart.

Name:Mohan Reddy
Message: The Government should not release Maulana Masood in exchange for the crew and passengers on Flight 814. This will set a very bad precedent for several years to come. India will be viewed as a very weak nation and several fanatic organisations will take advantage of us.

Message: THIS is very critical problem. Atleast we have take steps to avoid ,this should not happen again. So we have help NEPAL for checking in the airport to safegaurd our country. TAKING AK47 IN THS AIRCRAFT IS NOT A EASY THING(they(nepal) are that much carelessness in checking. regards M.T.BALASUBRAMANIAN

Message: Why to keep such prisoner in India, a live, for such a long time. No exchange Program, Mr.Vajpayee!! Else all devotion of life of Indian in Kashmir so far goes in vain.

Name:Swapnil Bajaj
Message: Do whatever is right for the nation but do it fast release or not release take the action instantaniously

Name:Dr.Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Message: NO!Never!! Never give in. It sets a bad precedent and gives the terrorists an encouragement to take advantage of our weaknesses.

Name:Archana J Sawardekar
Message: Never, Govt, should never bowed down in front of these terrorist. If this time govt will fulfill their demand, then they will create new problems for india on regular basis. Infact this is the high time, so govt have to take some serious action against this deed, never induldged in negotiations, just kill them all by military help.Don't leave a single terrorist. i think indian military is more then enough for these animals. I can understand the feelings of the relatives of hostages but still they have to think from future point of view, of India. so by my suggestions, govt should take firely action against them. no Mercy for such evil-deed. Pls. do something for hostagges,i am praying god for their safety. Archies.

Name:K C Dash
Message: No. Never

Message: What the hell is india doing? I mean they show all these movies showing HEROS like ajay devgan and amitabh bacchan. now why don't they send some amitabh or ajay to save the indians on the flight? And the gov't is taking so many days just sitting and watching why don't they take some kinda action? now the afghanis are increasing their demands! and if there was some LALOO YADAV"S son in that plane, I BET 100% he would have agreed to the demands! if usa was in this situation, i t would have cared about the people first and then cared about the damn demands! i mean when people's lives are involved in it then u can't just sit there and watch for days!

Name:kishore dadlani
Message: No! Why cant we drug all passengers in the food so that the hijackers also get drugged or sleepy ? Then Take Over the plane! Kishore

Name:Orazio Fumagalli
Message: To give in to the highjackers, would encourage this sort of activity. Then no flight, no group of uninvolved people, would ever be safe from this sort of activity. It may be viewed as cruel and heartless to "sacrifice" the innocents trapped on this flight, but to try to "save them" by giving in to the high-jackers demand, would be to give the go ahead sign, and to legitimize highjacking, and to make it "profitable". Then no flight, no "innocent person", would be safe from becoming a victim of such activity.

Name:An Indian
Message: No hijacker's demands should ever be met

Message: No, the Indian Govt shouldn't release them. Instead they need to carry out the BLACK Commando operation AT ONCE....

Message: Why militants are kept at jail. All of the fingers should be detached immediately after the are been cought.

Message: It's horrible to see what's happening right now.People have been stuck in a plane for over 5days and nothing's being done about it. How can people be so cruel?Killing a man is no innocent deed.And one that's been newly married! The hijackers should atleast release the women and children and the Government and the UN should take a step fast.

Message: And also. the gov't is just sittin and watchin the play, why the hell don't they do somethin! days are passing by, and passengers are getting really pissed now! they can die in there . how many days is the gov't gonna make em sit in the damn plane? GIVE THE PASSENGERS SOME AIR! they are sittin in that damn plane with all the windows shut and everything closed! they can die that way!

Message: NO! the terrorist should not be released; this would not only make them more powerful, but also harm the morale of our soldiers and myrtars. Asking for release of 35 more militiants, might be just a tactic to divert the attention till 31st, when they plan a major attack against India (US & Russia) Good Luck.

Message: the govt. should not release the militants at any cost.

Message: No chance.. all the hijackers shuld be brought to india and stripped in public and then shuld be subjected to torture their skin shuld be peeled off inch by inch and lemon/hot chillies pored on it ( all infront of public) and also that masood azhar or whoever it it suld be subjected. so that no body dares to repeat this in future..

Name:Amrit Singh Nandrey
Message: NO, the government should not release Maulana Masood in exchange for the lives of the crew and passengers on Flight 814.

