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October 9, 1998


How Readers responded to Darryl D'Monte's recent columns

Date sent: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:23:42 -0400
From: Natarajan Premkuma <>
Subject: Beware the Hindu Taliban

Darryl D'Monte makes an attempt to discredit Arun Shourie's works and makes particular reference to the recent book on Dr Ambedkar. Let me throw him a challenge -- I ask D'Monte to negate with documented proof any three of the factual claims that Shourie has made in the said book. If he does, I will send a Rs 1,001 contribution to a charity of D'Monte's choice. Like a majority of other critics of the book if D'Monte is among those who have not pursued the book, and does not wish to pay for a copy I will be happy to send him one if you give me an address to mail it to.

I personally find nothing objectionable in an objective review of historical figures, especially when they are deified -- be it Gandhi, Nehru or Patel and I am tired of seeing these obtuse attacks on Arun Shourie. For once I would like someone to prove that he IS a cad or accept that their criticism is misplaced. In either case the truth would have been served.

The title of D'Monte's article is in itself proof of his inability to see things in proportion. Anyone who compares a BJP government that endorses a bill offering 33 per cent Parliamentary seats to women with a fundamentalist, xenophobic, Islamist government that has banned education for women, that has banned women from exposing even their wrists in public, that has banned women from appearing in public without a male escort is certifiably insane. To D'Monte's credit he makes D'Souza look like a reasonable, fair-minded gentleman. No mean achievement really.


Date sent: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:28:46 -0400
From: Pat Chendrimada <>
Subject: On the other hand, if you are politicising an issue to get more mileage and sympathy from bankrupt politicians so that you can further your cause, then don't be alarmed when others act narrow-minded and push for their own cause just as you do.

Date sent: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 09:33:53 -0500
From: "Agarwal, Abhinav" <>
Darryl D'Monte

Darryl's hallucinations are aimed at stirring people's emotions. However, he is not completely wrong. Muslim fundamentalists in the Middle East, Christian fundamentalist in Europe and the US are in some ways doing the same. So I wouldn't be surprised if a Hindu fundamentalist is taking cues from these religious fanatics.


Date sent: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 09:42:40 -0700
Subject: Beware the Hindu Taliban!

Darryl D' Monte has done a painstaking rake-up of issues to portray his side of the story. While supporting total freedom in professing of religions, I would strongly condemn his tacit support of mass-conversions taking place in the name of God in tribal areas of the North-East and the cow-belt. If Adivasis had their pre-Hindu beliefs, why do missionaries go there and insist on conversion for these Adivasis to get their goodies from the new gods?

I oppose all types of fundamentalism. I also oppose the alienating and herding of minorities, especially Muslims, many of whom live in communes out of fear and insecurity. But I also oppose all nonvoluntary conversions -- forced or subtle -- they need to be condemned. The superiority of a religion is not in sheer numbers, but in the strength of its ideals and treatises as Jainism and Buddhism have proved long ago.


Date sent: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 12:23:23 +0530
From: krishna <>
Subject: Darryl D' Monte's article on the Hindu Taliban

Darryl D'Monte's first article on Rediff is a diatribe against what he believes is the Hindu version of the Taliban. What journalists like D'Monte lack is a sense of proportion that comes with extensive research and a deep understanding of India and Indians. Any serious journalist who has these credentials (western journalists lack a deep understanding of India and Indians and can be dismissed when they say the kind things that D' Monte says) would never make a comparison to the Taliban or any other fundamentalist society with the avenging streak (streak is all that it is) that the VHP and in some instances (D'Monte would have you believe that all of India is generally being prepared to hunt down Christians and Muslims!) sections of the BJP are guilty of.

Equating the Shiv Sena with the BJP is another one of the columnist's blunders. D' Monte does grave injustice when he brushes aside atrocities that have been inflicted on Hindus, whether it pertains to mayhem and murder by the Muslims or opportunistic conversions by Christian missionaries. A person who can sidestep these issues and bracket them as "ideological manipulation" in order to fashion a dubious theory is neither fair or honest. He takes umbrage to government action that prohibits conversions of Hindus by Christians, but goes on to talk about the greatness of maintaining the pluralism of Indian society.

Going by his logic, obviously, Christians like him do not think conversions alter the pluralism of Indian society but that only actions against conversions do. In other words, convert as many Hindus as you can (not because people being converted can understand the features of what they are being converted to but because they can be induced either financially or by seeding them with anger against the upper castes) and it is okay. But touch any of the structures that favour the minorities and you will be decried as fundamentalist. At best, these are covert double standards, aren't they Mr D' Monte?

