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September 22, 1998
How Readers reacted to Pritish Nandy's recent columns
Date sent: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 15:31:18 -0400
Although your article was an awakening call to the dying morals of human society, I feel it was biased. It is just another article accusing the government. But don't take it that I am denying the obvious misuse of policies and funds by officials. I appreciate the urging tone in your article regarding the society's attitude towards humanity. But why are you ignoring the hundreds of slaughterhouses that are spread all over Bombay? Are they not brutal? You might have seen the large slaughterhouses in the heart of Bombay, VT. At the site of these houses itself, you feel sick. We have decided to kill stray dogs to help human beings. Owners never take the responsibility of keeping them tied. In our society, we are aware of our rights but not our duties. Don't you agree with me? So the municipality has to kill or sterilise them. I am not arguing about the method adopted to control them. But I just want to highlight that it is more cruel to kill animals for food. Sunitha
Date sent: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 15:09:18 -0400
Mr Nandy, you are so concerned about killing dogs. Yet, at the same time, you say the Bombay killings are history. You know the meaning of the phrase 'it is history'? It means that you don't give a damn about that incident/person. For eg: As far as I am concerned Mr Pritish Nandy is history! I used to believe that the more you write, the more the maturity of your writings. But in your case, it is wrong. Keep writing. At least, your columns are very humorous now. Balan
Date sent: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:21:48 -0400
I totally disagree with Mr Pritish Nandy. Any animal that affect the society should be killed. It does not matter whether it is a stray dog or cattle. I understand you care for stray children. You know what should be done? They should be send to children's homes. The money wasted on taking care of stray dogs can be utilised to build children's future. Kill the dogs and political leaders. Rex
Date sent: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 13:28:42 PDT
Look, what they have done to you! You were a sensible man writing on sensible topics till yesterday. I was forced to go back and have a look at the topics you have written on in the past. So much is happening in India right now. "The Bombay riots are now history. The cruelty has already happened." Mr Nandy, I fail to understand your logic. You look at the killing of stray dogs as a prelude to the killing of humans? To me it is the reverse that is happening! The Muslims of Bombay are humans and, hence, ABOVE stray dogs. Remember what Gandhi said? "A society that does not protest when the weak and defenceless are killed suffers in the hands of the same people who perpetrate violence on others." I am waiting to hear your protests against the killings of Muslims by Bal Thackeray's gangs. I am anxious to hear your views on the Srikrishna report and how and what we should learn from Gandhi's words. Sanjay
Date sent: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 13:01:24 +0000
I wonder if the hand that writes these columns is in anyway connected to a brain-bearing head? You refer to animal-slaughter, Gandhi, the Bombay riots, the Srikrishna report and god knows what else under a common contextual umbrella! I wonder if you ever get a chance to read some of your writings. You are an acclaimed journalist -- so write like one.
Date sent: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 11:50:32 PDT
Man, I used to think you were a little biased in your arguments. I was wrong -- you are completely and hopelessly biased. You don't give a damn about the other side of the argument. The government sets out to eliminate stray dogs and you accuse it (well, almost!) of killing old people and children! Have you ever supported any decision of any government? Come to think of it, if they hadn't decided to kill these dogs, you would in all probability have come up with an article on the inefficiency of the government in keeping the streets clean and safe! That I am writing this does not mean I support the killing of stray dogs. In fact, I never even thought of the stray dog issue until now and I don't have an opinion about it. The extremities in all your columns make me sick. Krishna
Date sent: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 05:09:58 PDT
I hate you. Please don't dig a grave for our Nation. If you can't think of anything constructive, please keep quiet. Godse killed only Gandhi. Please don't kill Gandhism directly or indirectly. Freedom of thought, expression, ideas... Sounds good. But, does it imply that the thought, ideas, expression can be destructive to other people and our Nation? Do not interpret for your own (political) benefit and mislead the uneducated or reactive people. Good journalists should assist in building a successful nation and lead the nation in the right direction. If you think that we should have freedom without any restriction, you should question the very existence of law and order. In my opinion, democracy equates to 'controlled and disciplined freedom'. I saw you as a journalist. Please do not wear the politician's hat and write rubbish by 'intentionally' misinterpreting for your own benefits. I thought you are one of the great writers. Lakshmana Pillai A
Date sent:Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:30:25 -0600
I totally DISAGREE with Mr Nandy. The BMC definitely needs to get rid of stray dogs. The killing, though, needs to be quick and merciful. If there are stray cows, please slaughter the cows too, by all means. We don't need all these disease carrying strays worsening an already not-too-healthy environment in Bombay.
Date sent:Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:52:47 -0500
Most of your columns don't make sense anymore. You have started sounding absurd! First it was how the finance minister who didn't know what he was talking about is a gem in the history of India. Now It's about how the killing of kids killed in Brazil is a portentous omen of what's about to happen in Bombay! Are you on dope or something? Rahil
Date sent:Tue, 11 Aug 1998 15:36:34 -0400
It is extremely tragic that something like this is happening. As mentioned, this is just a reflection of our society, our attitudes towards fellow human beings and fellow living creatures. India today is in the doldrums as far as society, civilisation, humanity, or just general feelings are concerned. Life has no meaning, no value here. Pritish, why talk about the future? Slaughtering of humans in India is already here, be it on the pretext of religion, ethnicity, citizenship, terrorism, fighting proxy wars, dowry, being a thorn in a power monger's plans, or just plain difference of opinion. Tolerance is at ground zero, and the in thing is to get rid of them. Slaughter, maim, remove them from the face of the earth. All you have to do is open your eyes and look around. What chance does a poor dumb mute dog stand ? I have witnessed the 'cleansing' drives right from my childhood. There were many days and nights I spent crying or waking up shaking after a dreadful nightmare when I saw these incidents of poor animals being dragged on the ground, screaming for life, or in the throws of death after they twisted its neck or broke its skull. But as I grew up I became less and less sensitive, hardened by years of witnessing suffering. Now, it is just bitterness left inside, and a feeling of guilt that I should have at least thrown a stone at that human being (it would be a shame to call him an animal!). A feeling of sorrow for our children, who will also grow up amongst these bloodthirsty vampires, and either become like them, or suffer for the rest of their lives. A 5,000-year-old civilisation? Hah, I would rather live in the Stone Ages! At least I wouldn't have to worry about thousand different ways I could end up losing my happiness, peace of mind, sanity, my life. And as for our dear 'cleansing' agents, hope all of them die (most appropriately said) a dog's death. Rajesh
Date sent:Tue, 11 Aug 1998 12:42:12 -0700
Utter rubbish. Does his ahimsa apply to the animals he cook and eat? Mr Nandy should try to preach this in more developed countries where pets need to be licensed and stray animals are not permitted.
Date sent:Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:06:31 -0400
Dogs are suffering because they have become a useless commodity. The rich abandon them and the poor keep feeding them out of bhuta daya. But the bhuta daya stops soon. Because they are useless to the poor. Since cows and bulls are useful and find religious support from Hindus, we do not find stray cattle a problem.. Pritish has gone too far, rather emotionally, when he says tomorrow we may start killing stray cows and human beings. We cannot take such an extreme position. It is one of the ways to reduce the ever-growing population. Hunting and killing are not taboos in Hinduism. But if we have other ways like sterilisation, those *must* be used first and if the problem still remains out of control, mass killing drives should be taken. Mukund |
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