Message: The government should not release any terrorist or pay money At the same time I feel no concrete action has been taken. So much frustration building up on both the sides is not good. Can't any of trapped air hostess just open the emergency exits in plane with chutes and try to let the passengers out. A situation like this points out that in addition to safety procedures demonstrated the crew of air lines must have an action plan to deal with situations like this. The best line of action seems to be from inside the aircraft.

Message: no he should not be released at any cost. we sh'd also remember the soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the kargil war & during capturing several terrorists. "jai hind" hope & wish for the passengers release the terrorist caught sh'd be butchered or shot dead immd.

Message: storm into the plane and rescue the passengers... or while negotiations...tell them if they are not releasing the passengers we will kill all the terrorists who are at present in our jails.

Message: The government has put a lot of efforts and lot of soldiers and public have lost their lives to capture these terrorists. So the government should not release these people as it makes those lifes and efforts worthless, instead they can strom the Flight to rescue the passangers.

Name:Muhammad Sadiq
Message: Hijacking is a serious offence, and should be condemed. As far as question of releasing Maulana Masood, he and all the Kashmiri Mujahadeen and freedom fighters should be released. Indian State terrorism and oppression against innocent civilians should at once be stopped. As far as all the baseless talk about attacking Pakistan and Afghanistan. India neither has means nor gutts to do that.India should thank Taliban that they are helping Indians at the time of their need. Without their help Indians does not have many options.

Message: I would say no. Because in future they might ask some thing more. so i think end such thing at grass root only thank u shankar

Message: Government should not release the Maulana Masood at any cost or what ever be the demand raised by hijackers. Why don't the Govt try to take commandos to relieve the flight from hijackers ?

Name:Samahit Mohanty
Message: Yes....Because govt. can't do any hult or take any action againist because they r not in radious of india....for that..india govt..already doing the mistake of keeping those terrorist in jail for long time...

Message: I think he should not be released but shot dead along with the other 35 militants so that nobody else will again do such hopeless job like Hijacking planes and bloodshed of innocent people.

Message: At no condition M.Masood should be released. In fact I feel that He should be HANGED as He is responssible for such a traumatic dramma.

Name:shunmugam Shiva
Message: No.Not at all!

Message: In my opinion the lives of 160 passengers is more valuable than any other the same time we have to take precautions right now to avoid any repetition of this unfortunate incident and national security today and tommorrow cannot be overlooked. It is no doubt a dilemma and i thought of a solution which may be vague but cannot be ruled out. I think the government negotiators should ask the hijackers tor elease the passengers and then leave that terrorist , keeping track of their movements or slow poison him so that he dies after a few days. if they can kill innocent men such inhuman people deserve to die for using religion to preach hatred and bloodshed.

Message: No - under any circumstances. But at the same time passengers should return safe. I am strongly in favor of commando operation.

Message: No!!!!

Name:brian godinho

Message: No!!!!Keeping safety of the country,kargil issue and to maintain the dignity and sacrifice of the INDIAN ARMY Indian Govt. shouldn't release Maulana Masood

Name:Naveen Kumar
Message: The government should try to break the hijackers without accepting there demands this helps in boosting the morale of the Indian army which has fought a great battle in Kargil recently.I hope the BJP government can do this.

Message: Now that the hijackers have made a bigger demand, the people of this country should realise that there is no point in the government surrendering to the threats of the militants and release them. The government should take immediate steps to rescue the passengers. Storming the aircraft may also be considered with the help of the Taliban authorities or by Indian commandos itself, with the consent of the Talibans. Maybe, it is a very delicate and sensitive issue, but if there does not seem to be any progress in the negotiations, that seems to be the only way out, considering the mental agony and trauma of the passengers help up in the aircraft. The actions of the government should clearly send a signal to the militants that India as a country has the will and determination to weed out terrorisom and militancy on its soil completely, irrespective of the support being given to it from accross the border. Let's only hope good sense prevail in the minds of the hijackers and they release all passengers and crew unharmed and surrender immediately.

Message: NO!!

Name:sandip panda
Message: firstly releasing the hostages are no way of solving the problem it only worsen's the problem.. but keeping in mind that it's already 6 days..some of the nedds are to be fulfilled anyway.. but what's imp. is why is the whole process so slow??