Without giving himself the image of a crusader and the airs that come with it, D' Monte would do well to recognise that more than himself and other minorities like him, it is the multitude of Hindu groups and Hindus who have and will always oppose a fracture of Indian society that is fair to all people. Left to them, demagogues like him would demand that all traces of Hinduism in Indian society be erased in order for them to feel safe and happy. These views border on the perverted and reflect a persecution complex.

Unlike India, America renowned as a great democracy, which emphasises the separation of the church and state, compels all people including Hindus and Arabs to adopt the Judaeo-Christian values and habits that it has accumulated over the years, and in fact a large proportion of conservatives have always pressed for dissemination of an even more of a Christian outlook. But who has ever dared to call the Republicans, Christian fundamentalists or called America anything but a pluralistic society. Forget about giving any importance to other religions, the majority in the US do not recognise what are clearly the legitimate linguistic demands of the large Hispanic community.

The allegation that the BJP moved against Christian religious places which serve wine is absurd because it was only a simple misunderstanding. The fact is that there was some old law which defined a religious place as one that did not serve alcohol. It was stupid of the BJP government to act on it without a thought to the consequences of it. But to raise it to the status of a fundamentalist act is paranoia. True again, that the Gujarat government has committed follies that have unfortunately affected some minorities, but those are not indicative of a fundamentalist political outfit.

Does D' Monte know that several Hindu students (such as myself) in Christian educational institutions in India are induced on pain of dismissal and punishment to read the Bible and say Christian prayers in the assembly? And that has been going on for centuries in India. But I'm sure D' Monte will not say that these are examples of Christian fundamentalism much less Hindu 'docility.'

One last thing must be said about D' Monte's attack on Arun Shourie. D' Monte would do well to emulate the well researched articles of Shourie. You can pick up any fact from any of Shourie's articles and verify it. He has shown the double standards of people like D' Monte which is most probably the reason for D' Monte's attack on Shourie in the first place. If Shourie's articles on Ambedkar and the Communists are unpleasant for D'Monte to digest, so be it! They are factual! Let us learn to accept the truth, however, unpleasant it might be. But that might be asking too much of Darryl D' Monte.

Date sent: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:03:09 +0800
From: Anurag <>
Subject: Beware the Hindu Taliban!

Rubbish! nothing more, this article is. Do not distort things, you sound as though anything associated with Hinduism is bad and untouchable. You seem to say Christianity is eternal and rest all is bad! Try to grow up man!


Date sent: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 01:52:34 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Response to Darryl D'Monte's article

Darryl D'Monte's article seems to be a chapter out of the Constitution which we clearly see is a failure. The ongoing caste and ethnic strife is evidence of that. What is wrong with the Indianisation of our country? Didn't Pakistan Islamise itself? Doesn't it come under the banner of civilised and respectable nations? How long will we continue to witness the disintegration of the Indian civilisation? If some individuals don't like to live in India as part and fabric of Indian culture and are bent upon conversion, they are more than welcome to leave.

Come on Darryl D'Monte, don't give us lectures on multi-faced nations that live happily ever after. You know it is not possible. We have tried, and look what has happened, the country is being torn to shreds. The BJP in some parts may be extremist, but its overall objectives are perfectly acceptable and in the best interests of Hindustan.

Prem Bahadur Singh

Date sent: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:22:43 -0500
From: < (Sandeep Shouce)>
Subject: Another one from D'Monte

Anybody who had read his classic "conspiracy theory" on the Hindu Taliban would know better than to expect a fair assessment on a sensitive issue such as the Bombay riots from Darryl D'Monte. But unlike Darryl D'Monte, I am committed to taking these people on issues and not indulge in baseless insinuation and slander. I feel compelled to ask Mr D' Monte the following questions:

--You say the Hindu fundamentalist media exaggerated the reports of the mathadi workers' stabbing and the roasting alive of the Bane family.

So let us hear your unbiased and "unexaggerated" version of the incident. You may probably want to mention that the mobs were very kind not to first cut off their fingers, then their toes, then gouge their eyes out before burning them. Their Muslim neighbours could have made matters worse by saving them while they were burning and condemned them to lives as handicapped citizens. But being apostles of peace and enlightenment, they did nothing of the kind and watched the Bane family burn in peace. Does that sound fair, Mr D'Monte??

--575 Muslims were killed as against 275 Hindus. So the Hindus are to be blamed.

India shot down 115 Pakistani planes in 1965 as opposed to 55 that Pakistan brought down. So India is responsible for the 1965 war, right ?? What an utterly ludicrous argument. Do you even realise that the figures you quote themselves negate your arguments that this was a systematic massacre of Muslims? That the Muslims were equally involved in this madness and hatred? Would it strike you as a possibility that the Muslims underestimated the strength of the backlash that came after their atrocious behaviour in the December riots and the period following that??

