The Rediff Special
'My heart cries out for the passengers and crew'
Nightmare of Flight 814, Message Board. Views verbatim, edited lightly.
Name:Dipesh C Patel
This is 4th try to release
Maulana Masood if i am not mistaken ,
My general opinion is that
Govt. of India should KILL
this type of criminals as soon as they are caught and declare them as dead in encounter
So no problem of hijacking ..
etc ..
Name:nisha sahjani
Message:U.S.A should be held responsible for leaving the weapons in the hands of terrorist attacking India. The case is similar to USA considering suing gun manufacturers
Name:Krishna Rao
Name:Mrs. Balchandani
Message:Yes, they should release Maulana Masood but not hand over him to the hijackers. They have to play a trick and try to capture the hijackers and shoot all of them along with Maulana Masood. THis would not be a crime but a burden reduced from the earth.
Message:No government shouldn't release Maulana Masoon in exchange for the lives of the crew and passengers on Flight 814. If now India government follow their needs and they will do what ever they wants from India government in future. So, pls do not follow their rules.
Instead government should look for better plan to save the crew and passenger or if not just finished them by blast. In this lesson they won't or dare not do it again in future.
Name:Balawant Joshi
Message:Government should not relaease even one militant for the exchange of hostages. If we allow this to happen, India not only will become soft target for Isalmic Terrorists but also this will be like betraying hundreds of soldiers who have lost their life in Kashmir defending it.
Message:No compromise with the militants. Govt must send their rescue personnel and rescue our people and captute the militants.
Message:Do a clandestine surgical
insertion of a tracking device
on Masood and release him.
High power electronic surveillance
equipment can then be used to
follow his whereabouts. That
should help our forces net him
& other large fish he is bound
to move with!
Name:Lata Ram
Message:There is an unconfirmed information for me from some reliable sources say that Government of India has already yielded to most demands of the hijackers. Only few details and preparations are to be carried out. The western diplomats assisting the negotiation at Afghan are making preparations to receive their nationals from the hostages. Unfortunately any delay in informing publicly will harden the public opinion for any compromise. Already Indians expressing in various forms their opposition to any yielding. Notable amongst them are 'wifes of Kargil victims' and the three service staff meeting with PM and expressing their disapproval for any giving in to the demands of the hijackers. Government is going to have a tough time if there is a compromise. When the Govt yielded in Mukti Md Sayeed's daughter kidnapping, there was not much hardened attitude from the public.
Name:Zia Hasan
Message:Maulana must not be released, now how you get these innocent passengers out is the a job which has got to be don . Release of maulana must not be an option .
Name:Sanjay Joseph
Message:The terrorist should not be released at any cost. It is surprising that this fellows have been in jail for so long. They should have been executed long back, as they are a enemy to our nation.
Name:leonard vaz
Message:India As Indians we sympathise with out fellow brethren and their
relatives who are going through horrifying and trying times though no fault of theirs.
I feel that we should not soften our stand and give in to the demands of such terrorists.
Name:Manish Jain
Message:No, not at all. This will be like giving in to,any unrealistic demands. What if the demand is to Taliban to rule India, or release every single Terrorist in Indian jails? In fact, the Government should intitate a Commando attack on the Hijackers, and may be hundreds of lives will be saved with a loss of couple of lives. Otherwise too, if we dont give in to their demands, they will harm the passengers. The Government should not release Maulana Masood, instead, should warn the Terrorists that if any single passenger is hurt, Maulana, alongwith the list of Terrorists to be released, all will be publicly shot dead. We have to be tough to these type of barbaric acts, and though the sympathy lies with the families of the captives, the tough stand like this will certainly break the spirits of these as well as all future Hijackers. The Government should pay them in the same coin. You shoot one, we will shoot five of yours in our jails.
Message:According to me, we should not release the terrorists in exchange for the lives of the crew and passengers. Instead, we should make a deal with the taliban govt for a sudden commando operation. Also, if the hijackers hurt any more of the innocent hostages, what we should do is to shoot out all the 36 prisoners whom they want to be released infront of the media.
Also, don't keep any more terrorists in jail. Kill them on caught. Then, these kinds of hijack dramas won't come into picture.
I wish everyone onboard of the IA804 flight a safe recovery.