Name:Vinay Agarwal
Message: Hi, We as Indians understand the feelings of the relatives of the people onboard and are with them. But at the same time we can not bow infront of the terrorism and such activities. These are mindless people. We have committed one mistake earlier once and we can not repeat the same. I saw one mail that terrorists who are in jail belonging to the hijackers should be lined up and then shot dead in front of them. Then only they can understand the feelings. Commandos should now enter into the plane. I appeal to the relatives of passengers to have patience and support the nation in taking tough decision. At the same time I feel that this policy should be applied in all hijacking/terrorism cases irrespective of the person's post etc. I also suggest the govt. that instead of keeping these terrorists in jails should be shot dead on the spot, so that these problems can be killed once for all. I strongly feel that these terrorists should not be released at any costs. But if they ask for money ONLY, govt. should consider this demand in lieu of people. Thank You.


Message: while the situation is bad; i believe we should continue negotiating and wear the hijackers down. In short ...should not release any militant.

Name:tanuja kate
Message: If Maulana Masood gets released, all the prisons should open their gates since no criminal is as harmful to the nation and its property than the Maulana. We would have liked the Government to be present in Kandahar on day 1. It is a pity that a government representing over 900 million people, did not represent 160 passengers in Afganistan. If the PM could go to Pakistan with folded hands, why could not he go to Afganistan just to reassure the ones on Board and in India that the Government do care in times other than during elections !

Message: Storm the plane and kill those bastards

Name:Siddharth Rawal
Message: If the realse of Maulana is going to save more than 150 lives then we should not waste the time. But if we are 100% sure that we will get all the people alive. After all passangers and crew members return safely. Commondos should kill Maulana and all the militants who are in the jail. So next time there won't be any hijacking for the release of militants. Why are these militants alive in the jail? We know that these militants try to run away some day and in this attempt they kill the security officers. Then there is no point in keeping them alive.

Name:Susmita Das
Message: No, as far as possible they should not, as it would encourage further terrorist acts. But they would have to think of a way to rescue these innocent people on board. The sad part is, that if they release the terrorists, what happens to the soldiers who have died in action, trying to capture these terrorists. Will their efforts then go to waste? And then if these hostages are killed by the hijackers because of not releasing these terrorists, do we call them patriots who died for the safety of the world???

Message: NO! Infact I personnaly feel he should have been shot dead way back in 1994. Should they kill any more hostages we should KILL one at a time the 35 millitants they want us to release and later maybe catch all pakistani's and kill them to equal the score.

Name:Raj Abraham
Message: No! Never! No exchange of prisoners for hostages. My heart goes out to the hostages and their relatives, but especially to that little boy who was seperated from his mother and brother and is still on the plane. To his mother I wish I could tell her "You had to make a heart rendingly difficult decision. I'm sure if you could you would go back on that plane to be with your son." My thoughts and hopes are with you and your family and most of all with your little boy.

Message: No and simple no. Govt. must not agree to the demands of hijackers. One might say that my this reaction is because none of my relative is in the plane but they all are my fellow countrymen and I am ready to be exchanged with any of the person on board. May god bless us all.

Name:Hindu Rashtravaadi
Message: 1. Agree to the demand of releasing the Maulana. 2. Just nefore releasing the Maulana, surgically insert a micro time-bomb in his body which will puncture a vital body organ and will eventually kill him. 3. Once all the hostages are safely back in India, KILL ALL THE MILITANTS WHO ARE PRESENTLY EATING "PHUKAT KI ROTI INSIDE THE JAILS AT TAX PAYER'S EXPENSES".

Name:V Suresh
Message: The Indian Government should not bow to the demands of the hijackers; this dastardly act should be dealt with tact, swiftness and decisive action. The Indian Government's posture, the body language of the Govt officials and the negotiators as seen on TV does not bode well; they seem to be adopting the chalta hai attitude. They should come out more openly in this electronic media era and talk with conviction; any number of meetings will not help- though this being a matter of importance to "national security" - without the three chiefs of armed forces being involved in such matters - all info cannot be openly discussed; We pray that the crisis is resolved at the earliest and the innocent passengers return home safe and sound. V Suresh Jakarta Indonesia

Message: I don't know why our Govt. is taking so long to deal with the highjackers. I think all the passengers are very un-lucky that there is no VIP in the flight, otherwise by this time, every body must have reached home safely.

Read what other readers said:

'Get into Afghanistan and kill the hijackers'

'The Govt should directly talk with the hijackers and release the passengers without succumbing to their demands'

'Distract the hijackers, storm the plane, shoot the criminals and rescue the hostages'

'An SOP must be in place, formulated without a second's delay'

'We should do an operation a la Entebbe whatever the consequences'

'The Govt should avail of all diplomatic means to get the passengers released'

'Never give in to terrorist demands'

'The relatives' behaviour is understandable --- they are under emotional pressure'

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Nightmare on Flight 814

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