-- The police handled the situation badly. They turned peaceful demonstrations into violent incidents.

Do you deny, that some of these "peaceful demonstrators" fired shots at the police from rooftops, from inside buildings and shops and hotels on Mohammed Ali Road?? Do you deny that after the December riots, the dismembered bodies of 3 police patrolmen were recovered from the nallahs in the area?? Which force in the world will risk its life protecting the people who harbour their killers?? Even American troops left Somalia when they found they were targets themselves.

-- Mumbai blasts were a result of the havoc that was wrecked on the Muslims.

What kind of an argument is that?? Muslims are entitled to kill 1400 people in cold blood, and just this one sentence is sufficient to justify that?? Then how about "Muslims brought the riots upon themselves by their obstinacy in the Babri Masjid issue and then going wild after Hindus brought it down." Would that also be a fair assessment??

And you expect me to believe you are not anti-Hindu!!

Sandeep Shouche

Date sent: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 14:28:22 -0500
From: vu2ash <>
Subject: Darryl D'Monte

Congratulations to Rediff. You have found another guy to write columns for you after D'Souza. To me, both these guys have an agenda. These days the quality of writers is rapidly dwindling on Rediff. Only Srinivasan and the likes are what keeps me clicking on Rediff every day. Once those guys stop writing, I'm outta here.

I envision a Hindu India. Guys mentioned above are welcome to live in it as long as they behave themselves.

Date sent: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 10:22:31 -0400
From: "Ariyo Sarkar" <>
Subject: Darryl D'Monte's report on the Srikrishna Report

This is the first time I am ever responding to a column. The columns in Rediff are generally of a high quality. I don't know how a column like this slipped by. Bombay is virtually ruled by Muslim gangsters and mafia dons. India should essentially be a Hindu country and Muslims should learn to live with it.


Date sent: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 23:06:27 -0400
Subject: D' Monte's article regarding the Bombay riots

D'Monte's article on the Srikrishna Report smells of hatred against Hindus as does the Srikrishna report. In both cases the behaviour of Muslims in starting the riots is legitimised as the reaction to the demolition of the Babri Masjid. In the first place, one should remember that what is called as the Babri Masjid is also called Ram Janmabhoomi and this is not a name which the Shiv Sena, BJP, or VHP has given. It is an open fact that Babar committed this "pious" act of demolishing this most sacred place for Hindus (the infidels of India) and tried to build a mosque in its place.

Hindus, however, never let it happen and gave enormous sacrifices to regain it. For almost the last 50 years, Hindus have continued to worship at this place and have also approached various courts to resolve this issue. The agitation of Hindus was brutally crushed by Mulayam Singh's government. No one talks about the injustices borne by Hindus through all those years which is continuing even today.

The serial bomb blasts in Bombay is similarly justified as a reaction by the "leaderless Muslims." This is the height of distorting facts. What justification will one give for the serial bomb blasts in Chennai last February? How about the killing of 20,000 civilians in Jammu and Kashmir in the name of Islamic Jihad and the resulting wave of terror which has resulted in the exodus of about 250,000 Hindus from Kashmir. Is that not a good enough reason for Hindus to fight for social justice?

As a matter of principle, let us agree that no one should demolish places of worship of another faith. Therefore, all those Hindu temples which have been forcibly converted into mosques by Islamic invaders and their progeny should be returned to Hindus. If you show us that Hindus have forcibly converted a Muslim place of worship then that should be given back to Muslims. Hindus have no problem with any religion -- be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Zorashtrianism. That is why Hindus themselves have so many religions.

One must remember that it is this respect for diversity which is the need of time when the world is suffering from terrorism internationally, and these terrorists are indoctrinated with a sense of righteousness that they are fighting against the infidel. This holier than thou attitude even makes Muslim sects fight against each other. The recent killing of Iranian diplomats (Shias) in Afghanistan by the Taliban army (Sunnis) is an example of such hatred. In Algeria, about 60,000 Muslim civilians have been killed by fellow Muslims in the cause of establishing an Islamic State.

Pakistan is going through a similar process. Bangladesh is presently busy persecuting Hindus, as a result the Hindu population in Bangladesh is continuously declining. Once the Hindus are reduced to practical insignificant numbers, it will be the Muslims killing each other.

So, my request to D' Monte is that he should use his pen to protect the innocent and not blame the victims. To propagate peace and respect for diversity and not to support fanatics who hate any diversity of religion, and who classify Hindus as infidels or pagans worthy of only hatred.

Darryl D'Monte