Name:Dinesh Mittal
Message:My message to Goverment is not to release Maulana Massod because after his relaesed he will kill1.5 lakhs people now only 150 people are on hostages. we should not become impatient in this issue because if we released him it will be big boost to terrorism in india and they will come with gertaer moral in kashmir , we should resolve thios issue by international support and with talinba goverment we should give full confidence to talinba goverment to take commando action and should thearten the highjacker that if they will kill any of the pessenger they will attack the plane and will not spare anybody. the highjacker can kill only 10 people maximum before commamdo will be in command so we should put whole country into hold just beacuse of 10-15 people. what we should explain to the relative of people that this is very critical situation and they should be with the government. i asked my mother what she could have done if i were in plane, she said i could have not seen you you dying in front of my eyes , but i explained her that think if plane could have crashed instead of hijaking then what could have been your reaction she said that is different thing, what i am thinking that we should take firm stand not to accepet highjakers demand as they wanted we should negatiate with them and at the same time we should tell taliban goverment to take firm action against them.
Name:Veerendra Jamdade
Message:In my opinion Govt. should not release any militant as a compromise. NO COMPROMISE OF ANY SORT SHOULD BE MADE. COMPORMISE will reflect very badly on the morale of Arm forces and Securiry forces who are putting their lives at stake every day to combat terririosm in the country.
Name:Sanjay Gawande
Message:The govt. should tell the hijackers that it will shoot all 35 militants to death if even a single hostage is been killed by then.
Vande Mataram
Sanjay Gawande
I think now the govt. should took a rapid action with commandos. It will not effect the whole passengers on board. It hardly effect to the few of them.
One more thing we should think of here is. If we are releasing the militents after the demand then they will create big problems and what is the assurance that they won't kill any innocent citizens of India. If we are now thinking of 150+ passengers on board, but the loss of lives after releasing all the militents might be even more. And also we should consider the sacrifices done the people who involved in catching these hard core militents. There might be somany soldiers and commandos who sacrificed there lives to catch them.
So we should now take a rapid action with commandos against the hijackers. This is my opinion. Which may cause loss of some lives but we should not think of much now, we should think of the possition of p
Message:No, The Government should not release such cruel People.
Its better to Blast that Plane and the remaining Militants who are in Custody, So that, No Other people can think of Hijacking once again.
Let us presume that plane has been crashed by blasting that.
Its better for Passengers to die rather than suffering from harassment. I Dont think they can move their Hands,Legs or Head, etc.
We should not think in such a way that this Hijacking is smaller when compared to 19 days episode which has happened earlier. Only Lay people can think of it.
" Let us put end to this Hijacking once for all by blasting that and militants too"
" Those militants should be killed before Public on Indian Roads"
Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
Message:YES, the Indian Government should release Maulana Masood. They have kept a lot of Muslim militants labeling them as Terrorists. They have to pay for the consequences. To save the life of 160 passengers I believe there is no harm to release a few innocent people.
Name:Mahesh R
Message:Never Release any of the Militants.
Message:We should never ever release any of the terrorists held by us. Rather We should take action against these culprits caught by us without wasting any time.
Name:jacob .c. james
Message:India shouldn't release any of the terrorist at any cost
Name:Koshy Joseph
Message:Heavens alone will know the misery and the plight the passengers and crew members are in right now.
My heart cries out for thems
I will pray the LOrd Almighty give the Govt. of India and the negotitors the wisdom to do what is best. For I beleive God has put them there and HE is in control.
Name:Utsav c
Message:Although it is a very traumatic experience for the relatives of the hostages, giving in to the demands of the hijackers would be suicidal and would mark another defeat at the hands of ISLAM.
A more effective way, although I may sound barbaric may be to threaten back the hijackers with killing double the number of Islamic fundamentalists housed in jails through out India, if any more of the hostages are killed.
Name:Narendra Puppala
Message:Its traumatic even to think about all that is happening.. though I have personnaly no relative of mine aboard... yes there are fellow Indians aboard and there are humans aboard.
While it outrages me that our nation that has been fighting with its back against the wall against all this cross borders militancy and terrorism and the proxy war... and has expended considerable resources, sacrificed sevreal lives of our military and para-military forces to bring thwart these heinous activities... We need to negotiate to a stage where the number of militants that actually need be released in exchange is the bare minimum. Whyam I suggesting release of one or two terrorists in exchange for 160 innocent passengers? Simply because not releasing these one or two terrorsts will not mean that terrorism will come to an end... some one will take theri place and wreak more crime... but for the families of the hostages, each one of the 160 are irreplaceable. The importance of the terrorists pales in significance. At the same time however, we must bring a law into force that known international terrorists if caugh in India should be executed with only a immediate and summary trial. In future that will go some way in putting the fear of God in their minds before they think of meddling with India... and aslo reduce the risk of the whole nation being held at ransom for the heads of the absolute scum of the earth.
Message:my sympathies with the family member of the hosages. The government should not release Moulana Masood.The conflict should end either in a peacefull manner if the higackers release the passengers or else the plane should be stromed by the Indian commandoes or else the higacked passengers should try to over power the higackers intelligently without risking the safety of themselves.
Name:Anjan C Mukherjee
Message:What is happening in India is a direct symptom of the breakdown of the various institutions in India. If the politicians dont stop lining their pockets & create precedents which are blatantly unlawful this day would not have been. Our society has contracted cancer for which the only remedy is to cut it off. I suggest like the free trade zones , we should start corruption free zones so that at least we make a decent start...Hopefully people will not bribe to get into these zones !!! God save India.
Message:It is not an exchange
I expect the government to Terminate the Hijacking activity
apart with out releasing the hostages and crew
Iam sure there is a way
INDIA can do it
Government Should not Release any of those
Capable of Solving any Problem and ensures the National Safety of the nation and the PUblic
Message:we are very upset b'cos even if the plane was landed at amritsar no one did anything to save the lives of passangers.but now if we release maulana masood it will be very stupid act.but we should also think about the passangers who are dying in plain.
Message:I wonder why it is taking such a
long time to storm the plane. These
people will not bend by just talking.
Ruthless people understand no other
language !!!
Name:Jyoti Bhan Kaul
Message:It is high time that Govt. takes strict decision against the highjackers by storming the plane. The talks should stop now . The militants seem to be sick people who are stupid enough to demand for the body of a dead militant who died six months back.what is fun of talking to senseless people. It is better to take the action now .
Name:kshama Nigam
Message:No! Govt. should not release the millitants. But, that does not mean that government does not take any action they need to find some back door solutions to this problem... There has to be some way out.. And if there is no other way out , we indians have no right to be called an independent nation.
Name:Naveen Vats
Message:I think Government should not realease Maulana Masood because if the government do this, the Highjakers have got their hands up & whenever they have demands they will force the government like this.
The thing is Indian Govt is not so capable of handling the highjakers, if this happens to U.S Aircrafts, the things must have been solved by taking a serious step against highjakers.
Message:Yes. If India could release a few freedom fighters for the daughter of a politician, what is one ulama for 157 Indians. The BJP is a toothlees lot. Stop chatting and release our people.
i cannot even pretend to understand the agony of the relatives, but, we canot give in to the demands of these cowardly people
Message:No. Not at any cost. Otherwise we'll be paving the way for the terrorists, to conduct manu such hijacking and terrorist acts
Message:Send sleeping gas through the Air handling unit intakes. everybody will go to sleep , enter and rescue pax. ,capture all hijackers.
Unfortunately some pax. may not wake up as tolerance levels vary.
IAS burocrats blew the only chance, by not calling in the army commandos do the job in Amritsar.
Message:No. Instead India should send some Black Cats and storm inside the plane and kill the hijackers. We can pay some four or five lives(black cats or passengers) to save 100 +.
If we release the Massod that will lead to killing of so many lives in future.
India should use some inteligent tactics to storm into Plane.
Name:sharad choudhary
Message:appeal to these damned hijackers: Please free all the passengers and surrender unconditionally.
suggestion: i was wondering if some sedative could be mixed with the food which would show the reaction after a couple of that even if the hijackers prefer to wait and watch before eating the food fail to ascertain the adulteraion of food.
I pray to almighty that the present scenario comes to a happy and safe ending
Name:Sanju John
Message:No, India shouldn't give to the demands of the hijackers. Indian government has been playing with 160 lives for the past 6 days, if this had taken place in any other country there would have been bombing and commando operation by now under the security council's mask. As we are in Afgahnistan now, we should take up the matter to Security council and conduct a full scale commando operation. Yes there will be loss of life, but that is better than putting the life of everybody and putting the country to shame. expose the government and let them act rather than think!!!
Read what other readers said:
'Get into Afghanistan and kill the hijackers'
'The Govt should directly talk with the hijackers and release the passengers without succumbing to their demands'
'Distract the hijackers, storm the plane, shoot the criminals and rescue the hostages'
'An SOP must be in place, formulated without a second's delay'
'We should do an operation a la Entebbe whatever the consequences'
'The Govt should avail of all diplomatic means to get the passengers released'
'Never give in to terrorist demands'
'The relatives' behaviour is understandable --- they are under emotional pressure'
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